Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 764: Teasing

Seventh one hundred and sixty-four chapters teasing

So, Zhang Xiaohua shrank from the man ’s palm and smiled with him: “This very uncle ’s, even if you are looking for my trouble, it seems that you have to give the next reason, even if it is unnecessarily. , Let me know below. You are the one who moved your hands up here. It seems that it is not your fine tradition! “

“It ’s just the dog thief of Developing Pill Hall. What you do, I naturally have a scale in my heart. If you provoke my Junior Sister, how could I think of finding you in vain? I know! “

There is no virtue in this lip, but the reason why he came out at once—Junior Sister for the crime of Zhang Xiaohua!

Zhang Xiaohua sighed helplessly, saying that he offended the Junior Sister of the temple. This was the beginning of Xinfeng, but which one did not wipe Zhang Xiaohu ’s bath water? Who knows what this big man is talking about! Of course, this is definitely not the reason for Zhang Xiaohua‘s sigh, but this is the secret that Zhang Xiaohua brothers strictly guarded, even if Changge will not know, how can this big guy know? Zhang Xiaohua sighed: You want to win your Junior Sister‘s heart is also forgivable, but you can’t let me get angry, build the happiness of your two dogs and men on my pain, it is really not Morality Performance.

Zhang Xiaohua is also depressed. Unconsciously, the label “dog male and female” will be attached to people’s heads, only secretly thought: “You just need to be jealous of the wind, why should you be dragged into it? Is it only bullying me, an outsider In order to show your masculinity? Maybe I was beaten with an arm and a leg, and he still wanted to think about the courtesy of others! “

Zhang Xiaohua is getting more and more angry, he just could n’t see the strong and weak generation, now this big man actually bullied him, this obviously is a minor Developing Pill Hall Disciple, his heart is more angry, and at this time, that The big man changed his grasp into a fist again, and a big bowl of fists hit the face of Zhang Xiaohua.

“This is enough?” Zhang Xiaohua heard the boxing style and knew that this man actually used eight points of strength. If the ordinary Disciple of Developing Pill Hall could not hide, it might be disabled, so, also If you don’t answer the question, you have thought about it and stretched your fist, even in the direction where the man’s fist struck.

The man frowned slightly, his eyes were full of smiles, his fist was not reduced, and he just hit the thin fist of Xiaohua.

To be honest, although his fist used eight points of strength, after all, there is still spare power. If Zhang Xiaohua avoided it, he would not dare to really hit his head, it is very easy to kill people. What he asked was just a hard lesson Zhang Xiaohua, to win a smile from the beauty. At this time, when I saw Zhang Xiaohua, he calmly punched. Then, make this Developing Pill Hall look very hateful and itchy Disciple. Shouldn’t the fracture be punished by Law Enforcement Disciple?

The smile of the Junior Sister in this big man ’s heart was just blooming. He immediately heard the sound of the broken finger in his ears. His own smile did not bloom, and he was immediately suffering from the huge pain from his fist. Strangled.

“Ouch ~” Ten fingers together, the man could not help screaming one sound, holding his injured right hand, staring at Zhang Xiaohua with some surprise: “You … you …”

“You” for a long time, can not say why!

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at the man ’s fingers and realized that some of them were fractured, but it was slightly tingling pain, which was much lighter than the injuries he suffered in the Lotus Dart Board. Scolded: “How does this uncle feel? Do you think you deserve it?”

The man seems to be thinking, why he hit his fist with something as hard as a rock, rather than the fist of the average person in his imagination, so he did n’t answer for a while.

Seeing the man ’s unresponsive look, Zhang Xiaohua eyeball One Revolution, said with a smile: “This uncle, are you the one that Tiantian said, often there is nothing wrong with her to talk to Senior Brother?”

“Yes … yeah, how do you know?”

“Nonsense, on the bright side, I offended Tiantian at Second Brother with two concubine girls Disciple, one is Xiao Tiantian, and the other is Yi Junior Sister with a large number of pimples on his face. Just think about it with your heels. The possibility is high, I just cheated a little bit, and I missed it. Hey, how did this guy get into it? Did n’t he consider whether he was stupid or not? Alas, the young man was very clever, It was still rejected by the 缥 篈 派, how did this guy mix into the inside of the 缥 絈 派? The people who recruited Disciple were really blind. “

Thinking of what she was rejected by the Lotus Dart Board and the Yuanjia faction, Zhang Xiaohua felt a little uneasy in her heart, and she felt a bad thought again. I saw him smiling and said, “I don’t know anything about these things? Tiantian She also told me that she ignored you, but you still have to show up in front of her every day or every other day, although you sometimes do n’t talk, just look at her behind her, but she always looks at her Here, and she has hinted to you many times, you ca n’t understand, or you foundation do n’t want to understand! ”

“Oh, yeah, Xiao Junior Sister she …” I just said halfway, the man’s face changed drastically, and his left hand ignored his injured right hand, one finger Zhang Xiaohua roared, “How do you know? ??? How can you call her Tiantian? Hurry up! “

Zhang Xiaohua shrugged, helplessly said: “This uncle, haven’t you read the book? Don’t know the ancients’ cloud is good: ‘Thousands of miles of marriage, a line of lead’, ‘You have met for thousands of miles to meet, you have no chance to meet and meet each other’ Do you have “love at first sight”? “

Zhang Xiaohua used all the idioms he knew at once, and looked at the man with a smile.

