Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 585: Lu Lihong ’s kindness

Fifth 185 Chapter Lu Lihong’s kindness

After hearing this, Zhang Xiaohua froze, staring at Lu Lihong for dozens of moments.

“What does this person mean?”

“I just so clearly clarified my origins, and I’m going to remedy them now?”

“Furthermore, this Medicinal Herb is waste grass in the hands of others, but in my hand it is more precious than Medicinal Pill, I can let you grab my treasure Treasure, but also to accept your love, meet everyone Say you are good? “

“By the way, when it comes to robbing me, the first time I saw me robbed my” dragon scale fruit “, now I still have to remember other Medicinal Herb?”

“Well, absolutely not!”

Looking at Zhang Xiaohua without saying a word, Lu Lihong looked calm and smiled, “Why? Junior Brother Ren doesn’t want to give me this bad face?”

Zhang Xiaohua shook his head and said, “Where, where, these Medicinal Herbs are bothering me to death, neither throwing nor staying, if Lu Senior Brother can help me solve it, that is the best. But, Lu Senior Brother … “

“I understand the meaning of Junior Brother Ren, my brother is so powerful, and I know the thing of winning three games. Well, when it comes to this, I have heard about the Heaven’s Eye Peak game, but I am in Developing Pill Hall When I was in Baiyuefeng, I went to Wumingtang when I entered Outer Sect, but I missed Heaven’s Eye Peak. Now when I hear the brilliance of the younger brothers in gambling, I can’t help but feel itchy. Do you think this is good? I Take out … “

Until Lu Lihong finished speaking, Zhang Xiaohua was like Lu Lihong, interrupted his words, and was surprised: “What? Lu Senior Brother would have to come up with 152 gold to exchange Medicinal Herb with me ? “

“Cough” Lu Lihong’s face was flushed, but it was covered in wine, and it could not be seen. He embarrassedly said: “Junior Brother Ren great talent, he won Medicinal Pill of 152 gold at once, but his brother thought Yeah, even Chen Big Boss and Wu Big Officer do n’t have that much gold. Where will my poor Outer Sect Disciple be? “

The disappointment on Zhang Xiaohua‘s face, but his eyes are full of eagerness, saying: “If there is no gold, it will become, that is, Medicinal Pill equal to one hundred and fifty-two gold, the younger brother is willing to change!”

Zhang Xiaohua, a bit of “one hundred and fifty two gold”, said Lu Lihong almost choked, teeth bite and bite, and finally resisted the urge to run away, still kindly: “Little brother is really … some love Fortune, of course, this is also the character of the boy, huh, huh, but since the younger brother did not get the Medicinal Pill with one hundred and fifty-two gold that day, but replaced it with a worthless Medicinal Herb, then this Medicinal Herb can not When one hundred and fifty-two gold is forgotten. “

“Ah, is n’t this nonsense, I just know that you ca n’t get it out, so you run so tightly.” Zhang Xiaohua clanged with Xiao Jiujiu in his heart, and then puzzled and said: “The meaning of Lu Senior Brother? “

Lu Lihong’s speechless face said angrily: “I understand the mood of Junior Brother Ren, but you have to wait for me to make it clear.”

Zhang Xiaohua “Chun Chun” smiled and said: “Younger brother’s fault, younger brother’s fault, please also let Lu Senior Brother explain.”

Chen Feng next smiled at Lu Lihong with a glass of wine. Lu Lihong slowly said, “This Heaven’s Eye Peak gambling game has also been admired for a long time, but I have never had the opportunity to participate, and now it is Outer Sect Disciple. I couldn’t help myself, now I see Junior Brother Ren, and I don’t know how to sneer. I don’t think it’s better to take these Medicinal Herb of Junior Brother Ren as a bet. Let’s play two games, although we can’t justly participate in the official Heaven’s Eye Peak game, but if we can compare with Junior Brother Ren The last game was considered regretless in this life! “

“What? No regrets in this life?” Zhang Xiaohua‘s black line of full head, secretly thought: “It’s not as good as death without regrets.”

After hearing this, everyone beside me was also a little shocked. After all, Lu Lihong is Outer Sect Disciple, and it is still Disciple from Developing Pill Hall. This martial art is obviously higher than Developing Pill Hall and Disciple, but now he wants to talk to Zhang Xiaohua This Medicine Child competition that first entered Developing Pill Hall, isn’t that an adult playing with a naughty boy?

However, immediately, everyone is awakening. They just said that they have to make up for the previous mistakes and help Zhang Xiaohua to recover some losses.

So, Lu Lihong ’s image in everyone ’s mind is a little bit taller than before. If possible, Chen Fengxiao will have another “Advanced Deeds Report”, “Well, if it can, it is recorded in Herb Department ’s In the diary, the name was “Developing Pill Hall Senior Senior Brother Carrying later brothers, highlighting Herb Department unity and friendship” Chen Feng smiled excitedly.

Zhang Xiaohua is also a face of “excitement”, shouting: “Ouch, that would be great, but, Lu Senior Brother, what kind of Medicinal Pill gambling do you take?”

However, then there was a bit of frustration: “However, Lu Senior Brother is such a martial art of outstanding, how is your brother your opponent?”

After seeing Zhang Xiaohua agree, Lu Lihong took out a jade bottle from his arms and said, “Here is a piece of ‘Jade to Pill’ I occasionally got from Hallmaster. Although the number is not large, it is also rare in Outer Sect. , I do n’t know if Junior Brother Ren is suitable? “

“This?” Zhang Xiaohua didn’t know how to answer. To be honest, he didn’t change his mind at foundation, let alone this “Jade Return to Dan” still has four in his arms.

