Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 3: Bracelet

Third chapter Bracelet ()

At this time, it was already noon, and the sun hung high on Heavens Above. But because the well has been dug deep, nothing can be seen at the bottom of the well, which is illuminated by an oil lamp brought down the well. Zhang Xiaohua ’s face could not see any determination in the swaying lights. He thought about it for a moment. He raised his **** and dug in one direction. The sound of “Dang, Dang …” continued, and changed in several directions. The same is true, how can this be good. It seems that the mountains and rivers are really exhausted.

Zhang Xiaohua wants to give up a bit, let ’s go up first, and then expand the wellhead later, and then take a look. But mother hasn’t delivered the meal yet. Should I dig under it first? Thinking about it, Zhang Xiaohua did not stop, then from the front, waist-deep place, found a direction and dug in. While digging, I suddenly heard the sound of one sound “boom”, Xiaohua couldn’t help but feel shocked, is it stone? But then there was a hoe, but there was no sound. Zhang Xiaohua was surprised in his heart, but he didn’t think much about it, maybe it was a small stone, as long as it was not a big stone. Digging forward about a step away, Zhang Xiaohua tried to dig down again. I was waiting for Middle Stage not to hear annoying sounds. As a result, there was not much comfort for him. The step under this direction was also the stone.

Zhang Xiaohua is about to take a break, and when changing directions, Zhang Xiaolong ’s voice came from above, “Xiaohua, come up for dinner, mother comes to dinner.” Zhang Xiaohua was pulled down by the elder brother from the well, Looking at Zhang Xiaohua‘s complexion, Zhang Xiaolong didn’t ask any more questions, just brought him meals and watched him gobble up. Then comforted: “No relation, Xiaohua, this place will not work, shall we change to another place, the hillside is so big, there must be a place where Digging a well can be.”

After eating, Zhang Xiaohua‘s face is much better, and he seems to be no longer gloomy. The people who watched Digging a well went down the well and smiled and said to Zhang Xiaolong: “I know, brother, I went to the ground to see , Come back later. “Zhang Xiaolong patted Zhang Xiaohua‘s shoulder, said nothing, and walked away with an empty bamboo basket.

Zhang Xiaohua carried his **** up the hillside, came to his own field, put the **** aside, and sat on the ground, looking at this unhelpful land helplessly , Wondering if I want to pick up water from the river in the future. When his eyes fell on the hoe, he found a mud on top of the hoe, presumably it was brought up when he was digging the soil underground. Zhang Xiaohua rubbed his **** on his hoe, but it didn’t rub off. He took the **** over and cleaned the mud head with his hand. He found that this round thing was actually put on the hoe, and it was still tight. Zhang Xiaohua tilted his head and thought about it. The sound of “slap” is the movement of **** digging this Ring. No wonder there was no more sound, it turned out to be put on the hoe. Zhang Xiaohua wanted to get this Ring off the hoe, found a branch to pry, and found a rock to knock it lightly, but nothing worked. If you knock **** the stone pier, you might be able to get it down, but you can’t guarantee that it won’t be broken. You can’t bring this thing down to dig earth, Zhang Xiaohua is a little helpless. In the end, Zhang Xiaohua gave a hard heart, lifted the **** with half of his strength and slammed on the stone pier, and listened to the “slap” one sound, Ring was not broken, nor did he get off the hoe. It was Zhang Xiaohua who put all his strength into it and knocked it for several times. Finally it got it down. The inexplicable Ring was not broken, it seemed very solid.

Zhang Xiaohua picked up the Ring and wiped the dirt on it with clothes. This is clear. It should be a Bracelet, **** wide, black and black, no patterns, flat, I do n’t know what it is Made of materials. Zhang Xiaohua was waiting to be watched carefully, and heard the voice of Zhang Xiaolong’s joy coming down the slope; “Xiaohua, come soon, there is hope.” Zhang Xiaohua listened, jumped up happily, and couldn’t look at this again. The Bracelet was in his arms. He picked up the **** and slid down the hillside. He didn’t notice the feeling of lightness when holding Bracelet.

