Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 2282: Zhan Rushui

“Daiyun, soon … issue a retreat order …” Zhu Young Master almost shouted without thinking. . .

Young Master Hurry up!” Zhu Diyun was more decisive, pulling Zhu Young Master‘s arm, holding Zhu Young Master, and preparing to escape towards the back.

“No!” Zhu Young Master shouted, struggling, “Quick order! This is my last elite in Zhu Family!”

“Where is there any retreat order?” Zhu Diyun yelled even more, and he will tell the truth in a sentence, “Young Master, tonight only advances, foundation does not have retreat!”

“This … this …” Zhu Young Master lost his mind, and in a moment, a sudden emerged in his eyes! Xian Lao told himself … foundation is a cover up thing!

At this moment, a wave like Divine Sense swept through, and then a faint voice rang in the ears of Zhu Tiyun and others: “Oh? Who do I think, it turned out to be the Zhu Xiang Young Master of Zhu Family. You are really immortal. Heart, since I’m here, I have saved this General army … “

Unfortunately, General Haohu ’s words have n’t been finished yet. A larger Divine Sense rushed violently than the sea waves, and the wave was washed away to pieces!

A small voice rang across the entire mountain range: “Huh? Why is this Front Jade Mountain so lively? Are you welcoming Xiao?”

But see, in the distant sky, a lighter group more bright than the meniscus flew like Meteor, a Celestial Horse that looks extremely holy flashed the light plume, and pulled a flying car to show everyone’s vision Inside!

In the Light & Shadow, a thin, tall cultivator was wearing dao robe, and the flap turned. Hair raised, if the same day flying fairy!

“The generals will listen to the order !!!” General Haohu sees this. Where do you still know that Xiao Hua is coming? foundation no longer paid attention to Zhu Family Family General, which had been half killed by the Black Armor in a moment, and waved his hand, inspiring the real energy, and ordered the sound to hit the field.

“Hello …” The several thousands Black Armor responded in unison, all tossing the hostile Zhu Family Family General, sorting out formations, each stimulate to motion infuriating, whether it is Executing Immortal crossbow or God Slaying Bow. All flashing and clear. Countless horror slammed down, and hundreds of millions of Inscription overflowed in the horror turmoil!

Senior Hurry up …” Zhu Xiang almost yelled without thinking, “This is the God Slaying Bow specially created by Tongzhu Country School of the Military to deal with the Dao School spell …”

It seems that in the impression of Zhu Xiang, there has never been a door cultivator that can escape from God Slaying Bow.

“Ha ha ha … but it’s just a little worm ear!” Xiao Hua smiled with his head up. Laughter raised all the broken leaves in the woods. In laughter. Xiao Hua landed on the flying car. But listening to the thunder of “Rumble”, this celestial flying fairy came on Heavenly Thunder in stunned Zhu Xiang!

“Shoot !!!” General Haohu really passed the battlefield, and his face was as calm as a rock. Seeing that Xiao Hua fell into the air, he waved his hand and issued an order!

“Shoot …”

“Clang …”

“Woo …”

Sounds of bowing and arrows ringing in the ears, the most murderous movement, resounding in the night of Pitch-black!

“Booming …” But seeing the daring Xiao Daoist, waved his hand, thousands of Heavenly Thunder were born from Void, and each one violently rushed to the God Slaying Bow and Executing Immortal crossbows than Horned Dragon, “Bang Bang Bang … “A more intensive sound of blast burst into the sky among Heavenly Thunder, even Executing Immortal crossbow, even God Slaying Bow, even thousands of black armor, in front of Origin Force Fifth Grade Xiao Hua, it really is Children’s play! Murder … It’s just a snap.

No flying arrow can rush out of Thunder Net, and no trace of killing intention can escape in Thunder Light!

“You all flash to the side!” Xiao Hua coldly smiled and slapped his hand on Gate on Crown, the sound of “bang”, under Yuehua, a piece of Gold Light, a few acres of Yuanying’s hand came out of the air, toward The barracks underneath are to be captured!

General Haohu ’s face was blue, he had heard Bei Guoyuan ’s description, he had thought about the strength of Xiao Hua, but he still did n’t really estimate the strength of Xiao Hua, he still threw Bei Guoyuan ’s warning aside. , He really did not block the strength of Xiao Hua!

However, as of today, there is still a reason to retreat, but listening to General Haohu ’s one sound roar: “Kill …”

The boxing style moves again, and a tiger-shaped horan air column rushes again to the huge palm that is falling down!

“Boom …” Haoran air column roared, and a giant palm made a gap, and the tiger-shaped flying shadow also disappeared, but the entire Yuanying ’s hand was not stopped, but see the several thousands name black armor The barracks, hundreds of Executing Immortal crossbows and God Slaying Bow, seem to be destroyed by Xiao Hua. Even after the big hands grabbed them, the entire barracks disappeared, as if the black armor was pulled out of the naked Helmet & Armor!

Seeing that Gold ’s big hand was in midair One Revolution, Gold Light disappeared, the weight of the entire barracks also disappeared, General Haohu shouted one sound soared two feet, the spear in his hand shouted fiercely than Python Xiao Yinyin stood in the midair Xiao Hua.

