Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2286: Interleaved Fate (6)

Chapter 2286 Staggered Fate (6)

The sky, the sickly dark green sky. Bright green sparse cotton fumes wafted through the sky, illuminating everything green.

The earth is an island of unknown metal. There are countless bookshelves on the island, and countless books that cannot be read.

The ocean is a sea of ​​disgusting black mud. There seems to be something terrifying swimming in the sea, and the sea is constantly wriggling.

It all seems familiar, but none of it makes Arthur annoyed. he knows. The moment he touched the Book of the Abyss, he was teleported to such a place again.

“Intellectual seeker, you are here again.” And sure enough, the long-lasting, fiery voice resounded all around.

The owner of the voice never showed up, and Arthur didn’t even know what the other party looked like, but he knew that this devil was not easy to mess with, it was Mobius Maiyu, the abyss, wisdom hoarders.

The owner of this Abyss library.

“I didn’t come here voluntarily.” Arthur covered his head and said, “So you don’t bother me and let me go back, okay?”

“No. No. Not now.” Mobius Maiyu said: “You are here because I called you. You can only leave when I say yes.”

“Ah, **** it.” Arthur vaguely felt that something was wrong: “Everything just now was also a trap. It was a trap to trick me into entering this abyss library, right?”

“That person.” The Abyss did not directly answer Arthur’s question, but said in a circle: “That person is an agent. He was never given the full power of “The Book of the Abyss: The Vision of Mantra” But you, you are special——“

“…Just tell me what you want.” Arthur felt impatient when he heard Mobius’ long tone, “Want to take more memories from me? Take it if you want.”

But Arthur doesn’t recall any fragmentation of his recent memory. He couldn’t remember things that happened too long ago. There was a sudden fragmentation in his memory from a few years ago or even more than ten years ago, which had no effect on him now.

“No. Not your [past].” Mobius said, “but [now].”

“What? Now?” Arthur frowned: “You want to take my [now]? Just kidding!”

[Now] the concept of being taken away, Arthur can’t even imagine. [Now] being taken away, is it the equivalent of death? There is no [future] without [now], right? Arthur would definitely not agree to such an excessive request. If Mobius appeared to attack him, he would definitely fight this evil demon to the end!

“You, go into the library and destroy him.” But Mobius said: “Take action. Replace his [now] with your [now], and leave your miniature in this library. As a result, you will be entitled to the “Vision Mantra”.”

Arthur frowned again.

“He”? Are you referring to the current owner of this Abyssal Tome? That is… the figure who was holding the magic tome just now and was surrounded by black energy?

“He” is not in reality, but in this abyss library? So what was the fight with Arthur in the real world just now?

No, wait. That weirdo didn’t fight Arthur in the real world just now. That weirdo just devoured Arthur with a nightmare. Arthur defeated the eccentric in a nightmare of nightmares. And it’s not a reality there, it’s a spiritual world at best.

In the corridor formed by countless bookshelves in this different space, Arthur moved forward while thinking.

That weirdo might not exist in the real world from the very beginning. Whether it is the figure seen in the real world or the figure seen in the nightmare, it is just a projection. The body of that geek is in this abyss library, in the abyss, and has never left.

It should be said that there is no way for him to leave. During the massacre in Sheffield in 1406, the guy should have died, or been on the verge of death.

“Abyss” is an extremely special different space, or hyperspace. The dimension here is higher than the real world. It transcends the limitations of time and even the laws of physics. There is no aging and death here. concept. That guy has been here all the time, he is immortal – although he has no way to go back to the real world, if he does, he will die in the real world immediately.

Mobius asked Arthur to clean up “him”, probably this is the consciousness. Mobius didn’t want to see that guy hiding in this abyss library, and wanted to expel him.

But why didn’t the Demon Lord do it himself? Isn’t this the realm of Mobius?

Arthur continued to walk deeper into the Abyss Library. There are sheets of paper fluttering here, but there is no strong wind blowing them, and the atmosphere is very strange.

Could it be that, even if Mobius, the abyss, the master of this domain, there are some things in it that he cannot directly interfere? While it may sound implausible, this is the only plausible explanation at the moment.

Confused, Arthur walked down the deepest corridor of the library and into a mysterious hall surrounded by numerous towering bookshelves.

There, on a hill of books, stands a man.

