Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1908: The Iron Maiden (26)

Chapter 19o8 Iron Maiden (twenty-six)

“What the **** is that?” Arthur asked curiously, looking at the giant crab about thirty feet tall from a distance. The crab was obviously not a natural creature, it was unusually large, and two ominous red lights were emitting from its two protruding spore-like black eyes. Its spiny, deep black crab shells gleam in the sun and look thick and tough.

“Warcraft.” Goff answered bluntly.

“Magic, beast?” Arthur frowned. The “Warcraft” that people in this era called is obviously different from the “Warcraft” that appeared in the world where Arthur was originally (nine hundred years ago). But he didn’t know what the difference was.

“Oh, as a vampire hunter, don’t you even know this?” Peyton, the Crusader behind Arthur, hummed.

“Apprentice.” Arthur emphasized again.

“Really, your instructor must have not taught you anything, and he doesn’t even know such a simple thing.” Peyton emphasized again.

“Don’t be rude, Peyton.” Goff stopped his subordinates and explained to Arthur: “The so-called beasts are monsters that absorb the magic power of demons and mutate into monsters. Generally speaking This rarely happens in nature. After all, demons don’t just give away their magic power. But there are special cases. For example, there are traces of demons being destroyed in a certain place. The corpse has not been cleaned up, and the corpse of the demon with magic power was touched by other creatures, and the magic power was transferred to those creatures, turning those creatures into monsters.”

“I probably understand. It’s similar to the ghouls created by vampires.”

“Yes, that’s right at all.” Goff had already drawn the bow and arrow by this time, filling the huge steel bow full of strings: “It’s pitiful, but it’s gone like this. Saved. Destroying it is also eliminating harm for the people, and it is the same as destroying the demons. You don’t have to show mercy to the monsters.”

Arthur has no objection. After all, it is such a big crab, it is very likely to attack nearby passing ships, posing a threat to this sea area. Destroying it is the only correct option.


At this time, the Red Death had detected a boat that was close enough. At the same time as it turned its head, the red light also shone towards Arthur and the others, making Arthur an uncomfortable blood red!

Whoosh! —— Arthur could clearly hear Captain Goff shooting out the oversized steel arrow that was full of strings, but Arthur was very doubtful that the arrow could hit it! After all, their group was all illuminated by the dazzling red light. According to the reason, the moment the arrow went offline, Goff couldn’t see anything!

Boom! But Arthur heard an extremely loud crash. That was not the sound of the super-large steel arrow hitting the rocks on the island, it was the knocking sound of the steel breaking a certain hollow structure, and it was accompanied by the noise when the hollow structure cracked! Arthur judged this series of information instantly in his mind, and quickly came to the conclusion: Goff’s arrow really hit, it penetrated the crab shell of the red death monster, and the giant arrow even deeply embedded In the crab shell!

His conclusion is confirmed in the next second. The red light flashed past and swept toward the sky. When the red light no longer stings Arthur’s eyes, Arthur can also see the target in front of him. The red death monster’s face (if that was the face) hit Captain Goff’s arrow, and it was thrown backwards by the force of the blow in the face, so the red light that came out of its eyes It swept to the sky with its head-up movement, turning into a red beam of light!

Whoa! At this time, the boat also docked, or it ran aground, and the wood at the bottom of the boat and the hard black reef rubbed against each other until the friction was so great that the boat could not move forward!

“Disperse!” Captain Goff ordered: “Break its legs first!”

This group of Holy See crusaders are obviously well-trained fighters. Arthur’s side has not reacted and jumped off the boat. The two crusaders behind him have already rushed out, outflanking the red death monsters from both sides!

Not to be outdone, Arthur jumped out of the boat with a stride and rushed to get behind the Cancer as much as possible.

At this time, the two crusaders who attacked the red death monster from left and right have already fought with the monster! Peyton poked one of the monster’s legs first, but the crab’s shell was so hard that the spear couldn’t pierce it at all. Although he was hit by an arrow in the head, he was still looking up at the sky, but the red death monster sensed that someone was attacking under his feet, and the huge crab claws had taken advantage of the situation! This kind of attack does not need to be very precise, because the giant crab claws of the Red Death Monster are ten feet long and seven feet thick. If something of that size is photographed, just the shock wave it lifts can seriously injure people!

Peton didn’t run far to dodge the attack, he seemed to have fought countless such large creatures before, so he knew exactly what to do with them. He got under the Red Death Monster’s crotch… or rather, under his belly!

And Jeremy on the other side also swept his spear violently, hitting the other leg of the big crab. Of course, this blow still has no effect. The crab shell of the Red Death Monster is too hard. How could an ordinary spear hurt it!

