Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 186 is surging (2)

“Fighting Exchange Meeting”, Lan Yixing looked at the invitation card in his hand. The ancient invitation card made of imitation paper was very elegant and exuded a faint fragrance, which made people calm and calm. However, Lan Yixing’s heart couldn’t be so calm. He had heard about this exchange meeting a long time ago. Now that he received the invitation from the other party, Hua Tiankai’s contempt for himself can be imagined. But it’s no wonder that, although he is a master, he rarely interacts with others, and almost no one knows the depth of his hands. And since the martial arts hall in September has withered up to this point, it is commendable for others to remember his name.

He still feels uncomfortable, thinking about the bleak appearance of his September Martial Arts Hall, and thinking about the prosperity of Tianhua Martial Arts Center, he couldn’t help sighing for no reason. This so-called exchange meeting, naturally, it will not be a person at the master level like them, Shiyou are a few disciples below him. But how could he not know the level of those unachievable disciples, even if he went there, he would be embarrassed. Thinking of this, Lan Yixing has made up his mind and must reject it.

Lan Yixing bowed his hands. This traditional ancient etiquette is still very popular among fighters. He said tactfully: “I’m really sorry. There will be some personal affairs on the next day. I’m afraid I can’t go. At this event, Yi Xing feels very sorry. I also asked the little brother Hua to tell Mr. Hua to show his admiration for Mr. Hua, as well as the apologies for not being able to go in person this time!”

Behind Lan Yixing, Ye Zhong was wiping the floor meticulously.

This time, Hua Tiankai’s three disciples, Hua Shangmei, came to send the invitation. Huashang ignorant shows the talent, the rich **** is handsome, and the reception of people is also courteous. The body is well-proportioned and the limbs are soft. At first glance, it is a good material for practicing fighting, and the reputation among the several martial arts of Blazing Star in recent years is also not to be underestimated. Thinking about his disciples again, Lan Yixing felt uncomfortable. Finally, a man who is willing to endure hardships, but only has a medium aptitude, made him even more frustrated, so this exchange meeting was rejected.

Hua Shang Ambiguous obviously didn’t expect Lan Yixing to decline. Although Lan Yixing said that something was going on, as long as he wasn’t a fool, how could he not be able to hear the excuses? Not to mention such talents as Huashang Ambiguous. But since people talk about private matters, it is natural that Huashang ambiguous can’t ask more questions.

Hua Shangmei groaned: “The owner of the Blue Pavilion cannot come, that is really a great regret of this conference! The owner of the Blue Pavilion has something, and that can’t! But if the place is useful for the Tianhua Martial Arts, the owner of the Blue Pavilion Although the ward. I will not refuse to wait!” Huashang ambiguously looked sincere. People can’t help but feel good.

Although he knew that the other party was just talking, Lan Yixing couldn’t help but give a secret compliment in his heart. Hua Tiankai has accepted a few good students!

When Hua Shangmei left, Lan Yixing personally escorted him to the gate of the martial arts hall. After returning, something was in his mind. After teaching Ye Zhong a few times, he went back to his room.

Under the light, Ye Zhong was sweating and practicing here alone. With Mu Shang’s presence, it was impossible for others to peep, so Ye Zhong could practice boldly without worrying about being noticed by others.

What is coming up now is Shang. Fortunately, Ye Zhong has no distractions while practicing, otherwise the noise of Shang is undoubtedly one of the most painful torments in the world!

Ye Chong now feels as if he is suddenly enlightened. Things that didn’t understand before became transparent in an instant. Ye Zhong’s control over his muscles has reached an astonishing level. Now, as his understanding of fighting has become deeper and deeper, Ye Zhongdi’s fighting has become stronger and stronger! Ye Zhong’s strength was already terrifying. Now that he mastered the technique of exerting strength, Ye Zhong himself didn’t know how far it was.

The growth of strength, speed and skill. Ye Zhong felt like he was reborn.

However, Ye Zhong has his own understanding of strength. When and what kind of power is the most important thing! No matter how powerful the fighting is, there is no power to fight back in front of Light Armor. In the same way, the most powerful mentor will be enough for the fighter to kill several times during the time he enters the light armor driving cabin. If the opponent had a weapon such as a hot-wire gun, that would be enough for him to die several times. However, the hot wire gun also has its shortcomings. It is inconvenient to carry and easily attracts the attention of others.