When Zhang Xiaohua ran to the bottom of the slope, he saw the smiles on the faces of Zhang Xiaolong and Zhang Xiaohu, and Zhang Cai ’s slightly bitter face. After listening to Zhang Xiaolong said, I realized that the bottom of the well is not First Layer stone, and the stone is not too big. As long as the wellhead is enlarged, the stone can be made out, but the length of this expansion is at least three steps. The larger the wellhead, the greater the amount of earth excavation. Of course, the time will be longer and more money will be given to others. However, fortunately, there is no need to re-select places, re-open wells, and do not need to carry water to irrigate the ground, which is a good result. Seeing how happy the three children were, only Zhang Cai secretly worried in his own heart, hoping that such stones would not appear again in the future. After so many times, it is estimated that this well would not need to be dug.

The work in the afternoon is also simple. The person who digs the well measures the wellhead according to the size of the stone, planning how to expand and dig the soil again. After such a small wave, the guys did it in an orderly way.

After returning home at night, after eating, before going to bed on the Kang bed, Zhang Xiaohua did not think of this Bracelet in his arms. It only fell out when I was taking off my clothes, but I remembered it. However, after a day of tiredness, he was so sleepy that he didn’t think much about it. He just stuck under the pillow and slept.

This night, everything in the Zhang family is still the same as before. The oil lamp went out early, and the wind swayed the fence door. The dry grass on the yellow mud wall was blown up and waved weakly. Only under the Heavens Above moonlight, sprinkled through the window on the shabby table, on the bedding, everyone fell asleep, in the quiet night, only one after another snoring sound.

The only difference is Zhang Xiaohua, no, it should be Zhang Xiaohua‘s dream! His dream is no longer the previous pork belly, but flashing all over! It was like a breathing place, a glorious flicker, flickering.

In the early morning of the following day, when the first rays of the rising sun hit Zhang Xiaohua‘s face, Zhang Xiaohua opened his eyes. Looking at all around doubtfully, I didn’t find anything about Flickering lights. Only then did I know that all Flickering lights are dreams. Self-deprecating shook his head, ready to continue to sleep. However, it was only then that he discovered that after listening to the grunts of two Elder Brothers, he seemed to be unable to fall asleep, he was full of energy and had no choice but to get up and get dressed.

When Zhang Xiaohua walked to the courtyard, he saw that mother was cooking on the stove in the courtyard, so he went to the corner of the well to fetch water to wash his face. Guo Sufei was surprised to see Zhang Xiaohua coming out, saying, “Xiaohua, why did you get up so early? I was tired yesterday, so I sleep more today, and I have to work for a while.”

Zhang Xiaohua said while fetching water: “I do n’t sleep anymore, mother, I ’m not sleepy anymore, and, you see, I ’m all over now, I ’m full of strength now, I can plan the stone with a **** Broken. “He said, he put the basin down and made a hoe.

Guo Sufei said with a smile: “Good, Xiaohua is good, grown up, like your father is the pillar of the family.”

Zhang Xiaohua blushed and said: “Mother, I am so old, don’t call me obedient, how ugly.”

When speaking, Zhang Cai came back from the outside, holding a handful of vegetables, and asked, “Who grew up? Why did Xiaohua get up so early? No longer going to sleep for a while.” Then he handed the vegetables in his hand To mother of Zhang Xiaohua, he said: “Some grass has grown out in the vegetable garden. I have time to pull it out. In the past few days, I have been busy with things. Don’t let our vegetables grow.”

Guo Sufei took over the green vegetables and said, “Doesn’t this say your son? I got up so early today for the first time, and I will be a good hand to work in the future.”

Guo Sufei went on to cook the whole family’s meal, and Zhang Cai also entered the room. After washing his face, Zhang Xiaohua walked out of the yard with nothing to do.

Although it’s still early, it’s almost winter, but the crop people can’t help themselves, and there are already many people walking around in the village. Some people rushed ducks and geese to the riverside, some people rushed some grass from the riverside to feed chickens and pigs, and some people already carried hoes and were ready to go to the ground. Zhang Xiaohua walks on the village trail and feels that it is different from the past, and it ca n’t be said that there is any difference, that is, he feels energetic and has a feeling of endless strength, or that the body contains power everywhere . But he didn’t think much, just thought he had a good night’s sleep. When Zhang Xiaohua walked home, everyone had already started to eat. He also hurriedly finished eating, followed by Daddy and Elder Brother and then went to dig a well.

