Life Mission Chapter 66:

Life Mission
Volume 3 Chapter 66

Bang bang!

Explosive bombs came flying without an end . Park Jin Hyuk created a scenario in his mind . The baby is easily scared . If it feels threatened, it will try to run away .

But if running away is not feasible? Then it will likely withdraw . He will aim at the entrance a few times and show that it is dangerous .


Since it could go out through the window as it had done before, he will destroy the prison wall .

There is more space for it to run away if the walls come down, but it will already be after the scared baby is deeply convinced of the danger .

He once saw an experiment done on animals on TV . He is applying it to mutants . If it works, it is a success . If it fails, he can keep doing what he was doing before .

His scheme worked . The baby hid in the corner, shaking in fear .

An adult would have seen right through the sleazy tricks, but even a newborn tiger is indistinguishable between a tiger and a cat .


The male was taken aback and tried to go to the baby . Cha Jun Sung and Koharu stuck to it . The Lifers also blocked the female’s actions to try to rescue the baby .



The female roared and took action . It is only up to here . It wants the Lifers to go where they please, just leave the family alone .

There are various and complicated reasons mixed in . Cha Jun Sung and the Lifers gathered to one place . The Slayers were showing signs of retreat .

The male cleared the debris, went into the prison, and brought the baby out .

It shook so much its muscles flapped . It is not a fitting appearance, but it is still a baby . As soon as it saw its parents, it stuck to them and would not separate .

The female took the baby and went to the mountain on the opposite side . The male kept awareness of Cha Jun Sung’s group and followed . As the distance between them grew, the alarm sounded .

[The Slayers are giving up on battle in order to ensure the baby’s safety . It is possible to quit the mission . Please halt your attack and wait . ]

A helper mediated the fight and urged quitting the mission . The Lifers could not fight and win against the Slayers .

Park Jin Hyuk heard the alarm, stopped shooting, and observed the Slayers . It is impossible to communicate with them . They must not let down their guards until the very end .


Sure enough, the male showed unexpected behavior . It suddenly changed its course and ran in the direction of the prison . Cha Jun Sung’s group misunderstood it as an attack .


Park Jin Hyuk had been watching all of this, and launched his last explosive bomb . If he aims to hit it, it will just avoid the shot . He aimed where he thought it would move .

Park Jin Hyuk had made a big mistake . He should have left the male alone .

Animals are different from humans in that once they make up their minds, they follow them foolishly .

Mutants are similar to animals in that sense . They are not all like that, but Slayers do not change their minds for the most part .

The baby’s life is at risk . If it had decided to retreat, it would have retreated . The male had gone back to the prison because it wanted to retrieve the body of the older child .

But Park Jin Hyuk had fired an explosive bomb . It can understand up to here . It is normal for weak prey to try to defend itself .

The explosion came with a multitude of fragments and dust .

The male was resentful, but looked past it . The wounds from fragments embedded in its skin would heal in a few hours . More important is the body of the older child .

The dust cleared up . The male thought something was wrong with his sight . The body of the older child had been intact, but was now a mess like the meat it used to eat .

The last bomb that Park Jin Hyuk set off had taken half of the body and the rest was splattered on the prison wall .


The angry male goes in a craze . It acts like a person who does not know what to do . It even starts drooling as it glares at Cha Jun Sung and the Lifers .


-[The male Slayer’s A virus has passed the limit . ]

When the Lifers heard the helper’s alarm, the male had a strange feeling as though being cut off from consciousness . It is like its sanity is disappearing .

It’s skin ripped to sprout new skin . The scratches and wounds Cha Jun Sung had given it, all healed .

3 . 5m body blew up to almost 5m . A new body is configured to fit the new size . It is no longer a level 3 . I has developed beyond its species .

-[The adult Slayer has developed into a level 4 Destroyer . A special mission has been activated and the compensation has gone from 8000 to 20,000 points . ]

-[The points have been increased to 20,000, promoting this to a level D advance mission . ]

-[Special missions have been imposed twice . According to Life Mission regulations, an advanced cyborg will be summoned for the Lifers’ safety . ]

One special mission in conjunction is activated by the fault of the Lifers but the second can be seen as bad luck, so the helpers intervene .

There is no risk of exploiting fear because Lifers’ abilities and deliberation are calculated .

-[There are 30 seconds left until the advanced cyborg is summoned . Quit the mission before the adult Slayer evolves into a Destroyer . ]

There was chaos . Since Cha Jun Sung had started the reality version, he had never heard so many notices . This is the same for the other Lifers .

“Goodness, level 4!”

“There’s no reason to hang on any longer! We will give up!”

The Lifers requested to quit . Cha Jun Sung and Koharu did not stop them . These Lifers had given their best . They had been as loyal as they had been rescued .

Their breathing becomes rough . The Slayer’s process is bothering the Lifers . It would be pushed back by the Caicus, but their skin crawls .

“Koharu and Kyoko, quit the mission . ”

“What are you going to do?”

“I’m going to quit as well of course . I’ll go with my friend, so go back first . ”

Cha Jun Sung told them that he would get in contact with them later and decided to meet in another mission . Koharu agreed, took Kyoko’s hand, and requested to quit .


When they were disappearing, a gate formed with a resonating sound .

The gate formed near Cha Jun Sung, and a cyborg with a large physique appeared . It looks strong even at first glance .

It resembles the human form and is over 2m large .

-[What are you doing? Why aren’t you quitting?]

“You disappear when I ask for help, and now you’re chirping like a bird?”

-[I am following the rules . ]

“Stop nagging and answer my questions . This is an advancing mission, right? Is it considered complete if we kill the Destroyer with the cyborg?”

-[Are you crazy? All I did was summon inferior goods to buy you time . ]

-[There is no reason for helpers to perform missions as complete cyborgs in the first place . Stop talking nonsense and quit . ]

“Just tell me . ”

-[It is considered complete . ]

“Great . ”

-[What, what is that?]

Odin’s words went through Cha Jun Sung’s ear and out the other . He will not fight blindly . He needs to check the cyborg’s attack power .

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