Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 3063: Distress

many thanks Daoist …” Dai’er was a little bashful, but it was only a few words. Dai’er suddenly understood the meaning of Xiao Hua. She almost raised her head in wonder, “Daoist means …”

“It doesn’t mean anything else!” Xiao Hua replied lightly, “It’s just that from three Continent to Myriad Monsters Realm, Xiao foundation doesn’t know where there is room Vein! Xiao Mou is afraid that there isn’t much time to find …”

“The juniors do n’t know the space Vein from Xiaoyu Continent to Myriad Monsters Realm!” Dai’er restrained the unexcitable excitement in his heart and said in his mouth that the juniors whispered, “But Empress is for the juniors … There must be this in the things … Aspects! “

“Okay!” Xiao Hua nods, “I ’ll leave it to you and Yaya! I ’m so dumb-minded, Cultivation Base is not a tool, I ’m afraid I ca n’t exert too much power for Empress …”

“Where …” After all, Dai’er is still a bit simple, and blurted out, “Yuan Ya is pure in mind, Cultivation Base is excellent …”

But after saying these two sentences, Dai’er immediately woke up and lowered his voice a lot, saying: “With his help, the juniors will feel relieved …”

“It’s so good!” Xiao Hua smiled slightly, and in the hand, the bone dragon magic gun appeared in his hand. ◇ ↓ ◇ ↓ Small ◇ ↓ said that as soon as the magic gun came out, the vision emerged, not to mention the magic lingering, that is, the bone dragon cruising on the magic gun coaxed the Dai’er to panic.

“Tuer …” Xiao Hua handed Bone Spear to Yuan Ya, “This thing is a magic gun, and there are Ancient ghost dragon relics in it, and ordinary Demon Clan dare not use it. Although the teacher has promised you before, I want to give him to you, but why have n’t you dared to give it to you? On the one hand, your mind ca n’t control the demon soul, on the one hand, your mind is not yet self-controlling. Now I see Dai’er as a teacher, knowing that your mind has tended to Perfection, this magic gun should be given to you! However, as the teacher still said, the gun is the magic gun, but the person is the person of justice! The magic gun is a murder weapon in the hands of Demon Clan, and it is taken by the person of justice In his hand is the weapon of Kuangfu’s righteousness on earth! “

Yuan Ya looked at the magic gun in front of him. Take it solemnly, seeing the magic energy coming into the body, Yuan Ya flashes a trace of red light around him, and he replied firmly in his eyes: “Yes. Teacher, Disciple understand!”

Xiao Hua looked at Dai’er‘s worried expression and smiled: “Xiao Mou these few Disciple, I am afraid that the Cultivation Base is the lowest! And this magic gun is the most powerful Xiao Xiao gave to Disciple Magical Treasure. However, he It is the most suitable for using the magic weapon! Xiao Mou has given you the task of taking care of him. You can rest assured that as long as Yaya can use the magic gun freely, kill Dongshan Yi and avenge Empress, it is definitely a trivial matter! “

Dai’er is Myriad Monsters Realm ’s Feiyu lord, where she ca n’t see the magic of this magic gun, she almost has it in her heart, Mo said Xiaoyu Continent, even in Myriad Monsters Realm, you can control this magic gun How many Great Expert characters are there? Yuan Ya can use magic gun, killing Dongshan Yi is naturally easy. And it is not difficult to dominate Myriad Monsters Realm? But … can Yuan Ya control these magic guns? Can I … protect him?

For a while, Dai’er was a little lost, but after counting the interest, Dai’er gave birth to eagerness again, and she respectfully kowtowed: “many thanks Daoist ……”

“Get up …” Dai’er didn’t say much, and Xiao Hua heard a lot of meaning. He lifted Dai’er, revealing Kunlun Mountain Mirror in his hand, “Excessive words. Xiao did not say anything, this is Previously, the treasure that Xiao Mou rescued you was a Kunlun Immortal Realm, which is the Shenhua Continent that Yuan Ya said. You should go back with Yuan Ya. Good cultivation, revenge for Empress is given to you … ”

“Kunlun Immortal Realm? Kunlun Mountain Mirror?” Dai’er could not help but exclaimed, “Daoist has such a treasure, no wonder …”

With a move in Xiao Hua‘s heart, said in surprise: “Are there Kunlun Mountain Mirror names in Myriad Monsters Realm?”

“Yes!” Dai’er nods said, “Young people heard Empress talk about several treasures of Plane. This Kunlun Mountain Mirror is one of them!”

“Uh …” Xiao Hua wanted to ask what the treasures Empress said were, but he was shocked in his heart, and quickly released Divine Sense. After seeing the situation in the distance, he was surprised from mountain peak Standing up, said in surprise, “But in this moment, why … breed such a big mess?”

“What’s the matter, Daoist?” Dai’er was also stunned and wanted to release Yuan Nian.

Xiao Hua prevented: “This matter has nothing to do with you! You do n’t have to wait for it, go back to cultivation first!”

“Yes, Teacher!” Yuan Ya answered honestly and said to Dai’er, “Dai’er, Teacher will take us into Kunlun Immortal Realm, you must resist !!”

Dai’er smiled and replied: “Well, I know!”

