Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2230: Warrior Legacy (4)

Chapter 2230 Warrior Legacy (4)

“Wow!” Fortunately, Arthur was careful to guard against possible mechanisms when he opened the door, and fortunately, there was enough brightness around under the rays of light between the seraphs to let him see everything, otherwise the oncoming He might not be able to escape the sudden attack.

However, he turned his head swiftly, barely avoiding the hidden weapon shot in the face.

The first sneak attack was avoided, and Arthur was afraid that there would be a second sneak attack, so he took a step back and walked away from the door first.

However, that “sneak attack” did not follow up. The thing that had brushed past the blond boy’s face also fell to the ground with a thud, making a dull sound that seemed to indicate that it was not metal.

Arthur continued to take a few steps back, and only then did he focus on the “hidden weapon” just now. After seeing it clearly, he realized that it was not a hidden weapon, but a ——

A creature?

That little thing, like a sparrow, but maybe even smaller than a sparrow, it’s some kind of bird anyway. But its fiery red feathers and indigo-metallic feet and beak didn’t look like a normal bird.

“Squeak!” It turns out that this little guy just wanted to pounce on Arthur’s face (why?), but he pounced and fell to the ground, and the fall was particularly bad, as a bird’s dignity are gone. So it was now squeaking and chattering at Arthur and Bedivere in disgust, and jumping around on the ground.

“What the hell…” Arthur looked at the bird, wondering what to do with it.

“It may be a dangerous monster in the warrior’s grave, just pretending to be weak and kind to deceive us.” Bedivere leaned over to observe the bird carefully, sniffing and sniffing: “But this little Something looks like… hairy?”

Mao Mao is a mysterious unknown bird brought back from the Grand Canyon of East Africa by Palamides. Because it is an unknown species, it has now been handed over to Great Britain for protection. The name came from Bedivere, and it was that name that was used when logging in.

Although several times smaller than Mao Mao, this fiery red bird (chick?) does look somewhat similar to Mao Mao.

“That’s the case. After being reminded by you, I also think it does look like Mao Mao.” The King of Knights hummed: “It may be the same species of bird. In other words, it looks familiar again. What’s the matter?”

While Arthur and Bedivere were talking, the bird had jumped happily on top of the big white wolf, and then seemed to have made a nest there, crouching and refusing to come down.

“Hey, come down, you rude fellow!” The big white wolf shook his head in disgust, trying to play the bird away. However, the little thing thought that Bedivere was playing with it, but instead used his little feet to grasp the wolf fur on the top of Bedivere’s head more tightly, and at the same time flapped the little wings to maintain his balance, just to prevent himself from being caught by Bedivere. Throw it off the top of your head.

“Ha, ha, ha… Really stubborn…” The big white wolf has been dumping for a long time and still has no results, so he gave up first: “Arthur, please help!”

“No…” Arthur, who has been holding back his laughter, joked: “Just let it stay on your head, it’s pretty cute.”

“Are you serious?!”

” It doesn’t seem to be a dangerous creature. If it wanted to attack us, it should have shown hostility just now. However, it did not do so. I think it is just an ordinary bird that strayed into the warrior’s grave and couldn’t find its way. Just go out. Let this little thing follow, maybe it will bring us good luck?”

Bediver murmured a few words, but Arthur neither understood what the big white wolf was scolding, nor was he interested in understanding it. This time he was more cautious, walking to the door and using the blade (actually the scabbard) between the seraphs to push the door. The door made of a wonderful material creaked open, revealing the deep corridor outside.

“It doesn’t look like a trap.” Arthur looked out the door, “Let’s go.”

“Where are you going?”

“I still want to ask you this.” Arthur said: “In short, try to find the way to the underground labyrinth from this warrior’s tomb. That is, go down. Also, be careful to avoid dangerous traps. “

“I’ll try to do this, but I won’t guarantee anything.” The big white wolf sniffed. He still remembered that when they were young, they went to the tomb of the warriors to get the sword of the king. One relied on Bedivere’s nose, and the other relied on Ivan’s eagle eye technique. They made steady progress after ensuring their superiority in both smell and vision. It was not easy to break through the underground labyrinth of the former warrior’s tomb and reach the location of the King’s Sword. Even then, they struggled to get through, and were nearly killed by traps several times.

Now only Bedivere is in charge of leading the way, and it’s actually not enough to judge whether the road ahead is dangerous or not based on his sense of smell. The shortcomings can only be made up for by the skills of Bedivere and Arthur. Of course, after countless experiences, the current Bedivere is no longer the clumsy werewolf boy he used to be, and Arthur is certainly not the brat who was still very unfamiliar in combat skills back then—even though he looks like now. Still a little devil.

