Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1836: The Sun Wheel (40)

Chapter 16: The Sun Wheel Forty

Bediver, who had just avoided the knife circle, should have had a chance to catch his breath. But in fact it is not. Less than five feet in front of him, fire-breathing devices suddenly appeared on the wall and the ground. Those devices spewed out raging fire, forming a wall of fire, and pressing towards the werewolf youth at a height! And even though the knife wheel formation had just been lifted, there would still be that pressure-sensitive spike trap under Bedivere’s feet that was forcing the werewolf youth to move forward. The moment he landed, he had to roll forward, dodging the initial wave of spikes first!

And then he was three feet away from the wall of fire!

Bedivere immediately took a left swipe, avoiding the two walls of fire in front of him! A little earlier, two horizontal walls of fire swept towards the werewolf youth, and Bedivere had no choice but to roll over and slip under the front wall of fire at the end of the slide! But it seemed that the explorers would use such an action to dodge, and there was another wall of fire swept across less than half a yard in front of Bedivere. It was fast and hastily, like a tripping horse!

Bedivere’s tumbling action hasn’t been completed yet, so of course there’s no way to simply jump up and dodge! But his left arm was able to move, so he drove the tungsten tortoise tongue whip that had been rolled up on his arm and ejected it toward the ground!

The whip curled up like a spring and tucked into Bedivere’s arm, the sudden ejection of the whip was originally a powerful piercing attack. But in addition to being used as an attack, it can also bring a powerful counter-force to Bedivere, making it easy for Bedivere to evade attacks!

Being directly pushed up into the air by this spring-like elasticity, the werewolf youth immediately rotated his entire body in order to maintain his balance. As he turned somersaults, he did not forget to drive his tungsten tortoise-tongued whip so that the whip also stretched Now, follow the trend of the tug-of-war! It made sense for him to do this because the ground in front of him wasn’t all that safe, except for a knee-high wall of fire that rose straight from the ground, where there was a huge void, with dark green and smoking smoke flowing through it. Venom or Acid! The ground was originally closed, and it was obviously predicted that Bedivere was about to arrive and land there, and it suddenly opened to the yin!

If it falls at this rate, Bedivere will definitely fall into the liquid whose color looks obviously bad. I am afraid that it will be corroded by strong acid immediately and only a pile of bones will remain! But the tungsten tortoise-tongued whip that the werewolf youth threw out while doing somersaults just now played a life-saving role. The whip touched the ceiling in an instant, and the steel claws turned into the lunar steel dagger at the end of the whip slammed it hard. Live smallpox! After the werewolf youth flipped, he immediately swung forward with the momentum of the whip, changing his original position by 6 points!

Fuck! There was a terrifying abnormal noise behind Bedivere, and it was from the pool of acid. The werewolf youth couldn’t help but be startled. He just thought that his tail had not been tucked away properly and had come across the acid. But when he turned his head and looked at it, he immediately realized that this was not the case. It was just that some of the wolf hairs on his body were shaken off by his large movements just now, but a few wolf hairs fell into the highly acidic pool. It steamed in an instant, making the terrifying sound just now!

Bediver was in shock, but the floor in front of him collapsed at the same time, revealing an equally deadly pool of acid underneath! The entire area became unwalkable, and the walls on both sides turned into deadly spikes, leaving only a few platforms that suddenly emerged from the acid pool. Will jumps through the platform to break through this terrifying acid pool! But those platforms are not easy to pass through. They are very far away from each other, and they do not appear all the time. It should be said that there are about a dozen such platforms that are constantly rising and falling on a stretch of more than 20 yards in front of Bedivere. , the degree of change is extremely fast, and there is no law to follow, it is completely random!

The werewolf youth at this time couldn’t help hating why he didn’t have two tungsten turtle tongue whips. If he really had it, he could use the wall-grabbing ability of the two whips to grab the ceiling in turn, so that he could swing through this dangerous acid pool effortlessly!

But there is no way he can do this, the whip can only save him once, Bedivere still needs to use his strength to cross this dangerous pool. He took a deep breath, saw the dynamics of the platforms in front of him, and instantly photographed the mechanism on the bracelet on his right hand!

Again, the time potion is injected into his veins. When the potion took effect, the time of the whole world seemed to freeze in front of Bedivere! His body became cumbersome and difficult to move. He seemed to be in a highly viscous jelly, but his mind was spinning. Before he started to act, he had already guessed how to act in the next dozens of steps. !

Whoosh! He jumped to the first platform, and at the same time threw out the whip in his hand!

