Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 261: Thrilling

Second Chapter 601 Thrilling

“Good to say” Just when the girls did n’t know how to deal with it, Fu He had a slight smile on his face and took a few steps forward, whispered: “But, I do n’t know, brother Talisman Master is so high Cultivation Base, how can I rest assured? “

“Hahaha” Fu Se laughed: “Lao Tzu let you rest assured, you can rest assured, can you let Lao Tzu send Blood Oath not succeed?” []

“Dare, dare” Fu He took another few steps, flew down from the platform, and arched: “Actually … Talisman Master brother really misunderstood you, these three girls, under … Hehe , I ’ve used it a long time ago, and, voila, you see, the next thing you should get is already done. You said, can you still use them next time? “

In an instant, the whole Pill House is cold like winter

Not only Fu Yún, but also Fu Zhu and Fu Qiao ’s faces are stiff, I do n’t know what expression to put on my face.

“As long as the Talisman Master brother can be released on the next path of life today, it goes without saying that these three girls are all Senior Brother, that is, at the Fu family, and they are all based on the Senior Brother horse head.” Fu He came to Fu Se, it is very sincere Said: “You always know that Patriarch is still very popular in the next, and it is precisely because you want to do more at the Fu family, so I thought so much …”

“Stop” Fu Se sneered: “I do n’t think I do n’t know what you think. Do you want to take advantage of Laozi and attack Laozi?”

Fu He listened, the innocent face, shrugged shoulders, still demure manners, smiled and said: “Talisman Master brother is Qi Refining ten First Layer, but only Qi Refining Fifth Layer, even if you want to sneak attack, you always feel … under Will you do the stupid thing of hitting an egg and hitting a rock? “

“Hey, I do n’t think you dare” Fu Se pointed his finger and grinned: “Go … go get Fu Xi to me and cut off all her clothes”

“Yes, let’s go on here” Fu He said very carefully, and walked towards Fu Xi is

He Fu I … I was wrong about you” Fu Qiao was furious and pointed his hand. Many Yellow Talismans parked in mid-air just hit the Fu He like raindrops

Fu Hou is Cultivation Base of Qi Refining Ninth Layer. How is Fu He an opponent? However, Fu He did not panic. He looked back at Fu Se. Sure enough, Fu Se waved his hand, and a Top Grade Yellow Talisman was shot out, forming a Formless light curtain in the air, blocking those Yellow Talisman. Then, Fu Se will be another finger, and the light curtain will roll forward and wrap up the Fireball character and other Yellow Talisman that are about to burst, and there will be a “pop” muffled sound, all Yellow Talismans are covered by the light curtain wipe out.

This … is the difference between Qi Refining ten First Layer and Qi Refining Ninth Layer

“You …” Just when Fu Hiao’s Yellow Talisman was broken, another Fu Se imprisonment character was even more rapid. In Fu Yi’s consternation, Fu Yi’s tight imprisonment was held

He FuFu Zhu and Fu Yún were furious, no matter what, they took their hands to the storage bag, but unfortunately they did n’t wait for their hands to touch the storage bag. I can’t move anymore, it’s the imprisonment of Fu Se that is imprisoned together

“heng ~ “Fu He sneered at one sound. When he walked in front of Fu He, he hugged him and returned to Fu Se. He smiled and said:” Brother Talisman Master, do you think … I really want to cut off her clothes? “

“Nonsense, didn’t I just say it?”. Fu Se said irritably.

“Yes, yes, let’s do it now” Fu He smiled and ripped his hand to Fu Xiu’s towering chest, the sound of “tearing”, Fu Xiu’s clothing was torn, revealing crystal-like jade Beautiful ****

Beloved He …….” Fu Qiao sounded like a cuckoo, tears like rain, and his eyes looked straight at Fu He, but he forgot to use his arms to cover the two groups of delicate tenderness in his chest ……

Where is Fu Xi ’s beauty and figure comparable to Fu Yún? But this * is light, and under Yuehua Shirourou’s brilliance, that thing really attracted the man’s eyes, Fu Se couldn’t help swallowing a spit, a moment of loss

In the moment when Fu Se was disappointed, “Die to death” suddenly appeared fierce in the eyes of Fu He, and the Magic Force of the whole body skyrocketed. It suddenly increased from Qi Refining Fifth Layer to Qi Refining Seventh Layer, and Fu He raised his hand, and a brilliant Spirit Talisman came out , Just go to Fu Se, just flew out in Spirit Talisman, Fu He put a mouth, a mouthful of blood squirted, is hitting on Spirit Talisman

That Spirit Talisman got the hard work of Fu He, and suddenly spread out, and turned into a six-petal snowflake. While flying in the air, it quickly surrounded Fu Se and all around was as cold as an ice cellar.

“Haha ~” Fu Se saw it, one sound laughed violently, his body flew up suddenly, and flew out in the gap between the six petals of snowflakes flying

Fu He‘s face was pale, and another spit of blood spewed out. Immediately, Secret Technique waved his hand, and the six petals of snowflakes quickly caught up with Fu Se. The sound of “popping popping” was crisp, and it was the snowflake that was posted on Fu Se The body of Yellow Talisman is broken.

