Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 710: Shixinfeng

Seventh one hundred and ten chapter Shi Xinfeng

After all, Huanhuan did not dare to be within three feet of Zhang Xiaohua.

However, seeing Huanhuan, Zhang Xiaohua is also very happy, so Huanhuan followed behind the big dark horse, and was also on a gentle slope.

Waiting to help Yang Yao pack things, Zhang Xiaohua Quietly Little Black with Little Yellow All tucked into the baggage, and then walked to the one who had been wandering all the time Huanhuan , Which communicates humanity Milu Looking at Zhang faintly Xiaohua It seems that I want to go home to admit mistakes, but I really can’t find an excuse to pull down a child.

When I saw Zhang Xiaohua approaching, Huanhuan went to retreat as usual, but then it seemed like cheering, raised his bald head, and ran over, sticking his tongue out to lick Zhang Xiaohua‘s face, Zhang Xiaohua smiled Extend your hand so that Trace is not in front of you, Huanhuan is very happy, her tongue licks softly on Zhang Xiaohua‘s hand, itchy and very comfortable.

After being intimate for a moment, Zhang Xiaohua patted the head of Huanhuan, and looked at the front, back, left, and right. I saw a lot of whip marks on the body of Huanhuan. , Even fatter than in Heaven’s Eye Peak, even the coat color is a little shiny.

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: “This man is really a master of food. It seems to be more moisturizing than Heaven’s Eye Peak on this day.”

not long afterwards, the sun sets and the night comes as usual.

Zhang Xiaohua waited for Yang Yao to fall asleep, and immediately clicked his acupuncture point, and hit Restriction and Secret Technique on the all around cloth. He shook himself and went straight to Heaven’s Eye Peak.

Since seeing Milu Huanhuan, Zhang Xiaohua knows that his “Pan Ruo Epee” does not need to be “deeply locked in the bosom”.

When Zhang Xiaohua Controlling Wind got up, he suddenly discovered that Controlling Wind Technique should have entered First Layer again, flying in the wind, and seemed to be able to blend in with the surroundings, that speed is much faster, but the loss of true energy is less Many, “Is it the result of realizing Heavenly Dao again?”

Zhang Xiaohua is somewhat enlightened. He had realized Heavenly Dao as soon as he had time, but he did not have much help in practice. Now it seems that this Heavenly Dao experience is just slow work and hard work, which is only a little progress, but actually There are so many reactions on cultivation, it seems that the realization of Heavenly Dao should also be a major homework for cultivation in the future.

After two meals, Zhang Xiaohua flew to Heaven’s Eye Peak, he was not indifferent, he just escaped into Pill House, took the eternal sword, and had to go back, but when he reached the mountainside, he thought he had saved In the small courtyard of Jade Chest, although at the farewell, Chen Fengxiao promised to collect all these Medicinal Herbs, and later Zhang Xiaohua would have the opportunity to come back and pick them up, but this walk may be a year, who is still patient to pick them up? Maybe it ’s cheaper.

So, Zhang Xiaohua recognized the direction and came to the small courtyard. Alas, it is still a small farmer ’s mentality. It ’s a little cheap and does n’t want others to take it.

The appearance in the small courtyard is still the same, that is, the Jade Chest in the house is the same as before, and no one moves it. It seems that no one is interested in this Medicinal Herb. Zhang Xiaohua does not need to light up. Just release Divine Consciousness and pick up the Medicinal Herb. Jade Chest, pinch Secret Technique, is the income belt.

Immortal Dao Secret Technique is very peculiar, but it ’s just that a bag of cigarettes is finished. Looking at there are still a lot of empty Jade Chest, Zhang Xiaohua claps his hands unconsciously, thinking maliciously: “After half a year, Ben Shaoxia came back and opened these empty Jade Chests in front of Chen Feng ’s smile. I ’d like to see what expression Chen Big Boss has? Hehe, maybe you can let him pay me some rare Medicinal Herb! “

As I thought about it, I heard a slight footstep outside the courtyard.

“Hey? Apart from me, who is interested in this Medicinal Herb?”

But the footsteps stopped outside the fence.

Zhang Xiaohua was puzzled. When Secret Technique was pinched, he escaped to the inside of the wall and listened to his ears. Only a familiar voice sounded: “Hu Senior Brother, why did you ask your brother to come here? Is there another? What matters? “

Zhang Xiaohua froze for a moment, and said: “This … seems to be the undercover that I met on the top of Heaven’s Eye Peak before!”

Sure enough, another piece of Xiaohua also sounded a bit familiar: “Ah, I do n’t want it, but I got the instructions of his old man in Qingming, and some things need to be explained to Brother Qian.”

“Qingming?” The younger brother Qian suddenly stunned and blurted out: “Isn’t Chun Fen the only boss of his old man? Why is there another Qingming? It won’t be fake!”

“How is it possible?” Hu Senior Brother was full of disdain, explaining: “Since Master Chun Fen has an accident, I have been worried that Mo was found by others. But one night, I was awakened by someone and it was actually at In the woods, obediently, I do n’t even know how I passed. Qingming ’s incision is no different from that of Faith Token and Chun Fen. I think nobody but us will know. ”

“Then … What instructions does Qingming Master have?”

