Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 351 Brown tumor fruit

Ye Chong, who came out of Huanbao Pavilion, changed his normal and did crazy shopping. Large bags and small bags caused everyone to have no space in their hands. In a very short period of time, the items Ye Zhong purchased exceeded the total purchases of Jao Bing and Faith. But Wang Meng finally noticed a little bit of the head, this guy bought all training materials.

He is a trainer? Looking at Ye Zhong’s thin body shape, Wang Meng felt that this speculation should be more reasonable.

“Do you have any training tools?” Ye Zhong turned his face and asked Wang Meng. Sure enough, Wang Meng thought to himself that this guy is really a trainer. In this way, why Ye Zhong can become the leader of this group has the most reasonable explanation.

This thought only flashed through his mind, but his answer was not slow: “Yes, I will take you back to the village later.”

Although the trainer is not as popular here as the fighter and the art teacher, it is a very respected profession. Because almost all the potions come from their hands, if there is a trainer in a team, the team’s survivability will rise to a higher level.

In the Free Zone, the number of trainers is much less than that of fighters and art teachers, and the inheritance of trainers is stricter than that of fighters and art teachers. A mature trainer will not accept more than five apprentices in his lifetime. Only those training families with a long history have special training mechanisms, and the number of trainers will be considerable. Because of this, excellent trainers have always been the target of every powerful tribe. .

“What do you want to train?” Faith was very curious. It was the first time to speak in so many days. Unlike Ye Zhong, she is a professional and experienced trainer. Originally, she wanted to stay in the spaceship to continue her research on hdd. The data in the chip Ye Zhong obtained from the underground base was enough for her to digest for a while. But in the end, he could not bear the persistence of the old man with the broken car, so he had to go ashore with the team. Then I glanced at Ye and bought various materials. Although she was not familiar with Guan’s flow, some basic principles were the same.

Face was stunned slightly: “Do you plan to use the principle of heat flow contraction?” The principle of heat flow contraction is a very remote method in modern training. If it weren’t for her knowledge of training, she simply Hard to recognize. The training system of the Heyue Star Territory is somewhat closer to the system of the Five Star Territories.

Ye nodded in focus: “Yes.”

The conversation between the two made Wang Meng’s heart beat wildly on the side. Who are these people? There are actually two trainers in such a team? He could not judge the level of the two trainers, but there are two trainers in a team, it is very rare, and the two trainers do not seem to be the same genre.

Wang Meng led the crowd around, and finally arrived in front of a thatched cottage. The thatched house looks very simple, but the fragrance of it refreshes everyone. Ye’s center moved, this is the fragrance of white grass, which is recorded in the chip that the pipe lunatic gave him. The scent of white grass has a refreshing effect, and the trainers like to put some white grass in their laboratory. However, in his memory, neither the Five Star Regions nor the Heyue Star Region’s trainer’s laboratory found this white grass that is very common among lunatics.

However, he found it here.

Wang Meng knocked gently on the wooden door of the thatched cottage.

Squeak, the wooden door opened, revealing a very ordinary man’s face.

Seeing this person, Wang Meng hurriedly saluted: “Teacher, I’m sorry to disturb you. These friends are VIP guests who just arrived yesterday. Today this friend hopes to borrow some training tools. I brought them here. I hope you don’t mind the teacher.”

The eyes of the man known as the speaker couldn’t help but look up and down Ye Zhong, and at the same time, Ye Zhong was also looking at the other party. The face of the other party is very ordinary, almost without any conspicuousness. Such a face is absolutely difficult to find if it is mixed in the crowd, but Ye Zhong has not been deceived by this face. He can see that the face of the other party is the same as his. After processing, the face that I see now is just a disguise. But compared to Ye Zhong’s crude disguise, his disguise was even more deceptive.

The other party obviously saw that Ye Zhong’s face had been processed, and he couldn’t help but smiled slightly: “Oh, I didn’t expect to meet like-minded friends here, please come in.” The man couldn’t see his age, and he was quite handsome. She is thin and simple, but she has an unspeakable temperament standing there. And there is a pun in this sentence, which means that both parties are also trainers, and that Ye Zhong is like him, not showing the true colors.

