Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1806: The Sun Wheel (12)

Chapter 18o6 Shining in the Sun Twelve

From the very beginning of using the static protection ring of the tungsten turtle tongue whip, the werewolf youth had such doubts in his heart.

The whip seemed to suddenly have life, and the defensive counterattacks became more and more agile, and even took the initiative to attack, attacking the enemy from a dead angle that Bedivere could not have predicted, and remedying the loopholes in the werewolf youth’s defense.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing is impossible. The whip is just a dead object. No matter how strong the resilience of the electrostatic protection ring is, it can only be defensive at most.

But the fact is in front of me, in a series of attacks, the whip is indeed consciously protecting the werewolf youth Bedivere.

Now, when the golden light from the tungsten tortoise’s tongue whip is getting brighter and brighter, illuminating the surroundings, Bedivere finally understands the reason for this strange thing.

It’s abyssal flying fish.

The innocuous little creature they’ve encountered since the werewolf youth jumped down the Red Sea Trench is now flying frantically around Bedivere’s tungsten tongue whip.

As if a moth to a flame. To describe it more aptly, it seems that butterflies are attracted by the fragrance of flowers and come together. Some of the abyss flying fish even cling to Bedivere’s whip, almost merging with the whip.

Bedivere saw this strange thing for the first time in his life.

Then the werewolf youth suddenly remembered what King Arthur said before. The structure of the abyss flying fish is actually very similar to the noctilucent insect, and most of the body is photons. The photon content in these harmless little creatures is so high that it even affected Ivan’s judgment before, making the young half-dragon almost unaware of their existence. If the whip in Bedivere’s hand didn’t have this level of golden light to illuminate everything, it is estimated that Bedivere wouldn’t be able to find these abyss flying fish gathered around the whip, right?

And these little guys seem to be specially here to save Bedivere. They bring some kind of strengthening effect to the tungsten turtle tongue whip, not only to enhance the movement of the whip in this deep sea, but even for the whip. It brings mysterious self-discipline, so the whip can automatically counterattack the enemy like before, and even take the initiative to kill the approaching enemy!

Actually this is also an enchantment, a very special enchantment. Similar spells, where did Bedivere seem to have heard of it?

Weapon Resonance. Memories suddenly flooded into the werewolf youth’s mind.

In his memory, in the snowy mountains, in a flower field without snow, but mysteriously with the breath of the sky, his wife Lian Yin once said this to Bedivere.

The magic of the atmosphere will occasionally attach itself to your weapon. In fact, it has gone beyond the category of magic and belongs to a kind of gift from nature. Only under very special circumstances, people who are favored by a special force in nature can use weapons to resonate.

I still don’t understand…? At that time, Bedivere stared at the long sword in his hand, and what fell in front of him was an extremely violent beast infected by Anzi. Without this long sword, which suddenly had extra power, Bedivere would not have been able to defeat the formidable enemy in front of him. The werewolf youth was planning to attribute all this to his good luck.

And his long sword is surrounded by countless noctilucent insects. These fireflies are flying around the long sword like bees are attracted by flowers, and they have continued this seemingly impossible behavior during the battle. They didn’t begin to disperse until Bedivere killed the enemy.

Bedevier still can’t figure it out. Why did it become like this?

Seeing her stupid husband who doesn’t know anything about magic, Lian Yin can’t help but sigh angrily and hilariously.

Because you are fighting against darkness, something incompatible with nature. Lian Yin tried to re-describe it in a simpler and easier-to-understand language: Therefore, the world will occasionally lend you extra power, so that you, who are immature, have a chance to win.

The werewolf youth blinked incredulously. On that day, the Bedivevilles discovered a Basak village, a mysterious village consisting of less than 100 canine people.

What these little abyss flying fish do now is exactly the same as what the group of noctilucent worms did back then. They’re enchanting Bedivere’s Tungsten Tongue Whip and casting Weapon Resonance.

Light breeds darkness, and darkness breeds light. The deeper the darkness, the more dazzling the dazzling rays of light.

Bedivere wraps the tungsten tongue whip around his left arm, charging up. With potential energy accumulating like a spring, and countless photons gathering together, the coiled tungsten tortoise tongue whip on Bedivere’s arm has long been transformed into a weapon with amazing lethality.

At the same time, thousands of abyss sea snakes also attacked together, and their momentum is overwhelming. They are squirming in an endless darkness, something darker than darkness.

In front of Bedivere’s eyes, it’s actually just a bunch of frantically twisting walls with countless red dots of light.