The next few days were stable, the well surface was enlarged, and the stone was also planed from the bottom of the well, and the well was getting deeper and deeper. When the piece was dug out, it looked quite flat, and it felt cold to the touch. Zhang Xiaohua called two Elder Brothers to get it under the tree in Tiantou. When preparing for the summer, use it as a bed for rest between work. . And that Bracelet, was still behind Xiaohua and placed under the pillow, forgetting that it was completely clean, but his dream had already been replaced by Flickering lights pork belly, but he was not conscious To.

For a few more days, there was still no water in the well, and Zhang Cai was a little worried at this time. It seems that winter is coming, and the soil layer will be frozen. Although the bottom of the well will not freeze, it is not that smooth to work. That night, after the family had finished their meals, they had gathered together to do farm work. Zhang Cai frowned and discussed with Guo Sufei that there would be no water at the bottom of the well in a few days. It is estimated that he would stop and wait for Kaichun to talk. At this time, Guo Sufei said:

“Children and father, do you know that the Mister Wu family in the neighboring village also got a piece of land on the southern slope?”

Zhang Cai said: “I do n’t know, but I heard that Nanpo is also digging wells.”

Guo Sufei said, “That’s the well, which was made by the Mister Wu family, and like us, it is also used for watering the fields. Today I went to the river to pull the grass to feed the chickens, and I met the Guoquan family at the village entrance, her little aunt Did n’t you marry Mister Wu ’s brother, guess what she said to me? ”

“Say what? Is the well already out of water?” Zhang Cai asked in surprise. “Aren’t they driving later than we did? The water came out so quickly?”

“You just want to get out of the water, something more evil than out!” Guo Sufei said angrily.

“Eh, what is that?” Not only was Zhang Cai attracted, but the curiosity of the three Zhang family brothers was also hooked.

“They Digging a well, dug a small broken box!” Guo Sufei continued, “When the box was dug out of the well, it was broken by a hoe, exposing the contents inside, although covered with mud, it can also Look at the pearl agate inside! You said, why do n’t we have such a good Luck, even before they hit it, we hit a bed with a broken stone. “

Just when a family sighed for the fortune of the Mister Wu family, Zhang Xiaohua remembered what he also dug from the well. He said excitedly, “Dad, mother, I also dug out the baby from the well.” In the family’s urging and earnest eyes, he took out the forgotten Bracelet under the bedding.

Zhang Cai took it over and took a close look under the oil lamp. He saw that it was a black, flat, and unknown material, rather than Bracelet, it was better to call it Iron Ring. He couldn’t see it, so he handed it to Guo Sufei. Guo Sufei took it, measured it first, rubbed it with his fingers for a while, and said, “It’s so light, it doesn’t look like it’s made of jade. Jewelry. Like what kind of child’s gadget, Xiaohua, you take it and play. “Zhang Xiaohua took it in a mood and handed it to two Elder Brother, as if he had not dug out the pearl agate.

Bracelet turned around in the hands of two Elder Brothers and handed it to Zhang Xiaohua. It seems that this ugly thing is not very interesting to everyone. Xiaohua had to hold it in his arms again.

Guo Sufei went on to say, “Alas, if it is really a good piece of jewelry, you might consider staying and waiting for Kaichun to talk to your elder brother as a gift.”

This time, the family’s emotions were ignited again. After the Spring Festival, Zhang Xiaolong was almost twenty, and it was time to find a girl and settle down. The family according to their own impressions, one girl after another broke up with Zhang Xiaolong. When the oil lamp went out, the family was still unsatisfied, but for the Digging a well and farm work of tomorrow, they had no choice but to go to bed.

Before going to bed, Zhang Xiaohua took out the Bracelet in his arms, and was about to put it under the futon again, but he read One Revolution again. What Mister Wu dug out of the ground is a baby. This is also a baby. Save it. But where to put it? He thought about it and put the Bracelet on his wrist, which happened to be the right fit for the wrist. Waving his arm, Bracelet would not slide up and down. Zhang Xiaohua smirks in his heart, this is just tailored to him.

Until he fell asleep, he didn’t think of how he fits his hand if it fits his wrist properly and there are no gaps. Not to mention that the pork belly in his nightly dream is long gone, and only the unlimited Flickering lights is in mind.

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