Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1839: The Sun Wheel (43)

Chapter 19 of the sun wheel forty-three

Seglade had been soaked in some kind of magical lake before, and rejuvenated into a teenager.

But now he seems to have recovered from his transformation, and his appearance is not much different from his original appearance. However, in order to follow Palamidis, this kid had dyed his own hair and dyed it black. After more than a day, the black dye on his body has not completely worn off, so Seglade’s current hair is a blue undertone with dye-contaminated color. The blue and black mix together to make this slightly dirty gray-blue.

Where did you go? Zephyr was looking for you just now, he can’t get into his room without the key card. Palamidis grumbled, and glanced at Seglade’s beating in his hands. That big bag of weird stuff seems to be flour…or some other powdery stuff?

I just went out to buy some fertilizer meow. Seglade replied.

What do you buy fertilizer for? Palamidis couldn’t understand it.

Nya for planting pine trees, of course. Being questioned by his father all the time, Seglade was a little uncomfortable, after all, he was standing with such a heavy generation of fertilizer: Dad, are you here to interrogate me, meow? If you really want to ask, can you move to my room and say meow? This is so heavy.

Uh, sure. Palamidis felt a little embarrassed: Besides, Zephyr was sleeping in my room, he forgot his key card, and you weren’t there, he couldn’t get into his room, so he ran to me to take refuge. You go back to him and leave the key card for him.

Ok meow. Seglade walked out of the elevator a little reluctantly and walked towards his hotel room: Fortunately, Dad, you didn’t have a date today, otherwise, my brother would have to be closed again meow.

Palamidis grunted and didn’t answer.

But I won’t tell Aunt Vivian about this, so don’t worry meow. Seglade added another sentence, as if he really caught his father’s cheating.

Palamidis didn’t want to talk about it any more, lest it get worse, and had to be silent and sullen.

After returning to his room, Seglade couldn’t wait to drop the big bag of fertilizer he was carrying on the ground. Palamidis looked at his son’s rude behavior, and was a little worried. The bag will break from this loss, and the fertilizer will be scattered all over the ground.

So…you shut your brother out just to go out and buy fertilizer? The leopard warrior asked in a slightly reproachful tone: What is this ghost used for? Shouldn’t it be used for potted plants?

For planting trees, this is a special magic ripening fertilizer bought from the black market in Cairo, or a good thing imported from the Turkic elephant people. Saying smugly, Seglade cut a small slit in the bag containing the fertilizer with a knife, and poured out that wonderful dark green powder from it. That thing was actually gray, but it glowed light green in the dark. What exactly it was made of, Palamidis didn’t want to ask.

Plant a tree? The big cat tilted its head and asked: What kind of tree? Why did you suddenly think of planting a tree?

The magic pine tree is planted, and its resin is one of the basic raw materials of the magic rosin we usually use. Says Seglade, put the dark green manure powder into a dish that he has prepared, and mix it with ordinary soil: if it’s just rosin, I can still buy it in large quantities from Father Odin, but Still have a question

A small lizard crawled out from near Seglade’s neck. It seemed that he had slept on the hood of the hooded sweater of the leopard young man. At this time, he crawled out lazily to meet people. . Although this little thing looks cute, it seems to be sick and listless.

Silver needs that pine tree as a nest. Seglade reached out and played with his pet little lizard, while using a bottle to collect the precious tears that the pseudo-dragon yawned: The magic pine forest has always been the habitat of the pseudo-dragons for a long time. When he was brought out of the woods, he felt uncomfortable and had no energy all the time.

Then send him back to his hometown. Palamidis said.

Dad… The various magic pine resins we use are all made from rosin mixed with body fluids of flashing silver. After sending him back, there will be no free magic pine resins to use meow. Moreover, Shinyin chose me as his master, I am afraid it is impossible to send it back so easily.


On top of that, getting in and out of that pine forest on the Norway side is no easy task meow. I have already been targeted by the Jotun giant in that lake, and if I go there rashly, I will only be chased and killed by the Jotun giant.

