Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2356: Lost to the Jedi (17)

Chapter 2356 Lost in the Jedi (Seventeen)

Meanwhile, in the Sahara Desert in Africa, about two kilometers outside Cairo, the sand ship – the bridge of the Dawning combat module.

“Um… so slow!” Bedivere, sitting on the captain’s seat, couldn’t help complaining: “If you die slowly, can’t you move faster?”

“Be patient, you have to wait for the other ships in the fleet to catch up.” Musketeer Nat, who was sitting on the gunner’s seat, said: “It is so slow to advance without disrupting the fleet formation. And this is Africa. The combined fleets sent by the countries and Great Britain, the performance of the ships is uneven, and you think that they can keep up with the speed of the Dawning battle module, then you are very wrong.”

“The speed of the Dawn is not going anywhere…” Bedivere complained again.

“Under the premise of being fully charged and ensuring a stable energy supply, this ship’s combat module travels at full speed, with a speed of roughly three knots, which is comparable to an ordinary small assault ship.” Eve added a sentence at just the right time.

“Ow…whatever!” Bedivere angrily said, not sure if it was an illusion or something. He felt that no matter what he was complaining about recently, someone would always come out and sing against him, and then Eve He will also add a sentence, slapped Bedivere’s face. He even had a little doubt that Eve did it on purpose.

“No wonder they let the combined fleet move in advance. It turns out that considering the fleet’s slow movement speed, I’m afraid that it won’t catch up with the progress.” Bedivere added.

“It is and it is not,” Zephyr’s voice came through the communicator–or Cygled’s voice–and two Leopard brothers were in the teleportation room. Controls the reloading of the Luna Steel Harpoon. Safer seemed to have said last night that he would build an autoloader or something to increase the reloading speed of the harpoon, but Bedivere has never been to the teleportation room this morning, and he doesn’t know about the loader. Has it actually been made? Judging from yesterday’s battle, he felt that the speed at which the two Leopard youths loaded the teleportation beam with harpoons was quite fast. Even if there was no autoloader, it should not affect today’s battle.

The two leopard youths seemed to be busy late at night last night. Syfer fiddled with the autoloader, not to mention Seglade fiddled with the quantum furnace in the warehouse on the other side to create more small harpoon. These small lunasteel harpoons are made of lunasteel with only the fork head, and the handle of the harpoon is a steel tube with a high-explosive substance buried in it (presumably refined from the flower seeds of the flower out of vegetable oils). Just like yesterday’s battle, the small Luna steel harpoon was used as a weapon to create large wounds on Moby Dick, the desert devil whale. When the wound is big enough and Moby Dick’s core is exposed, they will use the really decisive heavy weapon – the Luna Steel Giant Harpoon – to penetrate Moby in one fell swoop. Bee. Dick’s core.

The plan was right, and Bedivere followed Captain Jake’s suggestion to let the Dawn and the Pegot cooperate with each other, first with the Dawn firing a small harpoon, and then by the Pegot Deploy the winning giant harpoon to defeat Moby Dick’s core; if the first attack fails, in turn, the small Luna steel harpoon is launched from the Peter to cover the Dawn, and the Dawn launches the second A Luna Steel Giant Harpoon.

In order to ensure that the battle is foolproof, the Pegod even sent a tens of thousands of words of action plans and a tactical code comparison table. Bedivere obviously couldn’t memorize such a huge content overnight, so He handed over everything to Eve, whether it was the action plan or the tactical code, Eve would handle it.

And the warehouse of the Dawning Combat Module——


“Wow, Dad, be careful, meow!” Seglade exclaimed, subconsciously stepping back two books while staring blankly at his father: “To save trouble, I let Great Britain The person sent me a batch of photon *, this time the small Luna Steel Harpoon’s gun body is all assembled with these *, the gun body part is *, only the fork of the harpoon is made of Luna steel Meow. If you accidentally knock against the gun body while carrying it, it will be [pound]——!”

“Understood, don’t be long-winded.” Palamidis groaned, “British cockroaches won’t be detonated so easily. We used to ride on cockroaches in wars to play, these Things are very slow, how can they explode without enough impact force.”

“Be careful, meow.” Seglade continued, “If they exploded in the cabin, it wouldn’t be as simple as killing us meow.”

“Stinky boy, when did you become more verbose than Vivienne?” Palamidis couldn’t help humming.

“Huh?” Vivian groaned from the ship’s broadcast system. The communicator is on.

