Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2158: Crimson at dawn (90)

Chapter 2158 Embers at dawn (ninety)

Whoosh! ——

In the dark night sky, a certain sky-blue light flashed across, and it came in a hurry, tearing the tranquility of the night in an instant.

“Eve, clear the deck.” Bedivere commanded before getting close to his sand boat.

“Yes, Captain,” the Dawn’s artificial intelligence navigation system replied dispassionately.

Then the original green deck of the silver ship sank halfway down, clearing a platform for the cavalry to land on. Under the moonlight, what appears faintly green is actually the green planting garden of the sand boat, but it is designed to float and sink. Usually when the deck is not in use, the green planting garden rises up, allowing the large sand boat to grow. The top becomes an elegant garden. When you need to use the deck, you only need to sink the green garden (or part of it), and the flat deck of the sand boat can allow the transport boat or the cavalry to land safely.

Bedivere also lightly let the cavalry land on the deck. When he jumped off the deck, he deliberately glanced at the counselor Eric behind him: “Here, don’t sleep.”

“Oh, have you arrived yet?” Eric rubbed his eyes: “Thank you for a ride, then I’ll go back to the hotel first.”

“As long as you like it.” Bedivere didn’t even keep the guy, watching Eric take off on his own and fly away. The guy who can use the [Second Miracle] is really enviable, so he can fly at any time.

“Mr. Bedivere, have you come back from the Turks?” There is a tent for camping in the green plantation not far away that has not yet been settled. The young Leopard Man inside heard the commotion on the deck. Climbing out, he also rubbed his eyes lazily and asked, “Have you done what you want, meow? How good is the breath of Patriarch Tut meow?”

“Ah, the old elephant man is in good spirits.” The werewolf youth replied casually: “What’s the matter, Seglade? There is a room for you in the boat, so if you don’t go to sleep in the boat, it happens again. Sleeping outside for a night? A bit too outgoing?”

“Oh, I’m waiting for my brother and Hal to come back meow.” Seglade scratched his head, the blue leopard fur on the top of his head was a little messy, maybe because of sleeplessness:” Ha Er’s surgery should be almost finished, meow. My brother is in charge of taking him back to the boat, and I’ll be here to meet me. My father and Aunt Vivian are also about to come back. Come back after the operation to see the child’s cat.”

“Your family is really… circling around a child.” Bedivere couldn’t help complaining.

“Hahahaha——” Seglade laughed awkwardly and didn’t say much.

At this time, there was a small transport boat passing by in the sky. Bedivere thought that it was Saifel who came back with the little Howl after the operation. What he didn’t expect was Palamidi s couple.

“What’s the matter, hasn’t our little Hal returned from surgery yet?” Palamidis asked immediately as he jumped off the transport boat.

“Looks like you’ll have to wait,” Bedivere replied.

“It’s so strange. With the speed at which Constantine is carrying the knife, the surgery should have been done long ago.” Vivian also jumped off the transport boat, wondering.

“Would you like to go over to the Battleship Britannia and wait?” Bedivere asked.

“No, it’s useless over there, and we can’t enter the operating room, so we can only wait outside.” Palamidis shrugged: “Let’s just wait here quietly.”

“So how’s your operation going?” Bedivere asked, seeing both Palamidis and Vivien looking tired.

“Oh, it’s nothing, the battle is actually…” Palamidis almost missed his mouth, and then immediately corrected: “I mean, walking in the deep sea is actually not dangerous, but the bottom of the sea is a little more dangerous. The monsters were blocking our actions, but it was very easy to get rid of.”

“Really. Wearing that kind of armor is basically invincible, and the deep-sea monsters are really nothing to be afraid of.” Bedivere replied casually without suspicion.

“Uh, here comes meow!” Seglade shouted, interrupting everyone’s chat. Sure enough, another small transport boat rushed over with someone. The transport boat flew exceptionally slowly, presumably to take care of Little Howl after the operation, lest the surgical wound would be split in the bumps of transportation.


The transport boat landed lightly on the deck of the sand ship Dawn. A group of medical personnel, including the attending doctor Constantine, got off the transport boat, carefully pushed the stretcher bed, and took the Leopard boy from the operation. Transported on a transport boat.

Seifer also walked out: “Dad, why don’t you go to bed, you are still waiting here in the middle of the night, meow.”

“Of course I have to wait. With little Hal’s internal organ transplant surgery on the big day, do you think I can rest in peace?” Palamidis replied, turning his head to ask the knight of the round table Kang Standing: “How did the operation go? Was it successful?”

