Life Mission Chapter 31:

Life Mission
Volume 1 Chapter 31


Cha Jun Sung and Park Jin Hyuk ran . They looked back when they could to shoot and throw grenades . Each time, one or two cannibals always died .

“I did as much as I could . ”



Lloyd’s group did not follow them . They had set everything up for them with difficulty and all they had to do was take it, but he could not take care of that for them as well .

It seemed the man they met in the meat locker, Campbell, had also followed Lloyd . Had they formed a friendship in the few days they spent together?

“They’re persistent!”

“Jump into the ocean once we reach the summons area . ”

“The ocean?”

“If they follow us in, today’s the day they die . ”

If they had taken the right path, the cliff they were first summoned to would appear .

It was 20 to 25m high .

Even if they fell into the ocean, the absorptivity of their equipment would reduce the friction .


The end of the forest was coming . They could hear the sound of waves nearby . Cha Jun Sung took out a grenade and pulled the pin . Park Jin Hyuk followed suit .

“Put the grenade on the ground and run!”



The grenade fell to the ground . It would go off in 5 seconds . Park Jin Hyuk made a fuss and jumped into the ocean . The cannibals filled the area behind them .

They were similar in speed to Cha Jun Sung, but the distance closed in as they ran . There was the problem of stamina as well, so it would have been a problem if it had been a long distance .


The grenades exploded and fragments flew out . It swept the cannibals that had gathered and they collapsed . But it was not over . There were still some standing .


When the explosion disappeared, the evil cannibals and dozens of cannibals threw themselves into the ocean . They were determined to kill Cha Jun Sung at the very least .

“I prepared this for you . ”


Cha Jun Sung threw the grenade in his hand . The cannibals opened their eyes wide . They were falling in open space . Unless they could fly away like birds, there was no way to avoid it .


The shockwaves of the grenade hit Cha Jun Sung and Park Jin Hyuk’s bodies . Fragments came flying at them, but their plastic armor and impact tights absorbed it .


Still it was early to think that they were safe because they had fallen in the water . The cannibals that had survived the blast were swimming towards the two . It was a complete horror .


The cannibals were not used to swimming and there was a notable difference in the way they moved in comparison to the way they moved on land . This made it easier to shoot them .

In their submerged state, they made the approaching cannibals into fish food .

“Let’s end this, it’s a drag . ”

“My thoughts exactly!”

If the difficulty of Level E was this high, nothing needed to be said about Level D . Level D would be uncertain even after acquiring the best gear and going through the 2nd stage of body modification .

The number of cannibals gradually decreased and they eventually killed all of them off .

“Is that the end?”

“Could be?”

“There aren’t anymore . ”


Park Jin Hyuk put his hands in the air and cheered . Their attack on the cannibals was over . Then they heard the words they wanted to hear so much .

-[Congratulations . You have cleared Level E upgrade mission, Field of Meat . ]

-[You have earned 3000 points, and Level D mission and store are open . ]

Park Jin Hyuk was delighted at the fact that the Level D mission and store had been unlocked . Cha Jun Sung did not hear the last words because he had already unlocked them .

-[Please go to shore to return to the briefing room or reality . ]

“Let’s find a low place . ”

Cha Jun Sung looked at the cliff slopes and shook his head . They could not climb it .

But they both knew how to swim . They swam and rested by floating when they were too tired . After swimming like this for 20 minutes, they came to a beautiful waterfront .

Park Jin Hyuk put all of the weaponry into the space compression bag and held only the sniper rifle . It was the best weapon against a surprise attack .

“Now that we’ve finished, it’s a bother to annihilate them . ”

“Should we go back?”

The purpose of Field of Meat was not annihilation . There could be cannibals remaining on the base, but he did not want to continue fighting .

“Let’s follow the waterfront . We might find Lloyd and his men . ”

“Okay . ”

Their shoulders were heavy . They were exhausted and as their tension relaxed, the fatigue spread . However, he did wonder what happened to Lloyd and the others .

