Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2077: The Embers of the Dawn (9)

Chapter 2077 Embers annihilation at dawn (nine)

“Hahaha…” Mutt smiled awkwardly, put the teacup in front of Patriarch Roble, and walked away as if slipping: “I won’t bother you anymore.”

Patriarch Roble watched the cat boy run to the balcony and snorted: “Who is that kid?”

“Well, my friend.” Albert tilted his head and thought again: “No… Strictly speaking, it’s a servant.”

“Where’s the servant——” Roble snorted again thoughtfully, putting the matter behind him: “Speaking of which, what are you going to do?”

“What else can I do?” Albert looked at his father helplessly: “Let that child follow me for the time being.”

“That’s not what I’m asking.” The tiger man patriarch gave his son a white look: “The ceremony of the hunting festival will officially start tomorrow. Once it starts, it cannot be stopped. I want to know if you plan to go to the hunting festival. Or not?”

“I will go.” Albert said indifferently.

“So you plan to leave everything here and go back to the Dawning Region?”

“No, I will stay here and finish what I need to do.” The tiger man said again.

Roble gave Albert another look: “Are you an idiot? This kind of thing obviously can’t take care of both sides, right?”

“How can you know if you don’t try.” Albert replied stubbornly.

“Bullshit.” Roble thought that was impossible, as would a sane person.

“I’ll prove it to you.” But Albert disapproved. He has his own plans.

“Let’s put this aside for now.” Patriarch Roble then said again: “I came here to find you this time, mainly to ask you a question: Have you had enough fun, and when will you go back? Dawn region?”

“I’ll go back when I think it’s right, Dad.” Albert shrugged, “This is not the right time.”

“Oh really?” Patriarch Roble glared at his son: “I’ve heard a lot about you from King Arthur. After coming here to participate in some round table trial, you’ve had a lot of hardships. Right? Not to mention injuries and the like, look at what you have become now? Your body is broken and your internal organs are damaged, and you don’t even know if it should be called “alive” or not. What are you going to do with such a ghostly appearance? Continuing the meaningless frolic here, is it that you don’t want to go back to the dawn area?”

“I’ve said it all, I’ll go back in due time.” The tiger man said stubbornly.

“Oh, yes.” Roble snorted coldly: “I just want to tell you that the election of the second chief of the Fierce Fang will be held in the near future. I have been for four terms for twelve years. It’s time to let it be fulfilled, hand over this important task to another capable person, and concentrate on doing his job as the commander of the orc coalition.

I don’t know what’s on your mind, you stinky boy. But you have a monster hunter who can’t be a good hunter, and you don’t use your advantage as a monster hunter to seek the superior position of the head of the Fierce Fang clan, but you have to give up everything and come to participate in the round table trial? There is no guarantee that he can even be a knight of the round table, so he gave up everything he had to make this big gamble? Your brain is being kicked silly by elephants, right? “

Albert remained silent. Anyway, from the very beginning, he had no interest in succeeding the head of the Fierce Fang clan. But he couldn’t say this kind of words in front of his father. He knew that once he said it, it would inevitably lead to a violent storm, so he could only keep silent.

Seeing that Albert didn’t answer, Patriarch Roble was even more angry, and said angrily: “So, what are you going to do?! Do you want to go back to the dawn area with me and forget everything here? Or Continue to live here in the dark, and one day you will lose your life in that kind of meaningless ring match? Answer me!”

“I said it too, I have my own plans!” Albert also slammed back with blue veins: “I don’t need Dad to take care of my affairs!”

Seeing that the father and son who had a bad relationship continued to confront each other, the black rabbit **** the side sighed. It seems that this meeting will take a long time to end, and there is no place for her to interject in the middle, so just walk away.

The black rabbit girl named Nina left the living room and walked towards the balcony. Fortunately, this luxurious suite was very large, and there were two tiger men in the living room making a fuss. When Nina walked to the balcony, she could hardly hear the noise of Roble and his son. She glanced at the cat boy who was sitting on the small wooden bench on the balcony, playing with the potted plants there.

“Little brother.” Nina whispered.

“I’m not your little brother, don’t call me a little brother.” The cat boy Mutter snorted, without even turning his head, he continued to play with the potted plants – even if a fool could see that, There was no need for Mutter to fiddle with the potted plants, they were growing so well that they didn’t need any care.

