Legend of the Cultivation God Chapter 1046: Reject

Looking at Xiao Hua, Qian Yuan smiled and said, “I used to be a brother, I did n’t ask for a clear answer, and I had a gap with brother Master Xiao. Oh, Cui Captain and others had a gap. Just now my brother had already paid Cui Captain and Zhen Vice Captain. Li, now I am about to apologize to Master Xiao again! “

“Oh, no, Cui Captain said that you and I are both Imperial Thunder Sect Disciple, and now we are working hand in hand and fighting the enemy together, and all the contradictions between each other are nothing!” Xiao Hua laughed

“Well, brother Master Xiao is very good!” Qian Yuan smiled on his face and smiled, “I should wait and work together to defend the enemy! The brother has already asked the leader of Qian Thunder Palace. Captain said a bit, for my brother … my brother wants to join your Squad, I do n’t know … I do n’t know how Master Xiao ’s brother wants it to be? “” “The fastest update of the whole text by hand

Xiao Hua was taken aback, looking at Cui Hongshen, said in surprise: “Qian Yuan and Qianqian Senior Brother joined our Squad, who do Captain?”

“Oh, you do n’t have to change anything!” Qian Yuan did not wait for Cui Hongshen to open her mouth and immediately waved her hand, “Cui Captain and Zhen Vice Captain are naturally the first Squad Captain, I can only wait for ordinary players!” >

“Oh, the two Senior Brother Cultivation Base are higher than Cui, and have the experience of leading Squad. Cui was a concession, but the two Senior Brother insisted, Cui is impossible!” Cui Hongshen eyes flashed a smile “” To see the latest chapter

This smile is a little bit of pride, but no, two of Qian Thunder Palace ’s Disciple took the initiative to be their own men. Although Cui Hongshen knows that their thoughts are not theirs, they ca n’t help but feel proud

Although there is very little pride, Xiao Hua can see clearly. At that time, Xiao Hua could n’t help comparing Zi Ye / midnight with Cui Hongshen. “Ah, no, it ’s really incomparable!” Xiao Hua wanted to come and waved his hand, “Cui Captain The only way is to do anything with Xiao Mou? In Xiao Mou’s eyes, there are only Zhenlei Palace and Dui Thunder Palace, but others are not doing anything with Xiao Mou! “

“Brother Master Xiao!” Qian Yuan was extremely embarrassed, and smiled and said, “It ’s impossible to be a brother …”

“Ah, I can’t explain the Senior Brother!” Xiao Hua didn’t look back, and raised his legs to Study Chamber. “How many of our Imperial Thunder Sect? Disciple? Xiao Mou arrogantly have some means but can take care of a few? Do Senior Brother to my first Squad is to let Xiao is embarrassed! “

Xiao Hua, the two Senior Brothers are in trouble!” Cui Hongshen hastened to defend, “You …”

“Xiao has long said that Fellow Daoist Cui is the Captain of the first Squad. These things should never ask Xiao!” Xiao Hua saw Cui Hongshen selling himself to Qian Thunder Palace, immediately displeased, “Xiao only tried his best. , Do your work! “

After speaking, do n’t say a word, just walk away!

“Oh, this is always the case!” Cui Hongshen also showed helplessness on his face, “The teacher in Wanlei Valley is always irritated by him!”

“Oh ~ I know for my brother that all seniors have eccentric tempers!” The embarrassment on Qian Yuan‘s face did not go away, and he said with a smile, “Brother Master Xiao said is very reasonable, he … after all, it is just me Imperial Thunder Sect Foundation Establishment Disciple , Can’t control the Sword Dao battle, he can do his best to protect a few Disciple is already good, I wait … Oh, let’s not talk! It is still for the brother Tang Tang, leave! “

Qian Yuan knows that it is impossible to continue. Although Cui Hongshen has agreed in his tone just now, he cannot give a positive answer on his mouth. Obviously he just wants to know how Xiao Hua thinks! And Xiao Hua refused, even though Cui Hongshen really agreed to join the first Squad, Xiao Hua did not put himself in the eyes, and he came out of the distance from Zhenlei Palace Disciple. When he encountered eyelashes, he was unlucky. of! ‘

“Well, my brother gave two Senior Brother!” Cui Hongshen still smiled bitterly and accompanied the two out of the pavilion

“Good boy, Xiao Uncle Master is really powerful!” The energizing fire on the side was envious, “That’s Qian Thunder Palace, two Foundation Establishment Middle Stage‘s Uncle Master, Imperial Thunder Sect, it’s some name! Actually … it depends on me Zhenlei Palace Disciple complexion! “

When Cui Hongshen sent the two away, they returned, and there was no discoloration on his face. He did n’t dare to agree with Qian Yuan for the attitude of looking at Xiao Hua for a long time. Xiao Hua was unwilling, and he could n’t. To be practical, Xiao Hua still has Zhenlei Palace and Wanlei Valley

Do n’t say Cui Hongshen back to Study Chamber cultivation, and say that Xiao Hua sits in Study Chamber, first look at the little duck in the space, the blood on the neck has solidified, and it has never deteriorated. It is the sweetness of sleep, which is the same as the original Little Yellow similar !

