Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 316 Fighting success

Ye Zhong lifted up this statue for a moment!

Boom! With a loud noise, the entire ground was shaking, and the three cockroaches were smashed into a pile of fleshy meat. The juice was so cheap and smelly. The scene where everyone was petrified appeared. This metal statue looked like a sledgehammer, a poor statue in the hands of this red-faced young man who didn’t look strong! The girl next to her was always calling Qu for the statue in Ye Zhong’s hand. She should be presented on the high-end exhibition stand covered with red flannel, receiving a lot of admiration. But now she is acting as a sledgehammer in the hands of a man with infinite power like a beast, poor!

The sound of the heavy statue’s roaring wind squeezed the onlookers into a dull heart. The old man couldn’t help but stunned: “Hey, I didn’t expect this guy to be so violent!” As if thinking of something, the old man suddenly turned around and ran into the teaching building.

Ye Zhong hasn’t started doing anything for a long time, which reminds him of the basic training he carried out when he was on the garbage star. Strength training is one of the non-important points.

The heavy statue was so light that there was nothing in his hand, and there were afterimages in the air. All the students and teachers were dumbfounded. If it weren’t for the vibration on the ground to tell them that the scene in front of them was so real, they would definitely think they were dreaming.

“So perverted!” Mead swallowed desperately.

The fat man nodded mechanically: “Non-human! Is this guy a hidden master in the fighting department?”

Actually, everyone around me has this idea. Probably only the fighting system can have this kind of abnormality. They probably never thought that a student with such power would be in the Department of Literature and History. There are so few students in the Department of Literature and History, and no one here recognizes Ye Zhong.

The statue in his hand was lightly shifted, and a mouse that slipped through the net stopped its forward momentum. With a loose hand and a little toe, the figure suddenly rushed forward. Ye Zhong had already rushed to the mouse’s side. With a flick of his hands, the statue whispered and turned in midair, but Ye Zhong’s hands wrapped around the statue’s waist at this time.

The picture is jaw-dropping. A student, holding a statue with a full upper body in his hands, looks ambiguous, and watching the female student’s face flushed with transparency, Fesmu also blushed.

Why would Zhong think about this at this time? His technique changed, he hugged the statue’s waist while flashing a rat attack, but the expert could not help but secretly regret. The dodge action just now put Ye Zhong at a very disadvantage. In the position, he now turned his back to the mouse.

Just when everyone thought that Ye Zhong’s attack was over, Ye Zhong’s next action was beyond everyone’s expectations. Ye Zhong exerted force with both hands, his waist was like a broken, and he snapped back. This action was as if he embraced a wooden tree and bent his waist to the ground behind him.

Bang, the head of the statue hit one of the mouse’s paws firmly without any suspense. The poor paw was immediately smashed into a pool of fleshy mud, and the mouse screamed.

The screams were so miserable that all onlookers swallowed their saliva.

Ye Zhong didn’t have the idea to stop there. Using his feet, the whole person was like a backflip, hitting the rat’s back, and the next scene made everyone gasp.

Huh, the statue on Ye Zhong’s hand suddenly disappeared in the air. There was only a sound, and the mouse’s head suddenly burst open, and blood and brain were spilled on the floor.

Just now! The fighting system looked at each other and found that their faces had completely changed. No one of them could see exactly what happened just now.

In fact, Ye Zhong only did a very simple action just now, that is, tapping the head of the rat with the statue, but his attack speed is so fast that the onlookers can’t catch it at all. The bang is actually fifteen times. The sound of percussion is formed together.

But Ye Zhong’s fight is on the rise, so he doesn’t care about it. For a long time, calmness was the only thing in his mind. The fighting passion that had been suppressed for a long time was finally awakened at this moment. Although he was incomparably clumsy, he never lacked passion in the battle before meeting Shang.

However, after encountering Mu Shang and under the influence of Mu, Ye Zhong began to learn to calmly analyze. Since then, Ye Zhong’s fighting style has changed significantly, only when he meets those rare masters. At that time, Ye Zhong had the kind of excitement that made him feel a little bit warrior, but now this feeling is less and less.

Today, such a primitive battle has once again evoked Ye Zhong’s long-lost excitement.

