Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 82: “Trouble”

Eighth Chapter 12 “Trouble”

“Look at what mother looks like, this Immortal Pill must be taken by my daughter! But … my daughter is only five years old, but it is also a matter of fact. In the case of giving grandmother no results, Immortal Pill was handed over to her again. mother, you must take it at a low price … “Fan Ri looked at Xiao Hua and continued.

“Eh? That’s … Madam … Is the body in good health?” Xiao Hua suddenly.

“No, no, I’m only 24 years old, and I haven’t had any problems yet!” How did Fan Riguan wave again and again.

“Strange ~” Xiao Hua smiled and said: “The Medicinal Pill given by this humble Daoist … Although it is … the Medicinal Pill used by the people of my cultivating the Truth, but … it is not the real Immortal Pill. Longevity and longevity, what do these people in your family give up? “

“This …” Fan Riguan hesitated and said with a smile: “Xiao Daoist, the younger know Daoism Immortal cultivating the Truth, all cut off all World‘s grievances, pay attention to clear-heartedness, to the relatives of the small class The feelings between may not be understood, and the specific things will not be talked about when they are small. Xiao Daoist should be a story! “

“Oh?” Xiao Hua smiled at the corner of his mouth, slightly nods said: “Then … please continue!”

“Well, Immortal Elder knows, how can I take this Immortal Pill? Naturally, it was pushed to the small mother, and mother was not taken, which was pushed back and forth … In the end, I had to think of a way to catch it. , But just when the small one is making paper balls, mother and Hinai find the small one, and give the small one the same idea! “

“What’s the idea?” Xiao Hua was strange, but I was also moved by the family’s blind date.

“Oh, it ’s very simple, just make three exactly the same words. Whoever grabs it will take Immortal Pill, but mother let my daughter catch first, and mother catch first!”

“Well, this humble Daoist understands!” Xiao Hua said in surprise: “How did you deal with it?”

“Small cannot, use an ordinary pill as Immortal Pill, and finally let my daughter take it!” Fan Riguan said embarrassedly: “After all, mother is not much time, and my daughter is still young!”

“Later … how did you give Medicinal Pill to mother?” Xiao Hua said in surprise.

“In fact, it’s very simple, the small put Medicinal Pill in the herbal medicine taken by mother, and let the female feed mother!” Fan Riguan smiled and said: “I knew it was such a trouble. Don’t tell them anymore! “

“Trouble ?????” Xiao Hua sighed: “This kind of trouble … I hope it ’s all good!”

“Xiao Daoist is really different from the Immortal Elder next to it!” That Fan Riguan praised: “If you are someone else, such small words may not be annoying!”

“Oh, so this humble Daoist said that the poor Dao Cultivator is shallow!” Xiao Hua disagrees.

Cultivation Base is only shallow now, with Xiao Daoist‘s mind, what distracting promotion is definitely something sooner or later!” Fan Riguan complimented.

“Distracted?” Xiao Hua said in surprise: “What is Boundary?”

Boundary?” Fan Riguan immediately turned red on his face: “Small nonsense, small only listens to Immortal Elder chats in the inn, and next to it, it is Cultivation Base higher than Cultivation Base of Jingbocheng City Lord Liu ! “

“Oh, is it Soul Transformation?” Xiao Hua suddenly thought of Zhang Qingxiao‘s occasional words.

“Yes, yes, it is Soul Transformation, there is a Immortal Elder that is said to be Golden Core said, Soul Transformation is what babies are turned into primitive spirit, what can be distracted, it is called Soul Transformation or distracted!” Fan Riguan quickly explained Tao, he did not understand the mess of cultivating the Truth‘s natural explanation, but also let Xiao Hua know that Spirit Division Stage is Soul Transformation Stage!

“Oh, little Second Brother actually knows more than this humble Daoist!” Xiao Hua laughed.

“Where, the small ones have been in the inn for a long time, so listen too much!” Fan Riguan immediately said: “Oh, yes, Xiao Daoist‘s Immortal Pill is really powerful, the small mother has just eaten herbs, Immediately, the abdominal pain was like a knife twist, and then the whole body was in pain. mother‘s face was white at the time, and the seven tips … all shed blood … “

“Ah, no …” Xiao Hua secretly thought: “Wuzhen Dan is used by people of cultivating the Truth, Medicinal Pill, mortal world, etc. meridian is weak, of course it ca n’t withstand, what Senior said is really right!”

“Do n’t hide Xiao Daoist, the younger was scared and stupid at the time, and still complained about Xiao Daoist …” Fan Ri watched Xiao Hua and said embarrassedly: “But … the little knows that Xiao Daoist is great mercy. The compassionate person must not lie to the small one, so … still believe in Xiao Daoist … hehe, it really is half a cup of tea, when mother spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, and when he saw that there was no strength, it was suddenly a face Ruddy appeared on the surface, only to say that the body is very comfortable, but even got up effortlessly, and let the cheaper prepare the fragrant soup to bathe! “

“Ah? Very comfortable inside the body?” Xiao Hua is strange, he didn’t understand the meaning of this sentence!

“Well, the younger asked mother later, mother said that there seems to be a little mouse in the body, rushing around!” Fan Riguan replied.

“Ouch” Xiao Hua suddenly awakened: “This … is n’t that weird thing that Ou Dan Dan said in Sect Leader? It is this thing … let Ou Dan become Top Grade Medicinal Pill!”

