Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 2: Digging a well

Second chapter Digging a well ()

The mountains in the afternoon are still cold, and Zhang Xiaohua is still enthusiastic. But the progress of reclamation in the afternoon did not go smoothly in the morning. There are a lot of rocks on Wasteland, many of them are buried in the ground. It is not an easy task to dig the ground and pry up big rocks. When the sun goes down and the twilight comes, Zhang Xiaohua just moves. It was only a few rocks, but his hand was injured first, and the tiger’s mouth was cracked, blowing in the cold wind, feeling a sudden pain.

After all, it is still less young man.

Looking back at the Wasteland who had been busy for a day, although a little bit reluctant, Zhang Xiaohua still carried a hoe, carrying a jug, and went back. It’s getting too late. If you don’t leave, Dad and Elder Brother will come, and grandma will be worried.

Wasteland is a distance away from home, so you do n’t have to use mother to deliver meals at noon. Walking on the rugged mountain road home, although Zhang Xiaohua has no energy, but the mood is surprisingly good, the progress of the wasteland is not fast, and my father has reminded me that if it can be regulated in a few days, the people in the village will be whole mountain The field is open. This is just the beginning. In the future, you will have to cultivate carefully, sow, water and so on. Suddenly, Xiaohua thought a little, watering! ! ! Yeah, the hillside is so high, so far away from the river in the village, how should the water get there, and there are no springs around it? Why haven’t you thought of it? This … how should this be? Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help speeding up and ran home.

When I walked into the village entrance, it was already dark. There were still a lot of naughty children playing in the village. I saw Xiaohua carrying a hoe. Some familiar villagers also stopped Xiaohua and asked him about the wasteland. Xiaohua also Both one by one answered. It seems that opening Wasteland on the hillside is also a matter of concern to villagers who do not have enough food. However, Xiaohua was also very absent-minded, everyone thought he was tired, so he didn’t ask in detail, and Xiaohua ran home.

Zhang Xiaohua ’s home is in the south end of the village. From the perspective of Fengshui, it is the place where the wind and water fall. However, the area is not small. With Zhang Cai’s efforts, there was even a small courtyard. The wall of the small courtyard is not high, and it is built with yellow mud, and the inside can be seen from the outside. From far away through the fence door, Zhang Xiaohua saw the figure of her grandmother on crutches. Because her eyes could not see her, her grandmother did not go out very much. At this time, she supported the fence door, thinking of her youngest grandson. Hearing the gradual footsteps, the grandmother ’s face smiled, “Xiaohua, come back ~, are you tired today?” Zhang Xiaohua ran a few steps, entered the door, put the **** and the jug down, and supported the grandmother Quickly answered, “Not tired, grandma. I haven’t done farm work before.” Grandma took hold of Zhang Xiaohua‘s hand and said, “Our Xiaohua is already an adult, and grandma has forgotten it!” Grandma’s The hand happened to touch the place where Zhang Xiaohua‘s tiger’s mouth cracked. Zhang Xiaohua took a breath in pain. Although he didn’t call out, the grandmother had heard it and said aloud, “Xiaocai, hurry up and see the child.” Zhang Xiaohua In fact, my father just came back and was cleaning in the yard. Hearing the voice of my mother-in-law, I felt over here. I took a closer look and said:

“No relation, mother, Xiaohua works too hard, his hands are cracked, it will be fine in a few days.”

Grandma said: “Will you go to Lao Chen in the village to get some medicine for your child?”

In the meantime, Guo Sufei came out of the house holding something and casually said to Zhang ’s grandmother in Xiaohua: “No, ma’am, did n’t you use Xiaohu last time? There are some left. When Xiaohua sleeps at night Paint it a little, and it will be better tomorrow. Niang, do you feel like going back to the house? The weather is cold and the wind is up. I will deliver the meal to you later. Xiaohua, help your grandmother to go back to the house. “

Zhang Xiaohua carefully sent her grandmother back to the house. Her anxiety about watering was put behind her.