“I know you’re not Brother Luffy.” The black rabbit leaned over to the cat boy: “But you and Brother Luffy have the same smell.”

“Ah…” The cat-man boy blushed and turned away in a evasive manner: “Idiot. Don’t get so close. I’m not familiar with you. By the way, do you and Luf have any relationship? Does it matter? Why don’t I know anything.”

“A childhood sweetheart…it feels like that.” Nina also imitated Mutter’s way of reaching out and fiddling with the flowers and plants on the balcony. Most of the potted plants planted here are various desert plants common in Africa, which are decisively different from the plants in the Dawning region. Their strange shapes with needles are quite novel to the black rabbit girl.

“Childhood friends? Really?” Mutter snorted. Before he died, Luf passed on a part of his memory to Mutter. As the receptor of this part of the memory, the cat boy did not remember that Luv had a childhood sweetheart black rabbit girl. He was a little suspicious that Nina was lying.

“Really. I was sent to Myerson Stone for training when I was very young.” Nina paused, “Well, you know, the innate ability of the Bunnymen is to cooperate with The ability of monsters to communicate and control monsters. That ability has a similar effect as the light emitted by the white crystal tower of Myerson Stone to appease surrounding monsters. Many rabbitmen who aspire to become monsters will have a similar effect when they are young. to Myerson Stone for a [pilgrimage].”

“I don’t know. Never heard of it,” Mutter replied vaguely. In fact, he knows almost nothing about the customs and customs of the Dawning region, and he knows very little about Myerson Stone: “So…you met Luf at that time?”

“Well, Brother Luffy is amazing, he saved me from the monster. At that time, I was still in the training period and couldn’t control the monster. As a result, the monster went crazy and almost killed me, but The little brother defeated it heroically.” When the girl talked about her memories, there was longing in her eyes.

“It’s a pity that he just… just left…” She choked up halfway through, talking about Luf’s death, her sadness was real, not acting.

“My condolences…” Mutter turned his head and glanced at the black rabbit girl, not knowing what to say for a while. Then he said what he thought of, and tried to comfort him: “He lost his life when he was fighting the most ferocious beast in Western Siberia, the [White Snow Armor]. Before he died, he was heroically fighting. During the battle, his death was a glorious sacrifice. It was because of his glorious sacrifice that [White Snow Armor] was eventually subdued and executed. Although few people knew about this, the Hunter Organization would not admit it without evidence. But his sacrifice was by no means pointless.”

“Really.” The girl wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes: “Yes. I knew it was like this. I’m relieved to hear you say that.”

Although this is not the case at all, Luffy was killed by a stray bullet during the duel between Albert and Bedivere. But this fact is so hard to tell that Mutter would rather lie and cover it up.

“I know that little brother is such a heroic person. I know that as a cat man, his combat power is originally very mediocre, but he insists on his own efforts to become an excellent monster hunter.” Nina whispered ,” he once said that he is determined to kill all the monsters in the Dawning area that threaten people’s lives, so that people in the Dawning area can live in peace. I know this sentence is definitely not a joke. I believe that in order to fulfill his promise, he I’ve tried so hard. But…but….Damn!…”

She stomped her foot sadly.

Mutter didn’t answer. When a person dies, he dies. No matter what you say, you can’t restore everything to the way it was before.

“Can you show me the crystal rapier you used that day?” Nina suddenly asked again.

“Yes, yes…” Mutter took out the rapier from his storage but this thing will crystallize everything it touches, it’s very dangerous, be careful when you look at it point. “

“Understood.” The black rabbit girl took the stabbing sword. At this time, the crystal rapier has been put into a special scabbard. The scabbard is made of special metal and has been strengthened with powerful sealing magic to resist the terrifying effect of the crystal rapier. If it weren’t for this special scabbard, anything the blade of the rapier touches would extract the minerals inside the substance and crystallize everything, making it both dangerous and inconvenient to carry.

Nina, following Mutter’s advice, carefully drew the rapier out of its scabbard, not fully, only letting the blade of the rapier slip a few inches out of its scabbard. She stared at the dark black rock-like texture of the rapier, and sighed: “It really has the same nature as the Crystal White Dragon God, is it the product of a curse?”

“Curse…?” Mutter was stunned.

“That’s right, curse.” The black rabbit girl looked at the cat boy with all her thoughts, and said faintly.

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