“Aha, cough cough cough…” Palamidis simply stopped talking, covered the past with a dry cough, and took advantage of the situation to carefully bind twelve small Luna steel harpoons (*) Together, stuffed into the cargo box of the small transport boat: “Okay, open the hatch, and I will be responsible for sending these to the Peterborough.”

“Are we enough to give them so many small Luna steel harpoons?” Bedivere, who was monitoring all this on the holographic screen, couldn’t help asking.

“Because I used the photons sent from Great Britain, which were refitted and adjusted when they were delivered, my work time was greatly saved meow. So I made more than 30 small fish on a whim. Fork meow.” Seglyde said, “Having the Pegot is a must, that’s part of the cooperation meow. Enough warheads help pinpoint the location meow.”

“Positioning? Targeting what?”

“Locate the core of Moby Dick, the Desert Demon Whale.” While continuing to adjust the small Luna Steel harpoons that were not packaged and sent away, Seglade replied absentmindedly: “Small Luna Steel The harpoon is not as simple as using an explosion to cause damage to Moby Dick. The inside of the small harpoon, that is, the strongest part protected by the Luna steel fork, is buried by Aunt Vivian. ‘s tracking chip can help us find Moby Dick’s core meow faster.

In this way, even if the core is not exposed under multiple bombardments, we can get the approximate position of the core through the calculation of the locator, and if necessary, fire directly at that position. With the penetrating power of the large Luna steel harpoon and the powerful guiding ability of the beam, in theory, we can directly penetrate Moby Dick’s body and let the large harpoon pierce its core. “

“Why did I only hear about such a plan now… Why do I always feel like everyone keeps me in the dark…” Bedivere then spit out: ” So, the harpoon that was shot yesterday in the engagement with it also came with a tracking chip?”

“Of course meow. If you’re lucky, those chips are still in Moby Dick’s body to this day—along with the prongs of the small Luna Steel Harpoon punched in. According to the original According to my plan, at least four tracking chips are needed to locate the core of Moby Dick’s body, but the bio-electromagnetic field in our Moby Dick’s body seems to be stronger than expected. According to me, the more small harpoons hit it. The better, so that’s how it is now meow.”

“[At least four] to locate?”

“Well, the tracking chip will release something similar to photon sonar in Moby Dick’s body, and use that to probe the structure of Moby Dick’s body meow.

The monster’s body is of course an extremely complex three-dimensional structure. Only three chips can be used to locate the [plane], and only four chips can be used for [stereoscopic] positioning meow.

I even suspect that there may be more than three-dimensional space in Moby Dick, there may be additional subspace structures to store an amazing amount of high temperature and high pressure glass water for it to fire [Crimson Wave Cannon] Meow. If my guess is correct, four chips may not be enough, and the warp will cause great interference to detection meow.

In short, the more small harpoons with tracking chips that hit Moby Dick, the better, and the deeper they are buried in it, the better, which will help us lock down its core faster. “

“I said earlier that I wanted to exchange information with the Pegot, is that the case?” Bedivere showed a sudden realization, “Using the tracking chip data collected by them, and then communicate with us. By synchronizing and comparing the data of the monster, the core of the monster can be found as soon as possible. When its core position is locked, and it is within the reach of the giant Luna steel harpoon, it is equivalent to directly condemning Moby Dick. death penalty.”

“The principle is correct meow.” The Leopard Man frowned: “I just hope that the implementation will be as smooth as the plan predicted meow. I always feel that Moby Dick escaped last night, and today there are already If you are ready, you will not simply give in.”

“You’re thinking too,” Bedivere laughed, “that’s just a brainless beast, no more tactical than a man.”

Then there was a silence from Seglade from the warehouse, as if silently refuting Bedivere’s speculation, which made the werewolf youth feel extremely embarrassed.

“I’ll go.” Palamidis ignored the discussion between the two young men and flew out from the open side of the warehouse in a small transport boat. About three hundred yards away, the golden ship Peter, which was flying alongside the Dawn, but twice the size of the Dawn, seemed to be waving to the curious Leopard warriors.

“Why is it not divided into [combat module] and [life module] like we do?” The big cat just flew out of the Dawning ship in a transport boat, and immediately asked curiously: “Only use the [combat module] In battle, wouldn’t the ship’s maneuverability be stronger?”

“Maybe Captain Jacques has his own ideas.” Bedivere’s voice came from the communicator, “Say hello to Captain Jacques for me.”

“Of course.” Palamidis replied casually, stepping on the accelerator to let the transport speed up towards the Peterhof.

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