Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 457 Chasing after all

Puff puff puff!

Sang Tie’s collision light armor was like a string of candied haws, piercing through seven or eight unknown creatures in an instant. To some extent, this can no longer be called a hole, and it is more appropriate to call it a tear. The unidentified creature’s powerful body was like paper paste under such an impact, and it fell apart in an instant.

The frontal protection of the collision light armor is the strongest in the entire light armor, which is why the collision cone is often their weapon of choice. Frontal collision is also the safest collision method.

Dense like rain!

Beside Sangpu, countless collision light armors slammed into the oncoming unknown creatures at the same high speed. The light armor and the touch are separated, every time they collide, they bring a rain of blood. In the **** rain of lasing, the stump flew horizontally.

An unknown creature turned around and wanted to escape, but where could it have time? There was a pain in the waist, and a powerful force came, and its figure flew sideways uncontrollably. At this moment, it seemed to be familiar with the half of the body flying in the other direction. For a moment, the piercing pain immediately hit it like a tide, and it almost immediately fainted. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of countless blood pouring out of his empty lower body.

Its eyes widened sharply, staring at his lower body incredulously. The face was so distorted because of the pain that it was almost indistinguishable. It hadn’t reacted yet, there was another sharp pain, and it immediately lost consciousness.

A sharp bone wing projecting from the side of the collision light armor cut its head in two without any hindrance. Because the speed was too fast, the expressions on the faces of the two halves were still faintly discernible, and the slightly convex eyes were full of horror and disbelief, as if they wanted to tell something.

Because there is no air in space, sound cannot be transmitted. However, intensive collisions like heavy rain flooded the entire area covered by the light armor group. Every collision with light armor. People can’t help but twitch heavily. Here, power and speed, barbarity and primitiveness, life and death are fully interpreted.

There are enemies in all directions, Sangtie and the others don’t need to lock their targets. Actually. In such a chaotic and complicated environment, it is undoubtedly a rather stupid thing to work hard to find your own target.

For this. Sang Tie is equally clear. Their light armour groups are extremely dense, just like fine combs, but none of these combs have sharp teeth. How would it feel to be plowed fiercely by such a comb? Sang Tie and the others gave the answer, that is, even the leather belt, with countless deep blood grooves!

This scene happened so quickly that everyone watching was overwhelmed by the intense battle. Too violent! Compared with those space stations with laser beams flying around. The scene before him is undoubtedly more brutal and **** and full of shock. The heavy sniffles in the crowd can be heard everywhere, and the holographic screen has no sound, but the intense and even violent intensive collision seems to tear the huge holographic screen to pieces.

Compared with this scene being played on the holographic screen. Those so-called blockbuster movies can only be regarded as children’s playhouses. People watched in horror what was happening on the holographic screen.

Although the Heyue Star Territory is fiercely competitive and powerful, for ordinary people, life can be considered peaceful and comfortable.

However, the world has changed! They suddenly discovered that death and war were so close to them. Anxiety filled the crowd, and the pale adults covered the children’s eyes with their hands. They don’t want their children to see such a **** and terrifying scene.

Sant’s expression was cold, without a trace of movement. Up to now, his results have been brilliant, and in a short period of time, he has no time to count the number of unidentified creatures that died in his hands. The current battle situation is like the Shura Field for the people in the River Yue Star Territory who have not experienced a great war, but to the Butcher-class Sangtie, it is just a common battle situation. The San people who have been baptized by the beast tide are no longer novices in large-scale battles. This point, no matter which one of the three big families has it, does not have it.

Sang Tie looks rough and aggressive, but in fact he is as careful as a needle. In terms of combat, he is even more talented. Soon, he keenly noticed the subtle changes on the battlefield. Because of the uninterrupted impact on unknown creatures, the speed of impacting the light armor has been reduced. The impact of the lack of speed of the light armor is weak, and every San clan knows this weakness of the light armor.

At this moment, Samp’s slightly tired voice sounded in the communication channel: “The first wave of attacking formations immediately withdrew from the battlefield, pay attention to maintaining the formation.”

Sure enough, it is Apu, who can have insight if not on the front line, and the timing is just right. Sang Tiexin applauded secretly, without any hesitation, all the surviving light armor of the first to tenth formations immediately dispersed in all directions diagonally.

The unidentified creatures breathed a sigh of relief by the active departure of these killing gods, but before they retracted into the purple mist again, they were horrified to find that another wave of killing gods rushed in front of them again!

