Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 3364: Thinking

Seeing that the six-eared Macaque was about to be killed, Chun Zang suddenly knelt down on the ground and said, “Uncle, and first received the anger of Lei Ting, listen to what else the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World said. Disciple was also ashamed of Zhen Kong when he died. If Disciple is wrong, Disciple will also be responsible! “

Uncle one sound, like thunder, hit everyone in the field! Even the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World was stunned on the spot again! ! !

This is the greatest secret of Bliss! ! ! The secret that Confucius sent from Xiao Hua is even greater than Zhenkong! This doesn’t even know the secret of Revered One of the World!

“What is the origin of this Xiao Hua?” Hongmeng Old Ancestor narrowed his eyes into a slit and thought to himself, “He is not only Dragon Island Dragon Master, Xian Gong Lei Shi, Buddha Sect salutations Great Compassion Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, now Lian Xuan Ji merit merit Buddha All became his nephews! These three Continent … who can match him? If this Xiao Hua is not removed, how can my Heaven Inheritor Hall rise? “

The winged Gold Light flashed in the eyes of the gold-winged Dapeng bird. He was astonished in his heart, and he was fortunate because he had the intention to make friends with Xiao Hua. As for Gou Chen Immortal Emperor, his face was blocked after Gold Light. Although his heart was mixed, his mind was like a wave of waves, and no one knew how he thought.

Seeing Chun Zang kneeling down and saying uncle again, Xiao Hua thought for a moment, and took that Thunder Light, said lightly: “Liu’er, you are Xuanji meritorious Buddha, and even my future generations nephew, your words, I can not help but listen But, Yuan Connecting Heaven is on my orders to protect you, he treats you faithfully, and now he is bleak and dead, his death … I must investigate to the end, even if you are wrong, do n’t blame uncle ’s heart Ruthless! “

“Yes, the child understands! Although the child does not know what is going on in it, the child feels hidden … It seems to have surpassed the uncle’s thoughts, and even … also exceeded the Revered One of the World‘s thoughts!” Chun Zang hurriedly said what he wanted.

“Say!” Xiao Hua looked at salutations burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World.

“Alas …” Burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World sighed one sound, Chuanyin just said a few words. Gou Chen Immortal Emperor smiled and said: “The burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World, since there is something to say, why not make it public? If you deceive me Xian Gong Lei Shi, he is afraid to be in the game. I don’t know …”

“Grandma, you shut up for Lao Tzu!” Xiao Hua was irritated for no reason and scolded, “Lady Gou Chen, and you. old man hasn’t settled the bill with you yet! If you don’t put the day penalty Prison Crystal in a while Come out, I will not let you leave the town of Changsheng !!! “

“Boom …” Gou Chen Immortal Emperor Gold Light masterpiece, seems to be angry, next to the gold-winged Dapeng bird “ga-ga “smiled,” Yes, yes! This saint heard that Xiao Dragon Master was obsessed with Xinxin Princess, and for his love, killed four Aristocratic Family nine hundred thousand Disciple. Today, this saint has to help Xiao Dragon Master! “

“Damn it!” Gou Chen Immortal Emperor scolded one sound, then brilliance only hovered beside him, and did not strike. If Great Saint Hall cooperates with Good Fortune door. Immortal palace … it may not be an adversary.

“Say!” In order to give justice to Yuan Connecting Heaven, Xiao Hua did not hesitate to face the strong three Continent Supreme Being and said to the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World.

“Amitabha, things are like this …” It is naturally impossible for the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World to let people like Gou Chen Immortal Emperor, Hongmeng Old Ancestor, etc. know Leiyin Temple’s profound secret, and still tell the story of the reason.

Xiao Hua listened to it, I did n’t feel anything, and I did n’t know what to say! The six-eared Macaque is the reincarnation of the Ananda Tuo, but the Ananda Tuo is the same as the clone of the Supreme Purity Palace Lord and Grand Purity Palace Lord. The reincarnated Samsara did not return to the third Continent, but arrived at Xiaoyu Continent. It is impossible for Ananda Tuoben to return to the Pure Land world, but he met himself and brought him and Fire Ape Yuan Connecting Heaven to three Continent! Ananda Tuo reincarnation six ears Macaque originally did not have such a great magical power, it is impossible to have such a powerful magical technique. However, he has experienced two Yin & Yang openings in his own space, so that his magical power has greatly increased, and his future potential is unlimited!

Darirulai Revered One of the World faced the real Zhenkong Yuan Connecting Heaven, but the fake Zhenkong six ears Macaque, the choice is right. Because the Bliss Classic is set for the Ananda Tuo, even Jiang Liu’er is the right time, but then when the big day comes Revered One of the World Jiang Liu’er is regarded as Ananda Tuo! That is to say, in the eyes of Dariruai Revered One of the World, Jiang Liu’er is fake, Yuan Connecting Heaven is also fake, only this six-ear Macaque is true! The Buddha Fruit that won the Demon Slayer was not for Yuan Connecting Heaven, but for Six Ears Macaque, and for Ananda Tuo! However, because of his own appearance, he grabbed the Buddha position of salutations Maitreya Buddha Revered One of the World, and Jiang Liu’er grabbed the prajna prado Heart Sutra of Ananda. Six ears Macaque did not dare to grab Jiang Liu’er, he only Those who can **** Yuan Connecting Heaven, only when he appeared on the coast of the East China Sea, when he appeared to do his calculations, was it discovered by Da Riru Revered One of the World, and above the main hall of Leiyin Temple, the truth was revealed. !

