Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 340 Clever Disguise

The manipulator arm of the Hanjia hand gently moved alone in the shadow of the rock.

Silent, the bottom of this rock suddenly collapsed into the interior. Everyone in the spaceship was dumbfounded. Although they couldn’t see the Han family, they could see the change of this rock, only the block. The bottom of the rock with no cracks suddenly sank inward, exposing an entrance the size of which can only be passed by a lifeboat.

Ye Zhong didn’t hesitate and flew in with Han’s family.

This is a spaceship, a spaceship whose outer layer is completely camouflaged by rocks. Ye Zhong couldn’t help but admire Xu Lao’s idea. The outer layer is camouflaged with thick rocks, which is really brilliant. In space, all kinds of rocks are very common. They float endlessly in the universe, knowing when it will end.

A spaceship doesn’t care when it sees this kind of rock. This kind of rock is the most common and least noticeable thing in the universe. However, using rock as a camouflage is not without its drawbacks. The cost of this kind of camouflage is very high. High, not to say how expensive the rocks are, but to completely envelop the spaceship with so many and thick rocks is undoubtedly a very vast project. After the disguise, the speed of the spaceship will be greatly reduced, and it will not be able to jump in space. If it is discovered, it will definitely die miserably.

This spaceship should have been completed in a very long time. Old Xu’s thoughts are very careful and the long-term thinking is evident from this, but with such a person, the result is still inevitable, and the fate is sometimes really unpredictable. .

Driving Hanjia, Ye Zhong went inside the spaceship smoothly. There was no place for identity verification along the way. Ye Zhong went all the way and soon reached the core area of ​​the spaceship, which is the main control room of the spaceship. .

Yehe took out the blue chip and inserted it into the master optical brain.


“The verification is complete, the key is correct, all procedures are activated, and the spaceship Rock welcomes you.” The beautiful and melodious electronic sound is undoubtedly the most beautiful sound of nature in Ye Chong’s ears.

After a thorough inspection of this spaceship, the internal structure of this spaceship is very reasonable, all kinds of materials are also very complete, and it even has a very advanced training room.

“Tsk tusk, this spaceship is really interesting. The guy who can think of this method is really amazing.” The little boy looked around and remarked old-fashioned, then curled his lips and added: “Other places are very ordinary. “Everyone has come to the Rock from the spaceship just now.

Everyone else was looking around curiously, and no one thought that there was nothing in a rock. As soon as Faith saw the training room, his eyes lit up. Although this training laboratory is not big, the instruments in it are all high-end products. I want to come to this training room and Xu Lao prepared it for him naturally. Not bad. In fact, the performance of this spaceship is very good. After all, it is used to escape. How can Xu Lao be sloppy?

The little boy, the old god, was asking: “Do you have any plans? Where are you going to take us?” He didn’t seem to care about his safety at all, and immediately added: “Now there is strong magnetic interference near Zhoujian Star. , Don’t even think about space jumping.”

Ye Zhong had already called up the star road map from the master optical brain, and couldn’t help thinking.

The little boy reminded from the side: “Don’t go outside. Although this spaceship is cleverly conceived, it can deceive ordinary patrols, but if you encounter a fleet of three major families, it’s difficult to deceive and want to escape. It’s impossible. What’s more, Huang Jiwu, Ye Yin, and Xue Nuo Lan are leading the team this time. These three guys are very careful, especially this Xue Nuo Lan, they are extremely cautious. If they meet along the way To rocks like ours, I’m sure they will break every one of them, and I don’t want to be sunk by them.”

The expressions on the faces of all the boy’s bodyguards are very weird, only the scared man beside the boy has an indifferent expression, without any reaction.

Looking at the star road map carefully, because this star field has already implemented strong magnetic interference, it is impossible to make space jumps, which means that Ye Zhong and others have to conduct regular flights. The time required for regular flight is very long, which is extremely boring.

“Do you have any comments?” Ye Zhong asked the little boy.

The little boy showed a thoughtful expression. After three minutes, with a little dignity, he pointed to the star road map and said: “We get to this place first. Well, it should not be a big problem to fool those regular patrols. , The fleet of the three major families should have not arrived yet.” It is a very strange thing for a six or seven-year-old boy with a solemn expression on his face. Even people like Ye Zhong with a very strong receptive ability feel very strange. .