There was nothing they could do if they had died in the forest, but they might run into them if they had made it out .


“I saw . ”

They could see what they estimated to be 40 to 50 dead bodies . It could not be people . It had to be cannibals . It seemed there had been a great battle .

Among the cannibal corpses, there were the bodies of Lloyd, Henry, and Martin .

They had died in a gruesome way . It looked like they had fought back until the end and were hacked up . Could it be that they thought it unfair that they died? There was anger in their widely open eyes .

Cha Jun Sung touched Lloyd’s body . It was still warm but some time must have passed since his death because it was starting to cool . This was the same for Henry and Martin .

“What about Carlyle and Campbell?”

“Do you think these three died while opening up a path for them?”

“Could be . ”

Cha Jun Sung walked away from the bodies . They could make money by selling their gear, but he did not need it and did not really want to do it .

They found Carlyle’s body not far from Lloyd and the others . He had his face down in the sands .

“They opened up the path for him for nothing . ”


Park Jin Hyuk had a bitter look . He did not like the man, but he had never wished for his death . He just did not like him, it was nothing more and nothing less .

Cha Jun Sung felt something strange while examining Carlyle’s body .

“What are you doing?”

“The cause of death is unclear . Other than his blue face, there isn’t any wound . ”

“What about it?”

“There isn’t a cannibal’s body nearby and he’s dead alone . ”

He looked for a mortal wound to figure out Carlyle’s cause of death, but he was perfectly fine . Other than his blue face, there was nothing that could have killed him .

“I think he suffocated . ”


“They say when someone suffocates, their face turns blue . I saw in on TV . ”

Cha Jun Sung thought that Park Jin Hyuk’s explanation made sense .

“Fight against me . ”

“What? Kuk!”

Cha Jun Sung went behind Park Jin Hyuk, put his head in a headlock, and squeezed .

Park Jin Hyuk flailed . The impact tights expanded and pushed against Cha Jun Sung’s strength, but it was loose . He had discovered a new vulnerability .

“Ow… . . My neck . ”

“What do you think?”

“I think suffocation is right . The impact tights don’t function against it . ”

“But there was a repelling force . ”

“You have a lot of muscular strength because you went through body modification . How could I withstand it?”

It sounded like the impact tights would have been able to protect him if he had not gone through body modification . A cannibal would not have done something so onerous .

“Campbell… . . ”

“Are you saying he went through body modification and is the one who killed Carlyle?”

“In context . ”

The only other survivor in this mission was Campbell . It could not help but raise suspicion . It would be a PK if it were a game, but it was murder since it was reality .

“That guy completed a Level D mission and opened the store!”

“Since I’m not the only one who’s special . ”

“Why do you think he did it?”

“The reason why he did a PK? There’s a different pleasure in killing users than in killing mutants . Or he’s doing it to gain experience . ”

“But this is reality . What experience? He’s **** . ”

“Point . ”


“Do you think he can take another Lifer’s points if he kills them?”

It was not information that was recorded in Lifer World . Of course opinions were divided . Would they be rewarded points even if they killed Lifers? Was there someone who had killed before?

“I’m sure there are a lot . A ton . ”

There was no way murderers did not exist in this crazy world . If they were given points? They would tell people not to share the information in the greed of wanting to take all the points .

“Kill someone to confirm?”

“Probably . ”

“If you find Campbell?”

“I’ll probably kill him if it’s possible, but I have no intention of going out of my way . Let’s look and decide . ”

As he continued with Life Mission, there would be a day when he killed a human and not a mutant with these hands, wouldn’t there? The only difference was whether that day would come sooner or later .

“He’ll be close by . ”

“How do you know?”

“Lloyd’s body was cold, but this one is warm . He’s close . ”

Cha Jun Sung lifted his head . They needed to go to the summon area if they wanted to complete the mission . Campbell would be heading towards the summon area as well .

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