Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 430 Chaos

Ye Zhong carefully checked every missing Han family, and the tension before the war filled the ship. For a transport ship with almost no protective capabilities, whether it can pass through a free passage depends on the legendary character. All combat power has been sent to the forefront.

The combat plan released is to concentrate the maximum firepower and pass through the free passage at the fastest speed. This also means that transport ships like the Daville are likely to be attacked by scattered crustaceans. But this is also a helpless move. The combat effectiveness of the three companies has been very severely depleted, and they are no longer able to protect these transport ships.

The crew of the Darville were all fortunate that there was a super master hidden on the ship, which also made them a little bit more alive. You know, at this time, any trace of vitality may change the final result.

The entrance to the passage is very narrow. If it weren’t for the Shelley clan to have a certain advantage in the previous battle, it would be impossible to achieve this great retreat. Among the three, the Shelley clan has the farthest progress, and they have even seized the middle of the passage. But faced with thousands of soft spiked caterpillars, they were helpless and had to seek alliances.

It took five days for the huge fleet of three families to pass through the passage entrance. The Daville was in the middle of the fleet, and it passed the entrance on the third day.

Different from the narrow entrance, the passage is very wide, and so many spaceships are not crowded together.

When you enter the channel, it is like entering another world.

At the forefront of the fleet, dense beams fill the entire passage, and the two sides are already at war!

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The fleet is advancing at a slow speed. In the front of the fleet, the mixed formation composed of Shelley and Xifeng tribes is fully fired. The dense firepower is intertwined into a firepower net that resists the crazy attacks of carapace and worms!

The situation of the fierce battle is transmitted to the rear through the holographic screen. Everyone was stunned.

Now they understand. What intensity was the attack on the Light Armored regiment stationed in the passage.

The Shelley tribe and the Xifeng tribe with long-range attacks are the current protagonists. Countless light beams slashed across the starry sky like a meteor shower, and hit the purple-black dark cloud made up of crustaceans.

The hard shell of the crustacean has no resistance to such an attack. How many crustaceans were shot down? No one knows.

There are too many crustaceans. Even under such an attack, there are still many crustaceans called fish that slip through the net. The Ye Family’s light armor, who had been waiting a long time ago, formed a second line of defense. Short-term combat is far more brutal than distant combat, if the battle between the Shelley tribe and the Greek tribe is dazzling. That Ye Jiaguangjia’s battle with crustaceans is exciting!

The Han family has floated near the Daville. He didn’t come forward. The battlefield in front was a meat grinder, and one or two people played a very small role in it.

The Hanjia made of bone materials has good anti-scanning performance. Other spaceships have not found Hanjia at all.

Looking at the fierce battle situation not far away, Ye Zhong couldn’t help but sigh, how little personal strength is in such a large-scale battle!

Suddenly. A crustacean flew obliquely here. It does not seem to have discovered the existence of Hanjia.

It rushed straight towards the Darville, as if the Darville was a piece of food that he coveted.

Ye Zhong could even see its huge jaw teeth one by one.

It didn’t even find itself?

Ye Zhong is a little strange, but look at it. It’s really like not finding yourself.

Could it be… Ye’s center of gravity moved.

The Han family is motionless, like a rock in the starry sky. Let the crustacean beetle get closer to you.

Five hundred meters.

The flight trajectory of this crustacean remains unchanged.

Three hundred meters.

The flight trajectory of this crustacean remains unchanged.

One hundred meters.

Still no change.

Looking at this crustacean worm getting closer, Ye Zhong’s guess was a little clearer.

The crustacean worm is three meters away from him, and Han’s family is like air in its eyes, just like it is ignored.

The Han family who has been still moved suddenly!

Han’s family appeared silently beside it, a gray shadow passed by, and the crustacean was divided into two pieces. The Han’s dagger was mixed with granite, and it was unmatched in sharpness. This was once again verified in the crustacean.

On the Daville, everyone who raised their hearts to their throats immediately burst into cheers.

The crustaceans are like endless waves, wave after wave, endless use. There are too many of them, and the light armor of the Shelley and Xifeng tribes in front of them has begun to suffer casualties. With such a dense and fierce firepower net, crustaceans and worms can break through, so you can imagine how amazing their numbers are.

There are more and more crustaceans entering the fleet. They rushed frantically on the huge spaceship.

