Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2233: Warrior Legacy (7)

Chapter 2233 Warrior Legacy (seven)

“Were you there at that time, Bedivere?” Seeing all this, the blond boy asked the big white wolf.

“I’m…only you don’t remember me anymore,” Bedivere replied. There are extremely complicated reasons for the existence of Bedivere to be forgotten by the whole world. But he didn’t want to explain anymore.

“Leave that aside. Can anyone explain what’s going on here?” Arthur asked, “Why is something that happened 900 years ago happening to us again?”

“Perhaps this is just an illusion. Some system in the warrior’s grave recorded what we did in the past, and now it is just re-projecting the events of the year with holographic influence?” Bedivere guessed: “Perhaps– —-“

While he was talking, he went out to look around, but the werewolf boy Bedivere on the opposite side seemed to have noticed something and turned his head to look here.

Nine hundred years ago, the werewolf boy Bedivere in the original world and the human wolf Bedivere in the different world nine hundred years later looked at each other, and their hearts stopped for a moment.

“Wow!” The big white wolf retracted his head and hid behind the stone.

“Just now…” The werewolf boy blinked: “Illusion? There are still monsters wandering in the maze, but they didn’t attack?”

“This is not an illusion…” The frightened wolf Bedivere said to the blond boy Arthur: “There are real people over there.”

“How is that possible!” Arthur was shocked: “Are you sure?”

“I was almost discovered by [himself] just now, what do you think?” Seeing Arthur, the big white wolf wanted to go out and look around, and quickly stopped him: “Don’t mess around! If we are the same as we were then There is contact, maybe it will change history!”

“But this is too ridiculous!” The king of knights groaned: “What the **** is going on? Why do we see ourselves 900 years ago? Is the flow of time partially disordered in the warriors’ graves? ?”

“I don’t know…but that seems to be the only explanation.”

“Merlin, is Merlin there?” Arthur hurriedly called Merlin, but got no response.

“Damn it! There’s no signal at a time like this,” he hummed. This is naturally a matter of course, after all, they have now penetrated into the deepest part of the underground labyrinth of the warrior’s tomb, almost isolated from the outside world, and it is strange that they can call Merlin who is monitoring everything outside.

“After we leave here, let’s go to Merlin to ask more clearly.” Bedivere said: “It’s not suitable to stay here for a long time, let’s go!”

“Wait.” Arthur said, but this time he looked out very carefully. “They should be leaving soon.”

The dark-haired boy Arthur on the opposite side is holding up the King’s Sword, causing the sword to emit golden light in the air.

The holy sword came to the world, the king ascended the throne, and the bell of the floating world rang throughout Pantoracken. That is, from this moment on, Arthur of the year began to embark on the road of kings, challenging the heavenly knights, challenging Avalon, challenging the entire Underdark, and even challenging destiny itself.

It’s a mixed feeling that Arthur now rewatches that historic moment in third person.

“How could I look so mediocre before.” He groaned.


The dark-haired boy’s face was anything but handsome, even ugly, although Arthur would never say he was ugly, just mediocre.

“That bean sprout-like guy, that skinny, malnourished face, is it really my face?” He complained again.

“That’s your face, yes,” Bedivere then echoed: “Don’t you even recognize your own face…”

“The face I saw in the mirror was more pleasing to the eye than that face.” The blond boy said.

Bedevier is silent. This sounds stupid enough. What a person sees in a mirror is actually a mirror image upside-down. I usually feel that it is pleasing to the eye when I look in the mirror, but it is not pleasing to the eye when I really see my original image. This is a common thing, and it is nothing unusual.

While Arthur struggled with this matter, the expedition over there was preparing to leave. They walked towards the end of the wall of smoke, and soon disappeared into the translucent smoke, as if they had not existed in this plane in the first place.

Then the wall of translucent smoke that blocked their progress completely disappeared, leaving only a huge empty battlefield. Only the dragon golem, the Iron God Dragon, was still there standing still.

“Want to go over there, Arthur?” Bedivere asked.

“That guy hasn’t moved a bit since I stopped it 900 years ago. After that, I sent many scholars to study it, but they still failed to activate it.” Arthur walked towards the steel **** dragon. Go, while full of resentment, he said, “I suspect that when I smashed its control panel, I smashed it with the wrong hand. I guess it won’t move again.”

“Uh.” Bedivere was speechless. It turned out that the culprit that kept the dragon golem immobile was Arthur. Had this thing moved, it could have been a powerful secret weapon in many crucial battles.

At this time, Arthur had walked up to the giant dragon golem and looked up at the giant with a look of disgust: “And even if it can move, we have no way to accurately control it. The panel reads It’s an ancient script that we can’t read or parse. If this guy moves and makes a fuss, we’ll be more troubled.”

