Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1411: The ultimate battle is in the deep end

Chapter 1411 The ultimate battle against Qianya (twenty-seven)

Solar in front of the giant tonsil spider is really just a tiny black spot. However, it was this little black spot that made the monster hate it so much that it wanted to kill it and then hurry up. The tonsil spider’s eyes were all opened again, and each black eye was staring at the magic swordsman, and there was an incomparably vicious black murder brewing, which was about to be sprayed out of those insect compound eyes at any time.

And Solar, holding the sword tightly, began to run. Just like how he dealt with the black-robed man before, the swordsmanship used by Solar was beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. It was a special swordsmanship that physically reached the level of great magic.

Its name is [Sparkling Dragon Sword].

Of course, in order to use this powerful swordsmanship, a lot of preparation is necessary. Solar was running fast around the almond spider at the moment, which was the first part of this preparation.

Seeing Solar running, the tonsil spider also used its thousands of black eyeballs to shoot wildly, trying to push the magic swordsman into a corner. But when Solar runs, it doesn’t mean that he is running blindly. Not only did he not lose when he ran quickly, but he became more agile, easily dodging hundreds of thousands of black corrosive liquid beams! I don’t know if I was tired or I didn’t like it anymore, but the tonsil spider gave up after spraying the beam for a while. Maybe it knew that it was impossible to hit Solar, who was so fast and so agile, with its full range of fire?

However, the stalemate was not broken, because of the shield of black mist, Solar couldn’t get close to the tonsil spider at all. Once entering the range of the black mist, the magic swordsman will definitely be affected by the hypnotic ability of the black mist, and the speed will decrease, and that moment of hesitation is enough for the spider to use its huge legs to smash the magic swordsman into flesh. !

However, the preparation of the Sparkling Dragon Sword is not as simple as running around the opponent. It should be said that running in a circle is only the most basic part. Not hesitate to sacrifice the weapon in hand, but also to exert the power of the weapon above the critical point, this is the essence of the Spark Rising Dragon Sword. Powerful swordsmanship is also accompanied by huge sacrifices. The Spark Rising Dragon Sword that Solar used before with the Lizard Dual Blades, has been completely reimbursed after only one use. And this time, Solar used the Luna steel machete, which had worn out the metal blade in the battle, and only had the glass-like core left, to use the Spark Rising Dragon Sword, which he had prepared before using it. With preparation in mind, I know that this peerless weapon carefully crafted by Seglade may be completely destroyed!

Nevertheless, Solar uses it sparingly. His Luna Steel Scimitar was frantically drawing one after another fiery red track on the ground! The ground of this underground glass hole is hard and flexible emery; but Solar’s Luna steel machete is a “glass” blade made of quantum collapse of a huge amount of magnesium-aluminum alloy. At the same time, “glass”, the Luna steel machete cuts the ground like cutting butter!

Many people may take it for granted that the sound of cutting the ground at the moment must be an unpleasant glass scratching sound, but this guess is completely wrong – when the “glass knife” is sharp beyond a certain point Later, the moment it cut to the ground, the “glass” ground was dissolved, and there was only a low, almost inaudible sound like when rocks melted into magma, but there was not even the slightest sound of scratching the glass!

ZizzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ-ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,,,,,,,… The sound of sparks coming out. In this underground glass world where glass is everywhere, and the transparency and reflectivity are extremely high, this kind of continuous sparks are particularly conspicuous, making people dizzy! The trajectory of the sparks quickly formed arcs of fire, circles of fire, surrounding the giant tonsil spider! Solar was already running fast enough, and coupled with the dazzling sparks, it was very eye-catching. When the other party was dazzled, the Luna steel machete in the hands of the magic swordsman also became extremely hot due to the long-term intense friction, and he could strike a fatal blow at any time!

“Haha!!————” the magic swordsman shouted and drew a sword. He was actually five yards away from his opponent, a distance that the length of the Luna Steel Scimitar could not reach anyway. But he drew this sword at an astonishing speed, and with scorching high heat, Mars hit the opponent in a sharp airflow with the heat!

Pop! The heat wave hit the giant spider’s huge head, dispelling the black mist, and creating a crack through which a strong wind rushed through. Although the black mist lingering around the Tonsil Spider made it impossible for Solar to get close, but the long-range attack of the Spark Thang Long Sword during the preparation stage could also effectively inflict damage to the Tonsil Spider!

Another scorching knife wind strikes the tonsil spider! However, the monster raised its hairy and sharp black spider legs, and instantly blocked the blade wind! The high-temperature and high-pressure airflow slammed into the spider’s legs, making a thick and low sound as if it had hit a heavy steel shield!