The destructive power of their well-developed jaws is amazing, and the metal armor is like a biscuit in front of them. Sometimes, hundreds of crustaceans are adsorbed on a spaceship, just like a large wooden box full of mice. That scene will definitely make people have nightmares! They gnaw at the outer armor of the spaceship quickly. Although the armor of the spaceship is very thick, if it continues like this, the spaceship cannot escape the fate of being gnawed through.

But Ye Zhong couldn’t take care of the other spaceships. Many crustaceans also appeared near the Daville.

Ye Zhong’s earlier guess was quickly proved that these crustaceans were indeed unable to detect the existence of Han’s family. This is enough to make Ye Zhong a killer hiding in the dark!

The scene in the passage is extremely chaotic, the slow spaceship, the frantically gnawing crustaceans, the floating corpses and the light armor fragments, all of which constitute the picture before me.

Boom! A space ship exploded violently, a ball of flame rose up in the starry sky, and in an instant this space ship turned into countless fragments. The sudden explosion also made the already crowded fleet of branch factories more chaotic.

Although the size of crustacean worms is small, their destructive power to metals is amazing, plus a terrifying number. There are constant explosions of spaceships.

Floating quietly in the stars. Ye Zhong looked at everything happening in front of him, once again deeply felt that his personal strength was small. The only thing he can do now is to protect the Daville. Although the crustacean can’t pose a threat to Yezhong, it doesn’t mean that he is safe now.

Just now, he was almost hit by debris from the explosion of a spaceship. The fragments of this spaceship are one kilometer long. The destructive power is extremely alarming. If it is hit head-on, the consequences are unimaginable.

In such a chaotic situation. Ye Zhong paid more attention to dodge the fragments after the explosion.

In the main control room of the Darville, everyone is like an enemy. Ye Pang, who had always been calm, couldn’t help being a little nervous at this time, they had no time to think about the magical light armor outside. Everyone’s attention is unprecedentedly concentrated, and the most important thing for them now is to avoid collisions with other spaceships.

Any bit of accident, any bit of negligence, any bit of mistake, it is possible that everyone will fall into a situation where they will never recover.

In general. Ye Zhong was still quite calm now. With the help of the huge hull cover of the Daville, most of the debris can no longer pose a threat to him.

Suddenly, the door of the Daville opened. A golden figure turned out quickly.

Rui Bing!

Ye Zhong was surprised, how did she come out? Although the guardian is powerful, its role in weightless space is really limited.

Open the communication channel, Ye Zhong connects with Rui Bing.

“Why did you come out?” Ye Zhong asked in a heavy voice.

Rui Bing’s voice is stubborn: “I want to fight with you!”

Ye Zhonggang wanted to tell her that this place was not suitable for guarding operations, but Rui Bing’s next action made him abruptly suppress the words to his lips.

The Davier is a transport ship. Its hull surface is different from that of a battleship. It has many protrusions like handrail bars.

Immediately afterwards, Rui Bing demonstrated to Ye Zhong what is the fighting style of a fighter.

Rui Bing stretched her foot on a bump, and the whole person turned into a golden light. When she encountered another bump, she used another force to change her body shape, and she shot at the other bump. I saw Rui Bing’s protrusions on the surface of the spaceship constantly refracting at an astonishing speed. From a distance, it was like a golden electric glow wandering on the surface of the spaceship!

Because she is in weightlessness, Rui Bing does not need to spend too much effort to maintain an astonishing speed. Although it seems that she has been in a state of high-speed exercise, it actually consumes very little physical strength.

This kind of combat method is good, Ye Zhong discovered that Rui Bing’s resilience is very good. But he still saw the weakness of this method at a glance. It needs to constantly borrow force from the outer surface of the hull, and if her glide path deviates and accidentally floats into space, it will be dangerous!

Rui Bing seemed to know what Ye Zhong was thinking, and with a light tap, she suddenly separated from the surface of the Davier hull. Ye Zhong couldn’t help but feel shocked. The guardian only has a miniature engine, and there is no special flight engine. Once it gets into space and cannot find a place to borrow, it will be dangerous! Ye Zhong just wanted to go up to meet her, but only saw Rui Bing reach out and press on her waist. A fiber rope was like a javelin, shooting hard at the hull where she had just left. Rui Bing’s waist exerted light force and the rope was tightened. , The whole figure was broken, and he returned to the ship Vail.

