Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1161: Fighting at the Oasis (14)

Chapter 1161 The fierce battle in the oasis (fourteen)

A certain day of a certain year. [See the latest chapter of this book at popular.remenxs.] The woman buried her husband deep in the woods and planted a small sapling in front of the grave. Day after day, the woman will come here to water and fertilize, and treat the sapling as her husband, confiding in the little tree.

It may just be a plant, it may not be able to move, it can only stand quietly for a long time. But the care a woman gave to it, her voice and smile, just like the nectar she poured, infiltrated into the soul of the sapling for a long time. All things have animism, and even a tree can feel love.

It fell in love with her.

It has no mouth, it cannot speak. But, to express its love for her, it miraculously grew roses from the tree! More beautiful than anyone else, more gentle than anyone else, the crystal rose represents its eternal love for her reads;! It grew beautiful crystal rose flowers for her and she was very happy. She wears this special flower on her head to adorn her beauty that has gradually been eroded by the years. It saw her beautiful, and was delighted.

At that moment, they had bliss.

Decades have passed by like an arrow, women are already old, and they are dying. Outside the woods, there is a growing village. The villagers make a living by harvesting forests, cutting down trees one after another and building one house after another.

The richer people are, the more greedy they are.

The lonely old woman in the village has become a thorn in the eyes of the villagers, because she has repeatedly prevented the villagers from cutting down trees for money. She loved the woods, the tree that grew out of the land where her people rested. She didn’t want to see the beautiful forest cut down, so she was constantly complained by the villagers. No matter how much the old woman persuaded and prevented the villagers from cutting down the trees, the foolish people just didn’t listen. And the old, weak and sick woman was powerless to stop all this, so she could only pray silently in front of the big tree, hoping that the worst would not happen.

The worst is inevitable. On a dark and windy night that month, the villagers gang murdered the old woman. She was killed next to the big tree she loved so much, and the blood bleeds deeply, seeping into the roots of the tree.

This is the last big tree beside the village. Because the old woman has been guarding it with her life, it was able to survive the poisonous hands of the villagers. But now that the woman is dead, the villagers are no longer afraid to cut down trees. The big tree fell down in a burst of grief, its branches were broken, and it made a human-like scream, which was very scary. A bright red liquid gushed out from its trunk, like human blood, scaring the timid villagers to death. [txt full set download.75txt.]

A sad old tree dies; at the same time, an angry **** finally awakens! Its spirit body rose into the air and turned into a terrifying red cloud, overlooking everything on the ground, looking at these damned, stupid humans!

Superstitious people were shocked and said it was a bad omen. They pack up and plan to leave as soon as possible tomorrow morning, but they should be aware of it, in fact, no one can escape!

In the next instant, the storm poured down without warning, and the raging flood and the pouring land mud were out of control, completely burying the entire village! A total of 272 villagers, big and small, all perished in their ignorance!

And it dissipated with the crimson cloud that created the storm. Its anger should have disappeared, and the last obsession with wanting revenge should have disappeared without a trace.

However, before it completely dissipated, some force captured it again! After traveling through time and space, its spirit was taken to a certain research institute and sealed in a certain container.

The researcher glanced at the crimson haze in the terrarium: “Since you are from a tree, let you continue to be a tree.”

The dark red fog is injected into the tree species, becoming a unique tree species. It is human beings who created its hatred, and it is human beings who make its hatred real and never stop. No matter how many centuries have passed, stupid humans are still stupid, their greedy and arrogant nature will never change! They don’t even know they’re playing with fire, and they don’t even know they’re going to start a fire**!

After gaining “power”, this dangerous crimson seed begins to spiral out of control, destroying everything in its sight. The system had to seal the tree species with a powerful barrier!

This seal has been silent for thousands of years.

Until this moment.

She came to it again.

With her gentle, tolerant arms, she hugs it again.

——Just like when she hugged it as a small sapling.

“Whoosh!!” The two tree species instantly shrank, condensed, and assimilated into one!

Order and chaos coexist in harmony with each other.

Eventually, a brussels sprout-like tree fell to the ground. Its countless rose petal-like leaves overlap endlessly, one blue and one red, in a wrong way.

Clap! Arthur also caught Bedivere in midair and landed with the werewolf.

“Wow… what was that just now?!” Bedivere came back to his senses and exclaimed.

