Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 1071: Storm rises

Chapter one hundred and seventy-one storm rises

“I know this naturally.” Chang Ge blinked and smiled: “But … don’t you still have the most powerful cards?”

Xiaohua?” Zhang Xiaohu smiled at the corner of his mouth: “Although he is powerful, if it is not time, it may not be the opponent of Jingyi Grandmaster, but … he is still small after all, and he has just practiced martial arts for more than five years. Count on him, I’m afraid it won’t work! “

Xiaohu, don’t you really … didn’t you find it?” Chang Ge couldn’t help saying.

“Discovery?” Zhang Xiaohu looked up at the sky outside the meeting hall and whispered: “I ’m just guessing, foundation did n’t dare to put Xiaohua with that Immortal Being Connection.”

Chen Chen is also a small voice: “Yes, Sister, although Immortal Being can fly, Zhang Xiaohua can also fly, but … the two look really different, and they are very far apart. I heard on rivers and lakes After the Disguise technique, but, the size of the human body has not been heard can be changed! “

“But … he is Immortal Dao after all, is there any magic we don’t know about?” Chang Ge tentatively said.

“If Xiaohua is such a magical power, Jingyi Grandmaster has no reason not to!” Zhang Xiaohu shook his head: “I have never heard that Jingyi Grandmaster can change!”

Senior Brother, Sister, don’t make any guesses. When you see Zhang Xiaohua, you can just ask, isn’t it?” Chen Chen said with a smile: “Yes, Senior Brother, I heard that your home is not far from Pingyang City?” Is Zhang Xiaohua at home now? Let ’s go check it out? “

Say, there is a slight blush on his face!

How did Zhang Xiaohu not know Chen Chen‘s thoughts? Only a wry smile: “I haven’t returned for many years, I really want to see Dad and mother, but … you look at today’s sect, how can I leave as Faction Master? And, Li Ancestor Master, Liu Ancestor Master and others , There are also European Eldest Young Lady, I Teacher, Xue Uncle Master and other people are also coming back, I … how can I leave? “

Speaking of this, I asked again: “Changge, when will Teacher arrive?”

Changge thought for a while and said, “It’s coming soon, it is estimated to be about seven or eight days!”

Chen Chen is sad, just about to speak, I heard a noisy sound outside, a very nice voice shouted: “Faction Master Zhang, you have to make the call for me Mingcuitang Disciple!”

Zhang Xiaohu frowned, looked up, and saw that Aunt Qin was angry, and rushed in first, followed by Du Feng and Ding Chao, and then Ming and Qing and Gao Kunheng had different faces, and exchanged their eyes while walking.

“Qin Hallmaster, why is this angry?” Zhang Xiaohu looked at Aunt Qin sitting on the chair and asked strangely: “Ming Deputy Faction Master and Gao Deputy Faction Master just went out …”

“You ask them!” Qin Hallmaster said unkindly.

Zhang Xiaohu looked at Aunt Qin on the head, frowned slightly, and turned to look at Ming and Qing and Gao Kunheng, saying: “Two deputies Faction Master, why are these?”

Ming and Qing and Gao Kunheng looked at each other and said the same thing: “Since it is Qin Hallmaster complaint, it is natural for her to say good!”

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaohu‘s face was as cold as frost, and he said in a deep voice: “It’s impossible … No one has told this King, what the **** happened?”

Aunt Qin regrets a lot. Zhang Xiaohu is a Disciple after all. After playing such a temper, he made it difficult for him, but at this point, she had to give Du Feng a look, Du Feng ignored, stood up, arched his hands Tao: “Zhang Zhang Great Faction Master, things are like this …”

Following, Du Feng said what happened in 1510.

It turned out that after captive of Disciple, some Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple escorted Disciple one by one Finger Pressing to dungeons or rooms, and most of the other Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple ate wine and flesh, and rejuvenated themselves. But this Mountain Village was originally the station of the 缥缈 faction, although there are many Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple, but they are not familiar with 缥缈 Mountain Village, on the way to the attack, only pay attention to the whereabouts, talking about the key to the attack, as to where can rest, where can not rest, there is no Make it clear!

Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple survived the battle of Life & Death, and finally escaped a disaster, and survived, some Disciple can not help but sigh, when the meal is full of wine, drink a lot of wine, “wine is a color matchmaker”, “wine strong counsel “Gold”, these old sayings are true, Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple drink too much, it is inevitable that the heart is a horse, so these Disciple can’t help but have some verbal abruptness to the female Disciple of the Mingpai Mingmingtang.

This is also a trivial matter. Aunt Qin listened to the Disciple‘s notice, and she only pressed her anger on her heart, and only told her Disciple to hide away and rest early.

It was dark at night. A Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple drink too much and could n’t find the way back. I ran around and happened to encounter a female Disciple in Mingcuidang, and this Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple also ate Leopard bile, one Suddenly, he reached out to point at the acupuncture point of the female Disciple. The female Disciple was caught off guard by a sudden, and the two martial arts were not as good as it was.

Fortunately, when the female Disciple was cut into a Little White sheep and was about to be tragically attacked, she was met by the 缈 派 Disciple. Then the Disciple immediately shouted and came forward to block, the Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple was angry and wanted to download In addition to the killer faction Disciple, the killer was badly injured when he beat the faction Disciple. He could not handle it. The farewell Disciple who heard the call from afar has arrived. Then Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple was supposed to bear the stubborn resistance. To be captured, at this time, it is not only the Disciple and Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple who have heard the call. Without saying anything about this scene, first rescue the Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple, and also hurt the Disciple!

