Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1553: Dream is broken in Qiming (32)

Chapter 1553 The dream is broken in Qiming (thirty-two)

Meanwhile, the capital of South Africa, Pretoria.

In the street corner of the slum, a street hooligan is wandering in the shadows of the alley. Occasionally he rummaged through the trash, trying to find some food to feed his stomach, and occasionally sniffed the ground near the various vending machines, trying to find a coin or two from the sewage-flowing ground. However, residents of this city, even the poorest at the bottom, are well aware that the days of being able to pick up a windfall on the ground are over—even the most common vending machine on the street , and also rely on swiping to complete the payment. The self-cleaning golem will also frequently clean the trash cans in the city streets every day, removing all the leftover food.

Their government leaves the poor with no chance of survival. The real purpose of the newly introduced card payment system is not for the convenience of citizens’ daily consumption, but just to kill the residents in the slums as soon as possible, so as to “purify” the city of Pretoria in a short period of time. purpose of the city.

Gruff—— The street hooligan’s belly rang again, making him even more irritable. After searching for a long time, he couldn’t find any food to satisfy his stomach, so he kicked the trash can vigorously. However, doing so didn’t make him any better, it made him even more hungry. He was so hungry that he nearly fainted, and had to kneel down on the dirty street to rest. He knelt down and rested for a while before slowly getting up. There was some kind of vicious light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind to do something bad.

Bedivere, who controls the spirit body, has been watching all this, because the man in the slum in front of him is the one he needs to follow. With the list given by the shadow agent, Bedivere focused on following the most suspicious citizens, and this man was one of them. By following this person, Bedivere and Arthur believe that there will always be clues that will lead them to the Sword Saint Ark lurking in the depths of the city.

The ghetto man is on the move. Although he was already staggering from hunger and could not walk straight, the man still followed his own will to survive and walked somewhere at the end of the street. Perhaps he was looking for Sword Saint Yake, or perhaps he was planning to do something wicked and break the law for his own survival. Bedivere looked at all of this and had a very bad premonition, but at this time he couldn’t interfere at all, because the Holy Spirit he controlled was just a group of photons, and this illusory group of photons with little power could not do anything to the real world at all. any interference.

The punk turned around the corner and arrived at a pawnshop in the same dilapidated old town.

Are you going to rob? Bedivere couldn’t help but wonder. However, a guy who is so hungry that he can barely walk and has no decent weapons in his hands, what should he use to rob him? It’s really a mystery.

The spirit body controlled by Bedivere easily followed, the man pushed open the door and entered the **** shop, and the spirit body also entered the **** shop through the wall.

The man said something to the pawnshop owner, but he was in Afrikaans, which the werewolf youth couldn’t understand. The pawnshop owner looked up and down the little gangster carefully for a while, then finally nodded.

It doesn’t appear to be a pawnshop robbery. Bedivere was a little puzzled. So what is this little **** trying to do?

The pawnshop owner looked around to make sure no one else saw this. This is actually superfluous, because this dilapidated old town is usually desolate enough, and there are almost no people around the boss’s **** shop. When the shriveled and thin old man thought that there was no problem, he opened the front door of the **** shop counter and beckoned the gangster to come in.

Interesting. Bedivere couldn’t help thinking. So mysterious, are these guys going to do something illegal? This may be some kind of organized crime, and Sword Saint Yake may be the mastermind behind this criminal gang. If the man that Bedivere was following had engaged in some kind of activity some time ago and received an extra amount of money, then his next actions would probably be to repeat the same thing. The tracking has been going on for so long, and the case finally has some eyebrows. If we continue to track, maybe we will be able to find the whereabouts of Sword Saint Yake.

The **** shop owner walked in through the iron door behind the **** shop counter with the gangster. He was very cautious, and he took the iron door with him as soon as he entered, and even locked the door bolt. However, the spirit body controlled by Bedivere is not afraid of doors and locks at all, and it can pass through walls. It slammed into the iron door and squeezed in in one go.

