Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2123: Crimson at dawn (55)

Chapter 2123 Embers at dawn (fifty-five)

Laoshan turtle suffered a major injury that was almost fatal, and its self-protection mechanism was activated. This huge beast suddenly shrank its head and limbs, and shrank into its harder shell. go!

Just as a tortoise wraps its head and limbs in a tortoise shell to protect it, so can an old mountain soft-shelled turtle. And its shell is not so easy to be destroyed!

“…Resolve, remove!” Albert’s body knew that his clone would be driven into which part of Laoshan turtle’s body and suffered major damage, so he did not hesitate ground to remove the clone on the battlefield.

Everything suddenly fell silent.

“It’s over, it’s over?!” During the violent shaking just now, the cat-man boy Mutter, who could only half-kneel on the ground, looked at the giant, motionless giant indented in his shell outside Lviv from a distance. Turtle, can’t help asking timidly.

“It should be over for now.” He was also half-kneeling to the ground to stabilize himself, and a drop of cold sweat appeared on the forehead of Castro, the vice president of the Hunter Association. He was almost worried about this ruin. The old mountain turtle was too noisy just now. If it continues to be noisy, the continuous shock wave like a tenth magnitude earthquake will likely cause damage to the buildings in the Central Temple!

“I don’t know what trick the kid used, but at least he did it.” Castro hummed in a low voice: “The old mountain turtle has been seriously damaged, and it is now retracted in its shell to recover. , should not threaten Lviv for the time being.”

“For the time being… how long?” The cat boy couldn’t help asking.

“God knows, it may be a day, a week, or a year, all depends on the self-healing ability of the giant turtle.” Castro hummed, “But one thing we can be sure of, It must not be dead. If it dies directly, it will not have a chance to indent into the shell to recover. When it sticks its turtle head out of the shell again, we must be ready.”

“That’s it? No more text??” Mutt couldn’t help but be surprised. After that level of fierce battle, under countless efforts and taking huge risks, what Albert did did not achieve anything, but only temporarily blocked the progress of Lao Shan turtle? ? ? You can’t even kill that monster, just forcing the old mountain turtle to retract into its shell to recuperate, so as to buy more time for the [Great Hunting Festival]? ?

Are the special G-level monsters that haunt the Dawning area all incomprehensible and unbelievably powerful monsters? ? !

Albert’s body, standing on the roof of the suburb, breathed a sigh of relief. Nonetheless, the threat of Laoshan turtle is temporarily lifted.

He looked up, and it was getting very dark. It was probably midnight, right?

From the beginning of the big hunting festival, the fiercest offensive of the army of monsters has basically subsided. Of course, there were still many remaining monsters, but thanks to Albert, the casualties of the monster hunters were kept to a minimum. Next, hand it over to other monster hunters to clean up the remaining monsters, and there should be no problem for the time being.

Rumble Rumble Rumble! There was a series of vigorous explosions in the sky, and the falcon dragon beast army in the sky was blown up with heavy casualties. Judging from those high-energy technologies, from the high-altitude technology that bombs are projected into the sky, it should be [Demolition Master——Deidara of Ashes] active.

On the other side, countless arrows flew into the air with a turbulent momentum, killing the few remaining Falcon Dragon beasts one by one. That should be [bow master —— Susanna of Falcon Eye]. The falcon dragon beasts have been almost eliminated. After all, their “backer”, Lao Shan turtle has been seriously injured and has to hide and recuperate. The arrogance of these flying beasts has also been suppressed by most of them, and the rest can only flee in a hurry. , to hide in their nests on the backs of Laoshan turtles. And just at this moment, the trap of [Trap Master——The Caucasus of Oblivion] was launched again, and the thick turtle shell of Laoshan turtle was instantly engulfed by a sea of ​​fire. The falcon dragon beasts who were hiding were quickly annihilated in the firelight, and the falcon dragon beast group that could pose an aerial threat to Lviv can be said to be completely wiped out!

Although this kind of fire attack did not have any effect on the Laoshan turtle, the hunters first eliminated the threat of the falcon dragon beast army that came with the Laoshan turtle. And the old mountain turtle… God knows how long it will be asleep before it wakes up? The hunters only know that one day they will still have to confront this huge beast like a mountain.

There should be no more battles that require Albert to intervene.

“Thank you for your hard work.” At this time, someone passed by Albert and stood beside the tiger man youth.

Albert saw clearly and found that the sturdy tiger man was [Weapon Master—Kliripov of Ten Thousand Blades].