“It was a success. The operation was more difficult than expected. The missing internal organs were not simply missing, but disappeared without a trace together with the blood vessels and nerves that connected those internal organs.” Constantine His face was a little pale, but he seemed relieved when he said this: “As a result, the blood vessels and nervous systems must be constructed together, and then internal organs transplantation is much more difficult than ordinary internal organ transplantation.”

“Thank you for your hard work.” Vivienne also said.

“Anyway,” Constantine wiped the cold sweat that was still oozing out from his forehead, and looked a little collapsed: “The copied organs were successfully transplanted into his body. The internal organs also use him. In theory, there should be no rejection reaction. Even if there is a small amount of rejection reaction, we have corresponding drugs to suppress it. Generally, it is not a big problem. Next, we will see how big the medical cabin of the [Dawn] can be. If the effect has been achieved, please send it to the medical cabin to lie down for one night and see what happens next.”

“Eve, take them to the ship’s infirmary,” Bedivere said.

“Yes, Captain.” The ship’s artificial intelligence replied, and a path of light has appeared on the deck to guide the medical team to the medical room.

“Great help,” Constantine said politely.

“Can you cure such a degree of postoperative trauma in one night?” The medical team pushed the stretcher bed to the medical room, and the group followed the medical team, Palamidis asked.

“The medical cabin of this ship uses the technology of the ancient gods, which is much more advanced than any existing medical and life support equipment.” Constantine replied: “Even if it can make a I would believe that a person whose whole body is broken can return to its original state. However, healing wounds requires physical strength. It is very unrealistic for a person with insufficient physical strength to have an amazing therapeutic effect in a short period of time. That’s why we have to treat it. Slow down and let little Howl lie down in the medical cabin for the night.”

“To rely on the technology of the ancient gods…” Palamidis complained suddenly. They had just fought this “creator race” an hour ago to the death. Palamidis almost died at the hands of the ancient gods several times, and now I still have lingering fears when I think about it. Since then, Palamidis has had a prejudice against these ancient gods, thinking that these guys are bad people, and they are evil people who want to destroy the world.

“Palami.” Vivienne gave her husband a glance, signaling that he might as well speak less. Everything that happened in the submarine base was clearly stated that it had to be kept secret and could not be revealed.

“Hmmmm…” The Leopard Warrior muttered a few words, putting the topic aside. He glanced back at the little leopard on the stretcher bed. Under the effect of anesthesia during the operation, Little Hal is now in a deep sleep state. The people around him are talking and pushing the stretcher bed, and he has no signs of being woken up. The big cat looked at the little black panther in front of him. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that little Howl looked extremely similar to someone—Hal and one of the two mysterious young men he had met in the submarine base before, also a black panther The young man looks almost exactly the same!

The little leopard’s face is covered with grayish-white fluff, and there are a few grayish-white leopard spots on its forehead. These are the inborn marks of the orcs, which are like fingerprints for every orc, even brothers with similar blood. There could be that amazing similarity.

But now the little Howl in front of Palamidis looks really like the young Leopard man before.

Twins? No, absolutely impossible. First of all, it is impossible to judge by age.

Hal is actually the child of Black Rabbit Man Black and Panther Man Kaos Hackett. Shortly after Hal was born, Blackie died, and Hal was an only son and had no brothers. Unless Kaos Hackett — the youngest of the three sons of the former Leopard Patriarch Hackett — has other heirs. In other words, Hal has a half-brother; otherwise, the Leopard Man who looks exactly like Little Hal should not exist.

“Is that all right?” Palamedis watched as the medical staff lifted his young son off the stretcher into the medical cabin. Then the medical cabin closed, and little Howl was soaked in some mysterious liquid.

“Albert’s friend also came over after surgery and used the medical cabin for quick treatment. The next morning when he lay in at night, he was alive and kicking. Little Hal should be the same, don’t worry.” Bedivere replied.

The medical staff are also ready to leave after all has been dealt with. Even the Zephyr Seglade brothers yawned and planned to go back to their room to rest.

“Little Brady, can I take a step to talk?” Before everyone dispersed, Palamides took the opportunity to stop the werewolf youth, “I have something to ask you.”

“Do you have anything else to ask? Can’t wait until tomorrow?” The werewolf youth stretched his waist: “Okay, come to my captain’s room, where you can chat without any scruples.”

“Palami, I’m going back to my research institute, you should rest early too.” Vivian looked at her husband with a hint of meaning.

“Okay.” The leopard warrior nodded and left with the werewolf youth.

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