Light Spirit Epic Chapter 1042: Hunting in the Sand Sea (16)

Chapter 1042 Hunting in the Sand Sea (16)

Bedivere’s spear stabs the hunchbacked old man right down the throat!

Keng! The hunchback man drew a sword gently and blocked the spear!

His movements are clean and neat, with no extra parts, so that while he blocked with the dagger, he still had the energy to draw the dagger and stabbed it in Bedivere’s leg!

“Humph!” The opponent’s swordsmanship is indeed amazing, but there is still an advantage in the equipment of Bedivere! He raised his shield to greet him, just blocking the cloak man’s dagger!

“Hahahaha! The reaction is good!” The sneak attack was unsuccessful, but the man in the hunchback cloak laughed happily: “Hold on a little longer, let the uncle have more elements! Don’t lose so soon!”

“Stinky bastard!” The werewolf raised his spear and stabbed, and the spear quickly stabbed at least seven consecutive hits!

However, the hunchback man dodged nimbly, his figure was like a light leaf in a gust of wind, and he was so dexterous that he couldn’t be stabbed at all!

Not only that, but he also approached the werewolf aggressively while dodging, intending to attack the next wave!

The werewolf raised his gun and swept away again, planning to use a large-scale attack to push back the opponent first! The opponent’s hands are both light and short weapons. If you don’t use a long-range spear to suppress it, after getting close, only Bedivere will suffer!

“Hahahahaha!” The man laughed wildly, and performed a clever 360-degree backflip with a movement that was completely incompatible with his appearance and age! The spear swept past his feet like this, and he seized the opportunity and stabbed several swords in the air!

The sharp blade of the sword fell like raindrops, and Bedivere’s offensive had not yet completely passed. The long spear in his hand was particularly unresponsive due to its inertia. He had to move his upper body and use his best efforts to dodge the opponent’s sword stab! The hunchback man’s sword swiped across Bedivere’s neck, shoulders, and face, leaving bloodstains one after another. Although these wounds were not deep, they brought a lot of shock to the werewolf!

“Tsk!” The werewolf had just withdrawn his gun, and his left hand had already raised his shield to shoot it out! This blow can be described as exquisite, not only can it block the opponent’s repeated sword thrusts, but also shoot the hunchbacked man who is still in the air!

However, the opponent blocked it!

To be more precise, the hunchback man used two short weapons, one left and one right to clamp Bedivere’s shield! Rather than saying that he “blocks” the shield strike, it is better to say that he “sticks” to the shield!

What a marvelous swordsmanship! What an amazing thought! In addition to sighing, Bedivere couldn’t help but feel that something was wrong: Where did he seem to have seen similar swordsmanship before?

But the tense battle left Bedivere with nothing to think about. The hunchback man used his own weight to force the shield from the werewolf’s hand. At the same time that the shield flew out of Bedivere’s hand, the man also fell to the ground, and the blades of both hands pierced suddenly, attacking the werewolf’s two on the knees!

Too bad! Bedivere knew that if he couldn’t do anything about it, his legs would definitely be scrapped under the attack of this mysterious cloak man, and he would not be able to walk for a while at least! In a hurry, he used his metal prosthesis as a weapon, and the transformed steel wolf claws grabbed the opponent’s face!

Hey! Five silver lights pierced the air, but the man in the cloak was very smart. He didn’t touch the metal wolf claw head-on and backed away before being hit!

Paza! But there was still blood spurting out of Bedivere’s leg, and that **** still scratched Bedivere’s calf with his sword before he retreated!

The werewolf knelt on the ground and gasped. The wound on his calf was not deep, but it was tingling and numb. Because there is not much muscle in the front of the calf to protect the bone, his calf bone suffered a certain amount of damage.

“Mr. Bedivere!” Seglade exclaimed with concern.

“It’s all right!” the werewolf shouted, holding a half-kneeling position and raising a gun to fight: “It’s just a small injury, I can still fight!”

If Bedivere’s skills are still unable to defeat the man in the cape, then Seglade and Elaine are even more impossible to defeat, and will only become the souls of that man in vain! The werewolf had to endure this battle no matter what, even if he couldn’t defeat the man, at least he had to find a way to force him back!

But is there really a way? !

Bediver’s swordsmanship is too far from the opponent’s, and the man is also holding two deadly sharp, light and fast weapons. The spear in Bedivere’s hand couldn’t keep up with the speed of the two short swords! The technical gap is deadly enough, and the gap in weapon performance puts Bedivere at an absolute disadvantage. This duel cannot be won at all!

Wait a minute. The werewolf looked around. Maybe there is another way?

Calm down and think about it! With everything he has in his hands and the things in the field, he should be able to do something!

“Have you finished explaining your last words?” The hunchback man raised his swords: “Then go on to die!”