As soon as his feet touched the platform, he immediately took advantage of his strength and jumped towards the other platform on the opposite side that just exposed the surface of the acid pool!

While he landed firmly on another platform, his tungsten tortoise-tongued whip also flew to another platform in front of him, and his open steel claws gripped the edge of the platform!

And Bedivere took advantage of the situation to jump out again, using the traction and resilience of the whip in mid-air to pull himself far away!

In the extreme distance, another platform just emerged from the surface of the pool, giving Bedivere a foothold after flying a great distance!

The werewolf youth had just settled down, and the tungsten turtle tongue whip in his hand was thrown out again, and this time it was aimed at the ceiling!

The moment he jumped up, the whip also firmly grasped the ceiling, and the werewolf youth flew along with the trend. He had already crossed most of the acid pool!

However, since this place is a trap for insidious people, accidents will always happen! Just as Bedivere fell to another platform, the spiked walls on both sides of the platform exploded! Hundreds of spikes flew out from all angles, like a torrential rain of needles, attacking Bedivere from every direction without a dead end! !

But the werewolf youth retracted the whip before he landed, and he sensed the movement on the wall before he landed, so he first opened the static protection ring around his body!

Furthermore, this time he was still using the time potion, the potency of the potion has not yet completely passed, Bedivere can see the surrounding environment clearly in a world where time is almost stagnant!

He does not rely on the automatic counter-attack mechanism of the static protection ring, but directly controls the twisting of the whip itself. The whip twists into an amazing shape in the first moment, and the first wave of spikes that are about to hit Bedivere is full. Bounce! The whip itself is long enough, and some slight twisting and fine-tuning of the whip body has little effect on the range protected by the protective ring, but instead it expands the area that can be protected in disguise!

And that’s just a matter of an instant! Bedivere’s tungsten tortoise-tongued whip blocked at least hundreds of spikes from both sides in that instant!

The whip changed shape again in the next instant, and with extremely fine, but extremely fast and precise fine-tuning, bounced off the second torrential rain of spikes again!

If the extremely short period of time is calculated in layers, the spiky rainstorm caused by the wall explosion is actually only three or four waves, and the whip is twisted at a speed similar to lightning, sending every The wave’s attacks all bounced off! The countless afterimages that the whip had caused due to its high twist had all overlapped in less than half a second, turning into something like a protective shield! In the eyes of others, it was actually a semi-closed sphere, and it was that sphere of unknown origin that protected Bedivere from being injured by the explosion!

Wow! Big Lawrence, who watched all this from a distance, couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Watch the top of your head! But the other Lawrence, the younger brother of Lawrence the Great, Eric the counselor, was not frightened by Bedivere’s amazing performance just now. Falling Crisis!

Bediver’s static protection ring, combined with the time potion, is actually close to absolute protection with no flaws, no matter how intensive the attacks are from all directions. But it still has dead ends for protection, and there are still two, one at Bedivere’s feet and the other above his head! While Bedivere was busy using the protective ring to resist the thorny rainstorm, the ceiling was not idle, the mechanism was opened, and the sharp spear stabbed at Bedivere’s head! The werewolf youth had just used the electrostatic protection ring to defend against the surrounding attacks. Apart from an acid pool, there was only a platform just enough for him to stand on his feet, and the platform was unstable! The attack that fell from the top of his head was extremely insidious. According to common sense, he could never dodge such an attack, and he would definitely be pierced through the forehead by the sharp blade of the spear!

Boom! ! However, the floating shield controlled by Eric that was not far behind also caught up with the werewolf youth at this time! They just acted as shields, preventing the werewolf youth from the spear attack that should have shot him in the head!

Bedivere breathed a sigh of relief, but knew that this was not the way to go, because the platform where he stood, the platform that occasionally emerged from the acid pool, was not stable, and it was going to sink again at this moment. Go to the bottom of the pool and get drowned in deadly acid with Bedivere!

Cover me! ! The werewolf youth shouted.

Eric seemed to instantly understand Bedivere’s intentions. The remaining floating shields had been scattered, and in front of Bedivere, they had become several platforms that could be stepped on for the werewolf youth to settle! Bedivere jumped out without a second thought. One or four, stepping on those floating shields in succession, he continued to jump forward, and he passed this sinister acid pool trap with a few jumps!

Bediver has reached the end of the corridor, apparently through a corridor full of deadly traps!

But there was a black hole in front of him that suddenly opened, and the unsuspecting werewolf youth was sucked in in an instant!

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