Zhang Xiaohua did n’t say anything, but the people next to it were boiling. I thought that one of the refining “Jade Returning Pills” at Wuzhou Market also topped the thirty-two gold pieces of Zhang Xiaohua, let alone the real price. The goods are Medicinal Pill, especially Chen Feng smiled, and he almost stretched out a hand in his eyes. He understands that Zhang Xiaohua does n’t know much about Spreading Fragrance Doctrine ’s Medicinal Pill. foundation ca n’t understand the importance of this “Jade Return to Dan”. So, if Zhang Xiaohua wins, the pile of useless Medicinal Herb is replaced with “Jade is also more precious than gold”. It is not easy to say who this Medicinal Pill finally fell into.

Well, there is nothing hard to say. Chen Fengxiao is Heaven’s Eye Peak Herb Department Big Boss. This “Yu Huan Dan” is definitely going to fall into his hands. Zhang Xiaohua is just an unstable Medicine Child, even if it is Wugong outstanding, how? May be the six major Arhat, in addition to Chen Fengxiao’s opponent?

Besides, Enwei and Shishi, that is what Chen Fengxiao is best at, just use other Medicinal Pill and then exchange with Zhang Xiaohua.

In the meantime, Chen Feng laughed a lot, and turned his head to look at the Wuzhou ruins with the same expression, and the messages were also exchanged between the electro-optical firestones. Last time, Chen Feng laughed and took the waste “Jade Return to Dan” , Wu Zhouxu still has Drop of Blood in mind. Does this true “Jade Return to Dan” just fill the grudge between the two?

“Well, why not?” Chen Feng smiled and immediately took the conversation, patting Xiaohua‘s shoulder with a smile: “Little brother has been worried about these Medicinal Herb, you said what do we Developing Pill Hall do? This Medicinal Herb with There is no difference in waste grass. Brother Lu is so benevolent, and the people who make Junior Brother Ren happy do n’t know what to say. “

Zhang Xiaohua sighed and said: “But, where am I against Lu Senior Brother‘s opponent? After he went to the field, he was beaten down in a few strokes, why not go up.”

Chen Feng smiled where he let him slack down, but also frowned. He said to Lu Lihong: “Junior Brother Ren said absolutely right, and Brother Lu is Outer Sect Disciple. Put in the rivers and lakes is the first-class Expert, and his skill is more than Junior Brother Ren.

“This is easy to handle.” Lu Lihong said proudly: “Tomorrow’s gambling, I only use one hand and one foot. If I move the other hand and foot, it is me losing!”

“Okay!” Chen Feng smiled at the table, stood up, and raised his glass: “Just to Brother Lu’s pride, I’ll have a drink with you. Admire, it’s really Expert‘s style!”

It seems that Chen Big Boss is going to play.

After Lu Lihong drank, Zhang Xiaohua next to him said weakly: “many thanks Lu Senior Brother Tingyi, the bet of the gambling is my pile of Medicinal Herb and Senior Brother‘s” Jade is still Dan “?”

“Well, exactly.” Lu Lihong nods.

“This game of fighting Senior Brother is one-on-one against the younger brother, if it is one-on-one, is it a loser?”

“Of course.” Lu Lihong is still nods.

“Oh, if I win, this pile of Medicinal Herb is Lu Senior Brother, if I lose, this Medicinal Pill is mine?”

“Yes, that’s it.” Lu Lihong was already impatient.

Zhang Xiaohua overjoyed and said: “So many thanks Lu Senior Brother.”

“No thanks, no thanks.” Lu Lihong waved his hands again and again, saying: “Just …”

But just halfway through the conversation, I saw the vision of a few people next to me and recalled what I said just now. Then I woke up and waved my hand even further, explaining: “Say wrong, say wrong …”

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said: “No relation, Lu Senior Brother, we closed our doors are our brothers, do not pay attention to what a gentleman is difficult to chase after a word.”

I do n’t know if Zhang Xiaohua is arbitrarily applying text, or what intentions, Lu Lihong is a little bit ashamed, but, just now, he really dare not take it seriously, Zhang Xiaohua won the herbal medicine, Lu Lihong, Zhang Xiaohua lost Medicinal Pill is Zhang Xiaohua, how to say Zhang Xiaohua takes advantage, Lu Lihong has some difficulties riding.

At this time, Zhang Xiaohuapuchi” laughed again and lifted up the tea bowl saying: “Just kidding, Lu Senior Brother, come to the brother to give you a cup. If I win, this Medicinal Herb is Lu Senior Brother, Medicinal Pill is me Yes, if I lose, Medicinal Herb is still mine, Medicinal Pill is still Lu Senior Brother. “

This time Lu Lihong did not dare to agree, and thought for a while before laughing: “Junior Brother Ren is really playful, okay, according to Junior Brother Ren, after this cup, let’s start fighting in the afternoon of Heavens Above.”

“Okay, I hope the younger brother will still be good Luck tomorrow.” Zhang Xiaohua smiled and drank the tea.

However, I immediately said: “Today is too late. Tomorrow Senior Brother will have a good rest. How about gambling in the afternoon?”

Chen Fengxiao and Wu Zhouxu glanced at each other and said, “Junior Brother Ren said very well. If Brother Lu has no objections, then arrange it like this.”

Lu Lihong naturally has no opinion: “This is also the first time I have participated in gambling, according to your rules.”

The matter was settled, and everyone sat down again, drinking alcohol, drinking tea, and Yang Yao whispered some questions about the current situation of Xiaohua.

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