Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 3901: Exploration

Ye Guxing did n’t have a good look at this four-piece body repair behind this repair, and replied lightly: “Zhuang Hong, Zhu Jing is also a general defender. Since he has already announced, what else should he say about old man?”

Maybe the Zhu Jing, a four-sided figure repairer, was a little embarrassed in his heart, but he did n’t show anything on his face. His expression remained unchanged: “Yan Ye Sword Lord, the subordinate got the news, so I hurried to tell my family Sword Lord, so the news was not Exactly … “

“Haha …” The name Zhuang Hong’s instrument repairer smiled slightly, and said, “Zhu Jing only defends the corner of the Sky Survey City. Where is General Meng knowing? And the defense and affairs of the entire Sky Survey City are controlled by Ye Sword Lord. , old man, etc. are only for assistance. In these cases, I would n’t be able to know much about the Feiyumen Sword Sect … “

I heard Zhuang Hong excuse for Zhu Jing, Ye Guxing sighed slightly in his heart. He also knew that the unknown enemy’s current situation, the lines of defense of the three parties in Xiantiancheng could not be messed up first, so Zhangkou said: “This is how things are …”

Unfortunately, he did n’t wait for him to finish his speech, “Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.” Several monstrous beast repairs rolled over from the sky. The current one is several times larger than ordinary people. His face was covered with white hair, and the one sound sounded like a roar: “Ye Fellow Swordsman, which rabbit cub who doesn’t have long eyes dare to come to offend me to patrol the city?”

Ye Guxing felt a primordial rage escaping from the body of this beast, and he did not dare to ridicule Zhuang Hong as before, but changed his tone and said lightly: “Xue Sheng Fellow Swordsman came just right, I Waiting for the worry, today the general guardian of the Sky Survey City is Meng Peng. His inspection team dealt with the current Sky Survey City all around unknown to Dao Cultivator Disciple, but I do n’t know how many there are, and I do n’t know why these Dao Cultivator Disciple came from … “

“Roar, isn’t that simple?” name Xuesheng’s beast repair roared one sound and turned around, shouting, “He Jun, you are the general of the city of Hushan School today, are you quick to find out?”

“Yes, my subordinates obeyed …” A thin and tall beast Xiu behind Xie Sheng flashed out quickly, and after agreeing to one sound, his figure flew high into the sky, waiting for the yellow brilliance flashing behind, and a pair of flesh wings stretched out from the body When he came out, he drank a few more times, and the previously lazy beast repairer was immediately energized, and he performed his magical powers to rush into the sky, and disappeared after a while.

Seeing that the animal repair was sent by Quishan, the Feiyu Gate of Qixiu was also embarrassed to blame anything. Zhuang Hong turned around and gave a few words. Zhu Jing also flew out of the Sky City with the inspection of Squad.

“Three people are on duty for Sword Lord …” Meng Pengjian Ye Guxing glared at himself, and hurriedly bowed, “The subordinate just stayed in this city and got a report from his patrol Disciple … If there is no accident, I will patrol the city In addition to the small number of siege cultivator in the direction of Jianzuka, a large number of Dao Cultivator Disciple appeared in several other places … “

“Grandma’s, this … is this Daojian battle?” After hearing Meng Peng’s simple report, Xue Sheng was excited and shouted loudly, “Why didn’t I hear any wind beforehand?”

Zhuang Hong was also surprised. He turned to look at Ye Guxing.

Ye Guxing ’s eyebrows were tightly locked at this moment. He had thought a lot in this moment. He looked at Zhuang Hong and Xue Sheng, solemnly nods said: “Xue Fellow Swordsman is not unreasonable!”

“What? Really want to start the Sword Dao war?” This time even Zhuang Hong was not calm, and lost his voice, “How is this possible? Dao Cultivator Three Kingdoms … how could it be the first to fight the Sword Dao war?”

“How can’t it be?” Xue Sheng was very happy to hear Ye Guxing agree with his thoughts, shouting loudly, “I was in control of Dao Cultivator before, and it was my Huan Country Sword Cultivator from Sword Dao battle; In my Sword Cultivator hands, I naturally want Dao Cultivator to start the Sword Dao battle! “

“No, it’s not that simple!” Zhuang Hong shook his head. “Let’s not say here is less than 1,000 years from the last Daojian battle. Sword Cultivator and Dao Cultivator don’t need to fight Sword Dao. Just say Xiaoyu today On Big 6, in addition to my Sword Cultivator, Dao Cultivator of cultivating the Truth, and Heavenly Demon Sect. And Heavenly Demon Sect is expanding rapidly, and there is a three-legged momentum. Where is the previous Daojian battle so easy to move? Does Dao Cultivator care about the power of Heavenly Demon Sect? ”

“Uh …” Ye Guxing said nods, “Zhuang Fellow Swordsman said very much. Dao Cultivator really has no reason to start the Dao Sword War. The last Dao Sword War, my unprecedented victory at Huan Country Sword Cultivator, Dao Cultivator Three Kingdoms fold Primordial Qi, Just a few hundred years, they can’t recover. And these hundred years came to a million and Mist Mountain calmly tight, I Huan Country did not use troops in the million Mist Mountain area, the strength rises and rises again, Dao Cultivator is under the world Spirit Qi great change strength If it comes down again, how could they hurriedly fight the Dao Sword War? “

“Grandma’s …” Xue Sheng was confused, said in surprise, “Ye Guxing, didn’t you agree with old man just now? Why did old man just finish talking and you turned your face?”

