Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2252: The King of Puppets (3)

Chapter 2252 The King of Puppets (3)

Although he said he wanted to find the adjutant with his own eyes, Arthur was actually very reluctant. Adjutant or something, it’s enough to have Bedivere, that stupid wolf can match dozens of knights with one wolf. Going out with an adjutant or even a group of mercenaries at random will prevent Arthur from using the Seraph holy sword, and prevent Bedivere from turning into a wolf. Combat ability, it feels pretty stupid.

But if this is the only way to convince the Duke of Sirnant and get the support of the Lord of Manchester, even if it is stupid, there is no way.

“Beddie.” He called back to the lounge, took Bedivere with him, and then explained a few words to the steward, asking the steward to make arrangements so that he and his wolf companions could be in the castle. Free passage. The steward quickly made arrangements, while Arthur took Bedivere out of the lounge and wandered the corridors of the castle.

“It’s really troublesome, the duke wants me to pay to hire soldiers, and then select talents from his knights to be my adjutants, and then go to destroy the local thieves.” He knew that Bedivere could not be in this situation. He opened his mouth to talk to him, and could only reveal the current situation to the big white wolf in his own words, “What do you think, Bedi?”

“Wow!” The big white wolf still had outstanding acting skills, pretending to not understand Arthur’s words at all, and replied wagging his tail.

Arthur was so angry that he wanted to rip Bedivere’s tail off.

Although it is said that he can find a knight in the castle to be Arthur’s deputy, he can’t just find someone to fill the account. And the time is only one day, and the castle is so big, where to start to find it has become the biggest problem. In short, logically, it should be the place where the knights conduct combat training first, that is, the training ground.

Ten minutes later.

“Pick a deputy?” The knight in charge of supervising the training ground glanced at Arthur and paused for a moment, “Oh, I just heard from the steward. Are you Mr. Aslan? Of course, you are there Just take a look here. The ones who are currently undergoing combat training are some promising newcomers, and many of them are skilled swordsmen.”

“Hmmmm.” Arthur replied perfunctorily. While the other party was talking, he kept observing the knight’s dress. It turns out that the black-robed knight has the same name, wearing a black cloak. These knights should be commander-level people in Duke Hernant’s castle and even in the territory. Of course, it is impossible to lend them to Arthur as deputy.

On the other hand, those knights who were training in sparring with wooden swords in the training ground included blue robes, green robes, and a few wearing red robes. Judging from the number of these knights present and their skills, the blue robes should be the lowest rank, the green robes are the next, and the red robes are the higher-ranking knights, and their status is probably close to that of the black robes. Arthur also saw a few young knights outside the arena who were not wearing robes, or even wearing streamlined light armor, doing errands such as carrying equipment. It is estimated that they belong to the class of apprentice knights.

Although I can’t expect to find an ideal candidate at a place like this, it’s still rewarding to come here. Arthur can roughly understand the composition of the knights in Fort Hernant just by looking at it.

“Look, the knight Sien and the knight Melun over there. Their swordsmanship is the best among those who have just been promoted to regular knights this year.” While Arthur silently observed, the training supervisor The black-robed knight on the field introduced himself: “And the work is also very reliable. So far, there have been no mistakes in performing various tasks, and the task has been completed beautifully.”

“Hmmmm.” Arthur hummed again perfunctorily. That’s right, where the black-robed knight pointed, two young knights who were wielding wooden swords against each other for training. The sword-wielding movements are indeed similar. If they continue to exercise well, they will indeed become good fighters in the future. It’s a pity that they are still too young, and what they lack is actual combat experience. Arthur didn’t have time to bring such dolls into battle, let them become Arthur’s deputy, just brought an extra oil bottle.

“Walter, the knight over there, um, is a very old knight.” Seeing Arthur’s eyes on the red knight on the other side again, the black knight continued to introduce: “I am here. He has been a knight for five years. He has successfully performed many tasks. However, he has no pursuit of fame and fortune, and never takes the initiative to take on dangerous tasks, so he has not been upgraded to black robes yet.”

“Is that so?” Arthur nodded slightly. The red-robed knight he was watching was teaching the other two young knights to practice swordsmanship. He basically took over the onslaught of the two knights on the opposite side. The wooden sword he held in both hands swung very smoothly. Although the two opponents attacked him very aggressively, and they attacked at the same time, he still blocked all the attacks of the two opponents in an orderly manner. This knight Walter should be a thoughtful knight with superb swordsmanship. However, the man’s face was arrogant, and it could be seen that he was overconfident in his own strength. It is impossible for Arthur to choose such a person as his deputy, otherwise it would be bad if the deputy is harder to serve than the master.