But what the little boy said was clear, and Ye Zhong couldn’t help asking: “What then?”

“Then let’s go this way!” The little boy pointed his finger.

“Nebula, let’s go into the nebula!” Ye Zhong showed a surprised face, and everyone else could put an egg in their mouth.

The little boy’s eyes showed vicissitudes that were extremely inconsistent with his age, and the tender voice of the child carried a mixed emotion: “Behind this blue nebula, there are still people!”

“Someone?” Faith exclaimed, and couldn’t help retorting: “Impossible! How could there be someone behind this?” The muscles on the old man’s face twitched slightly.

“There are people.” The little boy said slowly. At this time, he is like a sophisticated old man, slowly with a strange oppressive voice: “In this world, not everyone likes modern technology. , A long time ago, people had huge differences because of technology. Some people who advocated nature and resisted technology left the current Heyue star field and found a star field suitable for human habitation. In a sense, , This can’t be called a star field. It’s just a star area containing thirty-two habitable planets. The geographical location of this star area is extremely hidden. In addition, they have cut off communication with the outside world. Few people know their exact location.”

After a pause, the little boy glanced at the crowd and uttered a soft sentence: “This is the natural star area that has disappeared in history.”

Everyone was shocked by such secrets.

“The Xifeng tribe split from the natural star area.” The little boy’s words were nothing more than throwing a blockbuster into everyone’s hearts. The Xifeng tribe, one of the three major families, was actually split from the natural star area. How could this not be surprised?

“According to the book, the two most popular professions there are Geyejia and Shuchengshi, and that is the true hometown of anthropology!” The little boy showed a leisurely and fascinating expression on his face. After holding it for a few seconds, he suddenly jumped up and cheered: “Now I can finally find the legendary natural star area. I wanted to go a long time ago.”

“Are there really any natural star regions?” Faith asked the old man with broken car curiously.

The old man in the broken car showed a bit of pain and memory: “He was right!”

The little boy looked at the old man in the broken car in surprise.

The broken car old man’s low voice was a bit sad: “There are natural star regions in history. Thirty years ago, when I was thirty-five years old, it was the most passionate time. Once, by chance Below, I learned about the existence of natural star regions. I studied ancient machinery, but there are so few ancient machinery left. I was moved to find the legendary natural star regions. I just want to meet the real ancient machinery, and for this purpose, I invited nine like-minded partners to break into this nebula.”

Everyone showed a listening look, and Faith never thought that the old man with the broken car would have such a legendary experience.

“We found the natural star area.” The old man in the car said lightly: “Later, only two people came back alive. The old friend passed away last year.”

“Ah!” Unanimously exclaimed, even the little boy who has always been pretending to be mature couldn’t help but lose his voice. He hurriedly approached the old man in the broken car and asked eagerly: “Old man, you really enter the nature Star area?”

Seeing the naive attitude of the little boy, the old man with the broken car smiled on his original calm face~IndoMTL.com~ to the little boy that the old man didn’t care at all, and gently touched the little boy’s head: “Yes Ah, we went in.”

“What does it look like in there?” The little boy was very curious.

“It was a very…” After thinking about it for a long time, the old man had to smile bitterly: “I don’t know how to describe it, hey, I can’t feel it unless I arrive in person.”

“Ahhhhh! I’m going, I’m going!” The little boy stood up and yelled. At this time, he was like ordinary children who couldn’t get their favorite toys.

“But it’s very dangerous there. Our luck was very good that time. We also encountered a Shelley spaceship that time. We don’t know what happened to them. If it wasn’t for luck, we all Almost shot down by them.” The broken car old man said with lingering fear.

Listening to them, Ye Zhong stared at the star road map on the holographic screen for a long time, but still did not find any way to install and avoid the three major fleets. It seems that the only way in front of him is to enter the Nebula and gamble on luck. Ye Zhong suddenly found that he seemed to often encounter this very helpless choice.

Fortunately, someone has gone in. This made Ye Zhongxin feel a little more comfortable. After thinking about it, he couldn’t help asking the old man with the broken car: “Do you remember the road?”

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