Legend of the Swordking Chapter 661: Zero space

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I set up a party cauldron and used the lower grade spar as fuel. Then I found some spiritual springs from my space bone ring to boil, and then started to boil animal meat, and added a lot of it from Yunhuang Medicine Garden. The lingcao, after being boiled for less than twenty minutes, began to smell, and not long after, many people were surrounded by the big tent.

“Tang Hu, what are you doing? Come in.” The cousin said in a majestic voice.

Outside the account, five generals with the rank of major general walked in. Among them, I knew Tang Hu at the front. He used to be the spiritual teacher of the All Souls Academy. He has resigned since the incident in the Lingyun Mountain. After coming to Beilin, he was actually reused. Now he has become one of the generals under his cousin, and his cultivation has reached the middle stage of the Star Imperial Realm.

“We smelled the scent, hehe, just come and have a look.” Tang Hu scratched his head and smiled.

The other four generals saluted me and Su Yan together: “See Little Prince! See Miss Su Yan!”

“How do you call me…little lord?” I was taken aback.

Tang Hu said with a smile: “The younger brother of the Queen of the North, isn’t he the little prince, besides, with Xiaoxuan, you probably won’t be able to step into the human king realm in a long time, and you deserve the title of the king! “

The cousin said: “Since they are all here, then take out the bowls and chopsticks, Xiaoxuan, each one will serve them a bowl of meat, and let them go away.”


Tang Hu and the others were very excited. They walked for two days and two nights in the wilderness without water and rice. In this bitterly cold place to the north, there are no people in the country, and they can’t find a beast to kill and eat meat. Being able to eat meat is like a godsend.

Each person has a bowl of meat, and even thank you again and again, and left with joy.


I served the old sister and Su Yan each with a bowl of meat, and then I carried the bowl and ate it fiercely. I had to settle a bowl in a moment and started to serve the second bowl. Then I asked in the gap: “Sister, Zeyun In the first battle of the city, the Yun clan lost at least two million elite soldiers. It is no longer the Yun clan in the Yunhuang era. Do you want to keep the north face in the snowy area?”


The cousin licked her red lips and said with a smile: “Although the Yun Clan is sluggish, the so-called hundred-legged insects die and are not stiff. Moreover, there is a huge danger in the wilderness. Situ Qing must have led the animal tide into the wilderness and dormant. Get up and wait for the power to recover before launching a second invasion war. By then, the most likely target of the offensive will become the northern side.”

Su Yan’s eyes are like water, she can see very thoroughly, and said: “Situ Qing and Luyi’s strength is only in the super spiritual realm. In fact, they have not completely conquered the strength of the five-pointed golden dragon and the blue bull. It must be driven by some means. Chao, this point must be clarified, and after the failure of Situ Qing and Lu Yi this time, whether the Exile Land will pay a great price to send more upper realm powers down, it may not be certain.”

The cousin stared: “Xiaoyan is right. According to my guess, the way of sending Situ Qing and Luyi to the lower realm in exile was a sacrifice. The cost of this sacrifice was about two. The lives of a hundred exiles with the same strength as Situ Qing and Luyi. Therefore, Situ Qing and Luyi should be the weaker type of people in the exile area. It is guaranteed that the next time the exile area will fight for the background and give it a stronger one. People come to the lower realms, but it should take some preparation time.”

I groaned: “I cut off the fairy roots in the Star Nest Secret Realm in April, and they sent the Exiles to the Lower Realm in June. There are two months of their preparation time. .”

The cousin nodded: “Yes, two months, we must make a breakthrough, otherwise we can only be mermaid, I plan to retreat for two months, you go to Zero Space Retreat with me!”

“Zero space?” I was stunned: “What is that?”

“A magical artifact in the depths of the snowy region. I discovered when I was exploring the snowy region. Today, only I know it. I also named it because that artifact has kept freezing temperature for a long time and belongs to time and space. For a magical device, one day outside the zero-degree space is ten days, which is equivalent to ten times more training time. Two months is equivalent to nearly two years. Xiaoxuan, you can try to attack the human king realm. Xiaoyan can also comprehend some subtle laws.”

Su Yan nodded: “Okay!”

I also nodded: “No problem, it just happens that I need a lot of time to comprehend the Tonggu sword map bestowed by the Emperor Yun, and I also need a confined space with no distractions.”

“Okay, after this meal, we will set off after I arrange the affairs of the north side.”



After dinner, arrange everything and set off.

Xiaoqing galloped in the void, Su Yan sat in my arms, and the cousin put one hand on my shoulder, and followed us in the void. The cousin whispered in less than ten minutes: “Xiaoqing, stop, here it is!”

Out of the void, the sky is covered with feathers and snow, and the visibility is only tens of meters.

Below is a sea of ​​snow. Jianxin of All Things found that there is a frozen lake under the snow. I don’t know how many years it has been frozen. The ice layer is ten meters thick, and the lake is slowly flowing underneath. , And just below the lake, there was a faint breath surging almost imperceptibly, which was exactly what the cousin said.