“This … how is this possible? Xiao Junior Sister how can she look at you as a attractive young man?” The man was shocked and angry, and his voice was a little trembling.

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head, almost took the folding fan, sour: “Beauty likes attractive young man, this is an eternal saying, I think even you who have not read a few Heavenly Book know it, you say Tiantian like this Female Disciple, don’t like attractive young man like me, can you still like a man like you? “

The man was almost violent, so he had to stretch his fist and hit it again, but it was just a move, which caused the broken bone just now, and it was even more painful. Zhang Xiaohua laughed again: “Not to mention my attractive young man ratio You’re still fierce, why won’t she like me? “

The man listened, and hated his eyes a bit red, his teeth creaking.

“Almost, hee hee” Zhang Xiaohua secretly shouted coolly, but his mouth shouted again: “Why? Don’t believe it? What’s not to believe this? If Tiantian is interested in me, how would you Tell me what happened? If I had listened to you, if I saw you, you would know that she was you? Alas, if you do n’t believe me anymore, I ca n’t help it, or you go. Ask Tiantian, maybe she can only tell you that you can die! “

After finishing speaking, a look of love could not help.

The man was really fooled. He jumped into the elder high and could n’t remember the pain in his fingers. He said: “I … I naturally do n’t believe it. How many years have we been brothers and sisters? How could she … how could … maybe When I saw you, I fell in love and fell in love? … I … I … just ask her … “But at the end, the voice is getting lower and lower. It seems that I also agree with Zhang Xiaohua who fell in love at first sight. The argument, before he finished speaking, he immediately turned around, rode the dust, and killed him in the direction of the 缥缈 堂.

Looking at the back of the man who disappeared quickly, there was a faint jump of chickens and dogs, and there was a smile on the corner of Xiaohua ’s mouth, without looking back, and said loudly, “Du Senior Brother, I have watched this scene for a long time. It ’s time to pay a little bit copper coin! “

The voice has n’t fallen yet. A long figure is falling from a big tree next to it, with a shock on his face. said in surprise: “Junior Brother Ren, when did you … did you find me? It seemed … your vision never looked I read it here! “

Zhang Xiaohua Gongtedao said: “When Du Senior Brother came out from the direction of the lower courtyard, I saw it below, but Du Senior Brother is unreasonable. At that time, you Senior Brother has not yet started, why do n’t you stop it? Do you like to hide in the tree and watch the two tigers fighting? Oh, yes, I have been chatting with you Senior Brother for a long time, and I have n’t known his name yet. How about your educated Disciple? There is no basic Etiquette! “

Du Feng has some scorn on her face, licking her lips and saying: “This Senior Brother is named Song Yinghao, and his temperament is somewhat rough, but bottom of the heart is not bad. Junior Brother Ren is not as general as him.”

“Halo!” Zhang Xiaohua slapped his forehead and said that officials and officials would care for each other. When this squad was really everyone, they sneered: “bottom of the heart is not bad, just meet and say no reason to grab on the neck of others. Talking about the reason that the fist hits the face of others? At that time, which door’s heart is not bad? How can I not know him in general? “

“Hey” Du Feng said: “Junior Brother Ren martial arts outstanding, even Liu Qiaogang is not your opponent, this Song Yinghao is estimated to be in your hands, so there is no birth prevention in the next, and Song Senior Brother‘s temperament All of Disciple in the church knows that everyone in Shixinfeng Reverend let him make a three-pointer and let Junior Brother Ren learn a lesson, which is not necessarily a bad thing, and … Junior Brother Ren was n’t just a good lesson just now? Not only did he suffer, but he also directed After he went to find Xiao Junior Sister, I will see Song Yinghao with a swollen nose and blue face tomorrow. If I appear, where can I show the wisdom of Junior Brother Ren? “

“Ah, these are all worn and worn only by farts, du Senior Brother, I dare not answer your words, can you come to the small courtyard to find me, just wear me a high hat?” Zhang Xiaohua touch Nose smiled.

“Where, I am looking for Junior Brother Ren but I have something to discuss?”

“Huh?” Zhang Xiaohua surprised: “Why?”

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