Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2136: Crimson at dawn (68)

Chapter 2136 Embers at dawn (sixty-eight)

Flesh, big and small, scattered all over the place.

Of course, this is just a virtual world. Or, it was just an illusion that Elaine felt. Here, no matter how he was killed, in what terrible form, he would eventually return to his original shape and get up again. The simulation system only allows the user to experience endless pain, but does not really kill the user’s spirit or body.

Of course, driving people crazy is another matter. Before that, dozens and hundreds of knights wanted to use this simulation system to cultivate their willpower, but they were driven crazy by it. It’s such a dangerous thing.

And the willpower of the white bear Elaine is even below the level of ordinary people. Panic, timid, frustrated, and crying at every turn. like a child.

But even he has had such a wish since a long, long time ago.

Just want to find his place in this vast and boundless world, in this cold and desolate world.

Isn’t even this little wish allowed? !

Is even this little extravagant wish a sin? ! ?


Unforgivable, those who say he is unforgivable.

Therefore, after being tortured and killed hundreds of times in a row, he knew that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t win, but he stupidly chose to get up and resist.

Anyway, fighting or not resisting is the same solution, so why does he have to fight back and not fight back? Why can’t he choose to resist? !

Of course, the other party will not let him resist. Before Elaine could react, the black bear man had already sprinted over, and the big sword in his hand fell to his head!

Fast attack speed. So fast that it is impossible to dodge.

Since you can’t dodge it, block it!

Elaine subconsciously controlled her broken body and mind to fight, and the only action he could think of was to stretch out his left hand to block.

And of course the sharp blade of the giant sword plunged into his arm instantly, severing his arm bone in less than a tenth of a second, and it continued to slash downwards.

But the crucial tenth of a second is enough for the Ice Bear to forcefully disarm the opponent’s attack. Although the Black Moon God Steel Greatsword slashed down, it only cut off one of Elaine’s arms, and did not split his entire body in half. He won a half-second shot for himself, but what if he just lost an arm! And the white bear man here also waved his right arm. Although he doesn’t have a weapon in his hand, he has his sharp claws, and his claws are also capable of attacking, especially now that he is half insane, he uses a violent force to grab a blow with all his strength, which is enough to tear the opponent’s chest. Huge bloodstain.

“Yeah!” The black bear man’s chest was scratched and he took a step back. But he reacted quickly, and before Elaine could make the next move, he slashed the white bear with a backhand sword. Immediately afterwards, he swung the second sword and the third sword, and the upper body of Elaine, who was cut in half, was chopped to pieces before it hit the ground!

But that’s not the end of it all. This virtual world is a world specially designed to make Ice Bear Man suffer. Although he is powerless in this world, he is invincible, and can be resurrected infinitely no matter how many times he is killed. His body that was cut to pieces quickly turned into particles of light and reassembled elsewhere, and then Elaine the white bear panted, foaming at the mouth, and slowly got up from the ground with great difficulty.

He hasn’t given up.

No, it should be because of obsession, and gradually become crazy.

This is worse than giving up struggling…?

Or, this is his essence, this is the form he should have?

The gradually violent white bear man, the flesh on his body is splitting, cracking, and then the blood-colored muscles gushing out from the broken fur, looking very scary. Despite this, he is nothing but a wild beast, and he does not have any weapons or equipment that can obviously reverse the disadvantage. Relying on this state alone is like winning against an opponent who has the Moon God Steel Greatsword in hand. Or maybe he has already broken and fell, and doesn’t care about suffering more pain, just to do his best to inflict more damage on his opponent?

“Sorry, that’s the wrong answer.” The black bear snorted coldly, rushing up to fight Elaine.

Nevertheless, Elaine, the white bear who became such a mad monster, has indeed become more difficult to deal with. The black bear man swung a sword, Elaine not only did not dodge, but faced the sword’s edge and pushed up, giving away an arm for his opponent to chop off. At the same time that his arm was cut off by the Black Moon God Steel Great Sword, the violent white bear man also used his claws to penetrate the black bear man’s chest.

“Um…very good.” The black bear vomited blood and slashed again with his backhand, cutting off the other arm of the white bear. However, when he did this, he also revealed his flaws. The white bear who had broken his hands still had enough energy to continue fighting, and rammed the opponent’s chest directly with his headbutt. Although one of the opponent’s arms was cut off, the white bear man’s arm still pierced the black bear man’s chest, which was very close to the heart. And when Elaine hit the head like this, he just hit his cut off arm with his head, slamming the arm deeper into the opponent’s body and piercing the heart of the black bear.

The black bear spit out another mouthful of blood, and while backing half a step, he used his knees to fly the white bear, and while the violent white bear was still leaning back, he cut Elaine in two with a vertical sword.