“Well, because of the matter of Lord Chun Fen, it attracted the attention of the last Fragrant Peak, so Lord Qingming told us not to frequent Connection again, let me sleep first.”

“Halo ~, Hu Senior Brother does n’t call me, does n’t anyone know it?”

“There is also one. Because our brothers have several missing persons, Master Qingming thinks it was the hand of Fragrant Peak. His old man also organized some people in order to prevent us from being exposed, and killed some other ordinary Spreading Fragrance Doctrine. Disciple, it caused a little confusion, so let us remind each other not to act rashly or have other thoughts! “

“I know, Hu Senior Brother, but our Heaven’s Eye Peak is still very quiet …”


Hearing here, Zhang Xiaohua understands a little bit. This Chun Fen adult should be a leader of this organization, and also have some status in Spreading Fragrance Doctrine. Think about it. The Xu Vice Hallmaster should be very Fu He. Is it Xu Deputy? Hallmaster?

Zhang Xiaohua Secret Technique flicked, and they had to escape and grab the two to ask, but just about to start, they suddenly felt happy: “Is n’t this a dog who takes a mouse to do business? They fight with Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Is n’t it safer for me? Besides, they messed up the water. Who can doubt me? I should encourage them to be right. How can I help them? “

“Hee hee, if I can, I would not be stingy to give them a small pennant of” helping others “.”

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua had another thought in his mind: “Just now they said that the Fragrant Peak had noticed that several people were missing, and they also killed several Disciple of Spreading Fragrance Doctrine, causing confusion, I … I seem to Made a mistake. “

It was cold sweat immediately, but no, that day Xu Deputy Hallmaster killed Qiangshi in order to kill the mouth, but he took Qiangshi out to destroy the corpse for the sake of safety, but now I want to come, so it is not just showing his feet? Qiangshi An ordinary Disciple of Herb Department. If it is missing on weekdays, it may not be noticeable, but it is not seen now, and it is still called by Xu Deputy Hallmaster. If the person who is left by Fragrant Peak knows, there will be doubts. Doubt yourself, doubt Rejuvenation Valley, it is impossible to guarantee that Rejuvenation Valley will bring disaster. And this organization headed by Qingming adults also made some ordinary Disciple missing and made some obvious actions, but it made people unclear about the true and false. I have to say that they helped me.

“Ah, there is still no experience!” Zhang Xiaohua sighed one sound in his heart, resisting the urge to send the “Good Man Award” to the two, and pinched Secret Technique, that is, Heaven’s Eye Peak.

Hanging the Phanom Epee, Zhang Xiaohua ’s Controlling Wind Technique is also a lot slower. The time to go back is obviously longer than when he came. , Two horses and one Milu rested beside them.

Zhang Xiaohua fell from the air, Huanhuan felt slightly conscious, looked up, snapped his nose, and walked away again. Zhang Xiaohua looked at Yang Yao, did not untie his acupuncture points, and sat directly cross-legged next to him, taking out Essence Stone to recover the true energy he had just lost.

Waking up the next day, Yang Yao was so relieved that he played a set of Fist Art at bright sun and said, “I haven’t been camping out for a long time. I have forgotten even the insomnia and sleepwalking problems. It seems that there will be nothing wrong in the future. Remember the hard times of the past! “

Zhang Xiaohua sweats.

Zhang Xiaohua packed things up and followed Yang Yao on the road again, Little Yellow and Little Black were still in his arms, so Huanhuan could only trail, seeing Long Sword on the back of Milu, Yang Yao stunned and laughed: “Virtuous Nephew Ren, Why do you still hold this Sword Prototype? You all got Faith Token from Hallmaster. When will you go to Universe Hall or refining artifact to get a magic weapon? “

Zhang Xiaohua nods said: “Isn’t there anything that is still available now, hold it first!”

Yang Yao has no doubt about him. He has seen the Prajna Epee on the way back to Spreading Fragrance Doctrine, and now I see it, but I can say a few more words.

The two then went on the road. Occasionally, they could meet a few other Disciples on the remote road. They were all courteous. They passed by immediately. After two days, Zhang Xiaohua completely dispelled their doubts: ” It seems that the Fragrant Peak is not a bad idea to fight himself. The old man with purple ginseng sent himself to Shixinfeng, which is really the case! “

In the early morning of this day, I turned to a mountain pass and faced a huge mountain peak, which was actually much larger than Heaven’s Eye Peak.

Yang Yao pointed and smiled: “Virtuous Nephew Ren, this is Shi Xinfeng. If you can do relation well with Disciple in Yantang, it is estimated that you will live here in the next few years and wait for Master Hallmaster to complete. Mission, Developing Pill Hall has a lot of positions waiting for you! “

After that, some inexplicable things were said, which made Zhang Xiaohua very puzzled, and finally told him: “When you arrive at Shixinfeng, it ’s better not to conflict with Disciple, they are all practicing martial arts. Yes, um, if there is any chance, it is best to learn from them, which will also be good for your impact on the Outer Sect assessment in the future. “

Thinking about the suspicion of Yang Yao a few days ago, Zhang Xiaohua was a bit overwhelmed, and immediately gave a deep courtesy: “many thanks Yang Uncle Master pointing.”

After another half day, I suddenly heard the roadside one sound shouting: “Stop, where is Disciple? This is Xinxinfeng, but you came easily!”

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