It is pointless to kill the army of Abyssal Sea Serpents one by one. What Bedivere wants to do is to break down this desperate dark wall in one fell swoop.

Ha ah ah ah, the werewolf youth took a deep breath and put on a punching posture. He has no way of knowing what will happen with this punch, he just relies on intuition and thinks that he should punch this punch.

Wait a minute.

Darkness descends, only five yards from Bedivere.

No, wait a minute.

Darkness came, suffocating densely, only three yards from Bedivere.

Bediver clenched his fists. Have to wait.

Darkness posted, just a yard in front of Bedivere!

Pounds! ! Heavy punches, rubbing against the sea water, the sound is thick and deep. The sticky water flow on the bottom of the sea couldn’t stop this punch, because it was a heavy punch that Bedivere gathered all his strength, and it was unstoppable!

The tungsten tongue whip with dazzling golden light is shot vertically along with Bedivere’s fist, like a spring being cast, like a bomb being detonated. It instantly turned into a straight golden spear, stabbing towards the center of the enemy formation and towards the surging black wall of despair.

Clap! Bedivere seemed to be close to the sound of the wall shattering, even though it was probably just his hallucinations.

But everything that happens next is definitely not an illusion!

A strong current of water rolls up along with the punch! A vortex surged out from the seabed, and the high-pressure water flow shattered the black wall formed by the army of abyss sea snakes in front of Bedivere, and sucked all the twisting black disgusting things into the vortex! And in the vortex, the more high-pressure water blade waits for these monsters, mercilessly cutting them into pieces!

Appearing in front of Bedivere is a meat grinder with a golden light and high-pressure water!

Countless darkness is involved. No matter how powerful the abyss sea snake swims, it cannot resist the power of this vortex. They struggle desperately, but they are always swallowed up by deeper despair, dragged into the abyss of death, and cut into fine pieces by the blade of high-pressure water! The greater the number of sea snakes, the greater their casualties, because this blow ignores the number of enemies and is designed to destroy weak enemies!

Dozens, hundreds, thousands. How many abyss sea snakes were dragged into the vortex and smashed, Bedivere was too lazy to count after a few seconds. And this vortex is still expanding, and it has the ability to continue to kill the enemy before its power completely disappears!

Originally, if Bedivere used such a heavy move in the deep sea, his own arm would also be severely injured, and his arm would be dragged in by the same powerful vortex and smashed! But the heavy armor on Bedivere saved him. The powerful protective power of the turbid armor and the heavy enough weight allowed the werewolf youth to remain unaffected by the violent currents and continue to stand!

Ten seconds passed. The power of the vortex continues to expand, and its power gradually weakens with the expansion of the body, and eventually becomes a water flow with little lethality and escapes. The dead abyss sea snakes are estimated to be tens of thousands, and this deep sea cave has become more messy, with the corpses of sea snakes floating everywhere, and the scene of blood and flesh flying into a misty ocean current with blue-green bioluminescence, accompanied by It spread with the vortex that escaped just now, making the dark cave a little brighter.

In this increasingly bright abyss cave, Bedivere saw the last and largest shadow.

Oh. certainly.

This is the last enemy of Bedivere’s journey, the boss of the abyss sea snakes, and the guy who has been hiding behind his subordinates like a coward since just now, daring not to attack. Just because it is cautious, and because its weight is huge enough, it is not involved in the death vortex just now, and it is still alive when all its subordinates are dead.

Bediver can’t help but sneer, and despite this defiant sneer, the other side can’t see Now it’s just you and me. Don’t hide like a coward, come and fight me to the death. The werewolf youth said. Despite these provocative words, the other party is unlikely to hear.

Hey! ! The monster’s angry scream was heard by Bedivere, and he heard the vibrations passing through the sea very clearly.

The monster lost his mind and rushed over to bite the werewolf youth like a madman.

At the same time, the tungsten tongue whip in Bedivere’s hand also radiated an unprecedented light, which had illuminated everything around him like the sun. Before the werewolf youth could take action, the golden tungsten tortoise tongue whip flew out and stabbed into the huge **** mouth of the abyss giant sea snake that Gao Fei collided with!

The sharp vertebrae of the whip penetrated into the monster’s throat, seemingly causing some damage to the monster’s cervical vertebrae. But the monster’s coming is very ferocious, and it can’t be stopped by a single attack of the tungsten tortoise’s tongue whip.

However, Bedivere doesn’t need to do anything more, he just needs to hold on and win the battle.

Because the fish has been caught.

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