After the meal, the parents all woven baskets under the bean-sized oil lamp, and the three Xiaohua brothers also took their hands next to each other. Zhang Cai asked Zhang Xiaohua about the wasteland development. Zhang Xiaohua also came to one by one, Zhang Cai said:

“You are really slow by yourself. When Xiaohu helps Xiaolong get the busy ground on the other side of the river, he will help you in the past.”

Zhang Xiaolong also said: “Do n’t worry, Xiaohua, you ’re done. I and Dad used to help, and it will be finished before winter.”

Zhang Xiaohua said: “I’m in a hurry, didn’t dad say, open the wasteland carefully, slow down slowly, open fine, and grow the crops back, the president is good.” Just thinking about watering, I quickly asked his father: “Dad, I remembered that I was halfway back. The hillside is so high, and there are no springs nearby. How do you water the crops in the future?”

Zhang Cai stopped his work and said, “It’s hard for you to think of this place, what do you think should be done?”

Zhang Xiaohua looked at the two Elder Brothers for help a little bit and said, “Our grounds are all plunged into water. The slopes are so far and high. Can’t we pick water?”

Zhang Cai said with a smile: “Xiaohua, what is behind our slope?”

Zhang Xiaohua thought about it and said, “Isn’t it just a deep hole?”

“Yes, right there, there is a small hill nested together on three hillsides, where it can be Digging a well, and then we can go from the well to the whole path in the ground, not only to drink water, but also to pour the fields . “Zhang Cai said with confidence.

“It seems that you have already planned.” Guo Sufei smiled and praised his man.

“Then, Dad, when are we Digging a well?” Zhang Xiaohua can’t wait to ask.

“Wait until the ground level is within reach, before the winter, while the Land Protector has not been frozen, I will ask the people from the neighboring village meeting Digging a well to help, I will do it!” Zhang Cai finished and started Alive.

With a satisfactory answer, Zhang Xiaohua was finally relieved that the family was busy with the work in their hands. After doing it for a while, Zhang Xiaohua was obviously tired and his eyes were confused. Guo Sufei let him go to bed distressed, Zhang Xiaohua agreed, Mu Ran went to the kang of the three brothers, threw himself into the shabby quilt, slept to death, and even mother to apply medicine to his hands at night I don’t know.

The busy day passed by in such a hurry.

In the following days, Zhang Xiaohua was also able to bear his temper, but he flattened his Land Protector wholeheartedly, and no longer worried about watering. That night, Zhang Xiaohua cleared the weeds, knocked out the big lump, and was ready to take home. Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help it anymore. He couldn’t help thinking about it, and saw his own slopes become flat farmland The seeds can be sown with a little plowing, and how long will the well be opened.

As soon as he turned the hillside, he saw several wooden shelves rising from the deep depression below. Zhang Xiaohua ran over, the probe looked at it, as expected, a circular platform was flattened at the bottom of the pit, and a circular wooden board was placed on it. The all around of the wooden board was built with six long wooden sticks, and the bottom was deeply inserted In the soil, the tower is formed above. Zhang Xiaohua almost jumped up happily, trotting down the hillside and came under the wooden frame. At this moment, there was no one. It is estimated that after taking the shelf to rest, Zhang Xiaohua patted here and felt there. It is very strange. With these few shelves, you can play a deep well? When Zhang Xiaohua is strange, someone called him:

Xiaohua, where are you?” The sound is Second Brother Xiaohu. Xiaohua quickly answered:

“I am here, Second Brother, come and see, we are ready for Digging a well.”

Zhang Xiaohu also slipped down the **** and pulled Zhang Xiaohua and said, “Okay, I know that I and the elder brother helped me get these things together in the afternoon. My elder brother gave you a surprise, and it did n’t happen. Tell you. At this moment, the father and mother are waiting for you to go back. Let ’s go. “

The two brothers trot all the way home.