“Big Good!Xiao Hua secretly from nods, and took out the Demon Strip that was exchanged from the nun, and invaded Buddha Conciousness with anticipation, that is, just watched it for a moment and opened his eyes extremely disappointed, With a bitter smile: “Grandma, what did the young man think it was a good thing? Someone actually competed with the young man! It turned out to be just a record about the devil world, and … there is room for Fissure records! Then Fissure is also a devil world, There is a **** relation with Xiaoyu Continent! A wasteful Rejuvenation Pill! Rejuvenation Pill Aina is not worth Rejuvenation Pill worth hundreds of thousands of Top Grade Spirit Stone. After the war, you must go to the sect of the female repair, no Get a few more magical tools and really lose money “

“Alas, if it’s usual, the young man should be a pastime. It’s okay to look at it! Where is the leisure time to see this? Not to mention the old ghost of Jing Lu, even Li Chengxu’s fellow also remembered the young man! Xiao Hua still have to pay close attention to cultivation Ah, right now, the most important thing is to help the second Senior Brother to refine Qiuyinliu. He repeatedly told him that this is a vital weapon of his life and he must be careful! “

“But, Drop of Blood Grotto Heaven of the Devil Realm, after a long time of understanding, it seems … It seems that it can’t be in Xiaoyu Continent cultivation. That … Those so-called Demon Cultivator, what is cultivation? Are they cultivation Nascent Demon? There is no record of Nascent Demon in Drop of Blood Grotto Heaven. ”Xiao Hua thought of frowning here again. Zhang Qingxiao also gave the high-end Cultivation Art Drop of Blood Grotto Heaven of Devil Red Maple Demon Monarch cultivation to Xiao Hua in order to make Xiao Hua refining Qiuyinliu. Can understand from this, however, after Xiao Hua‘s understanding, Huo Ran found that this Drop of Blood Grotto Heaven is relying on the magic energy of the demon world cultivation a so-called Demon Blaze, cultivation‘s Boundary is also related to Demon Blaze‘s Boundary, foundation is related to Xiaoyu Continent cultivation is completely different, there is no concept of Golden Core Yuanying, he not only can not cultivation, but also do not know what it is, this is the move to **** Demon Strip above Trade Gathering

Zhang Qingxiao naturally gave the refining artifact technique of Xiao Hua Demon Realm, but the technique of refining artifact is also different from the method of Xiaoyu Continent. It not only requires Demon Blaze and Demon Fire, but also requires Demon Blood! Under the action of these Demon Realms, the broken parts of Qiu Yinliu can be connected together, and then they can be completely Harmonization with the unique magic technique of Demon Realm

The blood of Xiao Hua is certainly usable, but he does not have Demon Fire and Demon Blaze. Although he previously connected the fracture of Qiu Yinliu at Wanlei Valley Thunder Light, there is no real Harmonization! Can not show the real power of Qiu Yinliu!

Demon Fire!” Xiao Hua was suddenly bright again, “Although the young man does not have Demon Fire, but there is Spirit Fire, this Spirit Fire is the shell of Spirit Fire of Myriad Monsters Realm, and it is ignited by the source of fire. Is it definitely better than Demon Fire?”

“However, where it is not in Wanlei Valley now, where is the lightning strike? How can the broken place be intact Harmonization?”

“Well, and!” Xiao Hua again thought of the refining artifact place that Skyscanner provided to Imperial Thunder Sect. “Maybe there are some things available? And, where is cultivation, how much movement is made without relation! Not noticeable “

After thinking about it, Xiao Hua came out of Study Chamber again

“Xiao Uncle Master, are you going out again?” Zhenhuo was surprised to see Xiao Hua going in and out again.

“Well, I ’m in the station, if you have anything to do, you can send me Transmitting Message Talisman!” Xiao Hua point nods, go out quickly, leaving behind a stunned look

The place where Xiao Hua came to refining artifact is just as rare as before. Xiao Hua stepped into the hole, but saw the deep mountain cave straight to the depth of the mountain, the nose and mouth, the light saltpetre Earth Fire‘s Aura will come over

“Huh?” Xiao Hua unfolded Divine Sense. There is Restriction in mountain cave, and it can’t be far away. In Divine Sense, there is no Disciple in Sky City, Xiao Hua does not feel frowned, this is what Imperial Thunder Sect tour value Disciple said Not the same!

Thinking about it, Xiao Hua is walking towards it, releasing Divine Sense while walking, and looking for the on-duty city Disciple!

“Where did the cultivator come from, I actually trespassed on the area of ​​my Sky Survey City!” Xiao Hua walked a few dozen feet, a slightly majestic voice came from behind him

“Grandma! How did I break in, isn’t there no one on duty?” Xiao Hua‘s slightly angry secretly thought turned to look around, but when he saw a City Guard that was also Foundation Establishment Initial Stage standing in front of mountain cave, the shadow was The sky shines extremely long

this humble Daoist Imperial Thunder Sect Xiao Hua! Come here … fix Magical Artifact!” Xiao Hua held back his anger and arched his hand, “this humble Daoist saw that the cave entrance was unguarded, and went inside to find Fellow Daoist Xun!”

“This is the range of my Sky Survey City, not your Imperial Thunder Sect station! How can you break around at will?” City Guard is very disdainful, said coldly

Xiao Hua was angry, and also coldly said: “I was nobody when I came! Now I am standing here! Why … do you want to report it? You go!”

Finally, Xiao Hua One Revolution is walking inside again!

The City Guard in Skywalker City is silly! This guy naturally opened a small errand. When he came back, he was surprised to see someone break into mountain cave. However, he left his post without permission. A lot of Imperial Thunder Sect Disciple had come over to investigate before, but they were all cautious. , Most of them are with smiley faces! He naturally regards Xiao Hua as the general Imperial Thunder Sect Foundation Establishment Initial Stage Disciple, free to scold!

It can be seen that Xiao Hua One Revolution is going in again, and it suddenly feels bad!

Nothing else. Anyone who thinks about it a little bit knows that if he is on duty in mountain cave, how can Xiao Hua enter mountain cave? Now that Xiao Hua can walk within mountain cave, it must be that he is not on duty at the entrance of the cave!

“Unless …” Then City Guard instantly has thoughts … (Unfinished to be continued

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