“Wow” Fu Se was in the air, a congestion spewed out, and it seemed that meridian was injured by the snowflake.

Beloved He … fast …” The Fu Zhu face on the high platform was surprised and hurriedly hurried, but the snowflake Spirit Talisman fluttered in the air for a moment, that is, it flew back slowly, and it fell back to a bright crystal in front of Fu He Spirit Talisman

“Liu Geng Feng Xu Fu” Fu Se was in the air, a trace of ecstasy appeared on his face, and he smiled and said, “You have such a Spirit Talisman? It ’s incredible”

“Hahaha, it ’s also Laozi Luck. If you wait for a while and play when Laozi **, will Laozi be sealed in the Formation of this Spirit Talisman? Even if your Magic Force can only support a moment, it ’s freezing enough. It’s a pity to kill Laozi “

“How can Lao Tzu’s woman allow you to dye your fingers?” Fu He‘s mouth was covered with bloodshot eyes, his body slumped softly on the ground, his eyes widened wide, and a terrible look said sharply.

“Haha ~ your woman?” Fu Se waved his hand, the restraint on Fu Yún was removed, and sneered: “This is your woman, I’m using it differently?”

Beloved HeFu Yún yelled at one sound and threw it over, very distressed to lift Fu He.

“Go ~” Fu He was very disgusted and pushed Fu Yún aside. At this time, Magic Force was exhausted, and he was backfired by Magic Force. His body was extremely weak. Fu Yún did not fall, but he fell to the side.

Beloved He …” There are tears on Fu Yún‘s face. I don’t know how to do it. I watched Fu He fall into the dust, but I didn’t dare to help.

“You are far away from being tarnished by people, and your face comes back” sneered Fu He.

Beloved HeFu Yún cried in tears, not knowing how to explain it.

“ga-gaFu Se sneered and said:” Fu Yún, see, this is the original face of your love, not as good as the coolness of Laozi “

Then, take a look at Fu Zhu and Fu Qiao, take a shot, and take out Sword Talisman together, saying: “Lao Tzu is still in some mood, I want you to see Lao Tzu and you two lovers … since you I ’m not sure, I ’m too lazy to take care of you “

Say, with a wave, the Sword Talisman turns into a flying sword and pierces towards the heart of Fu He

The flying sword is very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it stabbed Fu He in the chest. “Who?” At this moment, Fu Se raised his eyebrows and looked towards Fu He, shouting. And at the moment when Fu Se was distracted, Fu Yún‘s figure flew away suddenly, and a flutter was blocked in front of Fu He

“You …” Fu Se changed his face and quickly moved his hand, but it was too late at this time, that Feijian seemed to have no obstruction to penetrate the Fu Yún vest

A piece of iced blood runs down the back of Fu Yún … it just flows down

“Concubine …” Fu He couldn’t help but see his eyes split, struggling to hug Fu Yún in his arms

“Oh, Fu Yún … why are you doing this?” Fu Se smiled bitterly on his face and wanted to take out the flying Sword Talisman that pierced the heart of Fu Yún, but he was afraid to speak with complicated eyes.

However, at this moment, the change happened again, and Fu Se suddenly flew from the ground. As he flew, a black spear head appeared from the ground, stab at him very quickly. Foot plate

“Where does the thing come from?” Fu Se flew into the air and was able to avoid spear head and shouted angrily.

And with the emergence of spear head, it is Xiao Hua, and watching his own spear head can only hit Fu Se just a little bit, Xiao Hua secretly sighed

Just now, he was taking advantage of Fu Se‘s inattention, he had escaped to Fu Se, and when he was about to kill him, Fu Se used fly Sword Talisman to kill Fu He. Xiao Hua had to escape and rescue Fu He. This made Fu Se alert.

“Which animal are you?” Xiao Hua listened for a long time, and gritted his teeth with this Fu Se. In the same sentence, he asked that a pendulum spear head was stabbed into the chest of Fu Se.

“Hahaha, ridiculously tight, just now a Qi RefiningFifth Layer became Qi Refining Seventh Layer, and now there is a Qi Refining Fourth Layer. What do you think you are? Laozi but Qi Refining ten First LayerFu Se burst into laughter. With a wave, several Yellow Talisman of Top Grade hit myself, several layers of streamer flashed over, and at the same time, the Fu Se protection was strong. When Fu Se Secret Technique was pinched, foundation disdained to take out Yellow Talisman against Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua‘s magic spear head also stabbed Fu Se Chest.

The crisp sound of “La La La”, the magic spear head punctured several light curtains of Yellow Talisman in succession, but still ca n’t smash all the defenses Yellow Talisman of Fu Se

“Ouch, you really have a set that can pierce Lao Tzu’s defense” Fu Se is very surprised, but he is also not alarmed. The Secret Technique in his hand changes and when the whole body defense brilliance is not annihilated, it will Magic Force entered, and the place punctured by Xiao Hua was immediately repaired quickly

“Grandma’s this is Qi Refining ten First Layer … is it amazing?” Xiao Hua smiled bitterly in his heart, and he had to work harder. Look at Secret Technique in the hands of Fu Se. Xiao Hua secretly thought is not good. spear head pulled out, and on the other side was inexplicably waved into the air …

Second Chapter 601 Thrilling

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