It’s hard for that guy to be human anymore, he’s on fire, and he’s still burning to this day, igniting the books beside him one by one. However, the abyss may have no concept of time, no beginning and no end, so the flame on the guy will never go out, and the guy himself will never be burned to ashes and die.

The eccentric who was burnt to a mass of charred black and occasionally spewed red flesh everywhere, just like that, standing quietly on the hill of eternally burning books, waiting for Arthur’s arrival.

“Destroy him! Destroy him [now]!” The voice of the abyss rang in Arthur’s ear, urging Arthur to do something: “Destroy him, replace him!”

“I’m not going to replace anyone.” Arthur drew his sword out of the sheath, and luckily his Seraph holy sword came to this abyss with him: “And I won’t listen to you either, you shut me up Mouth!”

Mobius Maiyu no longer speaks.

The blazing freak stares intently at Arthur, if the two fiery holes in his head are eyes.


The eccentric walked down the hill of books and lit a book in one step.

“You——cannot——take it——!!”

He growls.

“It is——my————!!”

He picked up his pace and charged towards Arthur.

“I want —— revenge!——“

He obsessively throws fireballs at Arthur.

“I didn’t want to kill you.” Arthur dodged the fireball sideways, “but since you seek death yourself, don’t blame me.”

The King of Knights slashed his opponent with a backhanded sword, forcing the flame monster to dodge. While the opponent was dodging, Arthur used the alchemy glove in his left hand to transform the crystal spear, and threw the crystal spear without hesitation.

Whoosh! ! A sharp crystal spear pierced the monster’s chest.

However, after the crystal spear pierced through the chamber and disappeared into the air, the eccentric stood up again as if nothing had happened.

He had a huge hole in his chest, but the hole repaired itself in a very short period of time, as if he had never been hurt!

How powerful is this self-healing ability?

No, not self-healing. Arthur understood in the next second. That’s not self-healing by repairing wounds, it’s not even a wound-healing process. That’s just [time] going back, the weird guy’s body just recovered from the state of being penetrated by a hole to the state before it was penetrated!

This situation is the same as that weird person’s body that burns infinitely but will not burn to ashes no matter how much he burns! In this [abyss], the state of that guy should be immortal. Not sure how the freak did it, but he did it. He left his [now] in the abyss, a timeless conception of time, in a hyperspace with no past, no present, and no future.

Can such a guy really be defeated? !

Arthur swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and when he hesitated, the other party had shot a fireball at Arthur. Arthur dodged as quickly as possible, roughly dodging the fireball’s attack. But his arm was scratched slightly and he felt a burning pain.

The wound on Arthur’s arm did not return to its pre-injury state on its own. In this abyss, he is still him, bound by time, possessing past, present and future, not immortal!

The King of Knights is simply incomprehensible. Obviously they are also in the abyss, why are they different? Why is the way time flows on them differently? Is it because Arthur’s understanding of time in the abyss is different from that of the other party? !

Then what does he do to defeat the immortal, immortal opponent in front of him?

“You know the answer from the beginning.” As if he knew that Arthur would have this series of questions in his heart, Mobius Maiyou responded in a timely manner: “Use it. “!”

Yes, only Abyssal Tome can fight Abyssal Tome. Arthur got another magic book before, and it must have its meaning. Mobius Maiyu asked Arthur to come over to solve the problem here, isn’t it because Arthur is the owner of another magic book!

Where is the tome…?

Arthur didn’t care when he came here, but this is the magic book that appeared out of thin air in Arthur’s hand.

What a wonderful Arthur had it securely hidden in a cloth bag and carefully tied to the saddle. It obviously can’t go anywhere, but it actually crossed the limitations of time and space and suddenly came to Arthur’s hands.

It even opened on its own, flipping to a page. The book was densely packed with words that Arthur could not understand at all.

Although he couldn’t read a single word, Arthur understood the general meaning.

——Only eternity can fight eternity.

——[Infinite] cannot be destroyed, but can be banished.

Something came out of the book, it was something like smoke.

As if feeling a crisis, the strange man covered in fire also rushed towards Arthur, waving his hand and launching countless fireballs. Those fireballs arced and surrounded Arthur from all sides!

Arthur reached out and grabbed the smoke emerging from the book, and threw the unknown object that had not yet been formed!

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