“Haha …” Ye Guxing smiled, “old man agrees with your last sentence!”

“Last sentence?” Xue Sheng was even more puzzled.

“Not bad!” Zhuang Hong Weiwei nods said, “Whether it is Daojian War or other Dao Cultivator siege, so many cultivator is approaching Xuantiancheng. Why haven’t I heard any wind in Xiantiancheng beforehand? This is definitely a problem! “

Ye Guxing was shocked and looked at Meng Peng: “Meng Peng, what can you say?”

Meng Peng saw sweat on his forehead and said with some fear: “Jian Ye Sword Lord, Xue Sword Lord reminded his subordinates, subordinates … Suddenly remembered, in the past few months, my inspection of the city tour Disciple … was damaged. A lot … “

“Damn!” Ye Guxing scolded, “Why didn’t you tell old man about this matter as soon as possible!”

Meng Peng opened his mouth, but when he hurriedly swallowed again, he bowed his head and said: “Yang Ye Sword Lord, it is … the negligence of his subordinates! After all, I inspect the Disciple for damage every day in the Sky City. Although there are many losses of Disciple in a few months, they are also within the controllable range, so … “

Meng Peng ’s hesitation has fallen into Ye Guxing ’s eyes. He thought about it a little and understood Meng Peng ’s hardship. It was not Meng Peng ’s unsuccessful complaint. It was clearly including himself, the three guards who controlled the city ’s main palace. Sword Lord Did not pay attention to Meng Peng’s report! And Ye Guxing is even more clear, not to mention the advantages and disadvantages of the three Sword Sect in charge of the Sky City, that is, the ease near 1,000 years has also let himself and others relax their vigilance, and the sense of smell is not as sharp as before 1,000 years. However, Ye Guxing did not reveal, but scolded: “That’s the case, don’t hurry to find out?”

“Yes, immediately …” Meng Peng did not know whether Ye Guxing understood, he did not dare to gamble, since he did not intend to pick out, then he had to bear it himself, hurriedly agreed to one sound, did not dare to neglect, stimulate to motion body The shape is going to fly away.

But at this moment, “Woo …” But when I saw the sky-raising city, there was a black shadow full of have several flying down from the clouds in the dense clouds, waiting to fly close to Meng Peng again. To be clear, it is the Light & Shadow of a Qinghe! The green crane flashed its wings and flew the snow around to the left. When the green crane fell, the wings shook strangely and shrank, the huge Light & Shadow slowly disappeared, and the figure of He Jun appeared!

“How?” Xue Sheng grinned and said, “What has happened?”

“General Meng doesn’t have to go!” Although He Jun’s body was revealed, his body still shook uncontrollably, and his eyebrows were a little light. The sweat beads of Red dropped, but he said proudly in his mouth, “this Sword It has been found out that there are nearly two million Dao Cultivator cultivator more than five hundred miles away surrounding my Sky Survey City … “

“What? Two million Dao Cultivator Disciple ???” Mo said Ye Guxing was shocked, even Zhuang Hong and Xue Sheng changed their faces, and exclaimed, “You … can you be sure?”

He Jun ’s slightly yellow eyes rolled over and replied: “Of course the subordinate cannot be completely sure. After all, in such a short period of time, his subordinates can only look at the number of cultivator in one direction, but With the number of this range extended, the subordinates estimate that there are two million Dao Cultivator Disciple siege! “

Looking at the trembling of He Jun ’s body, he stopped slowly as he spoke. Ye Guxing knew that this He Jun must have been the secret technique of animal cultivation, and rushed to a direction to look at the number of people in this short time and returned. Yes, even this kind of supernatural powers do not even exist on their own. However, he looked at He Jun ’s calm expression again, and did n’t panic for himself and others. He said for a moment: “Since you said it ’s two million Dao Cultivator Disciple, it ’s two million Dao Cultivator Disciple. But … it looks like you look like With a plan? Is it possible that you already know the origin of these Dao Cultivator Disciple? “

He Jun proudly said in nods: “Yes. The subordinates have found out that although there are many Dao Cultivator Disciple, they can be regarded as native chickens and dogs in my three Sword Sect eyes.”

“Oh?” Not waiting for Ye Guxing to speak, Xue Sheng said in surprise, “Why do you say that?”

“Could these Dao Cultivator cultivator‘s Cultivation Base be extremely low?” Ye Guxing thought of a possibility and asked tentatively.

“Good!” He Jun squeezed a smile on his stiff face, and replied, “The situation in other places is not known to the subordinates, but the subordinates look at it … the highest strength is estimated to be Golden Core Middle Stage!”

“Grandma’s …” Xue Sheng yelled, “This … isn’t this Daojian War?”

Ye Guxing was dumbfounded. He looked at Zhuang Hong, and both of them showed incredible things!

Zhuang Hong groaned in a low voice: “More than 2 million Taoist gates Disciple? This … Which marts of the cultivating the Truth Three Kingdoms assembled? Where are their seminar halls? I … I patrol the sky Why didn’t the city hear the wind at all? “

Xue Sheng sneered which pots were not opened, said: “Nonsense, have n’t many Disciple patrols of Xunshan Sword Sect been killed? Presumably what they have shown …”

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Thanks for the rewards such as the opening of the lonely lunatic asylum in the rain, stupid gangster Great Hero Yongqiang Hengqiang Defying the Heavens carrot Dao Venerable deep breath film ” To be continued.) 8

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