Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 496 Change (4)

What does the research team want to do?

This is the question that Ye Zhong and his party are thinking about involuntarily at this time. The iron scorpion floated in the air without a single person, and was as silent as a dead city. In the base, there was a mess, and things were messy everywhere. Even the chips that should be confidential information were randomly thrown on the ground, showing how panic they were when they evacuated.

What happened here? What happened to the research team? Ye Zhong was puzzled.

“It’s a pity a good place! If in normal times, this would be a very good base.” Shang’s voice was full of regret. Ye Zhong didn’t say anything, Tie Xiefu was indeed an excellent base, but if he was stationed at this time, it would be no different from looking for death. Such an excellent base has no value to Ye Zhong.

Tie Xie Floating has been in the scientific research team for many years, and the facilities inside are very reasonable and perfect. It can be seen that many designs have taken a lot of thought.

With five hundred mentors, this place immediately becomes a veritable fortress of war. If you want to attack, it’s not Ye Zhong’s strength that can do it.

Ye Zhong realized how absurd his confidence just now was.

But fortunately, the research team’s puzzling retreat made him for nothing.

Ye Zhong suddenly raised his voice: “Look for a warehouse now!” How can it be possible that there is no large warehouse like this kind of base? This is what is most urgently needed now.

What Ye Zhong can do now is to pray that the warehouse is not empty.

“Instructor! We found the warehouse!” Xi Qing reported to Ye Zhong excitedly. In this fleet, there are very few people qualified to call Ye Zhong instructor, most of them are students like Xi Qing Hexiu before him. These students are now almost all grassroots cadres. They are Ye Zhong’s most loyal supporters.

The warehouse is located in the inner layer of the iron scorpion float. In order to prevent being hit, it is made of all-alloy. Even if the naval gun of a battleship is fired from the front, it is difficult to blast the outer wall that is harder than stainless steel.

The heavy alloy gate moved silently along the slide rails to both sides, and the warehouse was dark.

Turn on the lights, and the expectant people suddenly quieted down. It was so quiet that I could hear the needle drop on the ground.

In the warehouse, materials piled up like a mountain are neatly stacked. All the materials are divided into categories and stored extremely well, some of which have not even removed the identification codes on them.

“This world is crazy!” Ye Zhong murmured unconsciously. He didn’t know why he wanted to say this sentence, but he blurted it out involuntarily.

After experiencing the initial shock, everyone reacted. Although all faces were ecstatic, their good discipline kept them relatively calm.

Without a hint of hesitation, Ye Zhong waved his hand vigorously: “Move! Move all away!”

Arrange the removal plan. Ye Zhong returned to the Haskell first. He was very satisfied with this action. I’m afraid that in the entire team, the only regrettable possibility is the surging crew on the ten battleships. They originally wanted to show their hands in front of Ye Zhong, but they didn’t make a shot. They were a little bit frustrated, and their hearts became more frustrated.

Sure enough, the research team is still rich! Even people like Ye Zhong who are indifferent to money can’t help but sigh. The pile of various materials shocked him a little.

But what happened to the research team? As far as he knows, the scientific research group is an organization with extremely strong technical force, and its military strength is not outstanding. But from the current point of view, I am afraid that its military strength is not as unbearable as the spread of the outside world. Ye Zhong could see that the iron scorpion float was a typical military installation.

All signs indicate. The current research team seems to be in chaos, rather than a planned retreat.

Uh, but what does it matter to me? Ye Zhong laughed at himself. If it weren’t for the research team to be in chaos. The materials in the warehouse there are no longer in his turn. Now, let’s care about my destiny.

Ye Zhong’s face became serious.

“Leaf, don’t keep your face straight, wrinkles. Wrinkles are the natural enemy of mankind! But then, Leaf, you have done a good job recently. Ha, keep on doing it!” Shang then mysteriously said: “Leaf, I’m currently cataloging a beauty database. How about giving you a copy? Hey. But there is a Bingbingdi album.”

Ye Zhong was speechless amidst hey laughter.

At this moment, the statistics report was sent to Ye Zhong.

Seeing the long series of numbers on the statistics list, Ye Zhong understood how fruitful the harvest this time was!

The energy bar is massive. For a long time, the fleet will no longer need to worry about storing energy. And this time, another harvest that was unexpected by Ye Zhong was Light Armor. Five thousand d-6s! Ye Zhong was very suspicious now. What is the real purpose of this iron scorpion float?

