Life Mission Chapter 273:

LM Chapter 273

Volume 9 / Chapter 260

TL: LightNovelCafe

Editor: Isleidir


Drip drip

Blood flows down from the tree . A Lifer wearing his destroyed battlesuit like rags is skewered on a long and thick thorn .

The talkative Nuclear .

There is no noticeable movement, but there are faint convulsions coming from his body . It seems as though he is not dead .

With Nuclear at the center, there are Rankers and Lifers lying around pitifully . There are even those who have been ripped into pieces .

Estimating from a quick look, it seems about half died and half lived . The battle with Evil Queen had been nearly one-sided . The aftermath of the battle reduced many kilometers in radius into chaos . That is how incredible it was .

Regardless of vitality, not a single Lifer was moving . Even those who are still alive may well have been corpses .

When Evil Queen appeared, the skeletons’ position changed . They blocked retreat paths so that Lifers could not run away . Iron King who had sustained an injury from his battle with the skeletons, had passed out with Evil Queen’s hit, been swept away, and died .

The rest realized that they could not run away, and desperately fought .

But this was Evil Queen who toyed with 4 level S Lifers . There are a lot of them, but they don’t have power when they are mostly made up of level As .

Evil Queen didn’t avoid Lifers’ attacks and allowed them to get through . Then she killed Glare Gun, Sea General, and Light Shooter with quick and precise counterattacks . There is no need to explain . They didn’t even realize they were dying due to the overwhelming gap in their abilities, and were chopped up into pieces .

Her attack strength that is powerful enough to destroy battlesuits and her speed that is undetectable by battlesuit sensors made this possible . Nine Tail raged with Light Shooter’s death, went mad, ran forward at Evil Queen, and also disappeared without a trace .

5 people died within seconds .

Even Strategist lost his will to fight and quietly accepted his fate . It isn’t a standard that they can fight . Chamma Sword, the only level S Lifer capable of movement, blocked Evil Queen’s front and took a few hits, but a few were it .

Only 9 Lifers survived until now .

Strategist, Ice Queen, Nuclear, Ghost Gun, Weapon Master, and Park Jin Hyuk’s group .

Of these, Violet and Weapon Master are still stuck to the bone protruding from Evil Queen’s body without being able to move or get out . She intends on giving them pain .

5 Lifers didn’t die on the World Federation side, but they are on the brink of death .

But Park Jin Hyuk’s group are comparatively in a better situation .

“Where did you go? I know you’re somewhere here . You hide well . ”

She speaks gently, but there is annoyance on her face .

Evil Queen is annoyed with the current situation .

“You’re human on the inside but a machine on the outside so you get rid of all traces of your scent, you don’t make noise, and you hide with transparency . ”

Bang bang bang!

Evil Queen extended her tentacle wide and whips a wide range in a circle . She went out hundreds of kilometers, but her senses didn’t pick up anything .

“I’ll have to kill what I can see first . ”

Evil Queen turns her attention to Strategist’s group . There’s no point in clinging to the ones that she can’t do anything about . She’ll need to take care of what she could and then decide whether she’ll handle what she can’t after .


“That side’s still going . ”

While Evil Queen was battling Rankers, ordinary Lifers and Evil Queen’s army were engaged in a large-scale war .

The mutants had been caught in battle while retreating, so they were being pushed back .

Rankers are unable to battle .

Evil Queen sent the skeletons she had left to block retreat routes to them .

That will restore balance . Evil Queen intends on taking care of the situation here and joining them over there . She will annihilate the Lifers, supplement her nutrients, and go to Asia and Europe .

‘Are you just going to watch?’

‘There’s no solution . ’

The sky .

Basil is holding Koharu and Park Jin Hyuk’s hand, and floating in the sky .

Stealth function .

It doesn’t just hide their visibility but their existence in general, but there is a sharp decline in their combat ability while maintaining that state . Even if they attack Evil Queen in this state, they can’t cause any damage .

The exoskeletal armor covering her entire body and the carapace protecting her main body are sturdier than Iron King’s Iron Defense . On top of that, she regenerates . Even if they somehow get through all of that, if they can’t kill her with one hit, putting regeneration aside, their location will be revealed and they will die .

Boom boom!

Park Jin Hyuk clenches his teeth as he watches Evil Queen go toward Strategist’s group . Basil held Park Jin Hyuk’s hand more tightly .

When battle broke out and the situation looked dark, Basil turned his stealth function on, grabbed Park Jin Hyuk and Koharu, and created distance between them and Evil Queen .

If he comes into contact with other battlesuits while in stealth mode, that function transfers to them .

If doesn’t have indefinite effect, but it can take on a few people .

Basil gave up on Strategist’s group in order to save himself and his close friends . Giving up on them is a good way to put it . In a negative sense, he abandoned them .

‘Hope is a word we use when there is hope . If we go out, we all die . ’

Basil judged the situation objectively .

World Federation’s Rankers were swept out . The 100,000 Lifers probably won’t make it either .

‘What about Violet!’

‘We can’t . ’

It would be better to rescue Strategist’s group . Violet and Weapon Master are stuck to Evil Queen’s body . They would have to go past getting close to her, to having to face off with her .

They are far enough now that she won’t be able to detect them even if they turn stealth function off . Even if she does see them, she can’t get past this distance to attack them . The problem would be if they attack and are discovered . A tentacle would grab them before they could escape into the sky .

Would Strategist’s group have stuck to ground war because they are stupid?

They tried to go into the sky as is characteristic with mid and long-range Lifers, but it became like a game of darts within seconds .