“Hmmm,” Bedivere gradually lost interest in the dragon golem and turned to check the rest of the field. The hall was large and empty, and there wasn’t much to look at in fact. In addition to the huge anvil originally used to fix the King’s Sword, there are some stone tablets next to it. The stone tablets that recorded the inscriptions that Bedivere couldn’t understand at all were very strong, and they were not damaged in the previous war. There are also dragons carved on the stele, and the carvings can even be described as delicate, which will give people the illusion that there is a real dragon lying on the stele.

The anvil is still the same as the old anvil, it is estimated to be very heavy, or the same principle as the King’s Sword, it is fixed (locked) in the space where it exists by some special technology, maybe even It is fixed on the floor and cast as one with the ground. When Kai turned into a giant and tried his best to draw the sword, even if he failed to pull the King’s Sword out of the anvil, he should at least lift the hilt together with the anvil into the air. However, the anvil did not move at all, which was very strange.

“Arthur?” The big white wolf was still observing the things around him, when he suddenly turned around and realized that there was no one behind him, he loudly shouted: “Where are you?”

“Here!” The blond boy actually ran to the “cockpit” of the Iron Dragon, and waved to Bedivere from above: “Can you climb up?”

“Why do you want to climb to that kind of place?” Bedivere turned into a werewolf, jumped to the knees of the giant dragon golem, and began to climb: “It’s dangerous, be careful to fall and break I lost my leg.”

“You crow’s mouth.” When the wolf climbed into the cockpit, the blond boy gave him a look: “And it’s so crowded, make me smaller.”

“Crap!” The big, muscular man wolf also knew that he couldn’t squeeze into the cockpit designed for single-occupancy, and immediately turned back into a big white wolf. Still, the blond boy and the big white wolf were sitting in this cockpit together, and it was a bit crowded.

“This thing has been sitting like this for hundreds of years, keeping the cockpit open?” Bedivere couldn’t help complaining, while using his wolf claws to curiously grasp the piles on the control panel that were completely incomprehensible. button pusher.

“That’s it. We didn’t even understand how to lock up its cockpit, so we left it like this for nine hundred years.” Arthur smiled wryly: “And looking at the way it looks now, it has been nine hundred years. It should be that no adventurer has ever been here and touched this golem.”

“It’s really a generation that’s worse than a generation.” Bedivere hummed.

” Don’t blame those adventurers. There is really not much left in the underground labyrinth of the warrior’s tomb to explore. There is no treasure, but there are a lot of murder traps, and a fool would venture deeper and come to this kind of place. .”

Bediver held back a laugh: “You want to call us fools…?”

“We are special, I still remember the way in, and I walked in without any risk.” The King of Knights defended himself.

“Oh, whatever you want—-” The big white wolf yawned: “It seems that there is nothing worth investigating. Can we go back? I came to this kind of place with you in the middle of the night. , I am also sleepy. I really want to go back to sleep now. Or is it better to sleep directly here? This cockpit is at least safe, and there is a kind of mysterious heat, at least you don’t have to worry about sleeping here. I’m catching a cold.”

“You lazy bum.” Arthur rubbed Bedivere’s forehead: “But… heat?”

“Didn’t you feel it? I just felt it when I was squatting here. There is a faint heat coming from the floor. Well, it’s where I’m sitting.” The big white wolf shook his butt.

Arthur frowned as if suddenly aware of something. “Get up, Betty. Let me check.”

“Check…my ass?”

“Idiot.” Arthur directly held the big white wolf aside and reached out to touch the floor on the right side of the driver’s seat. Bedivere was right, there was indeed a faint warmth coming from the ground. This kind of heat has never been seen before. At least nine hundred years ago, when the expedition team of the original world Riath came to study and investigate, they never found this warm floor in the cockpit of the dragon golem.

Is it because someone sat in and accidentally activated some of the Iron Dragon’s systems?

Or does it mean that after nine hundred years, the Iron God Dragon, which had been shut down, was activated again?

Arthur studied the warm floor with curiosity, and after searching for a long time finally found a small groove that was delicately hidden in the floor. He embedded his fingernails into the groove and carefully lifted it out, even lifting up a palm-sized partition. On the warm floor just now, hidden under the partition, was a small glowing button. I don’t know what’s the use of that, but what is certain is that this button may be the only operating device in the dragon golem that has been sleeping for nine hundred years.

Arthur clicked the button without hesitation.

“Wow!” The big white wolf exclaimed, not expecting that the partition on the chest of the dragon golem would suddenly close. His tail was almost caught in the closed partition.

Then, in the completely closed cockpit, a golden light began to ripple.

“It started?” Bedivere hummed, “Isn’t there going to be another riot?!”

Arthur frowned: “No. This is——“

A golden light converged on the low ceiling above their heads. The originally small cockpit suddenly opened up, not because of how open it was, but because the space on the ceiling was “opened up”.

That’s a portal. And I’m afraid it’s a [gate] that leads to somewhere other than the warrior’s tomb.

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