There is nothing wrong with Leiyin Temple, and there is nothing wrong with Dariru Revered One of the World! At that time, it was the best time to refer to the six-eared Macaque as Zhenkong! This time is also the six ears Macaque struggled to fight for!

Wrong … Only six ears Macaque, Ananda Tuo! He never imagined that Fire Ape Yuan Connecting Heaven, who had never accepted anyone and ignored them, was so loyal to Xiao Hua, and Xiao Hua so valued Yuan Connecting Heaven! Because with his ability, I still can’t see what happened within Shenhua Continent! Therefore, he made the wrong choice and killed Fire Ape! It is precisely because the six-ear Macaque cannot see through what Xiao Hua does, so he does not know that there is a Sun and Moon Crown on the head of Fire Ape!

As Xuan Ji meritorious Buddha, Chun Zang naturally could not hear the transmission of the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World, he just saw the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World without folded his hands, bowed his head and said nothing, Xiao Hua looked at the sky with a complex face He only said, “Uncle, the child does not notice, let … Six ears Macaque kill Yuan Connecting Heaven, the child is also worthy of Yuan Connecting Heaven, please uncle to punish!”

“Get up, Liu’er!” Xiao Hua lifted Chun Zang and shook his head, “You are a naked child, foundation does not know this, and even Taibaijinxing and Wenshu Bodhisattva do not understand things, how can you be responsible? You can rest assured to go to the West to seek sutras, with the protection of Zhen Jie, and the reputation of your uncle, who dares to hit your mind, uncle ’s Good Fortune goalkeepers will all kill them! “

“No, uncle, you don’t understand!” Although the Chun Zang stood up, he still said with tears on his face, “The baby had doubted before, but …”

Immediately, Chun Zang said his regret in his heart, Xiao Hua heard a little frown, Zhenkong was loyal to Chun Zang, but he did not have the heart to the Buddha. This aspect is compared to the six-ear Macaque reincarnation of Ananda. It’s a lot worse. Xiao Hua thought a little bit, nods said: “Since that, old man will not hold the accountability of Leiyin Temple. But these six ears Macaque personally killed Yuan Connecting Heaven, old man will never stop, even if the big day comes Revered One of the World Coming, old man will also take his life! Hahaha … “

Speaking of this, Xiao Hua suddenly laughed, looking at the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World meaningfully, and said, “Do you know why Da Ri Ru comes to Revered One of the World and why not come to Changsheng Town?”

“Amitabha” burning lamp ancient Buddha Revered One of the World shook his head and said: “Xiao benefactor thinks too much, Revered One of the World is not the one who waits for the calculation! He already paid the price when Yuan Connecting Heaven was exterminated!”

“Whatever the price Xiao Xiao doesn’t care!” Xiao Hua just wanted to avenge Yuan Connecting Heaven and waved his hand, “Xiao Mou just killed six ears Macaque to avenge Yuan Connecting Heaven!”

“Amitabha …” Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World is very helpless, he himself knows that the means of Xiao Hua has surpassed his magical power, not to mention that Xiao Hua is justified and cannot be blocked, even if Xiao Hua is strong, he is still not His rival, he looked at the six-eared Macaque, and smiled bitterly, “Ananda Tuo, why did you know why you did it before? You … can you understand?”

“heng … “Xiao Hua one sound sneered, but when the Lei Ting at high altitude dissipated, the figure of the six-eared Macaque was released.

Six ears Macaque fell to the ground, the panic on his face was gone, he looked at the burning lamp Ancient Buddha Revered One of the World, and looked at the direction of Leiyin Temple, but there was no regret on his face, he fell to his knees On the ground, he kowtowed in the direction of Leiyin Temple nine times, and said in his mouth: “Teacher, Disciple always feel smart, but I am the first wise man of Buddha Sect, but when he is dying, he knows that Disciple knows nothing, nothing. Yes, nothing. Teacher did too much for Disciple, but Disciple felt that everything was taken for granted. After Disciple is born, do Teacher Disciple! At that time, I hope that Teacher should not be too restrictive to Disciple, let Disciple have free space !! “

After that, the six-ear Macaque kowtowed towards Chun Zang and said, “Teacher, although you snatched the opportunity of Disciple, Disciple was close to Teacher and you gained a lot. Although this time is not long, Disciple finally You know, Disciple‘s heart towards Buddha is really the light of fireflies than Teacher, Teacher is the real role model for Disciple to learn, and how much Disciple does Disciple is blamed, the way of Karma … nothing more! Disciple today Farewell, I wish Teacher the West to be successful in its studies and accomplish its great achievements! “

“Alas …” Chun Zang wanted to say something, but all words were turned into one sound sigh.

The six-eared Macaque got up and looked at Xiao Hua without any special fears. He said frankly: “Daoist, if you want to kill a small one, no one will dare to stop it in this world, and Daoist, please rest assured, small You will definitely not resist. However, Daoist, you are not qualified to kill the small! On this Hidden Immortal Continent, only one person is qualified to decide the small Life & Death, the small only invites Daoist to go with the small as long as the person says small Damn it, no more words in the small one, no need to Daoist shot, small self-management, to thank the world! “

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