A dining table has been set up in the cottage at home. Daddy and elder brother are sitting beside the table, but there are no other people I do n’t know. Zhang Xiaohua ca n’t help but ask: “Dad, what about Digging a well?” Zhang Cai said with a smile , “They all went back. Our family didn’t have much money. The good thing they told them was that they only care about lunch. Evening is no matter at night, and our family should also help, so that they can pay less.” Zhang Xiaohua should After one sound, I went out to help mother Zhang Luo for dinner.

After dinner at night, Zhang Cai assigned tasks to everyone in his family. The three brothers Zhang Xiaohua, of course, helped at the scene. mother of Xiaohua was responsible for cooking and delivering meals. Zhang Cai had to buy materials and find someone to help. Wait. In short, in addition to Xiaohua‘s grandmother, the whole family must do it. Of course, grandmother has to look after the house, and feeding the chicken is also busy.

Early in the morning the next morning, Zhang Xiaohua got up early and hurried to two Elder Brothers on a Kang to go to Digging a well together. Zhang Xiaohua‘s mother had to ask them to eat something before leaving, saying that Zhang Xiaohua‘s father had already gone, and that it was a good time to tell others that they had gone early, no one, and three people would not be Digging a well, It’s a free ride. Zhang Xiaohua had to accompany them after breakfast, and when they came out to the hillside, the sun had risen.

Seeing that there were already a few people busy in the mountain den, Zhang Cai hurriedly greeted them to come over and help, and moved some of the dug stones and soil blocks to the side, so everyone was in full swing.

After being busy for a few days, Zhang Xiaohua only discovered that this Digging a well is also a very simple thing. It is to get a place and dig down the shelf, but to find a good location and ensure that the digging place does not collapse. You must have experience to do it. For example, this wooden shelf is necessary. Otherwise, the more people dig, the deeper, how will the soil be transported from the ground, and how will the people come up? However, when it comes to the location, Zhang Cai Luck is also good. The place where the family discusses it is to stay close to the field. I did not expect to be able to draw water. The master of digging the well was looking for whole mountain everywhere, and finally settled in this place. Say there may be a spring eye below, try digging. If the Tiantian mountain spring is dug out, it is not as good as eating it for yourself. When Zhang Cai heard this, it was like a wind in his ears, so far away from home, how to pick water, is it impossible to pick up a few barrels from here every day to cook?

The days of Digging a well are just like this. The wells are getting deeper and deeper, but the difficulty is also increasing, and the progress has slowed down significantly. Because it was dug from the low-lying areas of several hillsides, from time to time, a lot of stones were dug from it. Fortunately, it was not too big, and it did not encounter the so-called large-scale stones. Otherwise, this well If there is no excavation, it will be abandoned.

After a few days, maybe Zhang Cai ’s Luck came to an end, and Digging a well finally encountered a big problem.

At noon that day, Zhang Xiaohua went down into the well to pick up the **** and began to dig the earth. Who knew that the first time, he encountered a seemingly hard stone, shaking Zhang Xiaohua ’s hands, according to previous experience Zhang Xiaohua chose a place farther away than before, another hoe, “Tang ~~” one sound, obviously the same stone, Zhang Xiaohua couldn’t help but panic, the all around along the well hoeed several times, No exceptions, all stones! Zhang Xiaohua pulled the rope tied around his waist, and the person pulled him up and told his father with a sullen face. Both Zhang Cai and Digging a well also went down to watch, and came silent after coming up. The person of Digging a well discussed with Zhang Cai, let other people go to rest first, have lunch and then come to help, and finally confirm whether it is a big stone or First Layer stone.

I saw everyone dispersed and sat on the ground to rest. Only Zhang Xiaohua looked at the well that was not well drilled. I was very uneasy. I was really afraid of the First Layer stone. I could n’t dig down anymore. In vain, it may not be able to fight well. Zhang Xiaohua asked Zhang Xiaolong to put him again at the bottom of the well, and dug up again without hesitation.

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