He also helped Albert in Kliripov to distract the turtle’s attention, so that the avatar of the young tiger man could successfully climb on the head of the turtle and destroy it. It should be said that without the help of the weapon master, Albert’s battle would not have succeeded at all, for which the Tiger Man youth is quite grateful. And Klilipov didn’t seem to have been injured in the series of noises from Lao Shan turtle just now. He is still in good spirits and has just rushed over from the front line. Klilipov is worthy of being a special G-rank hunter, even in such a dangerous situation where life and death are extremely dangerous, he can save himself almost without injury. So surprising.

“You can actually stop a super G-level monster like the old mountain turtle. You have a bright future, young man.” Kliripov praised without reservation, “I almost thought I would experience a It takes a hard fight to stop that big monster. Lviv’s damage has also been suppressed to a minimum, which is good.”

“No…I just released one monster to fight another monster.” Albert suddenly blushed and humbled: “Actually I didn’t do almost anything, just see Fighting with two monsters.”

“Hahahaha!” Kriripov laughed outright and patted Albert’s shoulder hard: “What modesty! No matter what kind of power it is, as long as it can be used, it is yours. Something! Hold up your chest, young man! You have done a great deed today that can keep your name in the history of Warcraft hunters, and you have the capital to be proud of!”

“Is that so…” Albert, who was usually very brazen, was the type that would feel embarrassed the more he was praised, his face flushed so much: “But the big explosion just now I didn’t do it either. Judging from the scale of the explosion, it should be Master Deidara who sent me a *?”

“It should be.” Kliripov shrugged and said: “Only the * made by that guy can have that kind of blasting power. And the ability to send * to such a height is probably something that guy designed. Um… not to mention this. You must be tired? Go back and rest. The battle situation here can be controlled with us, so don’t worry about it for the time being.”

“Then meow, let’s say goodbye first——” Albert was actually quite tired, and wanted to find a bed to lie down immediately. He unceremoniously retreated from the front line and rushed to the Central Temple.

You must know that he continuously uses a large number of clones to fight, which is very physically exhausting. After the clone is released, all kinds of muscle fatigue will return to his main body, just like the injury suffered by the clone will be reflected in his main body. And he was not only physically tired, but also mentally tired. He used his mind to control so many clones, and even had to control the Holy Spirit White Tiger released by the clones to fight, the consumption of mental power was very huge. How long has the battle been going on? Should be at least three hours, right? Albert, who uses a clone, consumes nearly ten times more physical and mental energy than ordinary people, which is equivalent to fighting with monsters for more than 30 hours in Lviv, and it is strange that he is not tired to the limit. Even standing now, he felt that his legs were weak, and he didn’t even have the strength to fight. From all aspects, he was close to the limit. In this state, he can’t even fight well, and he will only drag others down on this battlefield.

All in all, it was exhausting. And this is only the first night of the big hunting festival. Is this going to last for ten days and ten nights in a row? Even Albert didn’t quite believe he could do it. You can only take one step at a time.

“Huh?” Seeing Albert retreating from a distance from the central sanctuary with a telescope, the cat boy Mutter snorted: “I have to go.”

“Wait, little brother? It’s not completely safe yet…”

“I’ll be fine.” The cat boy hummed, and walked away without looking back.

Although the battle situation in Lviv can be described as chaotic, the monster hunters really controlled the scene very well. There are almost no monsters big or small that can approach the central temple. Occasionally there are one or two. It was soon solved by the hunters who came after Mutter walked in this huge stone building like a pyramid, got lost several times, and finally returned to his and Albert’s room inside. When he arrived at the room, he saw the tiger man lying on the bed so tired that he fell asleep.

It didn’t even lock the door, you idiot. What if a monster breaks in.

The cat boy sighed, turned back and closed the iron door firmly, and moved the stone used to block the door to block it, making this secret room with only the two of them a little safer. He walked over and looked at the sleeping tiger man. Albert was sleeping soundly like a baby. He didn’t care about the hard bed made of stone and the harsh environment that didn’t even have a quilt to keep out the cold.

“You’ll catch a cold.” Mutter sighed, walked over and rummaged in his backpack. Fortunately, he anticipated that this might happen before he went out, so he brought a thin blanket and hid it in his backpack. The young cat man put the only blanket on the young tiger man, and then huddled on the floor beside the bed, curled up and lay down.

“That’s it for now. Good night.” The cat boy whispered, snuffing out the only kerosene lamp in the room.

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