When I think of shooting Ye Zhong, his head is overwhelmed. It’s not that he doesn’t know that weapons such as hot-wire guns are the most efficient, but he seems to be born with defects in this aspect, and no improvement is achieved no matter how practiced. Fortunately, his current speed is amazing, even if someone else has a ray gun, it is not easy to lock him.

Ye Zhong heard the conversation between Lan Yixing and Huashang Ambiguous, but he didn’t mean anything to come out. This was just a place where he lived temporarily, and Ye Zhong was very uncomfortable with these false names. These things will bring some unnecessary trouble, and will attract the attention of the enemy. Pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is always one of the most efficient methods. On this point, Mu and Shang are surprisingly consistent!

Hey, how many Weixing Kings will come back? What a headache!

“Is there any news?” a middle-aged man asked in a deep voice. If Ye Zhong were here, he would definitely recognize that this person was the Huck instructor who came to hunt him last time. He is still the captain in charge of capturing F-58. This time he received an order to capture F-58 back to Pointe Noire anyway, but he must not cause any damage. This command made him quite puzzled. Even if F-58 is a bonesmith, there is no need for him to have any damage. You know, this way, the difficulty of arrest will undoubtedly increase a lot.

Fortunately, there are quite a lot of manpower assigned to him this time. Obviously, he is very concerned about this Noire traitor.

“Not for the time being!” a black man in front of him said coldly, but this was the man among the man and woman Rui Bing met on the spacecraft that day.

The woman who had fought Rui Bing then added: “We found all the check-in information, but we still haven’t found Wang Xing. According to the holographic image search, we didn’t find this person either. Blazing Wind Star is a tourist star. The flow of people is very large, which brings us great difficulties!”

Huck couldn’t help having a big headache, he couldn’t carry out a carpet search with fanfare. Otherwise, it will definitely attract the attention of the clan and the mentor, I’m afraid that the situation will become out of control. But if you want to find someone on a huge planet, isn’t it tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack?

Huck is helpless and has a headache!

Rui Bing is as unhappy as Huck. Several of Hua Tiankai’s disciples all showed great hospitality to him. Hua Tiankai seems to have acquiesced to this behavior. But Rui Bing couldn’t have a seizure because of Uncle Hua. For these people, Rui Bing is very annoying. In the end, she simply stayed behind closed doors and sat in the room every day. Fortunately, a few of them didn’t dare to be too arrogant, and they converged a lot, which made Rui Bing relieved.

Every time at this time, he would think of the boy who looked rather thin, indifferent but tough! And her sudden lick! I think of this scene every time. Rui Bing’s face could not help but be shy. If someone who knows her sees her at this time. Will be stunned! Is this the Rui Bing they know who is always like snow and ice?

Fortunately, they didn’t dare to be too presumptuous in front of Hua Tiankai. They all sat at a table during lunch. Several of Hua Tiankai’s disciples were as meek as sheep at this time. Hua Shangmei suddenly remembered what happened during the day, raised her head and said to Hua Tiankai: “Oh, master. I went to send an invitation to Lan Yixing today.”

“Why did you send it until now?” Hua Tiankai paused and said unhappy.

Hua Shangmei smiled embarrassedly, and said: “I forgot! The September Martial Arts Hall has been in decline over the years, if it weren’t for the master’s reminder, I can’t remember it!”

“Well, can Lan Yixing agree?” Hua Tiankai asked, but he didn’t mean to blame the disciple. He didn’t even remember the martial arts school in September. However, Lan Yixing had still heard of the land.

“No!” Hua Shangmei shook her head, and then said: “He declined to do something. I can’t force it!”

Deng Chong rushed to the side and said: “Hmph, he won’t come and pull him down, anyway, there is no shortage of his family. His little martial arts gym is of little use if he comes!” Hua Tiankai has a total of three apprentices. The big disciple Zheng Zhongxing is calm; the second disciple Hua is ignorant and has an exquisite heart; the third disciple Deng Chong has a straight temper, but he is the most powerful in fighting.

Rui Bing suddenly spoke up and asked: “September Martial Arts Hall? This blue Yixing is a September star?”

The beautiful lady consulted, but it was the opportunity for everyone to express. Huashang Ambiguous reacted the fastest, and immediately said: “Senior Bing knows this too? It’s really amazing. This Lan Yixing is the person of September Star!” Although Hua Mei was young, But he was so old and did a little investigation before going to the September Martial Arts Hall. Zheng Zhongxing and Deng Chong saw that Huashang Ambiguous took the limelight, but they only regretted that they were slow.

