Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1327: Explore in the Wilderness (43)

Chapter 1327: Exploration in the Wilderness (Forty-three)

Smack zi zi zi zi! ! Countless frozen gases were ejected from the well-hidden holes on the surface of the sphere. One of the holes was quite close to Bedivere, and it almost smeared the werewolf’s face!

The surrounding world began to be eroded by the extreme cold, and the originally hot world suddenly felt as if it had entered the Arctic Circle!

Frightened, Bedivere had to snap the switch on the silver bracelet to give himself an instant acceleration! He grabbed the hidden handrail on the surface of the sphere and climbed frantically! Fortunately, those hidden handrails have the function of ladders, extending all the way up, and they are not slippery at all! Bedivere climbed extraordinarily, reaching the top of the sphere within a few seconds, and his acceleration was completely lost!

ZiZZZZZZZZZZZ! ! The cold air is still spreading. Even though the cold air has the characteristic of falling downwards, if the amount of cold air is too large, it will accumulate upwards, affecting the Bedivere lying on the top of the sphere!

The deadly cold begins to engulf Bedivere! He is a werewolf, and he has lived for countless years in the cold West Siberia snowfields, so he should not be afraid of the cold! But when he faced this kind of strong freezing gas close to absolute zero, it was another matter! !

It’s so cold! ! The werewolf was so cold that he didn’t even have the strength to tremble!

His eyelids fell down like lead, and even his steel-like will couldn’t resist such a powerful tiredness! He is getting more and more sleepy, and his consciousness is getting more and more blurred, and he is about to…

Sleep all the way…

Pounds! Something exploded on Bedivere’s back!

A searing sensation pulled the werewolf’s consciousness back from the brink of disappearance!

Is that a…fireball? !

It turns out that the King of Knights flew into the air and bombarded Bedivere with a dragon fireball in the air! The high-heat fireball skillfully passed over the slowing flywheel array, and finally landed precisely on Bedivere’s back! The high heat it brought just offset the deep cold aura around it, and the pain and shock wave it brought also made the sleepy Bedivere awake again!

“Ow!” The werewolf growled in dissatisfaction: “What are you doing, Arthur?! It hurts!”

“I’m saving your life, little idiot.” The King of Knights squeezed a larger dragon fireball in his hand, which glowed bright orange.

The truth is very simple. Since there is cold, use high heat to offset it. Arthur has obtained the power of dragon flame from the evil star for seven years, and his control of the flame has reached the point of perfection. The flames of the werewolf.

Actually his theory was right, even though his fireball had scorched the fur on Bedivere’s back a lot…

The refrigerated gas continued to spread upward, and it was about to surround Bedivere. However, Bedivere turned to look at Arthur, and the King of Knights also pinched a large fireball the size of a human head.

The werewolf was dumbfounded: “Arthur, don’t…!”

“Grit your teeth and hold back, kid.” The King of Knights aimed at Bedivere and threw a dragon fireball.

Boom! !


The collision of freezing and scorching heat, mixed with the screams of Bedivere, echoed throughout the battleship.

Ten minutes later, the flywheel array of the power furnace completely stopped rotating. They are condensed in mid-air, fixed by countless icicles of different thicknesses into a complex and artistic ice labyrinth.

Eve began to announce without emotion: “The power furnace has cooled down. System-wide safety has returned to normal. Backup power will now be activated and power house repairs will begin.”

In the dark battleship, the original lighting was restored, and the slightly turbid air was gradually becoming fresher with the breeze.

Bediver took a lot of effort to climb out of this ice labyrinth. At that time, he was already in a state of embarrassment. The hair that was charred by Arthur’s dragon fireball couldn’t help but blacken, and was bent and curled by the heat, making the werewolf look like a curly puppy, which was quite funny.

“Arthur…remember me!” Bedivere looked at the King of Knights with extremely resentful eyes and said bitterly.

King Arthur has been laughing from ear to ear, speaking with a vibrato: “I, I will remember, remember that I saved you again!”

Bediver was speechless with anger and didn’t bother to continue arguing with the King of Knights. The crisis was over, and the werewolf youth, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, recalled the real purpose of this trip. He scratched his head and suddenly asked: “Eve, is my cavalry still parked in the ship’s mechanical warehouse? It’s time for you to return it to me, right?”

“Correct. The anti-gravity airship is still moored in the fourth mechanical warehouse. It has been refurbished and remodeled. Please claim it at any time.”

“Remodeling? Wait, didn’t you remodel my iron cavalry indiscriminately!?” Bedivere was immediately displeased: “Please don’t make it a mess! What if it doesn’t work? Do it!”

“But the anti-gravity airship’s engine has a serious structural error. If left unchecked, it will overheat and explode after three hours of continuous operation. For the safety of the Captain, it must be modified.” Eve still does not Say it emotionally.

“Yes, for my safety! You really think about me!” The werewolf sarcastically said: “Just now you clearly wanted to kill me!”