“Thank you.” Ye Zhong nodded towards the other party, and walked in first. When Ye Zhong first learned training from the madman, he knew many taboos and unspoken rules among the trainers. Only before entering the Free Zone, the relationship between the trainers was not as the madman said, but rather peaceful and casual.

But here, Ye Zhong was surprised to find that there are many strange places in the training world mentioned by the madman, but they are very consistent here.

Could it be that the madman got out of the free zone? Suddenly, this thought suddenly popped out of Ye Zhong’s mind.

However, this question only flashed through his mind, after all, this is not a good time to think about it.

The space inside this thatched house is much larger than the outside. Various utensils are placed everywhere. The bright colors and unique smell of the reagents in the utensils seem to represent a kind of strange power. The profession of teacher has become more and more mysterious in the hearts of everyone.

Face was already stunned. It was the first time she saw such a primitive training tool. There is no optical brain, no fine-operation instruments, no vacuum incubator, only the simplest glassware. And the reagents here are completely different from what she is familiar with. There are no pure materials, but all kinds of plants and minerals.

It’s incredible! She was so shocked that she could not speak. She was familiar with the history of the development of tuning training. Long ago, tuning training was separated from botany and became a more pure subject. But what about your own eyes? The training here is still at the stage of botany!

“You can use all kinds of utensils here, um, as for the materials.” The teacher glanced at the bags in other people’s hands, and smiled: “I think you have brought them.”

These equipments are too crude. Faith estimated that Ye Zhong would decline. She couldn’t imagine how to adjust the conditions here.

However, to her surprise, Ye Zhong thanked her directly: “Thank you!”

He is not crazy! Faith looked at Ye Zhong in surprise.

Ye Zhong took out the brown nut from the bag. The teacher couldn’t help but moved: “Brown tumor fruit, a good thing. Haha, this should be the one from Baoge. I have been coveting it for a long time, but it’s a pity. There is no good thing that the old guy can admire. He doesn’t sell it all the time, but he didn’t expect it to fall into your hands.” He sighed slightly, utterly envious.

Wang Meng interjected and asked, “Master, what is this brown fruit used for?” This question has always been a question that everyone is very curious about, and everyone **** their ears. This is a good thing, everyone knows it, but no one knows its purpose.

“Brown tumour fruit is an extremely rare medicinal material. It is even rarer when it is so large. It can be used to make superb wound medicine.” The teacher briefly introduced.

Extreme wound medicine, in the free zone where fighting may happen at any time, it can be described as priceless. There are no high-tech treatments like the Five Star Regions and the Heyue Star Region. The best medicine is equivalent to a life in many cases. It is a good thing every fighter dreams of.

Seeing that Ye Zhong didn’t do anything, the teacher suddenly thought of Meng Lang. When there is an unwritten rule among trainers ~ IndoMTL.com~ training reagents, other trainers cannot be peeped. After all, the trainers of each genre are different in what they are good at and proficient, and many unique formulas are regarded as treasures.

The teacher smiled consciously: “Everyone, go outside and wait, don’t bother him for training.” Seeing Ye Zhong’s gesture, Shao Bing took everyone out clearly. Faith actually wanted to see how Ye Zhong used such primitive equipment to conduct training, but he couldn’t say that sentence, and finally had to follow the crowd out of the thatched cottage.

Brown tumor fruit is indeed the material for making superb wound medicine, but this is not its only use. Another use of it is to make a powerful fascination reagent. I think Ye Zhong once planted something on this fascination at the beginning, and the lunatic used it to fascinate Ye Zhong in the blink of an eye. The extremely short attack time makes it a very powerful weapon and a self-defense weapon for trainers. But what Ye Zhong focuses on is not this, but its group range effect. If the dose is large enough, it can form a fairly large range of coma in a very short time.

Brown tumor fruit has a unique smell, Ye Zhong’s sense of smell is extremely sensitive, he just walked to the street, he smelled the scent of the rumor. That’s why he entered the treasure exchange pavilion and got this brown tumor fruit, but he didn’t expect a brown tumor fruit to be so big.

Staring at this brown tumor fruit, Ye Zhong carefully recalled the formula and training method of this intoxicant in his mind.

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