Aunt Qin listened to this, and of course was furious, and immediately came out to find someone, but she could n’t find it everywhere. Just when they met Ming and Qing and Gao Kunheng, they asked for someone, and they could n’t figure out the reason. Can only be pushed away, Aunt Qin pulls the two to the Senate Hall in a rage.

After hearing Du Feng ’s words, Zhang Xiaohu has some *** in his eyes first! Think about what Chen Jian did to him, did it mean to plot a long song? Ming Cui Tang female Disciple is her own Apprentice Sister, it is undoubtedly the same as Changge and Chen Chen, they are insulted by Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple, what is the difference from their own insult? No wonder Aunt Qin is annoyed.

The long song and Chen Chen next to it are also angry.

“Ming Vice Faction Master, what Du Feng said, could this be the case?” Zhang Xiaohu coldly said.

Ming and Qing embarrassed, but still nods said: “By Zhang Great Faction Master, this is indeed the case.”

“So … what about that Disciple? What’s the name? But has it been captured?”

“This … Zhang Great Faction Master, the Disciple is called … Wang Dong, because of drunkenness, he has fallen asleep, and his subordinates … are already in charge!”

“pa”, one sound, Zhang Xiaohu slapped on the handle of the chair, angrily said: “Wang Dong made such a mistake, he can still sleep comfortably, how to make it? Deputy Faction Master, you have not won him yet? “

The Ming and Qing frowned, saying, “Zhang Great Faction Master is angry, Wang Dong did make mistakes, but … but he was a drunken man after all, and he did n’t make a big mistake. Besides, Wang Tong was a meritorious servant. The man, who has just taken the Captive Disciple captive, if Wang Dong is to be dealt with at this time, I am afraid … Isn’t it going to hurt the hearts of many Spreading Fragrance Doctrine Disciple? “

Zhang Xiaohu listened, coldly said: “What does Yiming’s vice Faction Master mean?”

Ming and Qing thought for a moment, and said: “The subordinates have just heard the whole story of this matter, and they just thought about it. If there is anything wrong, please ask Great Faction Master for advice.”

“Let’s talk and listen!” Zhang Xiaohu expressionless.

“Yes, Zhang Great Faction Master, his subordinates thought that Wang Dong had made mistakes. Although it was after drinking, could he remember that if he was a meritorious person, could he be convicted of it? Hit him dozens of boards first, Did he get his punishment? “

Zhang Xiaohu bit his lip without expressing his attitude, and still asked: “Is there any?”

“Also … the subordinates felt that although Wang Dong did n’t break the reputation of the female Disciple, after all, her reputation was worrying. After that, the female Disciple would not be easy to meet people. If we do bad things well, Talking to the female Disciple, said Xiang Xiang, simply married Wang Dong, Zhang Great Faction Master, what do you think? “Ming and Qing vision Flickering lights, looking at Zhang Xiaohu.

“It’s a wishful thinking!” Zhang Xiaohu smiled angrily, saying: “this King should ask Ming Faction Master, what is the first rule of Spreading Fragrance Doctrine canon!”

“Neglected!” Ming and Qing said without hesitation: “However, this is not Spreading Fragrance Doctrine, and Wang Dong did not care about the female Disciple, Zhang Great Faction Master should not be wrong!”

“Hey, this King is of course not mistaken, but the Fourth rules and regulations are also explained, and the female Disciple is killed! I do n’t know if Ming Faction Master knows?” Zhang Xiaohu Leng Sensen said.

Ming and Qing eyes One Revolution, smiled and said: “The subordinates are stupid, just entered the gate of Mountain Village today, are these rules? I really don’t know!”

“Then this King tells you now, do you know?”

“Subordinates of course know.” Ming and Qing innocent said: “But … the subordinates also learned at this time, it is estimated that Wang Dong himself … I don’t know it yet!”

“Ming Vice Faction Master means … Don’t blame the unknown?” Zhang Xiaohu asked back.

“The subordinates do n’t mean that, Zhang Great Faction Master do n’t guess, but the subordinates just think that Wang Dong made mistakes, but did not cause any consequences, and he really did n’t know this rule. He also asked Zhang Great Faction Master to think carefully, Mo Leng In the hearts of the brothers, Zhang Great Faction Master took the feather feather as a arrow! “

“You …” Zhang Xiaohu was furious and stood up.

As soon as he saw Gao Kunheng, he stood up and said: “Zhang Great Faction Master is angry, and angry, listen to the opinions of his subordinates, what do you think?”

Zhang Xiaohu took a deep breath, nods said: “You said.”

“The subordinates thought that today we attacked Mountain Village as the most important thing, and ignored the reading of the help rules, leaving some newly-entered Disciple at a loss, thinking that there is no restriction of help rules, it is estimated that Wang Dong is like this, so the responsibility is also the same You ca n’t put them all on Wang Dong ’s head. You, I and Ming Ming Faction Master, as Faction Master, also have certain responsibilities. ”

“So, the subordinates feel that, from now on, they will restore the commandment hall of the 缥缈 派, and will talk about the rules and precepts to the Disciple of the 瑥 篈 派, especially those newly recruited Disciple! And as for … before now? Subordinates … Subordinates are somewhat biased towards the opinions of Ming Faction Master. Let ’s go without restoring the rules. Of course we ca n’t use the current rules to restrain and punish the erroneous faction Disciple that had made mistakes before! Are you saying that? Zhang Great Faction Master? “

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