Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 70: Test

Seventh Ten Chapter Test

silver(money)?” the brothers asked in unison: “Will you have to pay silver(money) for martial arts?”

Since Master Wen heard it, he could n’t help but change his face. The brush “pa” and one sound in his hand patted the table and said angrily: “Who does n’t teach you without silver(money)? Seeing how you look, would you be fooling me?”

Zhang Brothers did n’t even dare to say, and Zhang Xiaohu told them that the Mountain Village guards had brought them over. The anger of Lord Wen only slightly disappeared. He picked up the tea cup on the table and drank, before speaking. “It seems that the guard was mistaken, and you are not to blame for this matter.”

Zhang Xiaohu said in surprise: “Excuse me, what is wrong?”

Senior Man Wen looked at Zhang Xiaohu respectfully, cleared his throat, and looked like a good teacher: “Look at you coming from afar, I will simply talk to you.”

“The investing and learning arts usually have martial arts halls. To pay tuition fees, those who live in the martial arts halls, of course, have to pay for board and lodging. Pingyang City is unique in our lotus dart board, so we do n’t have a separate martial arts hall. , Our dart board also has the role of martial arts, and also recruits people who come to learn martial arts on weekdays. However, it is wrong for you to go to Mountain Village to learn martial arts. The martial arts recruits people regardless of age. Seeing the foundation and perception of martial arts, generally All can be collected, but the best age for martial arts is when people are five or six years old. It is difficult to become a master of martial arts in the future. The martial arts recruits are Professor ordinary kung fu routines, and Mountain Village recruits The people are the Disciple of the 缥缈 faction, generally only recruit children of five or six years old, you go to the teacher, certainly not. “

Speaking of this, the two Zhang family brothers have changed their complexion. They thought they wanted to stay for a while while staying in the Lotus Dart Bureau. It seems that they thought it was too simple.

Zhang Xiaohua nervously asked: “What does it mean that the four lords, Mountain Village‘s guard called us to come here?”

Senior Wen Si smiled and twisted his beard. He said: “In addition to recruiting martial arts in the martial arts hall, the Lotus Dart Board is of course mainly engaged in the sale of the dart board. During this time, the dart board is short of manpower, so we must recruit some children. And the guard of the dartboard, I guess he meant this. “

Zhang Xiaohu quickly asked: “Do you need to hand in silver(money)?”

Wen Siye said: “The guards and trespassers of the darts are for the dart board. Of course, there is no need to pay silver(money), and they will be paid for each month.”

Zhang Xiaohua asked again: “Can you learn martial arts?”

Wen Siye said: “Yes, of course, you must have martial arts self-defense to play darts. How can you do it without learning martial arts?”

Zhang Xiaohua and Zhang Xiaohu‘s eyes immediately radiate light, which can practice martial arts and take silver(money) errands, which is really great.

However, the following remarks of Wen Si let them fall into the abyss immediately: “However, the tactics and guards of this move are also required to have the skills to practice martial arts. Do you cultivation have martial arts skills?”

Zhang Xiaohu whispered, whispering, “I haven’t practiced.”

Senior Man Wen immediately fell into the face and said, “How can the guards of this Mountain Village do something confusing? Why did I send you here without asking carefully, just let you go home.”

Next, he suddenly opened his eyes and asked, “Where did you come from?”

Zhang Xiaohu said: “Lu Town.”

Wen Siye mumbled: “Lu Town, Lu Town, did not listen to who the Disciple‘s home is in Lu Town.”

Then I asked again: “Lu Town is very far away from this, how do you know the faction?”

Zhang Xiaohu only talked about knowing Wen Wenhai and Lu Yueming, others did not elaborate.

Since Wen Si’s brow is loosened, he understands the meaning of guarding.

He immediately said to Yan Yue, “Since that is the case, then you should go to the wandering hand to see it. There is no basis for martial arts. The guards are definitely not accepted. If the wandering hand is still missing, there is still some hope , Go, Old man is fine, take you to Li Laoliu for a trip. “

After that, he got up and led the two out, making the Zhang family brothers flattered.

Wen Siye took the Zhang family brothers to the Fourth room next door, let the two wait outside, they pushed in the door, there was a lean man, about thirty years old, With a dry cigarette smoking vigorously, watching Grandpa Wen come in, he could not help but laugh: “How can Grandpa Wen have time to come to me?”

Senior Man Wen looked at the smoke in the room, walked to the window, pushed open the window, and said in the smoke in front of the fan with his hand, “Li, Liuliu, you can die if you smoke less. Love comes like it. “

Then, I asked again: “Is it possible to recruit people in these days? All of them have been recruited.”

Li Liuli took the dry cigarette and knocked the pot on the stool and said, “It’s also a good move. The bodyguards are still one or two different. Less, you still have to sell your life. Even a little basic person loves to dry up bodyguards. Even if you can almost guard the horse and carriage, it is better than selling your body in the dart board. “

Wen Siye smiled and said, “That’s right.”

Afterwards, the Zhang family went back to the house and said to Zhang Xiaohu: “This is Li Liuye, who is responsible for recruiting trips. Meet me.”

Zhang Xiaohu and Zhang Xiaohua hurried to the ceremony.

