Life Mission Chapter 71:

Koharu and Kyoko also said that they would support with parts . If the 4 of them gather together, it will be much faster to get the parts than Cha Jun Sung working alone .


If the cyborg is returned to its original state and is equipped with the best gear, they could even go into a 10,000 point mission . The party can support it .

Cha Jun Sung figured something out while he was going through the Slayer’s Prison .

This is something that Lifers have been saying for a while, but earning a high number of achievement points does not always mean that there are a lot of mutants .

The Destroyer’s inherent strength brought the points up to 20,000 . There were the female and baby as well, but most of the power was from the male .

Normally while playing the game, they fight with the little guys before facing the boss . But this mission skipped the step and went right to the boss .

If they look for missions like that, they can gather a lot of points . If they look through Lifer World, it is evident that these are not rare .

There would be as much danger as well, but they need to bear with it .

“The Biology Institute . You think the mutants will jump out as soon as we open it, right?”

“Yes . They were banging on the door . I don’t know how many were inside, but I think there are a few thousand . ”

It was 12,000 points . They can make an attempt as soon as the cyborg is complete . However, there are steps to take and they need to go through the process .

“We can deal with the weapons later but let’s adjust the artificial intelligence and core first, and look at the parts . ”

It is better to buy the expensive items first if they are going to buy them . If they purchase the cheaper parts first, they will look at the more expensive parts and think when they will be able to gather enough points .

The human psychology is simple . It is a kind of motivation .

The basics are important in whatever it is . When constructing a building, the ground and framework are the first focus .

They will raise its intellect with artificial intelligence and raise its power with an energy core fitting for an advanced cyborg . Then it will even be able to face off against a level 4 mutant .

“Moderately . ”

Riding the bus is good too, but they cannot get into the habit of relying on the cyborg too much . They will invest moderately in the cyborg and invest in themselves .

“With body modifications and the necessary parts alone, it’ll be about 3 million points . ”

Park Jin Hyuk’s eyes grew wide at Cha Jun Sung’s complaint . He thought of something incredible . If they do well, it could contribute greatly to gathering points .

“Let’s receive kickbacks of achievement points as well . ”


“We won’t be able to get big parts, but I think it would be okay for small ones . ”

No matter how they try to push the points to Cha Jun Sung, it would take months . If they receive bribes like large guilds do, they can reduce the time .

“I don’t really want to do it . ”

“Just listen . ”

Koharu and Kyoko listened carefully as well . Japanese guilds take bribes from Lifers as well . How is he trying to take them?

While everyone was concentrating on what Park Jin Hyuk was saying, the cyborg was taking on hundreds of mutants alone .

A strange situation was unfolding in the same place .




Cha Jun Sung opened up his blog again . He accepted Park Jin Hyuk’s proposal . Bribes are the best way to gather millions of points within moments .

He opened the blog because he was going to use Overload’s fame .

Say that he leaves a message on Lifer World that he is going to create a party with kickbacks . Why would people trust him to apply?

If people ask a large guild, they can complete missions safely . There is a high chance that they will have to give bribes, but that is directly related to the probability of surviving, so people accept it .

If Cha Jun Sung wants to enter the world of bribery, he needs to expect to put in a lot of effort . Since he does not have the time for that, he is going to take a shortcut .

“There’s no point in hiding when people are hacking into the blog to get my personal information anyway . ”

He will use his helper’s name and cover his face with a helmet . But what if he is found out anyway? Then he is found out . He needs to be aware of that much danger .

The bulletin is going up . It is regarding the party operated by Overload .

[Hello . Is everyone well? It has been a long time . I am sure there will be people who look at this negatively, but I am thinking of creating a party with kickbacks . ] [Kickbacks for reward points is limited to 20% and I will complete a 3000 point mission for you within a day . I promise this in Overload’s name . ] [I put all of the details up on the bulletin, so please take a look at it . ]

He hit enter . It is guaranteed to be popular . Cha Jun Sung did not think that he himself is great, but Overload is different .

“I’ll figure out my affairs myself . I can’t take from my party members . ”

The party members will be acting separately until they gather a certain amount of points . They need to get their gear as well . He will have enough with just the kickbacks .



A herd of Lifers are waiting for a summon gate .

There are 9 people; Lifers who had seen the notice on Overload’s blog . They are Cha Jun Sung’s customers, passengers on his bus .

There are a few with exotic appearances . They are foreigners . Cha Jun Sung’s blog is famous all over the world . It is not limited to Korea .

With that, they have a diverse party to work with .

Does he take just anyone? He focused on level 7 and 8 Lifers of the people who applied on his blog . There were only a couple hundred, but applicants came in .

Like a blog on Life Mission should, it separated Lifers into levels 1 through 9 as mutants are classified . Level 7s are fans who have been dedicated to Life Mission for over 5 years .

It is a pity but he needed to pledge the level 1 through 6 people for next time . There is nothing he can do . Cha Jun Sung was also more comfortable dealing with people who are hospitable to him .

Cha Jun Sung memorized the ID names of all 9 primary applicants . He does not know their faces, but they had communicated actively .

“To see Overload in real life!”

“I’m nervous!”

“It looks like his blog is more important abroad than it is in Korea . ”

There are only 3 Korean people and the other 6 are foreigners . 4 level 7s, 5 level 8s; the blog owner is Korean but it is more popular abroad .

The Korean people were speaking and the rest were quiet . There are differences in nationality, but these Lifers are just here to ride the bus and did not even install translators .

They consider it more important to make money by selling points than purchasing gear .

“What do you think Overload’s gear will be like?”

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