Rui Bing didn’t even look at Hua Tiankai. Instead, he faced Hua Tiankai and said lightly: “Then he must be the senior Lan Yixing of the September Lan family. My father once said to me The September Lan’s is unique in his muscle power skills, and this Lan Yixing is one of the best!”

“Oh!” Rui Bing’s words were obviously beyond Hua Tiankai’s expectation, and he couldn’t help thinking. A meal was passed in silence like this.

After the meal, Hua Shangmei was called to the room by Hua Tiankai and came out after a long time.

This is the second time Hua Shangmei has come to the September Martial Arts Hall. In September Lan, thinking that the beautiful Senior Sister Bing would praise each other so highly, he really wanted to see the uniqueness of each other! Fortunately, he has not forgotten the purpose of his coming this time.

Hua Shang stood respectfully below, although she wanted to test the strength of this inconspicuous blue pavilion master, but listening to Senior Sister Bing’s meaning, this should be a hidden senior master. . For such seniors, it is proper to show respect.

Lan Yixing looked at the message recorded by Hua Tiankai, and behind him, Ye Zhong was still wiping the floor seriously.

In the message, Hua Tiankai tried his best to invite Lan Yixing to attend this exchange meeting, and said a lot of compliments, which made Lan Yixing a little confused.

However, Lan Yixing couldn’t refuse, because Hua Tiankai gave him a reason he couldn’t refuse!

Hua Tiankai said in the message that this exchange meeting is not only an exchange between disciples, but also a contest between the masters of various martial arts halls. Of course, this is not the point. The point is that the number of audiences at this seminar is extremely large. And among them, there are quite a few young students, and those with advantages can first choose among them to be their own disciples! Of course, it is also necessary for the students to be willing, but only after the first winner has finished the selection of the students can the second one start to choose.

How can this condition prevent Lan Yixing from being moved. The problem with the disciple has always been the biggest heart disease in his heart. But this time, as long as you win, you will be able to select disciples first, and it is more likely to find disciples with good talents. With so many students, there are always a few good ones. Thinking of his inheritance problem, he did not hesitate to accept it. He is very confident of his abilities.

Hana looked at Ye Zhong who was mopping the floor curiously, and now there are people doing dry mopping of the floor? No wonder the September Martial Arts Hall has fallen so far! Tianhua Wuchang has all been changed to smart cleaners. However, this young man has good perseverance. Up to now, there is no impatience on his face, but he is still meticulous.

Lan Yixing, please wait for Huashang Ambiguous and walk into the room. Huashang Ambiguous watched this young man mopping the floor with great interest. But Ye Zhong didn’t pay attention to this person’s intention at all, and still immersed himself in his work.

A few minutes later, Lan Yixing came out of the room, talked a few words with Huashang, and suddenly shouted: “Mo Fei!”

Ye Zhong was taken aback, isn’t he calling Mo Fei just calling himself?

Stopped his work and walked to Lan Yixing.

Lan Yixing handed him a message chip~IndoMTL.com~ and said to him: “Mo Fei, you follow this Brother Hua to the Tianhua Martial Arts Field, and send this chip to the owner of China Field. , Understand?”

Ye Zhong was taken aback again, the last thing he didn’t want to do at this time was to go out, which meant that the possibility of being discovered was greatly improved. However, he could not tolerate his refusal at this time, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and accepted the chip, bowed his head and responded: “Oh!”

Along the way, Hua Shangmei was obviously very interested in Ye Zhong and kept looking for some topics. But Ye Zhong didn’t have the mood to chat at this time, all his attention was on the surroundings, as long as something happened, he planned to turn around and run.

Looking at the indifferent Ye Zhong, Hua was sorrowful and couldn’t help thinking, Mo Fei and Senior Sister Bing are really quite similar!

Although Ye Zhong was worried all the way, fortunately, his most worried thing did not happen, and he arrived safely at the Tianhua Martial Arts Field.

Hua Shangmei walked in with Ye Zhong, and took the trouble to introduce Tianhua Martial Arts to Ye Zhong. Soon the two passed through the martial arts field and reached the residential area inside.

Hua Shangmei took Ye Zhonggang into the residential area, shouting, a violent wind came over!

Hua Shang Ambiguous exclaimed: “Be careful!”

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