But this blow is not the end, but the beginning. Solar had already circled behind the tonsil spider at high speed, and drew another sword! The equally deadly high-heat and high-pressure knife wind rushes in, tearing apart the atmosphere mercilessly, biting at the enemy like a rabid dog!

Boom! ! But the tonsil spider seemed to have rear eyes, and it immediately waved another leg behind itself, blocking the second shock wave!

But it’s not over yet! Solar had already fled to another angle, and once again drew another sword! As he hit the shock wave, he moved again, and hit more shock waves from the other direction!

Boom, boom, boom boom, boom boom boom boom boom! The sound of the impact started one after another, and gradually changed from low to sharp, mixed with the whistling sound of airflow, as if telling the danger of its approaching critical point! A tornado is blowing around and is on the way to intensify!

Wash la la la la! ———Solar sprinted again in the storm, dragging a long arc of sparks across the ground. His preparations are over, and it’s time to use a powerful move to finish off his opponent!

“Do you know why this move is called [Spark Rising Dragon Sword]?” As if teasing his opponent, and as if he were chanting a fixed incantation, Solar’s voice came from all directions and stubbornly repeated : “Because, there will really be a dragon!”

Of course the unconscious tonsil spider wouldn’t answer. It was flexing its legs frantically with all its concentration, using airtight protection again and again. With its huge size and amazing agility, it is very confident, and thinks that it can easily resist Solar’s childish sword moves just by waving its legs!

—— However, it will be disappointed.

“Rising Dragon! ————————” The magic swordsman suddenly stabbed the ground violently with his machete, accompanied by his own swiftness. run! His Luna steel machete, which was heated to a red-hot state, cracked the ground like breaking an egg shell, complementing the destructive power that had been accumulating before, causing damage at a geometric growth rate!

With countless sparks, the cracked ground was gradually sucked away by the tornado, which was already deadly enough to engulf a large number of sharp and hot rocks, becoming even more deadly! And Solar is walking in this tornado, constantly swinging his sword to attack the opponent! He blasted out countless scorching shock waves, and at the same time knocked on the rocks in the tornado, shooting them out like bullets! The scorching gravel is like raindrops, drawing millions of arcs and gathering towards the opponent, smashing into the giant tonsil spider, even if the monster waved dozens of giant legs to block, it is still created on the surface of these spider legs. Countless cracks!

Hi—————! The tonsil spider’s thousands of black insect compound eyes seemed to reveal a vague fear. The absolute confidence that it thought it could block Solar’s attack was gone!

And after launching countless onslaughts at the opponent, all the preparations for Solar have been done, and it’s time for the finishing touch!

“Get up!——” He suddenly stopped, swung the machete in both hands, and slashed **** the ground!

Huh la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la! ! ——————————- With the tonsil spider as the center, the whole ground begins to collapse! It cracked in an extremely uniform and orderly manner, and every rock cracked along the trajectory that Solar had drawn before! It split into tens of millions of uncountable rocks in an instant, and the original ground has turned into a rolling torrent of rocks! It is dragged by the irresistible force of nature and soars along with the tornado! Like a living, ascending dragon!

吼啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊————————— —————————— A heavy move like the sky is falling apart, and it also makes an abnormal sound like the roar of a giant dragon~IndoMTL. com~ The scorching rock flow was swept up by the violent storm, and flew straight towards the dark and hollow zenith of the underground glass world, but the sparks it emitted illuminated the entire glass hollow, and countless rays of light were shining in countless It is refracted countless times on a glass surface or plane, just like the moment of the big explosion of the galaxy, and it is also like a brilliant fireworks!

Solar also jumped a few steps back, away from the dangerous tornado.

“Is it resolved, resolved?” The magic swordsman gasped, looking at the giant flame vortex in the air that was still causing damage to the enemy. Due to the continuous reflection of the surrounding glass, the brightness of the environment has been greatly increased. The entire underground glass is so empty that it is almost blinding. Solar can only vaguely see the shadow of a huge spider in the flame vortex. Circling! The monster seemed to be being swept up in the dragon coil of flames, and was slowly swallowed by the dragon one by one until it turned into ashes!

If that’s the case, the battle should be over, right?

However, will things really work out this way? Although Solar’s swordsmanship is an absolute ultimate move that is almost irresistible, but…will the enemy’s resistance still be too little?

Solar suddenly had a bad feeling. Sure enough, a huge spider head suddenly emerged from the vortex of flames!

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