As Bedivere envisioned, this so-called pawnshop is actually a pretense, and it must have more sinister uses behind the scenes. Behind the iron gate, there is a deep passage leading to the ground, and the pawnshop owner is leading the gangster to the depths of the passage. If the spirit body that Bedivere is currently manipulating has a sense of smell, it will definitely send back the **** smell information to the werewolf youth through the headband. However, even if it didn’t have a sense of smell, Bedivere could clearly feel the strong smell of blood, because the walls of this deep passage, under the illumination of the pawnshop owner’s lantern, faintly reflected a dark red after blood coagulation.

What the **** is at the end of that passage. It’s like a horrible underground slaughterhouse. Bedivere was hesitant to follow, but the pawnshop owner hurriedly led the slum man down the passage. Afraid of losing his target, Bedivere followed immediately. However, he didn’t go very far in the passage, and immediately heard something in the darkness.

It was a cry from the ground.

No, or it was some kind of cruel cheering, it would be more appropriate.

When Bedivere’s eyes lit up and he could see what was in the ground, he finally understood.

This is an illegal underground fight, the kind that relies on live-streaming videos of people fighting each other for the rich to wager and entertain.

Aside from the gangster Bedivere was following, there were about fifty or sixty people watching in this underground fight club. Judging from the tattered clothes of these people, they may also be citizens of the slums, but with a little extra pocket money on hand, they can make this kind of underground gambling. And these people are watching a 30-foot square ring, where two men are fighting to the death. This kind of fight is completely different from those boxing or wrestling matches in Bedivere’s impression, because the people in the ring are completely betting their own lives and attacking to kill their opponents.

The two men involved in the fight had no weapons in their hands, but when they fought, they ripped each other’s face with their claws, bit the enemy’s arm with their teeth, and slammed the opponent’s **** with their knees. , how ruthless how to move. It was almost the same as the beasts fighting, but those onlookers looked up to it and cheered the fighters on the field with their most primitive and cruel cheers.

Seeing this, Bedivere probably knows how things are going. That’s right, one of the fighters on the field was out of control and was soon defeated. He fell to the ground under a vicious elbow from his opponent. Bedivere, who is experienced in combat, can of course see it clearly. The cervical vertebrae of the man who fell to the ground have been completely smashed by the elbow. If this man wants to get up again, it is estimated that he will have to rely on a miracle.

And this person’s opponent, another thin man from the slum, was almost exhausted, with countless wounds all over his body, and he almost became a **** man. Spectators who lost the gamble threw token-like things into a torn cap belonging to the man, cursing frantically at the fallen man. On this side, the slum gangster that Bedivere was originally in charge of tracking also took off only a pair of shorts, and was ready to enter the ring to compete.

What a waste of time. Bedivere couldn’t help but wonder. After tracking for a long time, it turned out that the “additional source of income” for the man he followed was not the Sword Saint Yake, but this sad underground fighting club. Regardless of the win or loss of the next game, Bedivere already knows the ins and outs of the matter, and it seems that there is no need to continue tracking.

The spirit body controlled by the werewolf youth began to lift off, intending to leave this underground fighting club. However, at this moment, something suddenly caught Bedivere’s attention.

That’s…a boy!

That’s right, the player who originally won was exhausted and was replaced. In its place was a ragged boy. This kid is really skinny, probably the thinnest person Bedivere has ever seen in his life. His face was pale and his lips were blue, but he was going to fight in such a cruel game!

This kid can’t win! Even if the kid’s opponent — the slum punk — is thin and half-starved, the kid’s disadvantage is obviously Just by looking at the appearance, Even blind people know who will win this game!

Thus, the savage grins from the audience. In addition to entertainment, the main purpose of these guys here is of course gambling. This time the strength of the two players is so disparate that there is no need to think about how to bet at all, right?

However, Bedivere saw that the pawnshop owner, who was the dealer, also had a hint of cunning on his face for a moment. This kind of game with disparity in strength should not exist in the first place, otherwise it must be the dealer who loses money in the bet. However, the dealer is so confident, there must be some tricks in it.

As expected, the moment the ring started————

Pounds! With a bang, the game is over.

No, it’s not really a game at all.

The frighteningly thin teenager rushed forward at the beginning of the game and punched his opponent firmly in the stomach, opening a huge hole in the stomach of the little gangster Bedivere was tracking. pit. The **** is down!

This is not a contest at all, this is a seckill!

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