The deputy he was looking for was a knight who was neither too young nor too experienced. Or at least, someone with decent fighting power who can honestly obey Arthur’s orders. The knights who appeared in this training ground were very different from each other. It may be impossible to find the ideal candidate here.

“Well, I have a general understanding.” Arthur said.

“Are there any suitable candidates?” The black-robed knight asked tentatively.

“There are a few suitable candidates, but let’s reserve it for now.” The King of Knights was ambiguous: “I would like to see if there are more suitable candidates. Besides this training ground, is there any other place? Can more be observed?”

“If your eyesight is good enough, you can walk around the city wall and try your luck.” The black robe knight said: “From there, you can see the patrolling team inside and outside the castle – although the distance is relatively The patrol team has a fixed organization at every moment. If you find a suitable candidate, you can go to the director to check the patrol team’s organization table, and you can immediately find the person you are looking for from the list.”

“Understood, thank you.” Arthur nodded in thanks, turned and left. It is actually difficult to see the mystery by watching the patrols patrolling. At most, it is a chance to see what emergencies will happen in and outside the city, and then learn the quality of these knights based on the reactions of the patrols. But this level of observation is often very unreliable, and to put it bluntly, it is a waste of time. But apart from the training ground, Arthur really couldn’t think of any other place to go for a while, so it might be okay to take a look at the city wall for a while. Perhaps doing so would allow him to find more inspiration?

The walls of Fort Hernant are of a very traditional design. The hexagonal bastion, which was originally built very solidly, coupled with a wall of more than one hundred feet, made this castle impregnable. The top of the high wall is wide enough for two horses to run side by side, suitable for medium-sized patrols to go back and forth. On the edge of the city wall, whether it is external or internal, there are grooves for archers to shoot. Holding high, archers can easily and safely snipe enemies inside and outside the city, but don’t have to worry about the opponent’s counterattack — because most bows and arrows will be seriously attenuated when shot from below to above, and also It is especially easy to be blocked by the city wall, and it is almost impossible to directly hit the archers hiding behind the cover.

For the weapons and military equipment of their era, the configuration of this castle is very high-end.

It is very peaceful inside and outside the city. After all, the war between England and France did not spread to the British mainland at all. The Duke of Sirnante said that he had sent a lot of troops to support the attack on France. At least half of what the old fox said was fiction. As a result, there are still elite soldiers and strong generals in the Fort Hillnant, and there is no such thing as a great decline in vitality.

If Joan of Arc wanted to lead her troops to attack such a castle, she would probably suffer a lot. Arthur thought involuntarily.

“Wow?” Seeing the King of Knights staring into the distance in a daze, Bedivere, who was bored, spun around beside Arthur and ripped off the blond boy’s feet a few times with his dog’s paw.

“Oh, sorry Brady.” Arthur recovered from his contemplation and resumed his business, trying to find a suitable candidate to be his second-in-command from the surrounding patrols. He observed for a few minutes and found that the patrolling team inside and outside the city was quite reasonable. Basically, a red-robed knight led the team, one or two green-robed knights assisted, and three blue-robed knights. I always feel that this organization is almost the same as the previous appearance of a silver knight in Great Britain with a few black irons, but the composition of the ranks of the same team is more complicated. Considering that the rank gap between the knights in Fort Hernant was not as big as that of the Knights of Great Britain in the original world nine hundred years ago, it was only natural that a patrol had three ranks.


Just as Arthur was watching carefully there was a sudden gust of wind not far away. It took Arthur a tenth of a second to realize that it was the sound of arrows cutting through the air. He almost thought that someone was shooting arrows in the dark to assassinate him, and hurriedly made a dodging action. But in fact, the arrow did not come at him, but hit the bird in the air diagonally, directly shooting down a gray pigeon that was spinning in the air.

“Oh?” Arthur grunted. It really frightened him just now, because his “Mind Eye Technique” didn’t respond to that bow and arrow attack. Of course, the attack wasn’t aimed at him, and it was normal for the mind and eye technique not to sense it, but the sensitive King Arthur still felt that things were not easy.

Arthur looked around and happened to see a kid in a commoner rush over to pick up the gray pigeon that had fallen on the ground.

“Hehehe.” The boy who was probably only ten years old picked up the gray pigeon that had been pierced by an arrow from the ground.

He looks a bit like someone. He had a simple wooden bow and arrow on his back, and he probably shot the pigeon with that crude tool. That archery can be said to be quite excellent.

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