‘Think about Kyoko . ’

‘Damn it!’

With those words, Park Jin Hyuk abandoned hope of saving Strategist’s group and Violet .

What could be more precious than family?

Family is priority .

Koharu didn’t say anything, but she was just as angry as Park Jin Hyuk . She thought herself pathetic . She was too helpless .

‘Let’s go back to headquarters and try to get the remaining Lifers at the least . If Evil Queen stays here for a bit, we should be able to save some of them . ’

The skeletons will be creating chaos, but they are jokes compared to Evil Queen . They can evacuate the Lifers .

“Look over there . ”

“Something’s coming . ”

Park Jin Hyuk’s group got away from Evil Queen and flew toward the battleground .

It is easy to see everything when high up in the sky . Park Jin Hyuk’s group can see something coming toward them through the forest from afar .

A brutal appearance .

There is one head, but 4 faces . 3 pairs of arms as well . It is a total monster from its exterior appearance .

They were able to discover it easily because they are in a high place, but the momentum and chaos it is coming at them in is so incredible that they must have picked up on it from the ground as well .

Evil Queen has superior senses, so there’s no way she doesn’t know . She looked back when she was about to end Strategist and the others, and this was the prelude to their battle .

Furrows form . Cha Jun Sung is a farmer and his tool is Evil Queen .

Cha Jun Sung has a hold of her face, and is dragging her body along while it is embedded in the ground . A straight path forms where they pass through . Evil Queen is about a half times larger than Cha Jun Sung who is 12 to 13 meters tall, but he had no problem throwing her to the ground and dragging her .

Before Cha Jun Sung threw Evil Queen to the ground, he moved his tail and pulled Violet and Weapon Master from her body .

They aren’t dead .

They sent faint vital signs through his tail .

It was easy to rescue them because the surprise attack worked . If she had been waiting for him, he wouldn’t have been able to save them .

‘What is this?’

Evil Queen couldn’t understand the situation .

She got up in a hurry . She had been moving to finish off the dying Lifers when she felt an intense aura and turned around .

A black palm came at her like lightning to a point a little below her kidney, grabbed her face, pushed, and planted her into the ground .

She feels the full impact of being dragged with her whole body .

It isn’t enough to make a fuss, but it isn’t an extent that she can just ignore it and move on . She is stuck between the strength pushing from above and the hard ground withstanding that force from below . She had to take that frictional force .

His grip was incredible as well . If her skeleton and coat had been those of a weaker mutant, her face would have been ripped off or her body would have been destroyed and she would have died . Evil Queen couldn’t look at the mutant that had attacked her . Her eyes were covered by his hand, so she cannot see . It is dark .

It has been long since she forgot about the two Lifers she can skewered on her body to feel pain .

Instead, her thoughts became full regarding this situation .

“Will you… let me go now?”


Evil Queen had been dragged on lifelessly when she lifted her foot and kicked Cha Jun Sung’s stomach .

It is a fatal kick . His stomach is crushed .

This strength exploded from the opposite direction Cha Jun Sung is exerting strength in . the stronger side is bound to win – Cha Jun Sung’s hand is forced to relax .

His heavy body goes up high into the sky . Like a level 9, the parts where his bones broke and his skin ripped regenerate within seconds .

Evil Queen’s tentacles grab Cha Jun Sung’s body as it goes up into the sky . She pulled with force and straightened up .

The reversed scenario – their stances switch and Cha Jun Sung is planted into the ground .

He tried to bounce out more through the law of inertia, but the tentacles prevented that .

“You – you?”

Evil Queen lifted Cha Jun Sung and expressed surprise for the first time . Someone who should be in Asia is right in front of her .

“Evil Queen . ”

“How are you here? And how did you recognize me?”

Evil Queen’s tentacles loosen in her surprise .

Cha Jun Sung didn’t miss that chance, swelled his muscles, and snapped the tentacles wrapped around him .

Evil Queen didn’t care and only waited for him to speak . Binding him isn’t important . She can do it whenever she wants to .

“I came to kill you, and someone told me you’re Evil Queen . ”

“Who’s that?”

“Those who made us into monsters, who made the world like this . ”

Evil Queen’s eyes open wide .

What Cha Jun Sung, who she calls Black Lord, is surprising .

“Why? You didn’t think we were created naturally, did you? You were human too . You know fully well that it doesn’t make sense . ”

Evil Queen knows that well . That’s why it is even more surprising .

To be thinking something and to have that confirmed is a different matter .

“Lifers were hunters created to kill us as well . Shall I state it more simply? We’re all subjects for experiment . ”

Evil Queen’s expression grows cold .

Cha Jun Sung watched her as she reacted similarly to Black Lord, and felt that they were very proud .

High or low levels don’t matter .

Mutants created through Life Mission’s system have the common purpose of testing .

It is the same for Lifers, but they are better off compared to mutants . Other than the risks of death, they are guaranteed autonomy and can live the lives that they desire . It is rather a foothold for success for Lifers .

“Where are they?”

“If I tell you where they are, are you going to find and kill them? No chance . They aren’t gods, but they are like gods in the world that they’ve created . ”

The current Evil Queen couldn’t even kill Jigneon .

But a tiger kept inside a zoo isn’t able to shake off its instincts as a beast of prey .

Disaster or Nightmare, this is something that applies to all mutants .

“Interesting . If that’s the case, you’re also basically a lab rat . Why are you telling me this?”

A secret that not even Lifers know .

A secret that only Cha Jun Sung knows and that he cannot tell anyone else .

“Because you’re the end . ”

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