Li Liuliu looked at Zhang Xiaohu, and then looked at Master Wen Siwei strangely, and said, “Which drama did you sing? You asked him to play as a child?”

Wen Siye ordered nods, and Li Liuliu went up and down to see Zhang Xiaohu, and asked: “Looking at you, it seems that you haven’t practiced martial arts, are you?”

Zhang Xiaohu‘s respectful answer: “Yes, I haven’t practiced.”

Li Liuli looked at Master Wen Si wonderingly and said, “I haven’t practiced, why come, how can you let me take it? It is also dangerous to go to the child’s hand. You didn’t tell him anything about selling your life. Clear? “

Wen Siye said with a smile: “This trip is not as good as a bodyguard, and it is not necessary to martial arts. I still know it. He just wants to learn martial arts, and …”

Then, Master Wen whispered something in Li Laoliu’s ear. Li Laoliu listened to Lianlian nods, but at the end, he said: “Although the child does not say that he must have martial arts, he can’t do it. I do n’t have the talent to practice martial arts, but I still ca n’t ask for it. Otherwise, if there is any problem in the future, I ca n’t explain to those people. ”

Senior Wen Si smiled and said, “All of them are from the crops. The body should be okay. You can take him to the martial arts field to test it. It works best. If it doesn’t work, just explain to him. Practice martial arts, do n’t kill yourself. “

Returned to Zhang Xiaohu and said, “Are you talking about it?”

Zhang Xiaohu pounds garlic like nods.

Li Liuliu had no choice but to say to Zhang Xiaohu: “Well, you come with me.”

After that, I took Zhang Xiaohu to the square outside the house. At that time, some people were already practicing martial arts in the martial arts field, some people were practicing Fists & Kicks, some people were fighting with weapons, and some people were taking Wearing a stone lock, struggling with strength. Li Liuliu took Zhang Xiaohu to the stone lock. Several people who lifted the stone lock put the stone lock down and saluted Li Laoliu and others. Standing next to it, Li Laoliu pointed to a stone lock and said to Zhang Xiaohu: “This is a hundred pounds. Stone lock, can you lift it? “

Zhang Xiaohu shook his head and said, “I don’t know, I haven’t mentioned it before.”

Lao Li said: “Then try it.”

Zhang Xiaohu points to nods, walks forward, grabs the stone lock with his hand, lifts it hard, and then takes a deep breath, learning how the person lifted the stone lock just now, and lifted the stone lock with one hand over his head at once , And then put it down and looked back at Li Laoliu. Li Laoliu nods said: “It’s okay, that one is one hundred and fifty pounds, you try again.”

Zhang Xiaohu looked at the slightly larger stone lock next to it and still lifted it up. However, the forehead was already sweating. Li Laoliu seemed to be somewhat satisfied. Looking at the lively people next to him, there was no contempt just now, after all, Zhang At the age of Xiaohu, looking at the body is not very strong, it is not bad to lift 150 kg without training. Li Laoliu did not give up, and pointed to another one: “This is Two hundred pounds, you try again. “

At this time, the people next to him are also stunned. The two hundred-jin stone locks are not the heaviest in the martial arts field. However, this group of people ca n’t lift them when they first come, only a few. It seems obvious that the muscular man can only show his face at the beginning, and the rest are after practicing and struggling to lift the two hundred pounds of stone locks. This Li Liuliu now lets Zhang Xiaohu try, it is not because of deliberate trouble. Want to see the potential of Zhang Xiaohu.

Zhang Xiaohu seemed to be a rising calf at this time. Naturally, he was not afraid. He stepped forward and weighed it. It felt very heavy. However, when he thinks about his future martial arts, he still takes a deep breath like before and raises his arm capacity. But it ’s a pity when the arm is soft when the arm is soft and the stone lock falls to the ground, Zhang Xiaohu looks a little white, but the people around him are applauded by one sound, and several people applauded, Li Liuli also nods, smiling :”not bad, very good.”

At this time, Zhang Xiaohu only knew that he should have passed this level of strength.

Then, Mr. Li asked Zhang Xiaohu: “Have you not practiced martial arts at all?”

Zhang Xiaohu nods said yes.

At this time, the people who practiced martial arts next to them were attracted by applause here. Li Laoliu pointed to a young person who had just come over and was similar to Zhang Xiaohu: “Little monkey, come here, give us a set of Liuhe Boxing. “

Then, turned around and said to Zhang Xiaohu: “You look at it carefully, and when he finishes playing, you will repeat it for me.”

The Liuhe Boxing is a simple entry Fist Art. Under the hands of the little monkey, it is actually played vividly and vividly. It seems that there is no less effort. Zhang Xiaohu is watching his one-at-a-time with concentration. After the little monkey finished his work, there was no applause beside him.

Li Liuliu looked at Zhang Xiaohu, Zhang Xiaohu closed his eyes, and seemed to be recalling. After a while, he slowly took the first move and slowly started to fight, although he was not imposing, but It ’s also one-shot, and there are rules and regulations, and the more I beat, the more I was shocked, and everyone was dumbfounded until I hit a set of Fist Art six out of ten, which stopped, scratching my head, Zhang Xiaohu said embarrassedly : “I have forgotten the rest.”

Li Laoli said sharply: “To be honest, you haven’t really learned martial arts before? Haven’t you practiced this set of Fist Art?”

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