Ye Zhong noticed that there was a square metal box on the waist of the guardian.

“Ye Pang found this for me.” Rui Bing’s cold voice was mixed with a hint of joy.

“Be careful.” It was still the cold voice, but these short words made Rui Bing’s heart warm, and she responded softly.

Rui Bing is constantly walking in the fitness room, and his movements become more adept. The constant familiarity with the ship’s hull also makes Rui Bing’s walking position faster.

The combination of Rui Bing and Guardian is powerful! The guarded dagger is also extremely sharp, the hard carapace of the carapace and worms cannot be stopped at all, plus the critical attack, Rui Bing’s attack is extremely efficient. Although the speed of the crustacean is fast, as soon as it lands on the hull of the Davier, it will only be slaughtered. As the battle progressed little by little, Rui Bing became more and more comfortable.

With Rui Bing’s gang group. Ye Zhong’s range of activities has been expanded considerably.

Beside the Davel is a spaceship of the Shelley clan.

“Oh my God. What’s going on?” Suddenly a crew member in charge of the observation screamed loudly.

Everyone’s eyes flickered on him.

He was in the focus of everyone’s gaze, but he didn’t realize it, staring at the holographic screen in front of him.

“What’s the matter? Fisher!” The captain frowned, cursing inwardly. This **** is still creating an atmosphere of horror at this time. Damn it!

Fisher still stared at the holographic screen in front of him unwillingly.

“Fisher!” The captain raised his voice. Anyone can hear the extreme anger in his voice.

“Ah!” Fisher raised his head. As soon as he looked up, he saw the captain’s extremely angry face. He suddenly panicked: “It’s not me… No… Captain! Look at this. …” In a hurry, he transmitted the image captured by the holographic lens he was responsible for to the largest holographic screen in the main control room.

Dark space, chaotic passages.

When everyone was inexplicable, several crustaceans suddenly appeared on the holographic screen, and they saw this spaceship. As if he had found a good food, he leaped straight towards this side.

Someone in the crowd couldn’t help but exclaim, and the captain’s heart sank. Once these **** reptiles fly on the spaceship, everyone is done!

On the holographic screen, the crustacean worm is glowing with a purple-black metallic shell, reflecting the light of the distant fire, flickering and dimming. The huge jaws open and close from time to time, exuding a ferocious and tyrannical aura, and the purple-brown crustacean glasses flashed with ferocity and greed.

Everyone’s heart sank to its lowest point, and some even closed their eyes in despair!

However, this disaster relief is sudden change! It was as if an invisible sharp blade slid across the center line of its body. These carapace and worms that rushed toward this side suddenly turned into two pieces, and countless purple and black liquids suddenly spewed out.

One! Two! three! …

In a moment, all the nearby crustaceans died out without warning! Their methods of death are also exactly the same, split into two like a wooden stake!

“This, this…is it a miracle?” Someone murmured subconsciously.

A flash of light flashed in the captain’s mind, and he screamed: “Quick, turn on the optical mode! Quick!”

Although the field of view is much smaller in optical mode, the colors are richer and more vivid! The fireballs that explode from time to time in space are as brilliant as fireworks at night~IndoMTL.com~ Countless beams of various colors are intertwined into a colorful web of light, which is beautiful and suffocating.

However, no one on the ship noticed the beautiful scenery at this time, everyone stared blankly at the charming figure on the holographic screen!

The light armor that has always been beautiful like a colorful butterfly, with a pair of colorful wings spread out on its back, the stars flashing with golden light, it floats proudly in the dark space. And not far away, the corpses of several crustaceans floated, lifeless.

Two days! This chaos continued for two days. In the past two days, spaceships have exploded continuously, and various debris, spaceships and wreckage of light armor are floating everywhere in the passage, which is in a mess.

In the past two days, the speed of advancing is extremely slow, almost one inch by inch forward. The rainy beams in front of the team did not stop. Ye Zhong didn’t know how many crustaceans he killed.

On the third day, Ye Zhong, who was already a little weak, keenly discovered that the number of crustaceans had decreased a lot compared to the previous two days. Could it be that… he immediately realized that the critical moment of this battle seemed to be coming!

We said hello to Rui Bing, and Ye Zhong drove Han’s home and flew forward silently like a ghost.

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