He attacked again with two swords, fast and fierce, as if he really wanted to cut off Bedivere’s legs!

“Humph!” Bedivere held the lizard spear with his left hand instead: “You are the one who died!!”

Boom! ! The werewolf stabbed a gun with all his strength, and the gun suddenly burst into a dazzling thunder light, blinding the eyes of everyone present!

That’s right, the lizard lance is encrusted with crystals captured by the Thunder Lizard. This crystal, which can absorb electricity, is infinitely close to the real thunderstone. And when they are stimulated by a strong current, they will emit a dazzling light. Bedivere only needs to generate electricity from the electric organ of his left arm prosthesis, and he can make the spear burst into lightning in an instant, dazzling people’s horizons!

Yes, with swordsmanship or skill alone, Bedivere may not be able to defeat the old man. But Bedivere’s attack method is not the only one. If swordsmanship is not good, use wisdom to win!

The moment of hesitation stopped the opponent’s offensive and revealed a flaw. The spear stabbed the hunchback man in the face, he had to raise his double swords to block, the two swords overlapped to block the blow of the spear, and the spear flew away! Obviously, Bedivere was in a hurry to shoot, and even the gun body was not properly grasped!

“Idiot!” The hunchbacked man said disdainfully, taking advantage of the moment when Bedivere had no weapons in his hand and was powerless to fight back, he attacked the original location of the werewolf!

Of course, the electric light had already blinded the hunchback man half-blind. He couldn’t see where Bedivere was at all, and guessed where Bedivere was based on the tendency of spears to attack.

As a result, when the hunchback man swung his swords out, thinking that he could hit the werewolf, his attack was in vain!

Clap! The tortoise-tongued whip attacked the man’s face at an unbelievably wonderful angle, taking the most important part of his face—the temple!

Relying on his amazing intuition, the man in the cloak turned his head to dodge at the most critical moment, and the blade at the end of the whip slid past his face!

“Humph!” The lightning disappeared, and everyone present regained their sight.

I saw Bedivere tumbling to the side, holding a tortoise-tongue whip. Of course he was the one who made the attack just now.

“I see. I threw the spear over, but I screamed, ran to pick up the whip and attacked the old man?”

“My swordsmanship is not as good as yours, so I’ll have to play a little trick.” The werewolf clenched his whip tightly, his turtle tongue whip curled into a spiral, ready to attack at any time.

“Hmph, try to be clever!” The man turned his head. The hood on his cloak was torn apart by the blow just now, revealing the white head under the cloak and the man’s true face.

Bedivere gasped when he saw the weather-beaten face full of scars and wrinkles.

No. Bedivere didn’t know the man.

However, this face is very similar to someone’s face in the werewolf’s memory!

It can be said that if there is a father, there must be a son. There is no way that people in the world who look so similar are not related by blood!

Added to this hunchbacked man’s marvelous swordsmanship, Bedivere suddenly realized.

“Who are you from… Lancelot?” Although he had guessed it, Bedivere still asked suspiciously: “Are you… Sword Saint Yake?!”

Sword Saint Jacques, father of Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table, once the strongest swordsman in Europe. Its swordsmanship is so strong that it is said that no one in the whole of Europe can match it.

But this Sword Saint Yake, who is also a traitor who betrayed Great Britain, was the culprit responsible for the fall of Camilo, the first capital of Great Britain (Pantolaken) thirteen years ago.

According to legend, the Sword Saint Yake should have been executed, and his name was even more taboo, and since then it has been erased from history forever and only exists in the dark history of Great Britain.

Why, this once living legend, will appear in front of Bedivere here and now? !

Seemingly on point, the hunchbacked man’s scarred face twitched.

“I didn’t expect to meet acquaintances in such a backcountry.” Sword Saint Yake groaned: “What a It seems that the old man has to flee again.”

“Why!” Bedivere asked incredulously: “You actually control a group of little devils to do such a stealth thing! The former legend, Sword Saint Yake, have you fallen?!”

“Falling? Hehehehehehe—Isn’t this kind of thing obvious?!” The hunchback man let out a dry sneer from the depths of his throat: “Sword Saint Yake is already dead. He fell into Hell, never supersede! What you see is just a stinky bag in the shape of [Yake], a walking corpse!”

He threw down his stolen Lizardtooth dagger and drew a spherical object from his pocket: “Whatever you mean, whatever karma you have with Lancelot, bye bye!– –No, no goodbye!”

Pounds! ! The white beads he dropped hit the ground, causing an amazing explosion! The explosion didn’t have any power, but it set off a thick white smoke! The smoke bomb covered the entire cave, and it took less than half a second to reach the point where you can’t see your fingers!

!!–by:–>() “Act of the Light” only represents the views of the author Raven D Vixas. If you find that its content is in violation of national laws, please delete it , is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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