Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1883: Iron Maiden (1)

Chapter 1883 Iron Maiden (1)

Hazy, spreading in front of Bedivere’s eyes, boundless.

“Can you really go back to that different world nine hundred years later?” In his ignorance, Bedivere heard a light ball-like thing asking not far away, he knew that it was King Arthur .

“[The connection of fate (Kama)] is absolute. As long as the [connection] is established, the slight deviation in time and space will be automatically corrected.” Merlin’s voice replied, from another not far away Ball of Light, “Although there may be a year or two of error when you go [over there] again, you will eventually find Queen Greenville. I can guarantee that 100%.”

“Okay.” The knight king’s voice replied.

“If you’re ready, come out.” Another wonderful crack of light opened from the gap in this time and space.

“Huh?” Before Bedivere could say anything, his consciousness had disappeared on the other side of the light.

When the white light flashed by, when Arthur opened his eyes again, he seemed to be trapped in the stone, and his whole body was stiff.

He almost thought he was trapped in something like cement, couldn’t even breathe, and died of lack of oxygen. However, things weren’t that bad. He moved his lungs slightly, and the stones stuck in his body, especially his chest cavity, began to crack, allowing his lungs to move.

Clap. The layer of stone that trapped Arthur was neither hard nor thick, it was just an attachment that could be removed completely.

Arthur tries to move his body.

Clap la la la la la! The outer layer of that wondrous stone loosened and began to crack, falling off him like a snake peeling its skin.

“Ahhhhh!” Arthur’s eyes hadn’t adapted to the surrounding environment, and he took a deep breath as he burst out of the haze!

He immediately heard dozens of voices exclaiming:

“The Apostle has appeared!”

“Sir Gabriel!”

“Saint in the Stone!”

The voices of old, young, calm, and foreign land sounded almost at the same time, mixed together. Arthur could at least identify the number of these callers, no less than ten.

Arthur was bewildered by the cries of these people. While dizzy, he also felt weak all over. His body seemed to have become rigid during a long period of hibernation. Even if he broke out of a rock, it was still very rigid. He then squatted and staggered down from the high stone pedestal, murmuring, “I…where am I?”

“All step back, step back! Give the sage a little room to breathe!” In the haze, Arthur seemed to see a tall figure driving away the worshiping onlookers, and then gathered Go to Arthur and ask in a questioning tone: “Lord Aslan?”

“Hmm…?” Arthur hummed in a low voice, only then did he remember his pseudonym in this world, and put everything on the line.

“What the hell…is this place?” Arthur asked after a while. At this time, he has basically recovered his vision and can see the surrounding environment clearly. This wonderful place should be the meeting place of some kind of sect or organization. Judging from the behavior of those strange people worshipping Arthur just now, it is more likely that this place is the meeting place of the sect.

“This is the base of the French branch of the Melson Brotherhood, a secret meeting place. This is the [All Faith Church] in the base.” But the wonderful man immediately answered King Arthur’s, and his The answer was quite different from what the King of Knights had guessed: “Lord Aslan, do you remember what happened after the battle with the true ancestor of the vampire ten years ago?”

This sentence evokes Arthur’s seemingly endless memories — but in reality it was only “the day before yesterday”.

In the last ‘Time Travel’, Arthur’s final day in this otherworldly world, Arthur joins Bedivere and the Myers Brotherhood vampire hunter Zuster to fight a kidnapped man Joan of Arc (actually seems to be Greenville) vampire. In the end, Arthur relied on the sword in his hand [Seraph’s Sword], and finally won by a slight advantage, but was attacked by the dying True Ancestor and almost lost his life.

At that last moment, Joan of Arc seemed to perform some kind of miracle to save the badly injured Arthur. Before Arthur returns from this other world to the world that belongs to him, a mysterious old man who calls himself [J] meets Arthur and reveals some of the world’s secrets.

“Hmm.” Arthur was still confused. In fact he doesn’t know anything about what happened after seeing [J], he doesn’t even know where his body was teleported to.

He seems to have just abandoned the “**” he borrowed in this world, interrupting time travel. His spirit body directly returned to the world that belonged to him nine hundred years ago, and returned to King Arthur’s own body.

So, is the body of the boy who has recovered from the stone really the body of the boy that Arthur borrowed in this different world?