The unidentified creature that had just slackened down suffered a devastating blow this time.

Red-tailed beast, this matter Ye renamed this unknown creature. Of course, Mu has no opinion. Well, anyway, the red-tailed beast is more reasonable than the number one creature. Various signs indicate that the injured red-tailed beast in front of us is very likely the king of this red-tailed group. Ye Zhong had made up his mind and would never let this guy go.

Ye Zhong knew that he had caused it to be injured just now, which was quite lucky. Ye Zhong has never been accustomed to pin his destiny on such illusory things as luck. Will there be such luck next time? He didn’t even think about this idea.

The best solution right now is to beat the dog and solve the problem once and for all.

Following this red-tailed beast closely, Ye Zhong didn’t dare to relax a bit.

Today’s luck seems to be good, so far I haven’t lost it. In such a complicated environment, even Mu’s scanning system cannot be used, and Hanjia’s holographic scanning system is even more like a waste. It is not easy for oneself to be able to bite the opponent tightly with only the sodium hydrogen lamp.

The red-tailed beast ran away quickly.

Ye Zhong is now very fortunate that he has been destroying those sarcomas along the way. If the red-tailed beast is suddenly killed now, even the most common red-tailed beast, I am afraid that the current situation will be reversed immediately.

It was not the red-tailed beast who fled, but himself.

Staring eyes wide, for fear of missing a detail, in such a complicated environment, you may lose track at any time. If you lose track of it, then you want to find this red-tailed beast again, I’m afraid it is a fantasy.

In front is a corner formed by a thick piece of soft software. Ye Zhong remembers clearly that he entered the inner core area of ​​this purple mist just now.

He felt anxious at the moment. Samp and the others were still fighting outside with red-tailed beasts. The fighting there must be fierce. It is basically impossible to encircle such a highly lethal and flexible high-level red-tailed beast there without paying a certain amount of casualties. More importantly, there is more space there, and the number of gaps around it is countless. This red-tailed beast can escape wherever it drills.

Seeing this chase is going to fail, half of the red-tailed beast’s body is already showing a corner. However, what was unexpected to Ye Zhong was that the red-tailed beast statue was suddenly frightened, and suddenly retracted, folded back, and flew in the other direction.

Ye Zhong was taken aback for a moment, but then he reacted and chased after him. The delay of the red-tailed beast also made the distance between Ye Zhong and it shorter.

What’s going on outside? This matter raised a question in Ye Zhong’s mind. But soon he put the question behind his head, wholeheartedly chasing the injured red-tailed beast that was fleeing ahead.

This red-tailed beast is very familiar with the terrain here. If it weren’t for the damage speed, Ye Zhong would have been lost. Even so, Ye Zhong still had to do his best to barely keep up.

This incident tested the driving skills of light armor, with seven turns and eight turns, all corners. If it is an ordinary teacher and scholar, after this continuous change of direction, it has already been dizzy. But for Ye Zhong, continuous change of direction is one of his better skills, but after such a toss, he is not much better. However, Ye Zhong had always had a stoic temperament, and the discomfort caused by long-term continuous changes was abruptly suppressed by him. He knew that he had the best chance to get rid of this red-tailed beast. If he missed it, it would not be so easy next time.

He bit the red-tailed beast, Ye Zhong did not dare to relax.

At this moment, after avoiding a piece of software, Ye Zhong’s eyes suddenly opened up, but his heart sank down~IndoMTL.com~ He and the red-tailed beast have entered the blank area full of ordinary red-tailed beasts. .

However, the sight in front of him surprised Ye Da, who had never been surprised!

As far as I look, there are stumps of red-tailed beasts floating everywhere. These cold gray corpses just float in this space quietly, densely packed. The nearby soft bodies were even more devastated, their skins turned and fleshy, there was no liquid left in them, and the dark gray surface had no trace of luster. As for these soft sarcomas, all were punctured without exception.

The red-tailed beast in front of him who had just entered this area stiffened suddenly, then turned his head and glanced at Ye again.

The scarlet eyes were blood red at this time, and his face was hideously twisted.

The hair on Ye Zhong’s body stood up sharply, and he was shocked, ready to fight. The trapped beast is still fighting, the commonality of this thing, Ye Zhong didn’t want to plant it on it himself.

What he never expected was that this red-tailed beast turned around and ran, one point faster than before.

After a daze, the Han family hurriedly speeded up and chased them hard.

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