Elaine, the white bear who was once again killed, turned into light and gathered elsewhere.

And the black bear man here also pulled Elaine’s severed hand from his chest and watched it disappear into light. The black bear man’s chest was recovering at an alarming speed. The blow just now couldn’t threaten him at all, it only brought him a moment of pain at most.

“Fearless struggle. Meaningless struggle.” The black bear man looked at the white bear man who slowly got up from the ground, foaming at the mouth, exhausted, and at the same time his mind was almost collapsed, and cursed: “You continue to lie down. Wouldn’t it be nice to be tortured and killed by me? Why waste your energy to get up?!”

“Roar!” The furious white bear rushes towards him like a mad dog, and that action has nothing to do with reason.


Plan! The sword swung by the Black Bear Man was empty, and the Black Moon God Steel Sword, which was supposed to hit and kill, was avoided by the mad dog Elaine with astonishing agility.

Elaine, who had just dodged a blow, lunged at her opponent with her face close, aiming at the black bear man’s throat and biting.

But it didn’t work. At this time, the black bear man actually pulled out a short dagger made of black moon steel from his waist and pierced the white bear man’s throat.

Click! Elaine let out a muffled groan, and the strength of the pounce was gone. The black bear man kicked him away with a kick. The white bear man, who was kicked away like a puppy, had not yet landed on the ground. He was immediately cut into hundreds of pieces by the Black Moon God Steel Greatsword, and turned into light again and flew away. Gather elsewhere.

This time he didn’t have time to regroup. The black bear man was already red-eyed, and before Elaine’s broken body reassembled and got up from the ground, he rushed over and fell with a sword.

Originally, the purpose of the black bear was not to kill Elaine in a hurry, but to give the white bear as much pain as possible within a limited time. However, he is in a hurry to kill Elaine now, even if the white bear man has not yet completed the reshape, the pain he feels is less than half of the pain he felt when he was slowly slaughtered!

The Black Bear’s actions were inexplicably impatient. He felt something strange about Elaine. He wanted to quench the seed of hope as quickly as possible, so that Elaine could not even get up and was tortured infinitely and fell into complete despair!



It didn’t even work.

The Black Moon God Steel Greatsword was caught between Elaine’s hands before it fell.

That is, since the war between the East and the West thousands of years ago, it has been passed down from the East, and it is a fighting technique called “Empty Hands”. When Elaine was a child, Boles only used it once in front of the white bear, a mere one, and it was also used to block the blade of a trap that almost hit him, and it was not used against people. under the circumstances.

No matter how sharp and powerful a sword is, if the blade cannot reach the target it is intended to hit, its power can only be nullified.

The white bear man’s two palms clamped the blade of the Black Moon Godsteel Greatsword that almost fell on his forehead. Press it down and split Elaine’s forehead!

“Damn things——” The black bear sensed that the situation was changing, that something was wrong.

He feels Elaine’s anger.

And he was in a hurry to kill such an angry Elaine. He wanted to completely break the will of Elaine, this fool, before the bear man completely turned around and resisted, so that he could not recover. Only in this way can he achieve his goal. Because no one in this world knows Elaine better than him, he knows what Elaine actually is. Before his mind was completely destroyed, as long as Elaine the ice bear held the slightest hope, he would get up and resist again. And resistance is the last thing the black bears want to see.

Zha! ! The Black Bear man gave up the Black Moon God Steel Greatsword, which was tightly clamped in his hand and could no longer be swung, and instead pulled out an axe, which chopped off one of Elaine’s arms from one side.

The unbalanced polar bear immediately fell to one side.

At this time, the black bear wielded the same axe and slashed towards Elaine’s neck. If this blow hits, it can simply cut off Elaine’s head neatly kill the white bear man instantly, and force him to disappear into light and respawn elsewhere.


Zha! ! The tiger head didn’t hit Elaine’s neck. Before the axe hit, Elaine, who was foaming at the mouth, had already opened his mouth, aimed at the axe that was about to fall on his neck, and took a hard bite!

Empty-handed into a knife? No, it should be said that it is an empty “mouth” into the blade. Although there are no sharp teeth in his mouth, the force of the bite of the upper and lower jaws of the white bear is still very strong. When he bites the blade of the axe as if he wants to die, no matter how hard the black bear is, it will not help. thing. Even though the blade of the axe had mostly sunk into Elaine’s face, almost cutting off most of his lower jaw, and his mouth was full of blood, he still wouldn’t let go.

Seeing this scene, the black bear was stunned for half a second.


Elaine has completed the counterattack. With one of his remaining arms, he grabbed the hilt of the Black Moon God Steel Greatsword and stabbed the sharp point of the sword into the black bear man’s chest!

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