“Let’s go!”

The cousin stepped down, stepped on the blazing flames, and directly burned the molten ice, leading Su Yan and me down all the way until we entered the lake. The body guard squeezed the water wave, and the three of them stepped on the bottom of the lake. Moving forward, she walked to the front of a sudden Shimen, the cousin gently pressed her palm on the top, Wang Li surging, moved away from the Shimen with a roar.

There is an enchantment in Shimen, the lake cannot flow in, but Su Yan and I filed in.

The inside is a stone chamber, about tens of meters squared. The moment I stepped in, I felt that time was stretched, and the spiritual energy here was also very strong, although it was not as good as the medicine mountain in Xuanyue Sword Region, but It is definitely more suitable for cultivation than the ice and snow in the outside world, and when you look up, you can see the brilliance of the sun, moon and stars on the top of the stone wall.

“Don’t be surprised, here you can directly absorb the essence of the sun and the moon.” The cousin said.

I nodded, scanned my eyes, leaped up and landed on a raised rock wall near the top, and sat down cross-legged.

“What did you do for climbing so high?” the cousin and Su Yan said silently.

“I like it here.”


Take out three macaroni fruits, volleyed out two to them, kept one for themselves, and bite and eat it. In an instant, the extremely powerful spiritual essence exploded in the throat, poured into the abdomen, and started Unleashing the power of the Tongxinguo, the whole brain becomes extremely clear in an instant. This extremely clear state is probably the legendary increase in understanding.

I immediately took out the Tonggu sword picture and spread the whole picture on my lap. I was immersed in it at the first glance. This is not a sword art, but it is better than a sword art. It records a profound kendo mystery. .

Originally, I could only see the mountains and rivers, but soon as I entered the concentration, these mountains and rivers became distorted and turned into bunches of sword intent that seemed to flow. In the spirit ruins, the sword heart of all things became incomparable. It makes me enter a realm of selflessness, the sword heart of all things, the sword heart of all things, and the law in this sword map are confirmed one by one, so that only half an hour of enlightenment makes me feel gain much.

I don’t know how long it took, the lines in the landscape map began to move little by little, and began to recombine, turning into an old man holding the pine branches, gently waving the pine branches, every movement became natural. Having reached a certain level of transformation, I instantly felt that my original swordsmanship had become extremely clumsy. Compared with the profound kendo in front of me, it was even like a beginner!

In an instant, I realized the extraordinaryness of this sword illustration, and it definitely had a remarkable background. It seems that Emperor Yun only perceives the extraordinaryness of the sword illustration, but I don’t know how powerful it is!

In the spirit ruins, the mood of the sword of all things is surging, and a group of brilliance in the heart of the sword is condensed into a small person, replacing my consciousness, and starting to follow the old man in the scroll to dance the moon blade in the same way, waving it again and again. In the sword, speed and power are beginning to evolve, and they are increasing a little bit, becoming faster and stronger.

I don’t know how long the rehearsal took. When I opened my eyes, my whole body was soaked with sweat, and my body was warm. Soon after, a warm current rushed from my feet and went straight to the sky. The veins have taken shape!

I’m so excited, I hurriedly settled down and started to forge this new branch.

At this time, my cousin and Su Yan also opened their eyes and looked at me in surprise.

“A second branch is concluded?” Su Yan asked.


The cousin couldn’t help but smile: “Not bad…”

Su Yan asked: “Sister Xuanyin, how many veins did you awaken when you stepped into the Human King Realm?”

“A total of eight, how about you?”

“It’s the same, it’s also Eight Dao.”

The cousin squinted her beautiful eyes and said: “As far as I know, count the cultivators of the upper realm. When entering the human king realm, most people can only make two, three, or even one branch, which can make five. The person who divides the Dao is a genius, and the person who makes the eight-way division is already considered a genius among the geniuses. I don’t know how many divisions Xiaoxuan can finally make.”

“This guy’s genius is nothing short of a freak, and he may be able to conclude ten ways.”

“That’s the best, ten points of separation, and going to the upper realm is enough to stand out from the crowd.”


I didn’t speak, I just concentrated on mobilizing the essence of my body to shape this newly formed branch. After a while, the branch became clear and absorbed around the main spiritual channel, becoming a spiritual channel that conveys aura in my body. Although it is not as good as the main line, it is obviously better for the better. Nv Shan said that the golden branches allow me to step into the realm of the king, but I must go further. If I can conclude the legendary ten divisions, That realm would not stop at the blood spirit realm.

After the separation of the veins is completed, I asked: “How long have you been practicing?”

“Five days.”

“Wow, five days?”

“Yes, you have been watching the sword drawing for five days. Have you gained anything?” Su Yan asked.

“It seems that there is, and it seems that there is no, I continue to observe, and wake me up in five days and eat something.”


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