However, with these five thousand d-6s, it is enough to complete the replacement of 2,500 mentors under Ye Zhong. The performance of the d-6 is much better than that of the fighter’s light armor. Yes

It is expected that after a short familiarization period, Ye Zhong’s combat power will be considerably improved.

Other strategic materials are also countless. Ye Zhong was also cruel this time and ordered the entire warehouse to be emptied. Xiqing Hexiu executed it thoroughly, and now the entire warehouse does not even have a piece of paper left. Even the chips in the base were all picked up, but the information inside still needs to be sorted out.

The initial ecstasy has gradually faded, and Ye Zhong’s brows gradually frowned again.

The problem of the energy bar has been solved, but the most important and critical problem has not been solved, and that is how to break out of the encirclement of the red-tailed beast.

He never thought of a proper way.

The speed of the red-tailed beasts is much faster than that of them, and the two-winged red-tailed beasts are driving forward like crazy. Now they have been left behind. In other words, they have fallen into the formation of the red-tailed beasts. In the pocket, it’s just that the opening of the pocket hasn’t been tightened. Once the tie is tight, they will never have a chance to turn over again.

The Hashgar was also plunged into joy. In the communication room, there was also a lively discussion among the crew. Everyone was guessing how many things could be returned this time. Their work is very leisurely. They sit or lie down, holding a cup of hot tea, chatting casually.

Originally, the communication room of a fleet main ship should be a very important department. It is hard to see such a leisurely scene. After all, they need to pass the command of the fleet commander to every space ship in the fleet, and Responsible for the coordination and communication between other ships and the main ship, the task is not light. But Master Jie, who is loved and respected by everyone, rarely uses the communication room, and his orders are generally passed directly to Master Xiqing and Master Xiu.

“Everyone said, how many good things can you get this time? I heard people say that we posted this time! The things are piled up like mountains.” A crew member said excitedly.

“Of course, tusk, the research team is rich in wealth, just thinking about it makes people drool!” Another crew member half-lying in the chair answered.

The leader of the communication room teased him with contempt: “Then you go to the research group, hehe, don’t worry, no one will stop you.”

“Forget it.” The crew member shook his head: “I still want to live. Now, except for Master Jie, who can take us to live? The research team? They want to be able to take us to life, and the iron scorpion appears. There will be no one at all.”

Everyone suddenly lost interest in chatting. They all had hope for the research team at the beginning, but the reality is cruel. The inaction of the research team has made more and more Ashguin people lose confidence in them.

Just then, the main communicator suddenly lit up, and the didi alarm sound was so harsh in the silent communication room. The crew was taken aback, staring at each other, suddenly a person came over and shouted: “It’s Master Jie!”

Everyone hurriedly took their place and connected to the main communicator.

An image of Ye Zhong appeared on the communicator, and the cold voice was like a cold winter wind: “Order, all the captains who have been on the ship for more than 20 years shall gather in the captain’s room, right now!”

“Yes!” All the crew members hurriedly stood up and saluted.

Hey, the image of Ye Zhong on the holographic screen disappeared, and everyone was relieved at this time. Master Jie unexpectedly issued an order through them this time and caught them by surprise.

“Do the right thing.” The group leader sullenly, the peace just disappeared. Everyone immediately returned to their posts and started to get busy. They needed to pass Master Jie’s orders to every spaceship as quickly as possible.

Feeling the anxiousness in Master Jie’s tone, everyone’s nerves immediately became tense, and the movements of their hands were extremely fast. And this also made them feel a little uneasy. In their hearts, Lord Jie is already a symbol of invincibility, and the problem that makes Lord Jie feel thorny~IndoMTL.com~ is definitely not a small problem.

They gave Ye Zhong’s order to the captain of each spaceship with the fastest speed and the most severe wording.

About ten minutes later, all the captains with more than 20 years of experience have gathered in the conference room. After receiving the order, they immediately put aside all their work and rushed in eagerly. The discipline of the fleet is very strict, and no one dares to challenge Master Jie’s authority in this regard. When they arrived, Master Xiqing and Master Xiu were already there.

The captain who is familiar with the two has already leaned forward to find out what the gathering was going on, but it was unexpected that Xiqing and Master Xiu didn’t know.

At this moment, Ye Zhong walked into the conference room.

Everyone immediately stood up and saluted, and Ye Zhong returned. Naturally, this set was not something Ye Zhong could think of. Now almost all the rules and regulations in the fleet were established by one hand. But the effect is very significant, everything is now in order, and management will not be as clueless as before.

No nonsense, Ye Zhong used the most direct way to make his opening remarks.

“Now, we are facing a problem that will directly determine our life and death!”

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