Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 1526: Unbeatable

The loud noise of “Rumble”, a large Sword Light was defeated by Heavenly Thunder, and Xiao Hua took the opportunity to approach Xue Mingcha.

“Is it just your magic weapon … Do you want to fight hard with this Sword?” Xue Mingcha understood the intention of Xiao Hua and laughed unconsciously, “this Sword will let you know the skill of Huajian First Grade!”

“weng-weng ~ “The violent Sword Cry sound masterpiece, Xue Mingcha’s figure gradually disappeared, and a mouthful of Giant Sword was finally revealed in the air!

“Tap ~” The Sword Yuan in the Xiao Hua body suddenly accelerated with Xue Mingcha ’s sword, just like the Zhu Ling Primordial Light was sucked away by Sword Splendor just now, the whole Sword Yuan has a feeling of coming out through the body!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, and tried his best to stabilize Sword Yuan. Ruyi stick was not used anymore. Both hands pinched Secret Technique, and the thunderbolt and Heavenly Thunder fell like rain!

“Rumble ~” The endless thunder, the successive Lightning, are all playing on that Giant Sword and the surrounding Sword Light. However, no matter what the Thunder Light is, and no matter how powerful the Heavenly Thunder is, the Sword Light of Giant Sword is still bright, and it even has a more brilliant feeling!

“Is the sword so powerful?” Xiao Hua‘s mouth is a bit bitter, and he now understands that entering the sword’s Sword Practitioner is not only more powerful than the ordinary Yuanying cultivator, it is that The sword-shaped Fleshly Body also has a very strong defense. I can’t say that it is not the real Yuanying cultivator. Even if it is really, without the sharp Magical Treasure and attack methods, it is difficult to get cheap under this Giant Sword!

“weng-weng ~ “With the sound of Sword Cry growing, Giant Sword transformed by Xue Mingcha moved, and the movement of the chemical sword was different from Imaginary Sword‘s forcible entry into the chemical sword. A very smooth arc flashed over, Giant Sword has already crossed the sky. Then it was a flash like an antelope hanging, a strong imprisonment and unspeakable sharpness crossed the space of tens of feet and fell in front of Xiao Hua! Even a kind of torn Feelings are also born from Xiao Hua skin!

One of these equalized swords, Xiao Hua has already been seen in Jiming Mountain. Xue Mingcha’s chemical sword is certainly not able to withstand the old sword of the time, but the strength of this blow is definitely not simple. Xiao Hua feels that even if there is really a mountain peak here, this sword can even mountain peak!

And this force, this imprisonment is not the most uncomfortable for Xiao Hua, and the most uncontrollable for Xiao Hua. It was Sword Yuan all over him. It seems like a moth is fighting the fire, these Sword Yuan are catering to this Sword Light, and I want to move forward together!

“Fuck ~” Xiao Hua knew in his heart that Xue Mingcha didn’t know where to find that he had Sword Yuan in his body. The blow of this sword has already calculated its own Sword Yuan in it. I am a strong Sword Yuan from cultivation in Kenzuka. Now it becomes my own burden!

“Break out ~ !!!” Xiao Hua bit his teeth. “Bum ~ **** ~” is also sent out from Xiao Hua by one sound Sword Cry. Xiao Hua will not suppress Sword Yuan anymore. The whole body emits a strong brilliance, a heart-shaped Giant Sword is generated around Xiao Hua!

With the Xiao Hua strong self-chemical sword, the suction power of Giant Sword is greatly reduced! However, Xue Mingcha’s Sword Light is here again!

Xiao Hua did not dare to neglect, the entire Sword Light also waved, and stepped forward …

However, just after the Sword Light just flew out, the Giant Sword transformed by Xue Mingcha suddenly crossed the space of dozens of feet and appeared in Sword Light!

“Not good!” How did Xiao Hua know that this must be a magic weapon of the sword? While flying in a hurry, all the Sword Yuans in the body are rushing out, ready to hard touch the Giant Sword transformed by Xue Mingcha!

“Boom …” one sound‘s earth-shattering shaking, the two soaring Sword Lights really touched together, not only the air waves lifted the surroundings together, but also all the ice layers underground were affected by the air waves and remnants Smashed by Sword Light, the real waves of several feet were set off!

Not only that, at the moment of two Sword Light impacts, Xue Mingcha ’s Giant Sword flashed suddenly, Giant Sword grew more than a few feet, and the Xiao Hua was transformed into a Giant Sword. The Xiao Hua was like a boulder. Live into the ice lake!

Even, the remnant Sword Qi crossed Xiao Hua on the iceberg where Xiao Hua stood before! The huge iceberg was like a piece of condensed tofu, which was split in half! That powerful force pressed the iceberg down more than two feet, and then floated up from the water …

As for Xiao Hua, the figure fell into the icy lake water, the whole body dao robe has long been ripped into pieces, and the solid stone Fleshly Body was also shaken with a lot of blood marks, the blood marks are as small as the baby grows The mouth, some inches long, and some feet long, all turned out! However, although this blood stain looks extremely serious, there is no drop of blood oozing out, and Blood Light is only left on the skin, and there is a slightly invisible brilliance that wraps it, and the wound is slowly shrinking, Slowly recover!

However, compared with the damage to the body surface of Xiao Hua, it seems that the damage to the body of Xiao Hua is more serious!

