Legend of the Supreme Soldier: Section 126 Fish and Nets (middle)

The morning light armor closest to the half-building was caught off guard by this golden light! The speed of this golden light absolutely exceeded the expectations of this group of mentors, and the trustworthy hunch before this speed had no effect at all!

The mentors have not had time to react, this golden light touched the morning light armor and immediately re-invested in the half of the ruined building at a faster speed, and disappeared!

The attention of the remaining nine morning light armor mentors couldn’t help but focus on the light armor that had just been hit by that golden light! In order to cultivate a tacit understanding between each other, the ten of them have been training and acting together from a very early time. They are close to each other and feel like brothers! This person was attacked, and the other nine people were all very concerned.

If it were on the battlefield, they would not have been so careless, but there was only one person in the information given to them! A person, they are ten morning light armors. Isn’t that enough? Although this sudden change caught them off guard, they weren’t panicked. Another very important reason was that no one of them saw clearly what that golden light was just now!

What’s the matter? This is a question that lingers in everyone’s mind!

The light armor that was hit hasn’t heard anything from now!

Under the gazes of the nine of them, this morning light armor seemed to be unable to withstand the immense strength. The place that was hit just now opened a series of incisions, criss-crossing, and the smooth incisions were exposed. The light cyan light, this light is familiar to them, isn’t this the light emitted when the engine energy inside the light armor is activated? How would it appear here?

As soon as the light blue light was exposed in the air, it immediately trembled unsteadily and violently. It contracted and expanded as forcefully as a human heart. Only three times, there was a loud bang, and everyone’s sight was bright!

The light armor exploded! Under the full gaze of everyone! The power of a high-energy explosion in such a small area is extremely amazing! All the morning light armors had no time to prop up their energy shields. The huge shock wave blew the remaining nine morning light armors into instability, and the entire encirclement was blown to pieces!

And that half of the ruined building was certainly not spared under the shock wave of this intensity, and it collapsed!

The collapse of the masonry structure and the ruined building aroused dust in the sky!

And in the dust that disturbed the sight, a few extremely fine black lights quietly and accurately fell on the light armor that had not stabilized the figure from the shock wave just now!

Ye Zhong is in the ruins of the remnant building with fish beside him. The huge figure of the fish field is large enough to hold up a small space for Ye Zhong wearing miniature light armor!

The golden light just now was Ye Zhong’s sudden attack!

Ye Zhong didn’t expect that Guardian would reach such a speed when he was fully activated! I’m afraid Gu Shaoze never thought that the miniature light armor he made could reach such a speed! Guardian was originally designed for No. 2, and its ideal goal is to control Guardian No. 2 to reach a speed of 4 Hz! Who knew that under the inhuman explosive power of Ye Zhong’s legs, he could reach a speed of ten hertz. I’m afraid Gu Shaoze never dreamed about it!

Ye Zhong was just a test a moment ago. Originally, he only drew out his two daggers and swiped it a few times! Unexpectedly, the performance of those two daggers was far beyond Ye Zhong’s expectations!

In the short tenth of a few seconds when Ye Zhongdi’s dagger just touched the opponent’s light armor, a line of lightning floated across Ye Zhong’s black and white digital sight: “The second dagger is activated. Initialization complete!” This line of words drifted extremely fast, if it were not for Ye Zhong’s sharp eyes, he would definitely ignore this line of small reminders!

Number two dagger! Even if he was fighting, Ye Zhong thought it was a bit funny, Gu Shaoze would really be lazy!

The black-and-white three-dimensional net-like schematic diagram of the opposing light armor in front of Ye Zhong’s eyes is constantly zooming in and rotating at an astonishing speed. Countless points are analyzed at the same time, and countless data are brushed straight down like a waterfall. Before Ye Zhong rushed in front of the opponent’s light armor, there were only eight crisscross lines and seven points distributed all over the opponent’s light armor!

Ye Zhong has no time to check the results of the analysis of these points and lines. In an instant, Ye Zhong chose the eight lines, and the dagger in his hand drew the eight lines accurately. , Ye Zhong’s amazing hand speed was amplified by the guard, giving him the ability to complete this series of operations in just one touch!

I didn’t have time to check the results, but Ye Zhong didn’t report any hope. The dagger used in single combat was used to deal with light armor, just like using a heat gun to deal with a space battleship, Ye Zhong retreated like lightning! The siege of these ten people is impeccable and tight! I only hope that the animal husbandry who controls the fish can find the opportunity, otherwise he will become a prisoner today!

Ye Zhong smiled silently, although the guardian is powerful, but in terms of weapons, it’s really not that good! If there is a weapon that can threaten the opponent’s light armor, and the opponent’s encirclement shrinks so narrow, it is not a half chance!

Mu’s voice suddenly came from my ear: “Yeba, come here!”

