Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1758: The Hunt for the Shadow (54)

Chapter 1758 The Hunt for the Shadow Fifty-Four

The time is about 10,000 years ago. Some isolated island.

Brother, I’m hungry. shouted a young dragon. Sunlight poured down from the crevices in the stone at the top of the dragon’s lair and fell on the young dragon, the size of a bison. And the dragon scales on this young dragon’s body, which are crystal-transparent and slightly covered with cold hoarfrost, refracted that ray of sunlight countless times, turning it into millions of seven-colored brilliance.

How long has it been since breakfast? It’s so easy for you boy to be hungry. The one who responded to that hoarfrost young dragon was another young dragon. Unlike his younger brother, this young dragon is covered in red scales. The ruby-like scales will not reflect sunlight into colorful, but will convert ordinary visible light into fiery red light, allowing them to spread in this cave.

Completely different from his hoarfrost brother in appearance and species, this young dragon with fiery red dragon scales is a red fiery dragon.

The most basic of the fire dragon species, the red fire dragon is so common that it is even looked down upon by other fire dragons. As far as the current life is concerned, this little red fire dragon young dragon may not have an inferiority complex, but it is only a matter of time. As he grows up, he will definitely know more and more clearly about his life experience in the future, and curse himself more and more.

The easiest breakfast to get your hands on is fish. In order to save trouble, and to help his hungry younger brother get food as soon as possible, the Red Fire Dragon Young Dragon of course went to the river to find fish to eat according to this old routine. However, the red fire dragon and the young dragon never imagined that this isolated island had visitors today.

Paza! The red fire dragon’s claws hit the water at once, and the waves raised half a foot high, and the fish in the water flew into the air along with the waves. The young dragon laughed and swiped with his tail a few times. The fish were hit with precision by the dragon’s tail and flew to the shore, landing on the hard rock surface, fainting before they had time to struggle.

Great harvest, great harvest! The young red fire dragon wagged its tail and hummed, quite happy.

He was about to take the fish back to make breakfast for his brother when a huge shadow suddenly appeared out of the jungle.

Are you a red fire dragon evil star? It was a full-grown dragon, or at least in the eyes of a young dragon, as it seemed. The dark gray rock-like dragon scales looked very strange, and the lava-like fire from them made the red fire dragon young even more disturbed.

Yes, yes Who are you? What do you have to do with me? The young red fire dragon looked at the adult giant dragon several heads taller than himself, and asked timidly.

I am your cousin Alduin. The rock black dragon replied without emotion: I came to visit you this time because I heard a rumor and was a little worried.

The young red fire dragon did not respond, but responded with a silence full of unease.

That rumor is definitely unavoidable, and it is estimated that many dragons in the dragon world have heard of it. And the rumors are true.

That rumor is the rumor that the Dragon Emperor Titans ran away and the Dragon Queen Ayaris disappeared.

The rumor is true, which means that there are no other dragons living on this island except the Red Fire Dragon Shaxing and his younger brother Baishuang Long Xianvia. Via has been abandoned by her parents.

Red Fire Dragon Young Dragon has always been reluctant to believe this kind of thing, and kept telling himself that it was just a coincidence, his parents just went out to work and didn’t return, and one day they would come back to find him and his younger brother. However, year after year has passed, and the fact is that neither Dragon Emperor Titans nor Dragon Queen Ayaris have ever returned to this isolated island for half a time, leaving only Shaxing and his younger brother Xianvia to depend on each other.

It is not so uncommon for dragons to abandon their young children and run away. However, it is also unusual for the Dragon Emperor and the Dragon Queen to abandon two such young children and run away. For many years, the young Red Fire Dragon subconsciously didn’t think much about this matter, but his younger brother kept asking about the reason, which had already made Red Fire Dragon very distressed.

Now, another spoiler has appeared, and he also calls himself Shaxing’s cousin.

The crimson dragon juvenile immediately became vigilant and began to look maliciously at the adult dragon: So what the **** are you here for?

Certainly to take the immediate family of the Dragon Emperor Titans. The rock-black dragon Alduin answered in a circle.

At this time, the evil star did not realize the problem in the other party’s words, but was just stunned: You want to take me and Xianvia?

Alduin shook his head: just take your brother Xianvia.

The young red fire dragon was stunned for a while: What? ! But so am I

Oh, kid, don’t let me get the word out. The rock-black dragon Alduin then looked at the red fire dragon with contempt: You should know it well yourself. There shouldn’t be any other dragon in the current dragon family who would identify you as the son of the Dragon Emperor Titans.

This sentence pierced the heart of the red fire dragon young dragon like a sharp needle. However, Sha Xing was calm in front of his cousin, and just replied plainly: I don’t care what you say, in short, you can’t take Xianvia away. My brother is under my protection.

Oh? As a giant dragon that is much bigger than the other party, Yanheilong is looking at his cousin with the eyes looking down on microbes, humming: If I say, even if you object, I will force him take away?

As if it had long known that things might evolve in this direction, the Red Fire Dragon Young Dragon had already prepared for battle, grinning and roaring: Then, you must defeat me first!

Oh, interesting. The rock-black dragon Alduin narrowed his eyes and looked at the little thing in front of him, the young dragon who was not even full of wings and could not even fly in the air.

He grinned, the flames glowing brighter in the gaps between the dragon scales: I’ll teach you a lesson, brat.

Why haven’t you come back? The hungry hoarfrost dragon young dragon in the dragon’s lair rolled around coquettishly on the rocky ground, while complaining loudly: Ow, ah, ah, so hungry!

Boom! There seemed to be thunder in the distant sky, interrupting the movements of the hoarfrost dragon juvenile. Startled, Xianvia looked out tremblingly from the hole in the cave, looked at the ominous dark cloud in the sky, and whispered, “Brother, where are you, come back soon!”

At this moment, the young red fire dragon was lying on the ground, struggling in a pool of blood, with white smoke coming out of its body.

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