Xiao Hua ’s Fleshly Body floats gently in the ice water, it seems to be unconscious walking dead, but in fact, it is almost the same, he is violently shaking in his mind now, a Formless Sword Cry voice has always been Flashing in his head! Just now Xue Mingcha’s sword not only chopped on his sword body, but also hit his Sword Intent, as well as the Sword Heart that had never been formed, then the damage of Sword Heart was directly invested in his Yuanshen! Although the primitive spirit of Xiao Hua is already divided and independent, his main body is still affected!

Specially, the Sword Yuan that originally flowed in his body like mercury has been sloping. At this time, there is a tendency to be shattered. If there is no Connection between Sword Yuan, even when it flows, it will be intermittent!

“Hoo ~” seemed like a long breath, Xiao Hua‘s closed eyes moved slightly, he was not comatose, but the feeling of being hit by a chemical sword was really uncomfortable, as if the whole world was subverted Just like that, the whole body turned over and over involuntarily, but by the way, his Fleshly Body did not turn, this feeling really made him unbearable!

“Hua Jian, Hua Jian! It’s extraordinary! The master is still underestimating Hua Jian!” Xiao Hua strongly resisted the pain of Fleshly Body tearing, and the disgusting discomfort in Mind, secretly thinking, “Hua Jian Zhi So it ’s a sword, it ’s her sword! How arrogant is the Zhu Ling Primordial Light, but Xue Mingcha ’s neck ca n’t be chopped off! If I fight with her with a wishful stick, it ’s a good idea. It’s tough. But I’m fighting with others by holding my shapeless sword! Isn’t this a stone attack with an egg? I want to keep in mind in the future. I will defeat the enemy with my own strength. The only one is Superior Quality. The blood of the test is higher, it will be used less in the future! “

The Xiao Hua at this time, the eager and eagerness of the eyes that had been melted away, was replaced by a regret, but this regret was only just flashed, and the sharp Sword Intent was from the lake Born above …

“This servant is necessary for my life today!” Xiao Hua sensed the Sword Intent and hurriedly shaken his own heavy brain, stimulate to motion Magic Force, pinched the Shunning Water formula, and flew away towards the distance. That is, the Magic Force in his body has just surged, and a strong imprisonment force has passed through the tens of feet of ice water directly under the hood. It is not Xiao Hua, which is within the range of several feet. The undulating water ripples are still, although this water area has never been frozen, but the solidity is comparable to the solid ice!

“weng-weng ~ “Sword Yuan in Xiao Hua initiated a wailing, Sword Cry outside the ice lake is high-pitched, and it seems to be phantom, but it is as if the actual Sword Qi is swaying down with the sound of Sword Cry!

“Brush!” Almost looked at the tens of feet of ice water as nothing, then Sword Qi fell directly on top of Xiao Hua!

Seeing the split of Sword Qi, Xiao Hua was so scared that he was flying outside the sky, but he did n’t expect the attack of the sword to be so fierce, and the speed so fast! Even Shunning Water tactics cannot escape the imprisonment of this attack! Even the meridian in the body and the Golden Core in Lower Dantian were squeezed by the imprisonment force, and even the slightest Magic Force could not be stimulate to motion!

Moreover, this Xue Ming tea is not like the Sword Practitioner of Imaginary Sword Third Grade that Xiao Hua had encountered before. When she was hacked by Giant Sword, the Sword Prestige of that sword was already contained in it. Xiao Hua is not a real Yuanying cultivator. Not released, even if it is released, how can I resist this Giant Sword blow!

Think again about the many methods of Xiao Hua today, although there are many types and strange anomalies, but you really have to take it out and fight with the chemical sword Sword Practitioner, it seems … which is hard to come by! Nothing can be compared with Xue Mingcha’s blow!

Xiao Hua, which can kill four Imaginary Sword Third Grade Sword Practitioner at the same time, is still a little delicate in front of Xue Mingcha!

That’s why, at this time, Xiao Hua can’t care what to hide!

The sound of ““weng-weng ~”, the Dragon Transformation Art crazy stimulate to motion in Xiao Hua, and the fine sound of “ka-cha“, within Xiao Hua Lower Dantian, within the silver White Golden Core, two Thunder Core issued a dramatic Thunder Light, these Thunder Light hit Xiao Hua Above the Golden Core, the entire Golden Core is also turning rapidly. A huge True Yuan is pouring from Golden Core, and even driving the Golden Core to the left and right. The condensed golden world Spirit Qi rushes out, just like the torrential torrents in the valley. Within meridian!

As soon as this True Yuan enters meridian, it is transformed into Magic Force, Gold Light of Xiao Hua all over the body, and inside Gold Light there is a silky electric light!

“Woo ~~” a strange sound came from Xiao Hua, but when I saw the immovable Xiao Hua that had been imprisoned by the power of the sword, suddenly Thunder Light appeared all over the body. , And his figure flashed a series of phantom with this Thunder Light, and flew towards the water ~

“Oh?” Xue Mingcha’s sword is already less than two feet away from Xiao Hua. Under these circumstances, even the cultivator of Yuanying Initial Stage, Xue Mingcha is sure to kill this! But, at this critical moment, Xiao Hua actually performed the technique of Thunder Escape, and was born under her Sword Light! How can this not surprise Xue Mingcha! (To be continued …)

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