Light Spirit Epic Chapter 2060: The final victory in the ring (43)

Chapter 2060 The final victory in the ring (forty-three)

“Roar ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah” countless creeping black tentacles, beast-like howls, the sound is low and turbid, but the people present are none of the people present. Exceptionally, it can be heard, as if it is a non-sonic howl, but something similar to telepathy, directly conveyed to people’s minds.

I am afraid that even the fear will be conveyed along with it.

“Um…” Albert stepped back abruptly, staring at the huge black sphere of tentacles thirty yards away.

“Your Majesty!?” The Celestial Knight Hall urged again, the situation was quite out of control, and he wanted to ask King Arthur to stop the game.

“Wait.” The king of knights replied with miscellaneous messages. It seemed that he was no longer in the scabbard and was running somewhere, so the communication became extremely unstable.

Hall drew his weapon, ready to intervene in the fight. The Elf Prince Thor, who was watching the battle on the other side, also drew his bow and arrow. As long as the approval from the British side was approved, he would launch an attack!

"呃啊!呃呃啊呃呃呃呃啊啊啊!"更为凄厉的尖叫声从那个黑球之中传出来,然后一张血淋淋的脸从黑球无数触手的缝隙之中Appeared, the abyss monster Descartes struggled with that terrifying face and yelled at Albert: “You…you fool!!…you know you’ve done it. What?!…already…no one…can stop the abyss!…it will devour everything in a mile radius! You will all become sacrifices to the abyss!!——“

"准备受死吧啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈!"他疯狂的笑声最终湮没在无数的触手洪流之中。 The shadowy tentacles pouring out of the abyss devoured those who used it, and then began to lose control, constantly expanding and growing, and those tentacles also stretched out, whipping everything around, hitting the rocks. Shatter, let them be annihilated!

“Damn…!” Albert had to back away on guard, but he would soon find himself back on the edge of the battlefield. This battlefield is actually a cylindrical field composed of a huge stone pillar. Although the stone pillar battlefields arranged for the candidates in each battle are of different sizes, the average radius of the stone pillars is fifty yards. The battlefield that Albert arranged for this battle was even above average, thicker than the other stone pillars. But no matter what, it is normal for Albert, who has experienced the fierce battle just now, and who has almost always been retreating during the fierce battle, to be about to retreat to the boundary of the battlefield!

If it goes on like this, he will be pushed to the edge of the cliff and will have to fall off this battlefield and into the Red Sea! If you leave the battlefield, it seems to be counted as escaping, and you will lose the game. But is this really a game now? Maybe the abyss monster parasitizing Descartes has gotten out of control, right? Is it really necessary for Albert to continue fighting this crazy and out-of-control monster?

But what on earth did the people in Great Britain think? Is this live TV? What did the audience think? They wouldn’t care whether Albert was dealing with a monster, and whether the other party was out of control. They don’t care. They may not have been satisfied when they saw Albert escape from the battlefield. In this case, unless Great Britain actively intervenes in the game, it is inconvenient to escape from the battlefield from Albert’s force field!

So it’s not good, it’s bad. In order to avoid the attack of those abyss tentacles, the tiger man continued to retreat. But there was not much room for him to retreat. The worst thing was that he didn’t even have a weapon in his hand. The storm spear blade and the Black Moon God Steel Scimitar had already been inserted into Descartes’ shoulders. Before they could be retrieved, they were engulfed by those shadowy touches. Even the last straw that Albert used to save his life, the small survival dagger, was thrown out by him as a throwing prop to smash the black flute in Descartes’ hand.

So he really has absolutely no weapons to use now. If he had known it would turn out like this, he should have brought more weapons into battle. Why did I choose to travel lightly because I thought it was troublesome and in the way? !

It’s no use blaming yourself now. The tiger man youth tried to calm down and seek countermeasures. In the worst case, he can still escape, at least he should be able to save his life—but, escaping is almost like giving up the game.

“Cador, control the camera of the bee golem, don’t let it capture me.” The king of knights instructed through the communicator.

“Understood, Your Majesty. The sound shielding has also been activated.” The Knight of the Round Table, Cador, replied from the communicator.