Anything? Ye Zhong’s heart jumped, but he immediately relaxed. Is there anything worse than it is now? Even though he thought so, Ye Zhong jumped to Mu’s side in the first time. As soon as he fell to the ground, before he had time to ask Mu what was going on, there was a loud bang, followed by a violent rush, Ye Zhong almost staggered, struggling to stabilize his figure in shock, and there were countless nets in front of him. The grid-shaped stones fell downwards, but the guardian also automatically analyzed these stones. The horrible data traffic suddenly resembled a high-pressure faucet, and the speed was so fast that Ye Zhong felt dizzy!

Ye Zhong couldn’t help crying secretly. The analysis of the guard is completely automatic and not controlled by humans. If the situation in the field of vision is too complicated, the data analyzed is enough to overwhelm people! Ye Zhong hadn’t adapted to the lightning speed of these data, so Ye Zhong had to focus on the three-dimensional grid analysis graph! In fact, Ye Zhong’s approach is completely correct. In order to speed up the operation of the built-in optical brain when making the guardian light armor, Gu Shaoze boldly changed the field of view from the currently popular holographic image to the extremely ancient black and white two-color, and the three-dimensional mesh The analysis graph is the key point. The analysis data was originally prepared by Gu Shaoze for optimization at the end. He didn’t expect that he would be targeted by the Mentors Association before he had time to optimize, and this follow-up work could not be completed!

Now Ye Zhong’s guardian is only an unfinished product. Of course, this unfinished product is only for data optimization and shielding! In other respects, they have reached Gu Shaoze’s expectations.

Under the protection of the fish, Ye Zhong was prevented from being buried in the collapsed house, but Ye Zhong obviously didn’t know that it was his own blow that was the culprit in the current situation! Perplexed, Ye Zhong watched as Mu was manipulating the fish and quickly raised the aquarium-shaped ejection box, and fired all the auxiliary projectiles in one go.

As soon as Mu raised the ejection box, Ye Zhong was ready for battle, and the tacit understanding between Ye Zhong and Mu had already cooperated!

Sure enough, when the last auxiliary projectile was shot out of the ejection box, the fish and the leaf weight moved! Mu’s grasp of time can be described as amazing, and he didn’t waste any time!

Yu’s and Yezhong started at the same time!

The gap between the two quickly became apparent. In terms of short sprints, Guardian has an unparalleled advantage! When he rushed out of the ruins, Ye Zhong was several meters ahead of the fish! Then what Ye Zhong saw was the stray encirclement of the opponent, and the dust in the sky!

The black-and-white vision guarded by them is not affected by the dust. Ye Zhong quickly found nine light armors. Huh, what about one? Ye Zhong didn’t expect that his attack just now would destroy a light armor!

The auxiliary bombs launched by Mu’s fall are extremely precise, and there is no false shot! The dust in the sky gave these originally extremely concealed auxiliary bombs the best cover!

These auxiliary bullets were extremely negatively damaged, and they were caught off guard. These nine light armors were in a hurry, and several light armors were hit by several auxiliary bullets at the same time. The work of Master Fred is indeed trustworthy! Ye Zhong loves these auxiliary bombs very much!

“Here!” Mu said anxiously.

Ye Zhong, who had rushed in front of the opponent’s light armor, abruptly stopped the dagger he was about to swing, his toes were a little on the opponent’s light armor, and he rushed in the direction of Mu! The strength of Ye Zhong’s tiptoe was amplified by the guard, and the momentum was great. This morning light armor couldn’t stand it, and he kicked back a few steps.

Look in the direction of Mu~IndoMTL.com~ Ye Zhong was speechless, but Mu was strong! Even if it is a fish manipulator, it is estimated that even the deepest potential of the fish has been dug up by the animal husbandry! Compared to driving a fish by himself, it is nothing like two light armor! Whether in terms of speed or other aspects, the fish is extremely vigorous at this time!

The fish broke one arm, and the only weapon that can be used is the overclocking magnetic blade. One step of the fish flashed between the two morning light armors. Long before the auxiliary bombs were launched, Mu had calculated that the two light armors were the breakthrough points, so the auxiliary in the two morning light armors The most ammunition.

A simple Thomas maneuver, perfect to make Ye Zhong envy! The overclocking magnetic blade was silently converged behind the humming shield by Mu quietly, and the viper vomited and kissed the deadly place of the two light armors!

In the blink of an eye, two light armors fell under the feet of the fish, and the power of the auxiliary bombs just now showed up. The bad state is fatal in front of a master like Mu! In the first place, fighting alone was not the speciality of Morning Light Armor. The Morning Light Armor that lost their cooperation with each other fell into a bad state at the same time, and there was no time to react under Mu’s sharp attack.

Ye Zhong just arrived!

The originally scattered encirclement was almost completely useless at this time, Ye Zhong and Mu were already empty in front of them, and the chance to escape was right in front of them!

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