“Do you have the memory of the big tree?” King Arthur thought for a while, and picked up the tree species in the past: “I didn’t expect plants to change into spirit bodies. I didn’t expect that ancient people also had the ability to capture spirit bodies from other time and space. technology to bring spirits from another dimension to this one. This is an astounding fact.”

“Uh, Arthur?” Bedivere saw King Arthur pick up the tree seed from the ground, and planned to ask the King of Knights for the tree seed: “But that’s my [sacred tree seed]…”

“It’s cheating to take this in the exam, Bedivere.” King Arthur looked at the werewolf with a reproachful look: “Although we were saved because of this, you can make up for it. But you can’t continue to take this. This kind of cheating thing continues to take the test. It will be kept by me first, and when the round table trial is over, I will naturally return it to you.”

“It’s fair.” Bedivere’s face was full of helplessness, but no one could disobey King Arthur’s will, and the werewolf had to sigh: “But be careful. The seed of the holy tree and the red tree have been fused, it It is no longer the original sacred tree seed. If it is not stored properly, it may get out of control again.”

Arthur put the tree seed in an airtight glass container: “It’s not very likely. The power of that crimson seed comes from something else, and that thing has been taken from me.”

“Anyway, this is finally over.” Bedivere breathed a sigh of relief and touched the wound on his body. His body was scratched by countless thorns. Although it looked serious, it was only a flesh wound.

“Yes, it’s over.” After Arthur collected the tree seed, he clenched a white object in his hand.

It was a piece of glass with an indeterminate shape. This thing seems insignificant, but in fact it weighs more than anything in the world, it is ———

“Your Majesty, that is…!” Evan shouted in surprise.

“I know.” Arthur put away the pieces and responded calmly.

Of course he knows. This is one of the things that King Arthur has traveled the world endlessly searching for all these years….

The little shard of white light lying in Arthur’s hand is exactly one of the shards of the Holy Grail!

The key to saving the world is to reset the whole world——[Holy Grail overflowing with hope], it is composed of several such fragments!

Looking at the shard of the Holy Grail, Evan muttered incredulously: “But this area has been scanned by the detector. There is clearly nothing here!”

“Perhaps the detector is not omnipotent, it cannot detect the fragments of the Holy Grail buried deep in the body of living beings. Humph—When we go back, Gwengreen and I have something to say.” Arthur He still spoke calmly, but others could easily see that Wang was trying his best to suppress the anger on his face: “This also means that there may still be some reads that have not been fully explored in the areas we have explored before. ;. There are more things to do next.”

“Stop it, Arthur! We need to get out of here as soon as possible!” Bedivere was so worried about Tristan’s condition that he looked up and saw that the protective shields in Area Zero had been lifted—perhaps this supply The station’s management system is doing a good job.

“Great!—-Eve! Can you hear me?” The werewolf began to speak to the intercom on his earring.

No response.

“Eve?!” Bedivere raised his volume a few notches again, exclaiming frantically.

Still no response. The mysterious golden ship seems to have achieved its purpose, and I am afraid that there will be no matter for Bedivere and the others.

“Damn it! I knew that **** AI couldn’t be trusted!” The werewolf stomped irritably.

“Tristan’s condition is getting worse and worse! There are only about five minutes left!!” Evan also hurriedly shouted. If you don’t send the murloc prince to first aid, it will be too late!

A drop of cold sweat ran down Bedivere’s The battle just dragged on for too long! Even if they can’t leave the [City of the Dead] yet, even if they can go out and ride the dragon cavalry at full speed, there is still not enough time!

“Don’t worry, this is not a problem at all.” King Arthur showed a calm expression.

“Arthur?” Bedivere looked at the King of Knights with puzzled eyes, wondering what good way Arthur could bring back to life.

The king of knights smiled lightly, raised his holy king’s sword and stabbed it out: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh——!!”

[The third miracle—photon creation], move!

The holy sword in the king’s hand suddenly exploded with an astonishing strong light, and the thousand-foot light blade was instantly formed, and pierced like a long spear, piercing the huge glass ceiling that sealed the [City of the Dead]!

A large hole was pierced by a giant light, and the glass ceiling could no longer block the signal. Something flew in immediately from the outside – it was King Arthur’s dragoon! () “The Legend of Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform . 【】,thank you all!

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