Xiao Hua shakes Kunlun Mountain Mirror, Mind will roll the two together, and it is income Shenhua Continent, Kunlun Mountain Mirror in the hand is shaking, and it is about to earn space. He thought about it again, pulled Black Bear, White Lion and Golden Eagle out of the space, and whispered a few words, the three monsters did not dare to neglect and hurried away. At this time, Xiao Hua only contained Thousand Illusion Bead in his mouth again. After the body of the dragon was revealed, the whole body gave birth to clouds and flew towards the front quickly …

And said that Shui Ming Zi and others found abnormalities, and quickly looked up, “Pap Pap …” As before, a burst of small violent sounds were born in the Void of the dozens of feet near everyone. Obviously, it was just a few moments, and the volatility from the shadow had swept across the distance of several miles and fell to where everyone was.

“Coughing …” If the voice of Old Man Yeke cried again, where the sound came from, a dozen-foot-sized eagle bat swept through the sky like a ghost, quietly appearing in Shui Ming Waiting for people’s vision.

“Roar roar roar …” The falcon-like whirlpools were born out of thin air, and these vortices had just been born, and they also had the innumerable thumb-sized Xingyue Light Pillar blasting in, which made the wind roar different. Loud, the space of Shui Ming and others, 100 zhang, is like a large rock filled with holes sizzling in the wind.

“Hurry …” Shui Ming was frightened first, but then was overjoyed, raising his hand and waving, “I have already attracted the eagle bat, hurry back, and the eagle bat forces the moth beast to retreat, I Wait to escape. “

The trick of Dongyin is naturally a good show for Human Race. No matter what Shui Ming said, Ao Zhantian raised his hand to Xin Ping and Xu Tingzi said: “According to the previous plan, you and the two will bring four cultivator each , old man and Shui Daoyou each brought five. I will lead the eagle bats to meet the moth beasts, and then escape while chaos …… “

“Yes …” Xin Ping and Xu Tingzi’s nods without hesitation, body shape stimulate to motion, back to rush to the poly moth beast that has been chased like a flash flood, and eight of the dozen cultivator As the wind hit, brilliance flashed all over the body, ready to make plans to meet.

“Remember …” Seeing each cultivator stimulate to motion Magic Force, Shui Ming‘s heart was inexplicably shocked, and could not help hearing the voice again, “Must not take the risk, I will wait for the escape! Just gather the moths! The beast stopped chasing, and I will leave immediately … “

“Grandma’s …” Ao Zhantian one sound yelled, his body was also rushing in another direction, and he also said, “Laozi is also a Great Grandmaster of Origin Force Fifth Grade. How did it feel like a gray grandson when he got here? Just fly away or not Now, why do you look forward and backward? “

“Hey, as the saying goes, the dragon does not crush the head snake!” Shui Ming‘s figure flew to another place, and he smiled in his mouth, “Fellow Daoist Ao is certainly a heir to the dragon family, but to the realm of the demon, you still have to Low-key is good! If I wait to fly away directly, these moth beasts will definitely not be able to catch up, but this more and more moth beasts will attract the attention of other Great Monster, I will encounter more difficulties in the future … … “

“hong-hong boom … “The sound of Shui Ming submerged quickly in the sound of detonation, and the previous vortex spreading across several 100 zhangs suddenly spread, as if the hurricane generally covered all within ten miles, that fluctuating Everywhere, not only the giant wood turned into powder, but also the surface of the mountain rock was broken, the dust was everywhere, the fluctuations also fell to the body of dozens of cultivator. Ao Zhantian and others had long been stimulate to motion supernatural powers, the waves washed away, and each one was as small as a spike The power of Xingyue is like a burst of Jade Talisman. It shakes the brilliance of Ao Zhantian and others around, quite like a residual candle in the wind!

“Good girl …” Of course Ao Zhantian will not care about the attack of this eagle bat. He exaggeratedly called. Under Magic Force stimulate to motion, the faint brilliance of the whole body First Layer turned into First Layer. The misty rise suddenly, this can not be called The magical power of “Domain” completely blocks the fluctuation from a few feet!

The Shui Ming child in the distance thoughtfully glanced at the slightly dragon-shaped brilliance around Ao Zhantian. The corners of his mouth were slightly warped, and his left hand flicked the weird Secret Technique. The ripples of First Layer were born out of thin air, and the waves fell. Into the water light, only the surface water light is crushed, and it cannot be penetrated.

As for other Yuanying cultivator such as False Thunder and Xin Ping, although it is not easy for Shui Ming and others to evade, it is not too difficult to block this fluctuation attack.

“Pap Pap Pap …” As the giant trees shattered below everyone, the power of fluctuations has been greatly reduced, but even so, there are still sounds of moths and beasts falling in the night sky in the distance. Shui Ming son said well, this hawk bat really is the nemesis of the moth beast.

However, at this time, there are still some distances from a large number of polymoths. These red-eyed and wild moths foundation do not know that the hawk has appeared, and they have been calculated by dozens of Human Race.

“Cough cough cough ……” Seeing that his attack was actually ineffective, dozens of Human Race exuding strange Aura still fled, the eagle bat was very embarrassed, dozens of feet of demon body wings spread in the night sky After passing a beautiful and sad Light & Shadow in the middle, it made a loud voice several times louder than before.

“Poo Poo Poo Poo …” The attack direction of this wave was more clear. The wave fell into Void, and it only spread in the direction of the escape of Shui Ming sons and Ao Zhantian … (to be continued.)

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