Is there such a thing? Palamidis was a little confused: but it’s not the way to plant a tree in a hurry to keep a little lizard. Not to mention how you found a place to plant trees in a foreign country like Egypt. Assuming that you can really rent a site, it will take decades for a pine tree to grow from a sapling to a fully grown tree, right? Are you sure your pet lizard can really wait until then?

No, Dad, you said it the other way around, meow. Don’t worry too much about the maturity of the pine tree. The magic pine tree is not only available in Norway. I can go to the black market to find a seller to order it, and then have them deliver the whole magic pine tree, which is directly transplanted with soil and roots. Meow. I have already bought this kind of super fertilizer, if it has this, the survival rate of transplanting is very high.

It’s more worrying about finding a venue, meow. I heard Mr. Bedivere say that they had found a place called the City of the Dead, but it was actually an underground supply station used by the ancient gods to plant trees meow. I’m going to discuss with Mr. Bedivere to see if I can go to that supply station again and find a space to plant a magic pine tree there, nya.

Even if the city of the dead can be found and the pine trees can be planted… Palamidis frowned again: That place must be hidden somewhere in the Saharan sand sea? I guess it’s far from Cairo, right? Is it really okay for you to leave your little pet lizard in that kind of place?

I’ve considered this too, don’t worry meow. Seglade replied confidently as if he knew someone would ask this question. He took out two extremely small scales from his arms, which were smaller than fish scales, and the silver color looked like the scales on the little lizard called Flash Silver. It is estimated that these two scales were taken from Shinyin.

Like most dragons, Silver can teleport back and forth between two marked locations. Seglade shoved a tiny scale into his father’s hand: take meow first. Flash silver?

Aw! The little lizard seemed to really understand Seglade’s words, and when the leopard youth called out, he opened a portal beside him, a portal as small as a fist, only enough for a pseudo-dragon to enter and exit. Then the little thing jumped in. At the same time, another portal opened in the palm of Palamides, and the little lizard with wings sprang from the portal and jumped onto the palm of the big cat with a curious and amusing expression. looked at Palamidis.

See? It’s exactly the same as the teleportation of dragons, no? Seglade said: In this way, no matter how far away, Flash Silver can be teleported back to me at any time, meow.

Since he can do it… Palamedis returned the little lizard to the Leopard youth and scratched his head, so why not let him live in the place where he lived Set up a teleportation point in the pine forest, let him live there at ordinary times, and come back to you when necessary?

Seglade straightens his face: This can’t be handled like that, nya.

Paramedis seems to have guessed his son’s mind. To put it bluntly, Seglade just doesn’t want to spend money on pine resin from Father Odin. He wants to have his own pine forest, so that he can get it by himself, whether it’s the pine resin or the bodily fluids of the pseudo-dragon. From now on, all kinds of magic turpentine can be produced by themselves, and there is no need to rely on others.

It’s a good idea, but it always feels like something is wrong. For the most basic point, it would be a very pitiful thing to leave that little pseudo-dragon alone in a secret, deserted pine forest.

But Seglade is an adult, and Palamidis feels he shouldn’t ask too much about his son’s decision. Let the kid decide what to do. Maybe there is a more perfect solution to things?

So you’re going to find Bedivere, right? Palamidis then said: I am also going to go to Bedivere… to discuss some things. Doesn’t he have his own boat? Shall we go together?

Yes, meow. Mixing the rest of the fertilizer well with the soil in a certain dish may actually be far more fertilizer than soil, Seglade said. Then maybe there will be some kind of fermentation process after these magical fertilizers and soil are mixed. Seglade packed the soil mixed with fertilizers in a container and stuffed them all into special storage pockets for storage. After everything was done, the leopard youth got up from the ground and patted his dirty hands: Okay, let’s go, meow.

It’s dirty, you at least wash your hands. Palamidis said with a long face.

This can’t wash meow. The chemical fertilizer with magic power is very pure, and if you touch it, it will easily react with water and burn. I need to, um, wait a while, let the micro-fertilizer powder stick to my hands auto-oxidize, and then wash my hands, that’s safe meow.

Is that an exaggeration? The big cat couldn’t help but snorted.

The products of the Turkic elephant people are so exaggerated. Seglade replied.

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