“Very good.” King Arthur suddenly appeared over the battlefield, and was flying in the air with his dragon wings.

“Listen, stupid tiger!” The king of knights shouted from a distance: “[The Slashing Demon Sword—Tierfeng] is in your body! Merlin used magic to seal Tierfeng, but he didn’t It hasn’t been removed from your body, it’s still in your body!”

“What meow?” Albert looked at King Arthur in mid-air. He didn’t expect the King of Knights to play in person, but instead of intervening in the game, he just gave Albert a hint.

“That’s right, it’s impossible for you to break the seal now and use the Tyrfeng from your body!” King Arthur continued to shout, “You can’t in this time and space.”

(This…in time and space?)

” But if your ability is really what we imagined [the fourth miracle – Karma’s creation], you should be able to create something out of nothing and summon [yourself] in other time and space. !

There must be other time and space, other parallel worlds, in which you are not sealed with power, and you can still use Tyr Feng.

There must be such a [possibility] in other worlds!

If it were you, if your power was real power,

Certainly, you can forcibly distort your destiny and discover that [possibility]! “

Albert frowned. So, he really had to do something on his own. Sure enough, you still have to use the power of the magic sword Tyr Feng. Before that, Albert had also thought about the possibility of summoning Tyr Feng, but he thought that Tyr Feng had been sealed, and immediately rejected this possibility. Now King Arthur came to remind Albert, saying that this possibility is not zero, and if using the clone technique, it is possible to summon the clone of Albert who has not been sealed!

As long as this information is known, everything will be easy.

The tiger man youth took a few steps back, and after reaching a slightly safer position, he immediately closed his eyes and concentrated.

Imagine the most powerful self ever.

Just imagine. In countless parallel worlds, he has never encountered any tragedy, never caused any disaster, and his power has never been sealed. He has always been the strongest form of himself. A multi-parallel universe is a unity of countless parallel worlds, and events that have existed and occurred can have countless different branches. There must be some branch in it that avoided that day of doom and led to the path of absolute happiness and peace!

Call it, call out that [possibility]. [Possibilities] borrowed from other worlds can also change the fate of this world. This is the true power of Karma (Fate) creation!

Huh. Just relying on imagination or prayer, a young tiger man appeared beside Albert, who looked almost the same as Albert, and could be said to be Albert’s clone. But he looked different. His body was shimmering, and he had white wings.

He stretched out his hand and took out a black sword from his chest, that was the one that should have been sealed, the severing magic sword Tyr Feng.

Albert’s body took the sword from the clone.

“You only have five minutes, make good use of it.” Albert’s avatar suddenly opened his mouth and immediately stepped aside, and the figure had begun to fade and become more and more translucent.

Until this clone disappears, the summoned magic sword should not disappear——it’s hard to say if the time limit has passed. The clones that were summoned were all things that did not exist in this time and space. They were very unstable, and it was unknown when they would disappear. What’s more, Albert also summoned a clone capable of using [Tierfeng]. The fate of this clone is contrary to the original destiny of this time and space. It is the ultimate embodiment of “creating something out of nothing”. He is more unstable than other clones. !

“Five minutes? It doesn’t take that I can do it in one minute!” Albert sneered, and charged up with his sword.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ——As if feeling the threatening magic power on the magic sword, the abyss beast became even more crazy, and hundreds of tentacles smashed towards Albert’s body, and every blow wanted to be as fast as possible. Take the life of the tiger youth!

Albert, however, rushed forward without hesitation, waving the Demon Slicing Sword in his hand at an astonishingly high speed, boldly attacking those shadow tentacles! The magic sword Tyr Feng was originally a very special weapon used to cut space. The dimension-reducing blow from the abyss could not cause any form of damage to this magic sword, but would be cut into space by the magic sword. The ability is easily torn apart, and they don’t even really touch, just a little closer to the trajectory that Tyr Feng has swung, and the body will immediately be torn apart, annihilated, and forced to return to where they originally belonged. in the abyss!

“Haha!” When it was close enough, the tiger man youth swung a rising slash with all his strength. The sword energy drawn out is not a shock wave, but an unstable space torn apart. The “wave” of this space hit the black sphere made up of countless tentacles in the air, splitting it in two!

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