He was almost frozen into a popsicle by the freezing gas ejected from the core of the power furnace, and he still holds a grudge. It is estimated that he will not believe Eve’s nonsense in the future.

“Don’t be so stingy, Betty.” Arthur patted the werewolf on the shoulder: “Let’s go and see how things go. Maybe the cavalry is better than you think?”

Arthur kept winking at Bedivere as he spoke. certainly. Their purpose in looking for the Desert Ship was not just to retrieve Bedivere’s iron cavalry. Their real purpose is to decipher the database of the golden ship and obtain the huge information about the ancients in this ship. There may be clues to rescue Queen Greenville from these materials. However, how to manipulate the ship’s database without Eve’s awareness is another big problem. From what happened just now, it can be seen that the artificial intelligence Eve is very cunning, but it is not so easy to deceive. It might even be necessary to ****** the ship.

…In short, we can only take one step at a time.

The group followed the guiding beam and headed towards the fourth mechanical warehouse. Along the way, there were many golden scarab golems and people passing by, and they should have rushed to the power room for repair work.

Beddieville asked curiously as he walked: “By the way, what does the backup power supply rely on? It’s not dangerous, right? Don’t make another power stove explosion and risk my life (and my ass). Danger of being scorched) to emergency stop the power furnace.”

Eve replied mechanically: “The backup power supply relies on solar power, and the energy comes from the solar filter on the deck surface. It is very safe, but the power generation capacity is insufficient.”

“What’s wrong?”

“It is sufficient to maintain the internal settings of the ship. However, the energy it provides is not sufficient to maintain the propulsion of the ship.”

“That is to say, if the main power furnace is not repaired, this ship will not be able to move.” Tristan on the side couldn’t help but complain: “The ancient people’s ship design is quite a failure, this kind of ship A broken main furnace in a war is equivalent to waste.”

“This is a transport ship, not a battleship.” Bedivere replies angrily: “It wasn’t used for combat in the first place. Moreover, Eve has thousands of scarab golems that can be used and repaired by them. The damaged part of the battleship. Even if something is broken, it is estimated that it can be repaired in a very short time?”

“Correct. Repairs to the powerhouse will be completed in two universes,” Eve continued to report.

“What the **** is cosmic time…” whispered Evan on the side.

Bediver just snorted and didn’t answer. And they have arrived in front of the designated mechanical warehouse. After the automatic door of the warehouse opened, in the rather large and empty warehouse, a small silver-white airship came into view of Bedivere.

“Huh.” Arthur sighed.

“Hey, not bad.” The werewolf walked up to his iron cavalry and fondly touched the silver-white beautiful metal shell of the airship. The iron cavalry that crashed and was badly damaged before has been restored to a new look, and even the flower marks and wear and tear have been repaired. The hands of those small scarab golems are quite skillful to be able to do such meticulous work.

“Wait, this is a photon explosion engine?” The werewolf glanced at the engine part of the iron cavalry and immediately recognized the difference: “What about the original electromagnetic suspension engine? Was it replaced by you?!”

Eve said dispassionately: “As I said before, the original engine had been completely reworked because of its design flaws and the danger of exploding for long periods of time.”

“You dismantled an electromagnetic engine and converted it into a photon engine?!” Bedivere felt incredible: “Damn, this thing even has a photon mirror! Is this magic out of nothing? Where did you get it from? The light stone?!”

“There are many suitable materials in the desert, just go to the designated location to extract.”

The knight king and the murloc prince glance at each other. Eve’s database must contain valuable information that is not commonly known, including the light stone deposits hidden in the Sahara Desert.

“You know what, Eve? If you could tell me where the lightstone mines are, and get me some regularly, I could be rich,” Bedivere quipped.

“The request is illegal. Please do not use the ship’s resources for profit.”

“Sure enough. Eve, open the launch port of the mechanical warehouse.” Bedivere shrugged helplessly from the crowd, and jumped on his iron horse: “I’m going to take this for a ride and test its performance. Does anyone want to come with me?”

He glanced at suddenly remembered something, and asked suspiciously: “By the way, we seem to be missing one person here?”

“Who’s missing?” Arthur looked at the people on the side. Except for Tristan, Evan, Bedivere, and Logan, who were present, there seemed to be no shortage of everyone?

Om, hum, hum, hum! ! ——Suddenly, a harsh alarm sounded in the desert boat, and red alarm lights flashed from everywhere.

“Warning, warning!” Eve suddenly said nervously: “This ship’s database has been invaded by an unknown source! The second-level firewall has collapsed! From this moment on, the ship will be under a comprehensive curfew, please keep the crew on board. Calm down and stay where you are!”

“Invasion from unknown source?” Bedivere was startled: “Who?!”

A holographic display pops up in front of Bedivere and others. In the dark computer room, the figure of a young man is sneakily doing something to the computer in the computer room…

“It’s Gwengreen!!” King Arthur screamed.



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