The Red Dead knew that its first attack with the crab claws missed, and it was already waving another half-sized crab claws towards Jeremy. This kind of crab is originally a creature with asymmetrical double claws, one thick and strong crab claws are used to deal with force, and the other long and slender crab claws are used for foraging. The long crab claws used to deal with Jeremy here are the same crab claws it uses for food. It is slender but deadly, covered with sharp barbs, like a serrated knife to the crusaders. The chest is drawn! Hit by such a swift and vicious attack, even a knight in armor will be cut in the middle!

However, Jeremy was the quick-witted type, and the long crab claws that swept toward him were no threat to him. He deftly and pompously dodged the attack with a backflip, and by the way, he poked a shot as a gift! This shot only left a scratch on the monster’s leg, but it still failed to penetrate the enemy’s defense!

“Tsk tsk.” Arthur couldn’t help laughing twice when he saw that the group of crusaders looked strong, but in fact they didn’t reach the point of attack. He took out two small flying knives from his belt and buckled them between his fingers.

He saw the opportunity, and when the crusaders attracted the attention of the big crab, he shot the small flying knife in his hand!

Boom! ! The two flying knives precisely hit the joints of the big crab’s legs, deeply embedded from the weakest position of the crab’s hard shell, precisely jamming the big crab’s joints!

These throwing knives are tools given to Arthur by Johnny Zuster. Although they are light, they are well made, all made of extremely tough stainless steel. Although the crab was extremely powerful, it was hit by the inside of the leg joint, in an extremely weak position. The little flying knife was stuck there, not deflected away by the powerful force of the enemy, and it just became the shackles restricting the actions of the Red Death Monster!

“It turns out to be so, it can be like this.” Captain Goff saw Arthur’s action from a distance, and the giant bow was already drawn here, and the giant arrow he shot also landed precisely on the other leg of the big crab. On his knees, he easily smashed the monster’s knees, while stuck on the red death monster’s legs!

But of course, as a crab, the Red Dead has eight legs, and it’s not enough to have two legs destroyed. Its action is a full beat, but it can still move its remaining six legs to move. It was provoked, and while moving, it waved two crab claws, one large and one small, and swiped, and the scene was chaotic for a time!

Whoosh whoosh! ! Arthur knew that the slender but slender crab claws were the most dangerous beings, so he shot it with a throwing knife first. In the chaos, the big crab didn’t notice Arthur’s flying knife at all, so the flying knife accurately hit the joints of the slender crab claws again, jamming its upper and lower joints! Its swing began to slow, and in the chaos, it swept uncontrollably to the other side, just below the other giant crab claws of the Red Death!

Seeing that the time was ripe, Arthur dashed forward while throwing out the knife in his hand. His flying knife just hit the base joint of the other sturdy crab claw of the Red Death Monster, causing its movement to be delayed for a moment. At this time, Arthur also happened to rush to the same position on the side of the big crab, a high leap, from top to bottom, raising the Seraph holy sword is a split!

Boom! The bladeless holy sword body hit the giant claw joint of the big crab, and at the same time moved the [Spellbreaker]. The blade has a certain weight, and hitting it on the giant pincers itself brings an impact. But what really caused the strong impact was the photon explosion effect of the magic breaker. This explosion directly acted on the thick and heavy giant pincers, like a heavy hammer on the arm of the crab!

With such a heavy attack, and the joints themselves are restricted, the Red Death Monster’s sturdy arms can’t resist the powerful force of the explosion.

The thick crab claws just hit the other slender crab claws of the crab, smashing the crab claws directly! Although the power of the red death monster is powerful, and the crab shell on its body is extremely hard, it only needs to use its own power reasonably to destroy itself, and it can easily abolish its most proud weapon!

The Red Dead’s slender arm is broken is no longer usable. And its other thick crab claws were also smashed from top to bottom at a very high speed, and there were also cracks at the bottom!

“It’s now!” Arthur yelled while doing a backflip from the crab claws to the ground.

Goff seems to be able to understand Arthur’s intentions. He has also prepared a huge steel bow and steel arrow. The extra-large arrow has been shot off the string and bombarded the shattered shell of the Red Death Monster Crab Claw in one fell swoop! The extra-large steel arrow drilled deep into the monster’s arm, and then penetrated out, destroying it from the inside out! With a loud bang, the thick crab claws of the Red Death Monster had broken in half from the middle!

The other two crusaders also rushed up with their guns, intending to make a final blow to the red death monster with both arms crippled: “Then just need to clean up… eh?!”

Before Peyton finished speaking, the people present suddenly felt a burst of weightlessness.

With a burst of red light radiating in all directions, everything on the entire island began to float!

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