“You little one! Why do you argue with old man?” Xiao Hua is playing allusions. “Even Leng Qingge is not a old man rival, what are you? If you take your life, it seems that old man has no grace, if not You ’re so noisy in your life! Let ’s see if you can eat a good old man! ”

When speaking, Xiao Hua grabbed his hand in the air, and the Ruyi stick showed, “Long and long …” Xiao Hua stopped drinking a few times, the Ruyi stick grew to two feet, Xiao Hua only waved slightly, and the Ruyi stick was like Lofty Mountains. Smashed down, “Woo …” The deafening roaring sound alone made General Haohu’s body stagnant!

“Pap …” Ruyi stick hit the python head very accurately, one sound made a loud noise. If the spear was struck by lightning, it fell suddenly in the hands of General Haohu, and the whole spear was smashed into two parts!

“Kill …” General Haohu ’s arms are numb, but War Intent is not reduced, one sound roars, the tiger shape in both fists reappears, and the noble spirit rushes out again …

Why do n’t you know, Xiao Hua foundation does n’t avoid it, and it does n’t have stimulate to motion Magic Force, but sees the Xiao Hua body suddenly degenerate, like a breeze, flew to General Haohu in the blink of an eye, right arm Swing, clenching your fist with your right hand, and hitting the arm is just hitting the tiger’s mouth!

“Boom …” one sound is clear, the tiger is crushed, and the aura of power is scattered, and the fist of Xiao Hua appears on the chest of General Haohu. General Haohu looked at the Xiao Hua almost inconceivably. He could not believe that the cultivator Fists & Kicks of a Daomen was stronger than his big Martial Master of School of the Military, and then look at the hardened black armor in front of his chest has appeared under the punch of Xiao Hua Thousands of Fissure, “Poof …” a black blood spurted out, and the whole figure fell from midair …

“Punch …” The smoke spread all over, General Haohu fell to the ground, struggling a few times, failed to get up, but under the broken black armor, the violently undulating chest showed that Xiao Hua had no plans to take his life .

“Er wait all back …” Xiao Hua waved his hand, looked around, said lightly, “Ir wait is not the enemy of old man unity! old man knows that you are waiting for the army, will not take I’m waiting for life! The opponent of I’m waiting is my River Country‘s Daoist Soldier !!! If anyone dares to take the first half, old man will kill him! “

The several thousands black armoured army Murderous Qi has none, and is somewhat at a loss to face Xiao Hua. At a loss, the a hundred or so nearest to General Haohu looks at General Haohu.

“You … wait for your orders!” General Haohu stood up hard from the ground, his face pale, look at the Xiao Hua flashing Gold Light standing in the air, knowing that this is the kindness of Xiao Hua, if he is The order can only increase the casualties, so he raised his hand and said, “Abandon the machine and sit on the spot!”

“Hell …” The soldiers were relieved, placed their weapons on the ground, and sat down obediently.

“Uh …” Xiao Hua slightly nods, no longer ignore General Haohu, born auspicious clouds at his feet, flying Xiao Hua to Front Jade Mountain.

“Crunch …” But seeing that Xiao Hua just flew out a few feet, but heard the jerky sound on Front Jade Mountain, and then, the whole peak of Front Jade Mountain, and the entrance of Front Jade Mountain suddenly shined on this mountain rock, above the stone wall The unknown stone gave birth to brilliance which resembles Minghua stone, and it shines brightly in front of Xiao Hua. With the crunching sound, a chain bridge slowly emerged from the stone cave. On the chain bridge, two old and sparse old men were standing. Both of them were simple clothes, and their faces were With Qingquan and loneliness.

Xiao Hua saw this and did not fly forward. He simply fell from midair and stood at the stone cliff, looking at it lightly.

“I didn’t think Xiao Daoist was so generous, no wonder Bei Guozheng admired that way.” The chain bridge protruded into the stone cliff, and the old man in front of the head gave a gift and said, “Since this is the case, Old man cannot hide in the chain After the bridge, he did the dirty work. Old man copper pillar prime minister Yan Zhijin has seen Xiao Daoist today. “

“Prime Minister?” Xiao Hua frowned, raised his hand in return, and said lightly, “old man heard that he only had to kill Country Teacher, and all the grievances should be seen on the battlefield. How did you come back? What happened? old man killed a Country Teacher, how come the general and the prime minister have come out? Is it necessary to force old man to start against your copper country? “

“Straight son!” Yan Zhijin never spoke, the old man behind him yelled, “Every time you destroy the country, kill people in silence, the entire Hidden Immortal Continent is stunned by you waiting for the door! miasma! , Why take my Jaded Ruler Seal, Confucianism Cultivator‘s successor? Take Jaded Ruler Seal quickly and see that there is still compassion in your heart, old man can spare your life. “

“Obey … I was so scared!” Xiao Hua laughed. “Who is this old man?”

The old man of “old man is like water” said one by one, the arrogance on his face was full.

“Oh?” Xiao Hua raised his eyebrows, he didn’t know who the old man was, but Zhu Young Master, who wanted to go but couldn’t dare to go in the dark in the distance, had already used the technique of clearing eyes to see clearly. Whispered, “Tong Zhuguo … how to invite this old man? Xiao Daoist … I’m afraid it’s in trouble!” (To be continued …)

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