In the light of the Seraph’s sword, the inner structure of the upper level of the warrior’s tomb unfolded before the two men. Bedivere was also an eye-opener this time. I really didn’t expect the decoration on the upper floor of the warrior’s tomb to be so splendid – it’s just a corridor, and the beams and ceilings around it are also meticulously carved. There are also faint gilt carvings on some of the beams, and the carvings are abstract in appearance, but complex and indescribable, with very high geometric symmetry. It seems that the building itself is not only protected by “memory concrete” on the outside and can recover from a certain degree of damage, but even its interior has the same self-healing ability. The interior still maintains the original splendor, it is like a palace at first glance. It is not the weathering effect that has accumulated over the years that affects the gilt carvings, but the salt. The salt of the ocean tide actually penetrated into the interior of this palace-like building, so that part of the carvings on the ceiling were covered by the salt frost.

If someone carefully cleaned this place with tools and removed all the salt, dust and other dirt that occupied the carvings, maybe this “Warrior’s Palace” that still stands after a million years, It will look brand new again, as if it was just built yesterday!

“The palace…? Was this place where people lived before?” the King of Knights snorted.

Although it is a very bold idea, it should be said that it is unreasonable not to do so. With such a splendid decoration and such an exquisite arrangement, wouldn’t it be a great waste if this palace-like building could not accommodate people?

But now the palace is empty and a place where greedy adventurers die. Countless dead people have attracted countless life-threatening demons. Whenever I think about this, I can’t help but feel sad.

There are no organs in the wide hallway, but there are more branches as you go forward, and there are countless doors neatly arranged in the hallway, and there seems to be something behind those doors.

“Not over there.” As Arthur was about to move forward, Bedivere suddenly said. There was a faint smell of blood on the road ahead that made him uneasy, and the number of smells alternated between old and new, proving that many people died there, I am afraid there is some kind of terrifying killing mechanism on the road.

Arthur then followed behind the big white wolf and walked towards another trail.

“Is it a palace where people live, but it is full of deadly traps?” he spit out.

“Because it’s a palace where people live, it’s full of deadly traps.” Bedivere said, “Where the legal occupants can pass unimpeded, foreign thieves will die under the palace’s defense system. It’s pretty normal.”

“Squeak!” The bird that nestled on the top of the big white wolf chirped in agreement.

“Shut up. Dump you down.” Bedivere snorted disapprovingly.

“Squeak…” The bird was cowardly.

“Yes.” Arthur restrained his smile and replied, “But the density of traps is not as high as the underground labyrinth of the tombs of warriors in our world. It should be said that we only found out that there is a trap on the way up to now, which is a small number. Yes.”

“Maybe the further down you go, the higher the density of traps.” The big white wolf has already smelled the stronger tide, and it is almost certain that there are stairs going down ahead: “This way.”

“Your nose is quite reliable.” Arthur shifted his leg.

“Wait, stand still,” Bedivere exclaimed suddenly.


“Just stand there and wait.” Big White Wolf emphasized.

Arthur stood silently, but nothing happened.


“Be patient and wait,” Bedivere insisted.

The King of Knights then continued to stand still and waited another full minute. He was starting to get a little impatient.

“Beddie, this——“

Shhh! The corridor in front of them suddenly triggered some kind of mechanism, and thousands of sharp spears pierced the walls, floor and ceiling together, enough to tie the people walking in the corridor into a hornet’s nest. And because the spears were pierced from every direction at the same time, there was nowhere to hide in the entire corridor. If there is any unlucky person walking in such a corridor, I am afraid it will definitely die.

“What a sinister institution.” Arthur scolded: “But how did you find out?”

” The floor you just stepped on made a very slight triggering sound, but I didn’t smell blood at our position, not at all, which proves that our position is still safe. Thirty yards ahead Instead, there is a faint smell of blood coming from the place. This is probably a delayed activation mechanism, which is specially designed to harm those adventurers who think they are very If anyone steps on the mechanism and still doesn’t know it, keep it up. Going forward and slowly exploring at the speed that you think is “safe”, the delayed activation mechanism will simply trap this kind of adventurer in it, and simply kill it. It is just so insidious.

“But I didn’t see the body. Where did the bodies go?” Arthur asked.

Clap! After the overwhelming spear mechanism was activated, a large piece of ground in front suddenly opened, and everything there was thrown into a deep pit below which the bottom could not be seen.

So it turns out, even the means to clean up the corpse are ready.

The entire trap activation process is only a short tens of seconds, but how many people have died within these tens of seconds? God knows. After the floor was opened and closed again, countless sharp spears had long since retreated, hidden in dark grooves that were completely invisible on the walls, floor and ceiling, and could not be found without looking carefully.

“Let’s go. If you continue to move forward, you have to be more careful.” Bediveville said, and then began to step forward.

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