Remember that the Top Grade Wuzhen Dan refined by Xiao Yuehong was kept by Xiao Yuehong himself, and he did not give it to himself! When Xiao Hua went into the space of his own mind, when Xiao Xianrui gave Wuzhen Dan in several jade bottles, he immediately understood the reason!

All of a sudden, Xiao Hua burst into tears …

“Trouble” is not only the dust of ordinary people World, it is the ruthless Cultivation World, still exists! ! !

“Xiao Daoist, Xiao Daoist!” Fan Riguan saw this, was shocked, and quickly waved his hand: “This kind of Immortal Pill … Small … Small … Dare not greedy too much!”

“Shit ~” Xiao Hua immediately jumped up, jumped up, pointed at Fan Riguan, and scolded: “Your children can know Daoist General Medicinal Pill let mother, this humble Daoist how stingy this area is Medicinal Pill?厮 …… It is really the gentleman’s belly with the heart of a villain! “

Look at that maddening look, where is it like a Immortal Elder from cultivating the Truth!

After seeing Xiao Hua Life Qi, Fan Riguan was terrified and immediately fell down: “Xiao Daoist, but Xiao Daoist!”

“I … who am I anxious with? Is it necessary for me to be anxious with you?” Xiao Hua suddenly felt sad and looked up at the sky, angry: “God is unfair !!!”

“Who’s making trouble!” An angry drink descended from the sky. A very strange figure, like a real shadow, flew from the ripples of the lake next to it, and flew to the place where Xiao Hua stood.

Xiao Hua was shocked, and immediately received some frantic emotions, and at first glanced, the shadow was holding a sickle-like thing in his hand, dressed up like the image he saw when he entered the light curtain in Jingpo City !

Before waiting for Xiao Hua to speak, Fan Riguan immediately stepped forward and bowed very respectfully: “Small Flying Fish Inn Fan Riguan has seen an adult!”

“Well, what’s going on here? How could there be a scream?” The shadow’s figure still bent, just like a ribbon flying in the air!

“Oh, it ’s the small one who just angered the Immortal Elder, Immortal Elder scolded the small one, the small one is condemning the Immortal Elder, it wo n’t get in the way!” Fan Riguan looked at Xiao Hua slightly and made a wink!

Xiao Hua took a deep breath, wiped away the tears on her face, and arched her hand: “Junior … some recklessness, please forgive me!”

The shadow of “Oh” floated in the air for a moment, and a loud voice sounded: “Although Fan Riguan is a mortal man, he can also be a handyman in Jingbo City, and his safety is protected. ! “

“Don’t dare this humble Daoist …”

“Well, it ’s okay if you do n’t dare. It ’s okay to shout this book. However, Lord Zhao is receiving VIPs today and visiting Jingbo City. If you are disturbed, it ’s … the death penalty, or calm down. Good! “

“The younger generation knows!” Xiao Hua sighed in his heart and thought of the Yuanying cultivator that he met outside the city the day before yesterday!

“Good for yourself!” The shadow, like a flying ribbon, gradually went away and fell into the lake!

After a while, Fan Riguan got up and whispered: “Xiao Daoist, don’t talk anymore, please go to Feiyu Inn with your little one!”

Xiao Hua nods, just about to take a step, and thought of something, shook his head and said: “this humble Daoist …… or another investment inn, Feiyu Inn may not be able to live!”

“Why?” Fan Riguan asked for a moment with a stunned look.

“Oh, yesterday, a small boy asked this humble Daoist to ask for the so-called Immortal Dao. this humble Daoist will go with you, and you must not be screamed.” Xiao Hua sighed. In fact, he was still afraid that the talisman refining door found him to be repaired of!

“That’s right ~” Fan Riguan immediately understood and was very guilty: “Small things are reckless, and I didn’t expect that leaving suddenly would cause Xiao Daoist such trouble, it is really shameful!”

“No need to be like this, it’s not all your fault!” Xiao Hua looked at the sky and laughed: “this humble Daoist has something to do with you. If you are fine, this humble Daoist will find another inn. Let’s just … ! “

Xiao Hua figured out that Fan Riguan ’s mother condition was cured because of his own role of Top Grade Wuzhen Dan, and naturally he knew the usefulness of those Wulan Dan in the space, and the most important thing is that these are Xiao Yue Refined by Hong, since Fan Riguan’s insiders and daughters have no incurable illnesses, he certainly is not willing to waste these Medicinal Pill!

Fan Riguan listened, in a hurry, stepped forward to hold the sleeve of Xiao Hua, and said with a smile: “Xiao Daoist … the little one has a reluctant please, I do n’t know if I should talk about it or not!”

“Alas, since it is a relentless request, of course it is not necessary to talk about it!” Xiao Hua shook his head.

“Yes, Xiao Daoist said very much!” Fan Riguan respectfully said: “However, the small mother knows that it is the Immortal Pill given by Xiao Daoist. I want to thank you in person, but … I can only wait for ordinary people Staying in the west of Jingbo City, you ca n’t come here at random, so the little hurried came, please … Xiao Daoist has time to go to the west of my city and accept the thanks of the small family! “

“No need ~” Xiao Hua waved his hand and shook his head: “Unintentional move, don’t be thankful, if you wait for your heart, just honor mother!”

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