“You seem to be a little confused, so let me explain.” The wonderful man in the black robe continued: “Lord Aslan, after you defeated the true ancestor ten years ago, you were killed by The near-dead True Ancestor attacked and was seriously wounded, but the Holy Maiden performed a miracle and brought you back to life. At that time, my father saw a holy light that fell from the sky to pick you up, But that process only lasted for a few minutes. After a few minutes, you fell from the sky again with all the wounds on your body healed, and after you landed, you almost turned into the stone statue just now. It was your father who brought you back, who turned into a stone statue. from the Brotherhood’s secret meeting place.”

“You said [father] just now?” Arthur couldn’t help asking, “Are you… Uncle Zuster’s son?”

“Exactly. I’m Johnny Zuster. It’s a great honor to meet you, Lord Aslan.” The wonderful black-robed man took off his hood, revealing his handsome and slightly rough face. face. That face was really a bit similar to the vampire hunter Zuster in Arthur’s memory, but it was just a few years younger than Uncle Zuster in Arthur’s memory.

“Has ten years passed…” Arthur sighed. Merlin also said that even if the connection to this other world can be re-established and time travel can be resumed, the time and place of arrival may not be precisely controlled. It’s just that Merlin only said that there would be a deviation of one or two years, but in reality, the deviation is as long as ten years.

What did Joan of Arc do in those ten years? Is she okay? Arthur couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

No, the most worrying thing right now is——

“I have to find Brady first,” said the Knight King.

“Bedy? Who is Beedy?” Johnny Zuster obviously didn’t know much about the situation at the time, and was a little confused by Arthur’s sudden words.

“The wolf that was with me, and with your father, against the vampires.” Arthur then explained further, “that wolf is… uh, my friend. I must quickly Join him.”

“Wolf…?” Johnny looked at Arthur with a surprised look on his face: “Few people have such a deep bond with beasts. Lord Aslan, you are really special.”

“Stop talking nonsense. Where did that wolf go?” Arthur asked anxiously.

He knows very well that in this world, he is just a weak and powerless teenager. Even if he has the magic weapon [Seraph Sword] in his hand, acting alone in this malicious world is still full of dangers . Joining Bedivere as soon as possible will allow him to explore this different world more safely and freely.

…in order to find Joan of Arc, known as the “Saint”.

“I don’t know what you’re asking.” I saw Johnny’s face blank: “My father only explained the general situation to me, but he didn’t give me the details. I am afraid that only my father knows the whereabouts of the wolf. I know.”

“Then take me to meet your father!” Arthur said.

“My father is very old and has retired from the vampire hunter business.” Johnny replied with confusion: “He is now living in seclusion in Sweden, and it’s a long way to get there.”

“Retire? Fifty years old…?”

“Actually my father is forty-six years old and under fifty.” Johnny Zuster said: “But yes, he is indeed retired.”

Arthur just remembered that in this world with an extremely low level of photon civilization, the medical level is far behind that of the world where King Arthur originally lived.

Although it is a “different world nine hundred years later”, the level of civilization differs by thousands of years.

The world’s poor health care means that people age and decline faster.

Because the medical level is high enough, in Arthur’s world, there are many knights who are still as strong as cattle in their seventies and eighties, and all of them are not old and have considerable fighting power;

But in this different world 900 years Even a sturdy guy like Uncle Zust can’t stand the ravages of time, and he will retire and live in seclusion in his forties.

Oops. The level of civilization in this world is so backward, does it mean that the level of transportation and communication here is also extremely backward? Arthur lived for about a month in a French town in a different world 900 years later. If his guess is correct, the most advanced means of transportation in this world is nothing but a carriage, and the fastest means of communication is just a carrier pigeon. Even if the fastest carrier pigeon is used to send a letter to Uncle Zuster, it is estimated that it will take more than a week to get a reply from there!

It takes too much time to send a letter and then wait for a reply. It might be better to let Merlin look for it directly. Using the detective ability of Familiar Harry, he should be able to find Bedivere in a few days.

Arthur then took another look around.

Of course, Merlin’s familiars couldn’t have appeared in the Myerson Brotherhood’s base for no apparent reason. Arthur had to go to an open place outside, or even find a place where there was no other person and a safe place to talk, in order to get in touch with Merlin.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the internal situation of this [Melson Brotherhood] and take it one step at a time.

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