Ye Zhong plunged into the reptile pile again, the statue in his hand was like a harvester, attacking frantically. The only thing that made Ye Zhong feel a little uncomfortable was that the statue’s attack method was too single, and there was only a heavy blow. In desperation, Ye Zhong smashed like a violent pound, blood and blood flying, and fragments splashed.

The sound of broken bones is even more like fried beans.

Later, when the disaster ended, people returned to the teaching building, and they were shocked to find that the ground made of high-strength composite material in front of the teaching building was smashed to pieces, and none of them was intact.

But Ye Zhong was very satisfied with the hardness of the statue. Although it was deformed badly, it didn’t break. There are only five works by Master Dark Night Luoxue in her life. She is extremely picky about her work. This is her most proud work. However, this precious statue is seriously deformed at this time, with distorted characters and stains on it. Full of blood, water, brain and other things.

However, Ye Zhong couldn’t imagine that this violently tortured statue was still preserved. Instead, it was sent to Zhoujianxing’s largest art museum as a witness to the disaster.

At this moment, the old man rushed forward with a lot of things: “Hey, come, come, one for everyone, haha, I didn’t expect the old man when the things I usually make would be useful.” On an original trolley, various cold weapons, and many metal machinery that had never been seen before, everyone remembered that the old man was a professor of ancient machinery. The old man feels relieved. As a declining subject, he often gets blinded at school on weekdays. How can he not be excited if he can be useful today?

Seeing Ye Zhong still fighting in the reptile pile, the old man grabbed an ancient spear and threw it at Ye Zhong, yelling: “Hey, kid, pick up!”

Although Ye Zhong is now in a more excited state, his calmness has long been carved into his bone marrow. With a little physical exhaustion, he slowly retreated from the excited state, just in time to hear the old man’s voice. , And then saw an ancient spear flying towards him.

Ye Zhong immediately put aside the statue in his hand and steadily caught the ancient spear. The spear had long been obliterated in history, but it was Ye Zhong’s most familiar cold weapon besides the dagger. When driving the Frost Aria, the blue light of the spear is a weapon to break the enemy, and Mu also specially formulated a set of marksmanship for him after optimized calculations.

Ye Chong is now using this set of marksmanship. Straight lines, broken lines, arcs, and straightforward attacks, put efficiency first. Every spear attack is extremely precise, and Ye Zhong’s position is also precise.

This spear is all made of alloy and is quite heavy, but it is very light compared to the statue just now. Moreover, the bladed spear tip is also more lethal. Invisible, the efficiency of the leaf weight is even more amazing, and the consumption of physical strength has also begun to slow down.

After learning so many fighting skills, Ye Zhong now has a much deeper understanding of fighting than before. The spear became more and more unpredictable in his hand, and the marksmanship made by Mu was changed and perfected by Ye Zhong. This was Ye Zhong’s own marksmanship, and he was immersed in this innovation. Various skills are emerging in an endless stream. The Jiuyue family, Blackhorn basic fighting, and San skills continue to appear in his hands, and he tries to find the combination and balance. Ye Zhong’s learning was originally incomparable, and he never stopped thinking about fighting. Later, he got the system theory of September Lan’s. All these have accumulated enough power for his breakthrough today~IndoMTL.com~ The endless crawlers give him the best opportunity to temper.

It is erratic and weird, the light from the tip of the gun is like a firefly flying in the summer night. The extremely hard shell of the reptile is as fragile as paper in front of this light that is the size of a grain of rice.

Ye Zhong feels more and more relaxed, and the range of his hands is getting smaller and smaller, but the tips of the guns always hit the vital points of the reptiles unexpectedly and accurately.

All the bystanders looked fascinated. In their eyes, Ye Zhong was like a magician. They are lucky. They have witnessed the whole process of the transformation of a strong fighter. This is an extremely precious opportunity that can be met but not sought. Ye Zhong probably couldn’t think of it. Twenty years later, there would be three realmists among this group of students.

This was Ye Zhong’s first real breakthrough. In terms of fighting, Ye Zhong believed that Mu Shang could no longer defeat him. He has found the spirit that Mu had said before! This is another factor behind strength, angle, and timing.

Since a long time ago, Mu is as powerful as a mountain standing in front of Ye Zhong. For a long time, his greatest wish was to be able to overcome animal husbandry, but now he has done it, at least he has done it in fighting, but he does not have the slightest joy.

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