Life Mission Chapter 224:

Volume 8 / Chapter 224

TL: LightNovelCafe

Editor: Hungry Panda


A smooth and slick outstretched caudal fin lightly strikes the walls of the underwater cave . The entire cave shakes .

Clear, bumpy muscles wave and follow movement .

A huge form glares and focuses on smell of the sensory organs . A vague and subtle smell bothers him .

It is the smell of blood .

It was pretty familiar, too .

It seems like it is coming from far away, but a lot of blood must have been lost if it flowed all the way down to here .

Smelling it over and over again, it can guess what kind of creature it is .

It is similar to the turtles acting as the king in its corner of the sea . They are lower subjects, but they swarm together annoyingly!

It lets them live however, because they provide ample nutrients .

Are they fighting over territory or something?

It looked to the side .

A female similar to itself in size and her baby, a fourth of her size, are looking at each other .

The female smelled it . It is a being on the same level in the first place .

‘Will you go?’

‘No . ’

The female wants to know what is going on out of curiosity, but she cannot leave the baby and go . Taking the baby is even worse .

Before, she would have gone alone but she does not want to now . They were born recently, so she felt what death is for the first time .

If they are the ones ruling this area, those animals are the ones that rule the entire ocean . They might still be wandering this area . What that one said is still in his mind .

‘I’ll let you live because of the baby . ’

It had been sincere .

If it hadn’t been for the baby, it would have killed her . She won’t go outside if she doesn’t need to because they could run into each other again .

The male must have recalled the memory of that time, because it left the smell and just decided to keep sleeping . Thinking of the one that is more than twice as large as they are combined, it is easy to stop being curious .




“The damage?”

[A submersible and 95 advanced have been destroyed, but they can be recovered . ]

Strategist made a sound of pain when Uranos told him about the damages .

⅓ have been destroyed .

Almost 100 Lifers have been killed or injured as well . It would have been worse if Cha Jun Sung hadn’t been able to kill the Turtle Captains on time .

“So these are the kinds of issues we get from choosing the default Albatrus . ”

The lowest armed status .

If they had followed the level S drawings, they could have armed it more heavily by 5 times . There is a lot of other technology too .

The armor is close to level S, but other functions – offensive power in particular – are level A . That is why the balance is tilting to one side .

If the Albatrus had been a complete level S battle weapon, it would have been able to kill the Turtle Babies without the help of Lifers and submersibles .

‘We need to advance Overload no matter what . For him and for us . ’

If that happens, they can purchase more of the materials they need for Albatrus .

The level S energy core is priority .

With items like hydraulic guns and hydraulic impact guns, they need to increase the fire power and destructive power in the Albatrus’ energy . All circumstances are in Strategist’s mind .

Bang bang bang!

There is still a battle going on outside .

The smell of blood is that of more than what would be in hundreds of trucks . Albatrus’ porthole didn’t close . The submersibles didn’t go back either .

A majority of low level guys are like this, so it is fortunate that Lifers are going back and forth and fighting .

“We’re getting out . ”

Strategist gives Uranos an order .

Mutants swarm in with no end . It seems it would be better for them to get out than to keep staying here .

Lifers and submersibles retreat to the Albatrus .

The mutants manically ripped up the Turtle Captains and Babies’ corpses amongst themselves . It is hundreds and thousands of tons of flesh . Different kinds of mutants are having a party . It is an amount that allows them to feast even without fighting .

“Uranos, search for a place where we can anchor nearby . We need to rest . ”

[Wide scan activated . ]

It is a large battle, so the Albatrus’ energy has been reduced to less than half .

They need to fix the submersibles and cyborgs, and they need to take care of the injured .

For the dead, they took care of the corpses, spraying antiseptic and freezing them>

“Is it 150km…”

There are still 150km left until the location where Sea General said he found Deep-Sea Teeth . From now on, they need to place more importance in their radar than other functions .

They search a radius of 50km with 10% energy .

They can’t do 500km just because they use 100% energy . A maximum of 200km is the limit .

It is certain as they get closer, and uncertain as they get farther away .

If they check 200km outside with maximum output radar, they can know ‘there’s something there . ’

They can only determine what something is if it is within 100km . They can’t just look out like it is their palm because it is such a wide range .

“It’s making me nervous . ”

Two level 8s .

They cannot even imagine how many underlings there are . It is uncertain whether they can take one on even if Cha Jun Sung gets involved .

Discovering first and delivering the first blow is the shortcut to lessening the damage and increasing the odds . They need to stay alert .




They are 2500m deep in the ocean . The Albatrus is seated on an adjacent coral reef bigger than a person with some of the features turned on, reorganizing .

Reorganizing doesn’t mean anything tremendous . They are just on board, repairing broken or damaged submersibles and advanced cyborgs . A majority of high level or special cyborgs are put into repair work . Unless the Albatrus doesn’t operate, they are basically unemployed .

Even if the material items are finite, they packed enough so they wouldn’t run out before going out .

If the water barrier is broken through and the Albatrus itself was hit, it would hurt but there is no issue with the parts .

They can take this kind of damage even if they do it a few more times . Their battle against the Turtle Captains and Turtle Babies consumed almost 65% of the Albatrus’ energy . It is the result of fighting for nearly half a day .

Energy being consumed at a high speed . Strategist left level A energy cores gathered during battle, a general charging device plugged in the energy room . The speed of charging is several hundred times slower compared to a rapid charging device, but they cannot use rapid charging devices in fighting mere turtles .

They need to save it until the end and use while fighting level 8s . Albatrus needs to be holding more than 30% energy no matter what . 10% radar, 10% water barrier, 10% engine .

Uranos managed the rest of the hydraulic guns efficiently with the leftover 70% of the remaining energy . Since he is artificial intelligence, he is meticulous and computational .

The Albatrus currently consumes at least 40% of the energy . The figure went up a little because the water barrier used 20% .

If the water barrier is taken away, the enemy’s attack will hit the main body . If the radar goes off, there’s no way to know where anything is . If the engine is turned off, they will plummet to the ocean floor . This is how they get to 30% .

If the energy goes down below this, they need to give up on functions in order . Of the three, plummeting seems to be the most dangerous . If they hadn’t plugged in the general charging device, they would have gone down below that . That’s how fierce the battle against tens of thousands of Turtle Babies is .

“How long will it take?”

[10 to 12 days with natural charging, 2 days with the general charging device . We have 900 to 950 general charging devices . ]

General charging devices are different in quality and quantity according to store level . The average of what they prepared for this mission is level B . With this much energy, they could fill up the energy of level B battlesuits all the way seven times and have some left .

“It takes too long… But let’s try it since we have some time . ”

If they add a few more days, natural charging takes about 2 weeks . They brought 5000 general charging devices with them . They’ve used about 400, so they have 4600 left . They also have 500 rapid charging devices, so there’s no need to worry about energy . They will use what the Lifers possess when the Albatrus is in danger .


Special cyborgs take out general charging devices and plug them into the level A energy room . This energy flows into level B and C energy rooms as well .

“We’ll finish up our search as soon as it’s completely charged . ”

[Roger that . ]

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